// Copyright 2017-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! Polkadot-specific GRANDPA integration utilities. use polkadot_primitives::v1::Hash; use sp_runtime::traits::{Block as BlockT, NumberFor}; /// A custom GRANDPA voting rule that "pauses" voting (i.e. keeps voting for the /// same last finalized block) after a given block at height `N` has been /// finalized and for a delay of `M` blocks, i.e. until the best block reaches /// `N` + `M`, the voter will keep voting for block `N`. pub(crate) struct PauseAfterBlockFor(pub(crate) N, pub(crate) N); impl grandpa::VotingRule for PauseAfterBlockFor> where Block: BlockT, B: sp_blockchain::HeaderBackend, { fn restrict_vote( &self, backend: &B, base: &Block::Header, best_target: &Block::Header, current_target: &Block::Header, ) -> Option<(Block::Hash, NumberFor)> { use sp_runtime::generic::BlockId; use sp_runtime::traits::Header as _; // walk backwards until we find the target block let find_target = |target_number: NumberFor, current_header: &Block::Header| { let mut target_hash = current_header.hash(); let mut target_header = current_header.clone(); loop { if *target_header.number() < target_number { unreachable!( "we are traversing backwards from a known block; \ blocks are stored contiguously; \ qed" ); } if *target_header.number() == target_number { return Some((target_hash, target_number)); } target_hash = *target_header.parent_hash(); target_header = backend.header(BlockId::Hash(target_hash)).ok()?.expect( "Header known to exist due to the existence of one of its descendents; qed", ); } }; // only restrict votes targeting a block higher than the block // we've set for the pause if *current_target.number() > self.0 { // if we're past the pause period (i.e. `self.0 + self.1`) // then we no longer need to restrict any votes if *best_target.number() > self.0 + self.1 { return None; } // if we've finalized the pause block, just keep returning it // until best number increases enough to pass the condition above if *base.number() >= self.0 { return Some((base.hash(), *base.number())); } // otherwise find the target header at the pause block // to vote on return find_target(self.0, current_target); } None } } /// GRANDPA hard forks due to borked migration of session keys after a runtime /// upgrade (at #1491596), the signalled authority set changes were invalid /// (blank keys) and were impossible to finalize. The authorities for these /// intermediary pending changes are replaced with a static list comprised of /// w3f validators and randomly selected validators from the latest session (at /// #1500988). pub(crate) fn kusama_hard_forks() -> Vec<( grandpa_primitives::SetId, (Hash, polkadot_primitives::v1::BlockNumber), grandpa_primitives::AuthorityList, )> { use sp_core::crypto::Ss58Codec; use std::str::FromStr; let forks = vec![ ( 623, "01e94e1e7e9cf07b3b0bf4e1717fce7448e5563901c2ef2e3b8e9ecaeba088b1", 1492283, ), ( 624, "ddc4323c5e8966844dfaa87e0c2f74ef6b43115f17bf8e4ff38845a62d02b9a9", 1492436, ), ( 625, "38ba115b296663e424e32d7b1655cd795719cef4fd7d579271a6d01086cf1628", 1492586, ), ( 626, "f3172b6b8497c10fc772f5dada4eeb1f4c4919c97de9de2e1a439444d5a057ff", 1492955, ), ( 627, "b26526aea299e9d24af29fdacd5cf4751a663d24894e3d0a37833aa14c58424a", 1493338, ), ( 628, "3980d024327d53b8d01ef0d198a052cd058dd579508d8ed6283fe3614e0a3694", 1493913, ), ( 629, "31f22997a786c25ee677786373368cae6fd501fd1bc4b212b8e267235c88179d", 1495083, ), ( 630, "1c65eb250cf54b466c64f1a4003d1415a7ee275e49615450c0e0525179857eef", 1497404, ), ( 631, "9e44116467cc9d7e224e36487bf2cf571698cae16b25f54a7430f1278331fdd8", 1498598, ), ]; let authorities = vec![ "CwjLJ1zPWK5Ao9WChAFp7rWGEgN3AyXXjTRPrqgm5WwBpoS", "Dp8FHpZTzvoKXztkfrUAkF6xNf6sjVU5ZLZ29NEGUazouou", "DtK7YfkhNWU6wEPF1dShsFdhtosVAuJPLkoGhKhG1r5LjKq", "FLnHYBuoyThzqJ45tdb8P6yMLdocM7ir27Pg1AnpYoygm1K", "FWEfJ5UMghr52UopgYjawAg6hQg3ztbQek75pfeRtLVi8pB", "ECoLHAu7HKWGTB9od82HAtequYj6hvNHigkGSB9g3ApxAwB", "GL1Tg3Uppo8GYL9NjKj4dWKcS6tW98REop9G5hpu7HgFwTa", "ExnjU5LZMktrgtQBE3An6FsQfvaKG1ukxPqwhJydgdgarmY", "CagLpgCBu5qJqYF2tpFX6BnU4yHvMGSjc7r3Ed1jY3tMbQt", "DsrtmMsD4ijh3n4uodxPoiW9NZ7v7no5wVvPVj8fL1dfrWB", "HQB4EctrVR68ozZDyBiRJzLRAEGh1YKgCkAsFjJcegL9RQA", "H2YTYbXTFkDY1cGnv164ecnDT3hsD2bQXtyiDbcQuXcQZUV", "H5WL8jXmbkCoEcLfvqJkbLUeGrDFsJiMXkhhRWn3joct1tE", "DpB37GDrJDYcmg2df2eqsrPKMay1u8hyZ6sQi2FuUiUeNLu", "FR8yjKRA9MTjvFGK8kfzrdC23Fr6xd7rfBvZXSjAsmuxURE", "DxHPty3B9fpj3duu6Gc6gCSCAvsydJHJEY5G3oVYT8S5BYJ", "DbVKC8ZJjevrhqSnZyJMMvmPL7oPPL4ed1roxawYnHVgyin", "DVJV81kab2J6oTyRJ9T3NCwW2DSrysbWCssvMcE6cwZHnAd", "Fg4rDAyzoVzf39Zo8JFPo4W314ntNWNwm3shr4xKe8M1fJg", "GUaNcnAruMVxHGTs7gGpSUpigRJboQYQBBQyPohkFcP6NMH", "J4BMGF4W9yWiJz4pkhQW73X6QMGpKUzmPppVnqzBCqw5dQq", "E1cR61L1tdDEop4WdWVqcq1H1x6VqsDpSHvFyUeC41uruVJ", "GoWLzBsj1f23YtdDpyntnvN1LwXKhF5TEeZvBeTVxofgWGR", "CwHwmbogSwtRbrkajVBNubPvWmHBGU4bhMido54M9CjuKZD", "FLT63y9oVXJnyiWMAL4RvWxsQx21Vymw9961Z7NRFmSG7rw", "FoQ2y6JuHuHTG4rHFL3f2hCxfJMvtrq8wwPWdv8tsdkcyA8", "D7QQKqqs8ocGorRA12h4QoBSHDia1DkHeXT4eMfjWQ483QH", "J6z7FP35F9DiiU985bhkDTS3WxyeTBeoo9MtLdLoD3GiWPj", "EjapydCK25AagodRbDECavHAy8yQY1tmeRhwUXhVWx4cFPv", "H8admATcRkGCrF1dTDDBCjQDsYjMkuPaN9YwR2mSCj4DWMQ", "FtHMRU1fxsoswJjBvyCGvECepC7gP2X77QbNpyikYSqqR6k", "DzY5gwr45GVRUFzRMmeg8iffpqYF47nm3XbJhmjG97FijaE", "D3HKWAihSUmg8HrfeFrftSwNK7no261yA9RNr3LUUdsuzuJ", "D82DwwGJGTcSvtB3SmNrZejnSertbPzpkYvDUp3ibScL3ne", "FTPxLXLQvMDQYFA6VqNLGwWPKhemMYP791XVj8TmDpFuV3b", "FzGfKmS7N8Z1tvCBU5JH1eBXZQ9pCtRNoMUnNVv38wZNq72", "GDfm1MyLAQ7Rh8YPtF6FtMweV4hz91zzeDy2sSABNNqAbmg", "DiVQbq7sozeKp7PXPM1HLFc2m7ih8oepKLRK99oBY3QZak1", "HErWh7D2RzrjWWB2fTJfcAejD9MJpadeWWZM2Wnk7LiNWfG", "Es4DbDauYZYyRJbr6VxrhdcM1iufP9GtdBYf3YtSEvdwNyb", "EBgXT6FaVo4WsN2LmfnB2jnpDFf4zay3E492RGSn6v1tY99", "Dr9Zg4fxZurexParztL9SezFeHsPwdP8uGgULeRMbk8DDHJ", "JEnSTZJpLh91cSryptj57RtFxq9xXqf4U5wBH3qoP91ZZhN", "DqtRkrmtPANa8wrYR7Ce2LxJxk2iNFtiCxv1cXbx54uqdTN", "GaxmF53xbuTFKopVEseWiaCTa8fC6f99n4YfW8MGPSPYX3s", "EiCesgkAaighBKMpwFSAUdvwE4mRjBjNmmd5fP6d4FG8DAx", "HVbwWGUx7kCgUGap1Mfcs37g6JAZ5qsfsM7TsDRcSqvfxmd", "G45bc8Ajrd6YSXav77gQwjjGoAsR2qiGd1aLzkMy7o1RLwd", "Cqix2rD93Mdf7ytg8tBavAig2TvhXPgPZ2mejQvkq7qgRPq", "GpodE2S5dPeVjzHB4Drm8R9rEwcQPtwAspXqCVz1ooFWf5K", "CwfmfRmzPKLj3ntSCejuVwYmQ1F9iZWY4meQrAVoJ2G8Kce", "Fhp5NPvutRCJ4Gx3G8vCYGaveGcU3KgTwfrn5Zr8sLSgwVx", "GeYRRPkyi23wSF3cJGjq82117fKJZUbWsAGimUnzb5RPbB1", "DzCJ4y5oT611dfKQwbBDVbtCfENTdMCjb4KGMU3Mq6nyUMu", ]; let authorities = authorities .into_iter() .map(|address| { ( grandpa_primitives::AuthorityId::from_ss58check(address) .expect("hard fork authority addresses are static and they should be carefully defined; qed."), 1, ) }) .collect::>(); forks .into_iter() .map(|(set_id, hash, number)| { let hash = Hash::from_str(hash) .expect("hard fork hashes are static and they should be carefully defined; qed."); (set_id, (hash, number), authorities.clone()) }) .collect() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use grandpa::VotingRule; use polkadot_test_runtime_client::prelude::*; use polkadot_test_runtime_client::sp_consensus::BlockOrigin; use sc_block_builder::BlockBuilderProvider; use sp_blockchain::HeaderBackend; use sp_runtime::generic::BlockId; use sp_runtime::traits::Header; use std::sync::Arc; #[test] fn grandpa_pause_voting_rule_works() { let _ = env_logger::try_init(); let client = Arc::new(polkadot_test_runtime_client::new()); let mut push_blocks = { let mut client = client.clone(); let mut base = 0; move |n| { for i in 0..n { let mut builder = client.new_block(Default::default()).unwrap(); for extrinsic in polkadot_test_runtime_client::needed_extrinsics(base + i) { builder.push(extrinsic).unwrap() } let block = builder.build().unwrap().block; client.import(BlockOrigin::Own, block).unwrap(); } base += n; } }; let get_header = { let client = client.clone(); move |n| client.header(&BlockId::Number(n)).unwrap().unwrap() }; // the rule should filter all votes after block #20 // is finalized until block #50 is imported. let voting_rule = super::PauseAfterBlockFor(20, 30); // add 10 blocks push_blocks(10); assert_eq!(client.info().best_number, 10,); // we have not reached the pause block // therefore nothing should be restricted assert_eq!( voting_rule.restrict_vote(&*client, &get_header(0), &get_header(10), &get_header(10),), None, ); // add 15 more blocks // best block: #25 push_blocks(15); // we are targeting the pause block, // the vote should not be restricted assert_eq!( voting_rule.restrict_vote(&*client, &get_header(10), &get_header(20), &get_header(20),), None, ); // we are past the pause block, votes should // be limited to the pause block. let pause_block = get_header(20); assert_eq!( voting_rule.restrict_vote(&*client, &get_header(10), &get_header(21), &get_header(21),), Some((pause_block.hash(), *pause_block.number())), ); // we've finalized the pause block, so we'll keep // restricting our votes to it. assert_eq!( voting_rule.restrict_vote( &*client, &pause_block, // #20 &get_header(21), &get_header(21), ), Some((pause_block.hash(), *pause_block.number())), ); // add 30 more blocks // best block: #55 push_blocks(30); // we're at the last block of the pause, this block // should still be considered in the pause period assert_eq!( voting_rule.restrict_vote( &*client, &pause_block, // #20 &get_header(50), &get_header(50), ), Some((pause_block.hash(), *pause_block.number())), ); // we're past the pause period, no votes should be filtered assert_eq!( voting_rule.restrict_vote( &*client, &pause_block, // #20 &get_header(51), &get_header(51), ), None, ); } }