// Copyright 2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! Polkadot service. Specialized wrapper over substrate service. pub mod chain_spec; use futures::prelude::*; use client::LongestChain; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use polkadot_primitives::{parachain, Hash, BlockId}; use polkadot_runtime::GenesisConfig; use polkadot_network::{gossip::{self as network_gossip, Known}, validation::ValidationNetwork}; use service::{error::{Error as ServiceError}, Configuration, ServiceBuilder}; use transaction_pool::txpool::{Pool as TransactionPool}; use babe::{import_queue, start_babe, Config}; use grandpa::{self, FinalityProofProvider as GrandpaFinalityProofProvider}; use inherents::InherentDataProviders; use log::info; pub use service::{AbstractService, Roles, PruningMode, TransactionPoolOptions, Error}; pub use service::{ServiceBuilderExport, ServiceBuilderImport, ServiceBuilderRevert}; pub use service::config::full_version_from_strs; pub use client::{backend::Backend, runtime_api::{Core as CoreApi, ConstructRuntimeApi}, ExecutionStrategy, CallExecutor}; pub use consensus_common::SelectChain; pub use polkadot_network::{PolkadotProtocol}; pub use polkadot_primitives::parachain::{CollatorId, ParachainHost}; pub use polkadot_primitives::Block; pub use polkadot_runtime::RuntimeApi; pub use primitives::Blake2Hasher; pub use sr_primitives::traits::ProvideRuntimeApi; pub use substrate_network::specialization::NetworkSpecialization; pub use chain_spec::ChainSpec; pub use consensus::run_validation_worker; /// Polkadot-specific configuration. pub struct CustomConfiguration { /// Set to `Some` with a collator `CollatorId` and desired parachain /// if the network protocol should be started in collator mode. pub collating_for: Option<(CollatorId, parachain::Id)>, /// Maximal `block_data` size. pub max_block_data_size: Option, } impl Default for CustomConfiguration { fn default() -> Self { Self { collating_for: None, max_block_data_size: None, } } } /// Chain API type for the transaction pool. pub type TxChainApi = transaction_pool::ChainApi< client::Client, Block, >; /// Starts a `ServiceBuilder` for a full service. /// /// Use this macro if you don't actually need the full service, but just the builder in order to /// be able to perform chain operations. macro_rules! new_full_start { ($config:expr) => {{ let mut import_setup = None; let inherent_data_providers = inherents::InherentDataProviders::new(); let mut tasks_to_spawn = None; let builder = service::ServiceBuilder::new_full::< Block, RuntimeApi, polkadot_executor::Executor >($config)? .with_select_chain(|_, backend| { Ok(client::LongestChain::new(backend.clone())) })? .with_transaction_pool(|config, client| Ok(transaction_pool::txpool::Pool::new(config, transaction_pool::ChainApi::new(client))) )? .with_import_queue(|_config, client, mut select_chain, transaction_pool| { let select_chain = select_chain.take() .ok_or_else(|| service::Error::SelectChainRequired)?; let (block_import, link_half) = grandpa::block_import::<_, _, _, RuntimeApi, _, _>( client.clone(), client.clone(), select_chain )?; let justification_import = block_import.clone(); let (import_queue, babe_link, babe_block_import, pruning_task) = babe::import_queue( babe::Config::get_or_compute(&*client)?, block_import, Some(Box::new(justification_import)), None, client.clone(), client, inherent_data_providers.clone(), Some(transaction_pool) )?; import_setup = Some((babe_block_import.clone(), link_half, babe_link)); tasks_to_spawn = Some(vec![Box::new(pruning_task)]); Ok(import_queue) })?; (builder, import_setup, inherent_data_providers, tasks_to_spawn) }} } /// Builds a new object suitable for chain operations. pub fn new_chain_ops(config: Configuration) -> Result { Ok(new_full_start!(config).0) } /// Builds a new service for a full client. pub fn new_full(config: Configuration) -> Result + 'static, SelectChain = impl SelectChain, CallExecutor = impl CallExecutor + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, >, ServiceError> { let is_authority = config.roles.is_authority(); let is_collator = config.custom.collating_for.is_some(); let force_authoring = config.force_authoring; let max_block_data_size = config.custom.max_block_data_size; let db_path = config.database_path.clone(); let disable_grandpa = config.disable_grandpa; let name = config.name.clone(); let (builder, mut import_setup, inherent_data_providers, mut tasks_to_spawn) = new_full_start!(config); let service = builder .with_network_protocol(|config| Ok(PolkadotProtocol::new(config.custom.collating_for.clone())))? .with_finality_proof_provider(|client, backend| Ok(Arc::new(GrandpaFinalityProofProvider::new(backend, client)) as _) )? .build()?; let (block_import, link_half, babe_link) = import_setup.take() .expect("Link Half and Block Import are present for Full Services or setup failed before. qed"); // spawn any futures that were created in the previous setup steps if let Some(tasks) = tasks_to_spawn.take() { for task in tasks { service.spawn_task( task.select(service.on_exit()) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(|_| ()) ); } } if is_collator { info!( "The node cannot start as an authority because it is also configured to run as a collator." ); return Ok(service); } let client = service.client(); let known_oracle = client.clone(); let select_chain = if let Some(select_chain) = service.select_chain() { select_chain } else { info!("The node cannot start as an authority because it can't select chain."); return Ok(service); }; let gossip_validator_select_chain = select_chain.clone(); let is_known = move |block_hash: &Hash| { use client::BlockStatus; match known_oracle.block_status(&BlockId::hash(*block_hash)) { Err(_) | Ok(BlockStatus::Unknown) | Ok(BlockStatus::Queued) => None, Ok(BlockStatus::KnownBad) => Some(Known::Bad), Ok(BlockStatus::InChainWithState) | Ok(BlockStatus::InChainPruned) => { match gossip_validator_select_chain.leaves() { Err(_) => None, Ok(leaves) => if leaves.contains(block_hash) { Some(Known::Leaf) } else { Some(Known::Old) }, } } } }; let gossip_validator = network_gossip::register_validator( service.network(), (is_known, client.clone()), ); if is_authority { let availability_store = { use std::path::PathBuf; let mut path = PathBuf::from(db_path); path.push("availability"); av_store::Store::new(::av_store::Config { cache_size: None, path, })? }; { let availability_store = availability_store.clone(); service.network().with_spec( |spec, _ctx| spec.register_availability_store(availability_store) ); } // collator connections and validation network both fulfilled by this let validation_network = ValidationNetwork::new( service.network(), service.on_exit(), gossip_validator, service.client(), polkadot_network::validation::WrappedExecutor(service.spawn_task_handle()), ); let proposer = consensus::ProposerFactory::new( client.clone(), select_chain.clone(), validation_network.clone(), validation_network, service.transaction_pool(), Arc::new(service.spawn_task_handle()), service.keystore(), availability_store, polkadot_runtime::constants::time::SLOT_DURATION, max_block_data_size, ); let client = service.client(); let select_chain = service.select_chain().ok_or(ServiceError::SelectChainRequired)?; let babe_config = babe::BabeParams { config: Config::get_or_compute(&*client)?, keystore: service.keystore(), client, select_chain, block_import, env: proposer, sync_oracle: service.network(), inherent_data_providers: inherent_data_providers.clone(), force_authoring: force_authoring, time_source: babe_link, }; let babe = start_babe(babe_config)?; let select = babe.select(service.on_exit()).then(|_| Ok(())); service.spawn_essential_task(Box::new(select)); } else { network_gossip::register_non_authority_validator(service.network()); } let config = grandpa::Config { // FIXME substrate#1578 make this available through chainspec gossip_duration: Duration::from_millis(333), justification_period: 4096, name: Some(name), keystore: Some(service.keystore()), }; match (is_authority, disable_grandpa) { (false, false) => { // start the lightweight GRANDPA observer service.spawn_task(Box::new(grandpa::run_grandpa_observer( config, link_half, service.network(), service.on_exit(), )?)); }, (true, false) => { // start the full GRANDPA voter let grandpa_config = grandpa::GrandpaParams { config: config, link: link_half, network: service.network(), inherent_data_providers: inherent_data_providers.clone(), on_exit: service.on_exit(), telemetry_on_connect: Some(service.telemetry_on_connect_stream()), }; service.spawn_essential_task(Box::new(grandpa::run_grandpa_voter(grandpa_config)?)); }, (_, true) => { grandpa::setup_disabled_grandpa( service.client(), &inherent_data_providers, service.network(), )?; }, } Ok(service) } /// Builds a new service for a light client. pub fn new_light(config: Configuration) -> Result + 'static, SelectChain = impl SelectChain, CallExecutor = impl CallExecutor + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, >, ServiceError> { let inherent_data_providers = InherentDataProviders::new(); ServiceBuilder::new_light::(config)? .with_select_chain(|_, backend| { Ok(LongestChain::new(backend.clone())) })? .with_transaction_pool(|config, client| Ok(TransactionPool::new(config, transaction_pool::ChainApi::new(client))) )? .with_import_queue_and_fprb(|_config, client, backend, _select_chain, transaction_pool| { let fetch_checker = backend.blockchain().fetcher() .upgrade() .map(|fetcher| fetcher.checker().clone()) .ok_or_else(|| "Trying to start light import queue without active fetch checker")?; let block_import = grandpa::light_block_import::<_, _, _, RuntimeApi, _>( client.clone(), backend, Arc::new(fetch_checker), client.clone() )?; let finality_proof_import = block_import.clone(); let finality_proof_request_builder = finality_proof_import.create_finality_proof_request_builder(); // FIXME: pruning task isn't started since light client doesn't do `AuthoritySetup`. let (import_queue, ..) = import_queue( Config::get_or_compute(&*client)?, block_import, None, Some(Box::new(finality_proof_import)), client.clone(), client, inherent_data_providers.clone(), Some(transaction_pool) )?; Ok((import_queue, finality_proof_request_builder)) })? .with_network_protocol(|config| Ok(PolkadotProtocol::new(config.custom.collating_for.clone())))? .with_finality_proof_provider(|client, backend| Ok(Arc::new(GrandpaFinalityProofProvider::new(backend, client)) as _) )? .build() }