// Copyright 2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! Polkadot CLI library. #![warn(missing_docs)] #![warn(unused_extern_crates)] mod chain_spec; use chain_spec::ChainSpec; use futures::{Future, FutureExt, TryFutureExt, future::select, channel::oneshot, compat::Future01CompatExt}; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; use std::sync::Arc; use log::{info, error}; use structopt::StructOpt; pub use service::{ AbstractService, CustomConfiguration, ProvideRuntimeApi, CoreApi, ParachainHost, }; pub use cli::{VersionInfo, IntoExit, NoCustom}; pub use cli::{display_role, error}; type BoxedFuture = Box + Send>; /// Abstraction over an executor that lets you spawn tasks in the background. pub type TaskExecutor = Arc + Send + Sync>; fn load_spec(id: &str) -> Result, String> { Ok(match ChainSpec::from(id) { Some(spec) => Some(spec.load()?), None => None, }) } /// Additional worker making use of the node, to run asynchronously before shutdown. /// /// This will be invoked with the service and spawn a future that resolves /// when complete. pub trait Worker: IntoExit { /// A future that resolves when the work is done or the node should exit. /// This will be run on a tokio runtime. type Work: Future + Unpin + Send + 'static; /// Return configuration for the polkadot node. // TODO: make this the full configuration, so embedded nodes don't need // string CLI args (https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/issues/111) fn configuration(&self) -> service::CustomConfiguration { Default::default() } /// Do work and schedule exit. fn work(self, service: &S, executor: TaskExecutor) -> Self::Work where S: AbstractService, SC: service::SelectChain + 'static, B: service::Backend + 'static, CE: service::CallExecutor + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static; } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt, Clone)] enum PolkadotSubCommands { #[structopt(name = "validation-worker", setting = structopt::clap::AppSettings::Hidden)] ValidationWorker(ValidationWorkerCommand), } impl cli::GetLogFilter for PolkadotSubCommands { fn get_log_filter(&self) -> Option { None } } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt, Clone)] struct ValidationWorkerCommand { #[structopt()] pub mem_id: String, } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt, Clone)] struct PolkadotSubParams { #[structopt(long = "enable-authority-discovery")] pub authority_discovery_enabled: bool, } cli::impl_augment_clap!(PolkadotSubParams); /// Parses polkadot specific CLI arguments and run the service. pub fn run(worker: W, version: cli::VersionInfo) -> error::Result<()> where W: Worker, { match cli::parse_and_prepare::( &version, "parity-polkadot", std::env::args(), ) { cli::ParseAndPrepare::Run(cmd) => cmd.run(load_spec, worker, |worker, _cli_args, custom_args, mut config| { info!("{}", version.name); info!(" version {}", config.full_version()); info!(" by {}, 2017-2019", version.author); info!("Chain specification: {}", config.chain_spec.name()); if config.chain_spec.name().starts_with("Kusama") { info!("----------------------------"); info!("This chain is not in any way"); info!(" endorsed by the "); info!(" KUSAMA FOUNDATION "); info!("----------------------------"); } info!("Node name: {}", config.name); info!("Roles: {}", display_role(&config)); config.custom = worker.configuration(); config.custom.authority_discovery_enabled = custom_args.authority_discovery_enabled; let runtime = Runtime::new().map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?; match config.roles { service::Roles::LIGHT => run_until_exit( runtime, service::new_light(config).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?, worker ), _ => run_until_exit( runtime, service::new_full(config).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?, worker ), }.map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) }), cli::ParseAndPrepare::BuildSpec(cmd) => cmd.run::(load_spec), cli::ParseAndPrepare::ExportBlocks(cmd) => cmd.run_with_builder::<(), _, _, _, _, _, _>(|config| Ok(service::new_chain_ops(config)?), load_spec, worker), cli::ParseAndPrepare::ImportBlocks(cmd) => cmd.run_with_builder::<(), _, _, _, _, _, _>(|config| Ok(service::new_chain_ops(config)?), load_spec, worker), cli::ParseAndPrepare::CheckBlock(cmd) => cmd.run_with_builder::<(), _, _, _, _, _, _>(|config| Ok(service::new_chain_ops(config)?), load_spec, worker), cli::ParseAndPrepare::PurgeChain(cmd) => cmd.run(load_spec), cli::ParseAndPrepare::RevertChain(cmd) => cmd.run_with_builder::<(), _, _, _, _, _>(|config| Ok(service::new_chain_ops(config)?), load_spec), cli::ParseAndPrepare::CustomCommand(PolkadotSubCommands::ValidationWorker(args)) => { service::run_validation_worker(&args.mem_id)?; Ok(()) } } } fn run_until_exit( mut runtime: Runtime, service: T, worker: W, ) -> error::Result<()> where T: AbstractService, SC: service::SelectChain + 'static, B: service::Backend + 'static, CE: service::CallExecutor + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, W: Worker, { let (exit_send, exit) = oneshot::channel(); let executor = runtime.executor(); let informant = cli::informant::build(&service); let future = select(exit, informant) .map(|_| Ok(())) .compat(); executor.spawn(future); // we eagerly drop the service so that the internal exit future is fired, // but we need to keep holding a reference to the global telemetry guard let _telemetry = service.telemetry(); let work = worker.work(&service, Arc::new(executor)); let service = service .map_err(|err| error!("Error while running Service: {}", err)) .compat(); let future = select(service, work) .map(|_| Ok::<_, ()>(())) .compat(); let _ = runtime.block_on(future); let _ = exit_send.send(()); use futures01::Future; // TODO [andre]: timeout this future substrate/#1318 let _ = runtime.shutdown_on_idle().wait(); Ok(()) }