// Copyright 2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread; use log::{error, info, trace, warn}; use sp_blockchain::{Result as ClientResult}; use sp_runtime::traits::{Header as HeaderT, ProvideRuntimeApi, Block as BlockT}; use sp_api::ApiExt; use client::{ BlockchainEvents, BlockBody, blockchain::ProvideCache, }; use consensus_common::{ self, BlockImport, BlockCheckParams, BlockImportParams, Error as ConsensusError, ImportResult, import_queue::CacheKeyId, }; use polkadot_primitives::{Block, BlockId, Hash}; use polkadot_primitives::parachain::{ CandidateReceipt, ParachainHost, ValidatorId, ValidatorPair, AvailableMessages, BlockData, ErasureChunk, }; use futures01::Future; use futures::channel::{mpsc, oneshot}; use futures::{FutureExt, Sink, SinkExt, TryFutureExt, StreamExt, future::select, task::SpawnExt}; use keystore::KeyStorePtr; use tokio::runtime::{Handle, Runtime as LocalRuntime}; use crate::{LOG_TARGET, Data, TaskExecutor, ProvideGossipMessages, erasure_coding_topic}; use crate::store::Store; /// Errors that may occur. #[derive(Debug, derive_more::Display, derive_more::From)] pub(crate) enum Error { #[from] StoreError(io::Error), #[display(fmt = "Validator's id and number of validators at block with parent {} not found", relay_parent)] IdAndNValidatorsNotFound { relay_parent: Hash }, #[display(fmt = "Candidate receipt with hash {} not found", candidate_hash)] CandidateNotFound { candidate_hash: Hash }, } /// Messages sent to the `Worker`. /// /// Messages are sent in a number of different scenarios, /// for instance, when: /// * importing blocks in `BlockImport` implementation, /// * recieving finality notifications, /// * when the `Store` api is used by outside code. #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) enum WorkerMsg { ErasureRoots(ErasureRoots), ParachainBlocks(ParachainBlocks), ListenForChunks(ListenForChunks), Chunks(Chunks), CandidatesFinalized(CandidatesFinalized), MakeAvailable(MakeAvailable), } /// The erasure roots of the heads included in the block with a given parent. #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct ErasureRoots { /// The relay parent of the block these roots belong to. pub relay_parent: Hash, /// The roots themselves. pub erasure_roots: Vec, /// A sender to signal the result asynchronously. pub result: oneshot::Sender>, } /// The receipts of the heads included into the block with a given parent. #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct ParachainBlocks { /// The relay parent of the block these parachain blocks belong to. pub relay_parent: Hash, /// The blocks themselves. pub blocks: Vec<(CandidateReceipt, Option<(BlockData, AvailableMessages)>)>, /// A sender to signal the result asynchronously. pub result: oneshot::Sender>, } /// Listen gossip for these chunks. #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct ListenForChunks { /// The relay parent of the block the chunks from we want to listen to. pub relay_parent: Hash, /// The hash of the candidate chunk belongs to. pub candidate_hash: Hash, /// The index of the chunk we need. pub index: u32, /// A sender to signal the result asynchronously. pub result: Option>>, } /// We have received some chunks. #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct Chunks { /// The relay parent of the block these chunks belong to. pub relay_parent: Hash, /// The hash of the parachain candidate these chunks belong to. pub candidate_hash: Hash, /// The chunks. pub chunks: Vec, /// A sender to signal the result asynchronously. pub result: oneshot::Sender>, } /// These candidates have been finalized, so unneded availability may be now pruned #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct CandidatesFinalized { /// The relay parent of the block that was finalized. relay_parent: Hash, /// The parachain heads that were finalized in this block. candidate_hashes: Vec, } /// The message that corresponds to `make_available` call of the crate API. #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct MakeAvailable { /// The data being made available. pub data: Data, /// A sender to signal the result asynchronously. pub result: oneshot::Sender>, } /// An availability worker with it's inner state. pub(super) struct Worker { availability_store: Store, provide_gossip_messages: PGM, registered_gossip_streams: HashMap, sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender, } /// The handle to the `Worker`. pub(super) struct WorkerHandle { exit_signal: Option, thread: Option>>, sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender, } impl WorkerHandle { pub(crate) fn to_worker(&self) -> &mpsc::UnboundedSender { &self.sender } } impl Drop for WorkerHandle { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(signal) = self.exit_signal.take() { signal.fire(); } if let Some(thread) = self.thread.take() { if let Err(_) = thread.join() { error!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Errored stopping the thread"); } } } } async fn listen_for_chunks( p: PGM, topic: Hash, mut sender: S ) where PGM: ProvideGossipMessages, S: Sink + Unpin, { trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Registering gossip listener for topic {}", topic); let mut chunks_stream = p.gossip_messages_for(topic); while let Some(item) = chunks_stream.next().await { let (s, _) = oneshot::channel(); trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Received for {:?}", item); let chunks = Chunks { relay_parent: item.0, candidate_hash: item.1, chunks: vec![item.2], result: s, }; if let Err(_) = sender.send(WorkerMsg::Chunks(chunks)).await { break; } } } fn fetch_candidates

(client: &P, extrinsics: Vec<::Extrinsic>, parent: &BlockId) -> ClientResult>> where P: ProvideRuntimeApi, P::Api: ParachainHost, { let api = client.runtime_api(); let candidates = if api.has_api_with::, _>( parent, |version| version >= 2, ).map_err(|e| ConsensusError::ChainLookup(e.to_string()))? { api.get_heads(&parent, extrinsics) .map_err(|e| ConsensusError::ChainLookup(e.to_string()))? } else { None }; Ok(candidates) } /// Creates a task to prune entries in availability store upon block finalization. async fn prune_unneeded_availability(client: Arc

, mut sender: S) where P: ProvideRuntimeApi + BlockchainEvents + BlockBody + Send + Sync + 'static, P::Api: ParachainHost + ApiExt, S: Sink + Clone + Send + Sync + Unpin, { let mut finality_notification_stream = client.finality_notification_stream(); while let Some(notification) = finality_notification_stream.next().await { let hash = notification.hash; let parent_hash = notification.header.parent_hash; let extrinsics = match client.block_body(&BlockId::hash(hash)) { Ok(Some(extrinsics)) => extrinsics, Ok(None) => { error!( target: LOG_TARGET, "No block body found for imported block {:?}", hash, ); continue; } Err(e) => { error!( target: LOG_TARGET, "Failed to get block body for imported block {:?}: {:?}", hash, e, ); continue; } }; let candidate_hashes = match fetch_candidates( &*client, extrinsics, &BlockId::hash(parent_hash) ) { Ok(Some(candidates)) => candidates.into_iter().map(|c| c.hash()).collect(), Ok(None) => { warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, "Failed to extract candidates from block body of imported block {:?}", hash ); continue; } Err(e) => { warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, "Failed to fetch block body for imported block {:?}: {:?}", hash, e ); continue; } }; let msg = WorkerMsg::CandidatesFinalized(CandidatesFinalized { relay_parent: parent_hash, candidate_hashes }); if let Err(_) = sender.send(msg).await { break; } } } impl Drop for Worker { fn drop(&mut self) { for (_, signal) in self.registered_gossip_streams.drain() { signal.fire(); } } } impl Worker where PGM: ProvideGossipMessages + Clone + Send + 'static, { // Called on startup of the worker to register listeners for all awaited chunks. fn register_listeners( &mut self, runtime_handle: &Handle, sender: &mut mpsc::UnboundedSender, ) { if let Some(awaited_chunks) = self.availability_store.awaited_chunks() { for chunk in awaited_chunks { if let Err(e) = self.register_chunks_listener( runtime_handle, sender, chunk.0, chunk.1, ) { warn!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Failed to register gossip listener: {}", e); } } } } fn register_chunks_listener( &mut self, runtime_handle: &Handle, sender: &mut mpsc::UnboundedSender, relay_parent: Hash, erasure_root: Hash, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let (local_id, _) = self.availability_store .get_validator_index_and_n_validators(&relay_parent) .ok_or(Error::IdAndNValidatorsNotFound { relay_parent })?; let topic = erasure_coding_topic(relay_parent, erasure_root, local_id); trace!( target: LOG_TARGET, "Registering listener for erasure chunks topic {} for ({}, {})", topic, relay_parent, erasure_root, ); let (signal, exit) = exit_future::signal(); let fut = listen_for_chunks( self.provide_gossip_messages.clone(), topic, sender.clone(), ); self.registered_gossip_streams.insert(topic, signal); let _ = runtime_handle.spawn(select(fut.boxed(), exit).map(drop)); Ok(()) } fn on_parachain_blocks_received( &mut self, runtime_handle: &Handle, sender: &mut mpsc::UnboundedSender, relay_parent: Hash, blocks: Vec<(CandidateReceipt, Option<(BlockData, AvailableMessages)>)>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let hashes: Vec<_> = blocks.iter().map(|(c, _)| c.hash()).collect(); // First we have to add the receipts themselves. for (candidate, block) in blocks.into_iter() { let _ = self.availability_store.add_candidate(&candidate); if let Some((_block, _msgs)) = block { // Should we be breaking block into chunks here and gossiping it and so on? } if let Err(e) = self.register_chunks_listener( runtime_handle, sender, relay_parent, candidate.erasure_root ) { warn!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Failed to register chunk listener: {}", e); } } let _ = self.availability_store.add_candidates_in_relay_block( &relay_parent, hashes ); Ok(()) } // Processes chunks messages that contain awaited items. // // When an awaited item is received, it is placed into the availability store // and removed from the frontier. Listener de-registered. fn on_chunks_received( &mut self, relay_parent: Hash, candidate_hash: Hash, chunks: Vec, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let (_, n_validators) = self.availability_store .get_validator_index_and_n_validators(&relay_parent) .ok_or(Error::IdAndNValidatorsNotFound { relay_parent })?; let receipt = self.availability_store.get_candidate(&candidate_hash) .ok_or(Error::CandidateNotFound { candidate_hash })?; for chunk in &chunks { let topic = erasure_coding_topic(relay_parent, receipt.erasure_root, chunk.index); // need to remove gossip listener and stop it. if let Some(signal) = self.registered_gossip_streams.remove(&topic) { signal.fire(); } } self.availability_store.add_erasure_chunks( n_validators, &relay_parent, &candidate_hash, chunks, )?; Ok(()) } // Adds the erasure roots into the store. fn on_erasure_roots_received( &mut self, relay_parent: Hash, erasure_roots: Vec ) -> Result<(), Error> { self.availability_store.add_erasure_roots_in_relay_block(&relay_parent, erasure_roots)?; Ok(()) } // Processes the `ListenForChunks` message. // // When the worker receives a `ListenForChunk` message, it double-checks that // we don't have that piece, and then it registers a listener. fn on_listen_for_chunks_received( &mut self, runtime_handle: &Handle, sender: &mut mpsc::UnboundedSender, relay_parent: Hash, candidate_hash: Hash, id: usize ) -> Result<(), Error> { let candidate = self.availability_store.get_candidate(&candidate_hash) .ok_or(Error::CandidateNotFound { candidate_hash })?; if self.availability_store .get_erasure_chunk(&relay_parent, candidate.block_data_hash, id) .is_none() { if let Err(e) = self.register_chunks_listener( runtime_handle, sender, relay_parent, candidate.erasure_root ) { warn!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Failed to register a gossip listener: {}", e); } } Ok(()) } /// Starts a worker with a given availability store and a gossip messages provider. pub fn start( availability_store: Store, provide_gossip_messages: PGM, ) -> WorkerHandle { let (sender, mut receiver) = mpsc::unbounded(); let mut worker = Self { availability_store, provide_gossip_messages, registered_gossip_streams: HashMap::new(), sender: sender.clone(), }; let sender = sender.clone(); let (signal, exit) = exit_future::signal(); let handle = thread::spawn(move || -> io::Result<()> { let mut runtime = LocalRuntime::new()?; let mut sender = worker.sender.clone(); let mut runtime_handle = runtime.handle().clone(); // On startup, registers listeners (gossip streams) for all // (relay_parent, erasure-root, i) in the awaited frontier. worker.register_listeners(runtime.handle(), &mut sender); let process_notification = async move { while let Some(msg) = receiver.next().await { trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Received message {:?}", msg); let res = match msg { WorkerMsg::ErasureRoots(msg) => { let ErasureRoots { relay_parent, erasure_roots, result} = msg; let res = worker.on_erasure_roots_received( relay_parent, erasure_roots, ); let _ = result.send(res); Ok(()) } WorkerMsg::ListenForChunks(msg) => { let ListenForChunks { relay_parent, candidate_hash, index, result, } = msg; let res = worker.on_listen_for_chunks_received( &runtime_handle, &mut sender, relay_parent, candidate_hash, index as usize, ); if let Some(result) = result { let _ = result.send(res); } Ok(()) } WorkerMsg::ParachainBlocks(msg) => { let ParachainBlocks { relay_parent, blocks, result, } = msg; let res = worker.on_parachain_blocks_received( &runtime_handle, &mut sender, relay_parent, blocks, ); let _ = result.send(res); Ok(()) } WorkerMsg::Chunks(msg) => { let Chunks { relay_parent, candidate_hash, chunks, result } = msg; let res = worker.on_chunks_received( relay_parent, candidate_hash, chunks, ); let _ = result.send(res); Ok(()) } WorkerMsg::CandidatesFinalized(msg) => { let CandidatesFinalized { relay_parent, candidate_hashes } = msg; worker.availability_store.candidates_finalized( relay_parent, candidate_hashes.into_iter().collect(), ) } WorkerMsg::MakeAvailable(msg) => { let MakeAvailable { data, result } = msg; let res = worker.availability_store.make_available(data) .map_err(|e| e.into()); let _ = result.send(res); Ok(()) } }; if let Err(_) = res { warn!(target: LOG_TARGET, "An error occured while processing a message"); } } }; runtime.spawn(select(process_notification.boxed(), exit.clone()).map(drop)); exit.wait(); info!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Availability worker exiting"); Ok(()) }); WorkerHandle { thread: Some(handle), sender, exit_signal: Some(signal), } } } /// Implementor of the [`BlockImport`] trait. /// /// Used to embed `availability-store` logic into the block imporing pipeline. /// /// [`BlockImport`]: https://substrate.dev/rustdocs/v1.0/substrate_consensus_common/trait.BlockImport.html pub struct AvailabilityBlockImport { availability_store: Store, inner: I, client: Arc

, keystore: KeyStorePtr, to_worker: mpsc::UnboundedSender, exit_signal: Option, } impl Drop for AvailabilityBlockImport { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(signal) = self.exit_signal.take() { signal.fire(); } } } impl BlockImport for AvailabilityBlockImport where I: BlockImport + Send + Sync, I::Error: Into, P: ProvideRuntimeApi + ProvideCache, P::Api: ParachainHost, { type Error = ConsensusError; fn import_block( &mut self, block: BlockImportParams, new_cache: HashMap>, ) -> Result { trace!( target: LOG_TARGET, "Importing block #{}, ({})", block.header.number(), block.post_header().hash() ); if let Some(ref extrinsics) = block.body { let relay_parent = *block.header.parent_hash(); let parent_id = BlockId::hash(*block.header.parent_hash()); // Extract our local position i from the validator set of the parent. let validators = self.client.runtime_api().validators(&parent_id) .map_err(|e| ConsensusError::ChainLookup(e.to_string()))?; let our_id = self.our_id(&validators); // Use a runtime API to extract all included erasure-roots from the imported block. let candidates = fetch_candidates(&*self.client, extrinsics.clone(), &parent_id) .map_err(|e| ConsensusError::ChainLookup(e.to_string()))?; match candidates { Some(candidates) => { match our_id { Some(our_id) => { trace!( target: LOG_TARGET, "Our validator id is {}, the candidates included are {:?}", our_id, candidates, ); for candidate in &candidates { // If we don't yet have our chunk of this candidate, // tell the worker to listen for one. if self.availability_store.get_erasure_chunk( &relay_parent, candidate.block_data_hash, our_id as usize, ).is_none() { let msg = WorkerMsg::ListenForChunks(ListenForChunks { relay_parent, candidate_hash: candidate.hash(), index: our_id as u32, result: None, }); let _ = self.to_worker.unbounded_send(msg); } } let erasure_roots: Vec<_> = candidates .iter() .map(|c| c.erasure_root) .collect(); // Inform the worker about new (relay_parent, erasure_roots) pairs let (s, _) = oneshot::channel(); let msg = WorkerMsg::ErasureRoots(ErasureRoots { relay_parent, erasure_roots, result: s, }); let _ = self.to_worker.unbounded_send(msg); let (s, _) = oneshot::channel(); // Inform the worker about the included parachain blocks. let msg = WorkerMsg::ParachainBlocks(ParachainBlocks { relay_parent, blocks: candidates.into_iter().map(|c| (c, None)).collect(), result: s, }); let _ = self.to_worker.unbounded_send(msg); } None => (), } } None => { trace!( target: LOG_TARGET, "No parachain heads were included in block {}", block.header.hash() ); }, } } self.inner.import_block(block, new_cache).map_err(Into::into) } fn check_block( &mut self, block: BlockCheckParams, ) -> Result { self.inner.check_block(block).map_err(Into::into) } } impl AvailabilityBlockImport { pub(crate) fn new( availability_store: Store, client: Arc

, block_import: I, thread_pool: TaskExecutor, keystore: KeyStorePtr, to_worker: mpsc::UnboundedSender, ) -> Self where P: ProvideRuntimeApi + BlockBody + BlockchainEvents + Send + Sync + 'static, P::Api: ParachainHost, P::Api: ApiExt, { let (signal, exit) = exit_future::signal(); // This is not the right place to spawn the finality future, // it would be more appropriate to spawn it in the `start` method of the `Worker`. // However, this would make the type of the `Worker` and the `Store` itself // dependent on the types of client and executor, which would prove // not not so handy in the testing code. let mut exit_signal = Some(signal); let prune_available = prune_unneeded_availability(client.clone(), to_worker.clone()) .boxed(); let prune_available = select(prune_available, exit.clone()).map(drop); if let Err(_) = thread_pool.spawn(Box::new(prune_available)) { error!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Failed to spawn availability pruning task"); exit_signal = None; } AvailabilityBlockImport { availability_store, client, inner: block_import, to_worker, keystore, exit_signal, } } fn our_id(&self, validators: &[ValidatorId]) -> Option { let keystore = self.keystore.read(); validators .iter() .enumerate() .find_map(|(i, v)| { keystore.key_pair::(&v).map(|_| i as u32).ok() }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::time::Duration; use futures::{stream, channel::mpsc, Stream}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; // Just contains topic->channel mapping to give to outer code on `gossip_messages_for` calls. struct TestGossipMessages { messages: Arc>>>, } impl ProvideGossipMessages for TestGossipMessages { fn gossip_messages_for(&self, topic: Hash) -> Box + Send + Unpin> { match self.messages.lock().unwrap().remove(&topic) { Some(receiver) => Box::new(receiver), None => Box::new(stream::iter(vec![])), } } fn gossip_erasure_chunk( &self, _relay_parent: Hash, _candidate_hash: Hash, _erasure_root: Hash, _chunk: ErasureChunk ) {} } impl Clone for TestGossipMessages { fn clone(&self) -> Self { TestGossipMessages { messages: self.messages.clone(), } } } // This test tests that as soon as the worker receives info about new parachain blocks // included it registers gossip listeners for it's own chunks. Upon receiving the awaited // chunk messages the corresponding listeners are deregistered and these chunks are removed // from the awaited chunks set. #[test] fn receiving_gossip_chunk_removes_from_frontier() { let mut runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap(); let relay_parent = [1; 32].into(); let erasure_root = [2; 32].into(); let local_id = 2; let n_validators = 4; let store = Store::new_in_memory(); // Tell the store our validator's position and the number of validators at given point. store.add_validator_index_and_n_validators(&relay_parent, local_id, n_validators).unwrap(); let (gossip_sender, gossip_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded(); let topic = erasure_coding_topic(relay_parent, erasure_root, local_id); let messages = TestGossipMessages { messages: Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![ (topic, gossip_receiver) ].into_iter().collect())) }; let mut candidate = CandidateReceipt::default(); candidate.erasure_root = erasure_root; let candidate_hash = candidate.hash(); // At this point we shouldn't be waiting for any chunks. assert!(store.awaited_chunks().is_none()); let (s, r) = oneshot::channel(); let msg = WorkerMsg::ParachainBlocks(ParachainBlocks { relay_parent, blocks: vec![(candidate, None)], result: s, }); let handle = Worker::start(store.clone(), messages); // Tell the worker that the new blocks have been included into the relay chain. // This should trigger the registration of gossip message listeners for the // chunk topics. handle.sender.unbounded_send(msg).unwrap(); runtime.block_on(r.unit_error().boxed().compat()).unwrap().unwrap().unwrap(); // Make sure that at this point we are waiting for the appropriate chunk. assert_eq!( store.awaited_chunks().unwrap(), vec![(relay_parent, erasure_root, candidate_hash, local_id)].into_iter().collect() ); let msg = ( relay_parent, candidate_hash, ErasureChunk { chunk: vec![1, 2, 3], index: local_id as u32, proof: vec![], } ); // Send a gossip message with an awaited chunk gossip_sender.unbounded_send(msg).unwrap(); // At the point the needed piece is received, the gossip listener for // this topic is deregistered and it's receiver side is dropped. // Wait for the sender side to become closed. while !gossip_sender.is_closed() { // Probably we can just .wait this somehow? thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } // The awaited chunk has been received so at this point we no longer wait for any chunks. assert_eq!(store.awaited_chunks().unwrap().len(), 0); } #[test] fn listen_for_chunk_registers_listener() { let mut runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap(); let relay_parent = [1; 32].into(); let erasure_root_1 = [2; 32].into(); let erasure_root_2 = [3; 32].into(); let block_data_hash_1 = [4; 32].into(); let block_data_hash_2 = [5; 32].into(); let local_id = 2; let n_validators = 4; let mut candidate_1 = CandidateReceipt::default(); candidate_1.erasure_root = erasure_root_1; candidate_1.block_data_hash = block_data_hash_1; let candidate_1_hash = candidate_1.hash(); let mut candidate_2 = CandidateReceipt::default(); candidate_2.erasure_root = erasure_root_2; candidate_2.block_data_hash = block_data_hash_2; let candidate_2_hash = candidate_2.hash(); let store = Store::new_in_memory(); // Tell the store our validator's position and the number of validators at given point. store.add_validator_index_and_n_validators(&relay_parent, local_id, n_validators).unwrap(); // Let the store know about the candidates store.add_candidate(&candidate_1).unwrap(); store.add_candidate(&candidate_2).unwrap(); // And let the store know about the chunk from the second candidate. store.add_erasure_chunks( n_validators, &relay_parent, &candidate_2_hash, vec![ErasureChunk { chunk: vec![1, 2, 3], index: local_id, proof: Vec::default(), }], ).unwrap(); let (_, gossip_receiver_1) = mpsc::unbounded(); let (_, gossip_receiver_2) = mpsc::unbounded(); let topic_1 = erasure_coding_topic(relay_parent, erasure_root_1, local_id); let topic_2 = erasure_coding_topic(relay_parent, erasure_root_2, local_id); let messages = TestGossipMessages { messages: Arc::new(Mutex::new( vec![ (topic_1, gossip_receiver_1), (topic_2, gossip_receiver_2), ].into_iter().collect())) }; let handle = Worker::start(store.clone(), messages.clone()); let (s2, r2) = oneshot::channel(); // Tell the worker to listen for chunks from candidate 2 (we alredy have a chunk from it). let listen_msg_2 = WorkerMsg::ListenForChunks(ListenForChunks { relay_parent, candidate_hash: candidate_2_hash, index: local_id as u32, result: Some(s2), }); handle.sender.unbounded_send(listen_msg_2).unwrap(); runtime.block_on(r2.unit_error().boxed().compat()).unwrap().unwrap().unwrap(); // The gossip sender for this topic left intact => listener not registered. assert!(messages.messages.lock().unwrap().contains_key(&topic_2)); let (s1, r1) = oneshot::channel(); // Tell the worker to listen for chunks from candidate 1. // (we don't have a chunk from it yet). let listen_msg_1 = WorkerMsg::ListenForChunks(ListenForChunks { relay_parent, candidate_hash: candidate_1_hash, index: local_id as u32, result: Some(s1), }); handle.sender.unbounded_send(listen_msg_1).unwrap(); runtime.block_on(r1.unit_error().boxed().compat()).unwrap().unwrap().unwrap(); // The gossip sender taken => listener registered. assert!(!messages.messages.lock().unwrap().contains_key(&topic_1)); } }