# .gitlab-ci.yml # # pipelines can be triggered manually in the web # setting POLKADOT_BRANCH to v0.2 will result in a poc2 build # setting DEPLOY_TAG will only deploy the tagged image stages: - test - build - publish - deploy # default release in rust:nightly image is stable image: parity/rust:nightly variables: CI_SERVER_NAME: "GitLab CI" CARGO_HOME: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/.cargo" SUBSTRATE_REPO: "https://github.com/paritytech/substrate.git" cache: key: "${CI_JOB_NAME}" paths: - ./.cargo/ .collect_artifacts: &collect_artifacts artifacts: name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" when: on_success expire_in: 7 days paths: - target/release/ # disabled as there are bugs # before_script: # - ./scripts/build.sh # test will be run for ci on the current repo # for version v0.2 branch tests are located in substrate repository and # therefore not generically testable test:rust:release: stage: test only: - triggers - tags - master - schedules - web - /^[0-9]+$/ except: variables: - $POLKADOT_BRANCH == "v0.2" - $DEPLOY_TAG tags: - rust script: - time cargo test --all --release --verbose build:rust:linux:release: stage: build <<: *collect_artifacts only: - master - tags - web - v0.3 except: variables: - $DEPLOY_TAG tags: - rust script: - > set -x; if [ "${POLKADOT_BRANCH}" = "v0.2" ]; then if [ -z "${TAG}" ]; then time cargo install --verbose --root ./target/release/ --git "${SUBSTRATE_REPO}" --branch "${POLKADOT_BRANCH}" polkadot; else time cargo install --verbose --root ./target/release/ --git "${SUBSTRATE_REPO}" --tag "${TAG}" polkadot; fi; mv ./target/release/bin/polkadot ./target/release/polkadot; rm -d ./target/release/bin; else time cargo build --release --verbose; fi; set +x - ./target/release/polkadot --version dockerize:release: stage: publish dependencies: - build:rust:linux:release cache: {} only: - master - tags - web except: variables: - $DEPLOY_TAG tags: - shell variables: DOCKERFILE: scripts/docker/Dockerfile CONTAINER_IMAGE: parity/polkadot before_script: - test "$Docker_Hub_User_Parity" -a "$Docker_Hub_Pass_Parity" || ( echo "no docker credentials provided"; exit 1 ) - docker login -u "$Docker_Hub_User_Parity" -p "$Docker_Hub_Pass_Parity" - docker info - VERSION="$(./target/release/polkadot --version | sed -n -r 's/^polkadot ([0-9.]+-[0-9a-f]+)-.*$/\1/p')" - export VERSION - echo "Polkadot version = ${VERSION}" script: - test -z "${VERSION}" && exit 1 - docker build --tag $CONTAINER_IMAGE:$VERSION --tag $CONTAINER_IMAGE:latest -f $DOCKERFILE ./target/release/ - docker push $CONTAINER_IMAGE:$VERSION - docker push $CONTAINER_IMAGE:latest - rm -f ./target/release/polkadot - echo "${VERSION}" > ./target/release/VERSION after_script: - docker logout # use artifacts here to transport the version to the next stage <<: *collect_artifacts .deploy:template: &deploy stage: deploy when: manual cache: {} retry: 1 image: dtzar/helm-kubectl:$HELM_VERSION only: - master - tags - web tags: - kubernetes before_script: - test -z "${DEPLOY_TAG}" && test -f ./target/release/VERSION && DEPLOY_TAG="$(cat ./target/release/VERSION)" - test "${DEPLOY_TAG}" || ( echo "Neither DEPLOY_TAG nor VERSION information available"; exit 1 ) script: - echo "Polkadot version = ${DEPLOY_TAG}" # or use helm to render the template - helm template --values ./scripts/kubernetes/values.yaml --set image.tag=${DEPLOY_TAG} ./scripts/kubernetes | kubectl apply -f - --dry-run=true - echo "# polkadot namespace" - kubectl -n polkadot get all - echo "# polkadot's nodes' external ip addresses:" - kubectl get nodes -l node=polkadot -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{range @.status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")]}{.address}{"\n"}{end}' - echo "# polkadots' nodes" - kubectl -n polkadot get pods -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.spec.nodeName}{"\n"}{end}' # have environment:url eventually point to the logs deploy:ew3: <<: *deploy environment: name: gke-beta-ew3 deploy:ue1: <<: *deploy environment: name: gke-beta-ue1