// Copyright 2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! Module to handle which parachains/parathreads (collectively referred to as "paras") are //! registered and which are scheduled. Doesn't manage any of the actual execution/validation logic //! which is left to `parachains.rs`. use rstd::{prelude::*, result}; #[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))] use rstd::marker::PhantomData; use codec::{Encode, Decode}; use sr_primitives::{ transaction_validity::{TransactionValidityError, ValidTransaction, TransactionValidity}, traits::{Hash as HashT, SignedExtension} }; use frame_support::{ decl_storage, decl_module, decl_event, ensure, dispatch::{Result, IsSubType}, traits::{Get, Currency, ReservableCurrency}, weights::{SimpleDispatchInfo, DispatchInfo}, }; use system::{self, ensure_root, ensure_signed}; use primitives::parachain::{ Id as ParaId, CollatorId, Scheduling, LOWEST_USER_ID, SwapAux, Info as ParaInfo, ActiveParas, Retriable }; use crate::parachains; use sr_primitives::transaction_validity::InvalidTransaction; /// Parachain registration API. pub trait Registrar { /// Create a new unique parachain identity for later registration. fn new_id() -> ParaId; /// Register a parachain with given `code` and `initial_head_data`. `id` must not yet be registered or it will /// result in a error. fn register_para( id: ParaId, info: ParaInfo, code: Vec, initial_head_data: Vec, ) -> Result; /// Deregister a parachain with given `id`. If `id` is not currently registered, an error is returned. fn deregister_para(id: ParaId) -> Result; } impl Registrar for Module { fn new_id() -> ParaId { ::mutate(|n| { let r = *n; *n = ParaId::from(u32::from(*n) + 1); r }) } fn register_para( id: ParaId, info: ParaInfo, code: Vec, initial_head_data: Vec, ) -> Result { ensure!(!Paras::exists(id), "Parachain already exists"); if let Scheduling::Always = info.scheduling { Parachains::mutate(|parachains| match parachains.binary_search(&id) { Ok(_) => Err("Parachain already exists"), Err(idx) => { parachains.insert(idx, id); Ok(()) } } )?; } >::initialize_para(id, code, initial_head_data); Paras::insert(id, info); Ok(()) } fn deregister_para(id: ParaId) -> Result { let info = Paras::take(id).ok_or("Invalid id")?; if let Scheduling::Always = info.scheduling { Parachains::mutate(|parachains| parachains.binary_search(&id) .map(|index| parachains.remove(index)) .map_err(|_| "Invalid id") )?; } >::cleanup_para(id); Paras::remove(id); Ok(()) } } type BalanceOf = <::Currency as Currency<::AccountId>>::Balance; pub trait Trait: parachains::Trait { /// The overarching event type. type Event: From + Into<::Event>; /// The aggregated origin type must support the parachains origin. We require that we can /// infallibly convert between this origin and the system origin, but in reality, they're the /// same type, we just can't express that to the Rust type system without writing a `where` /// clause everywhere. type Origin: From<::Origin> + Into::Origin>>; /// The system's currency for parathread payment. type Currency: ReservableCurrency; /// The deposit to be paid to run a parathread. type ParathreadDeposit: Get>; /// Handler for when two ParaIds are swapped. type SwapAux: SwapAux; /// The number of items in the parathread queue, aka the number of blocks in advance to schedule /// parachain execution. type QueueSize: Get; /// The number of rotations that you will have as grace if you miss a block. type MaxRetries: Get; } decl_storage! { trait Store for Module as Registrar { // Vector of all parachain IDs, in ascending order. Parachains: Vec; /// The number of threads to schedule per block. ThreadCount: u32; /// An array of the queue of set of threads scheduled for the coming blocks; ordered by /// ascending para ID. There can be no duplicates of para ID in each list item. SelectedThreads: Vec>; /// Parathreads/chains scheduled for execution this block. If the collator ID is set, then /// a particular collator has already been chosen for the next block, and no other collator /// may provide the block. In this case we allow the possibility of the combination being /// retried in a later block, expressed by `Retriable`. /// /// Ordered by ParaId. Active: Vec<(ParaId, Option<(CollatorId, Retriable)>)>; /// The next unused ParaId value. Start this high in order to keep low numbers for /// system-level chains. NextFreeId: ParaId = LOWEST_USER_ID; /// Pending swap operations. PendingSwap: map ParaId => Option; /// Map of all registered parathreads/chains. Paras get(paras): map ParaId => Option; /// The current queue for parathreads that should be retried. RetryQueue get(retry_queue): Vec>; /// Users who have paid a parathread's deposit Debtors: map ParaId => T::AccountId; } add_extra_genesis { config(parachains): Vec<(ParaId, Vec, Vec)>; config(_phdata): PhantomData; build(build::); } } #[cfg(feature = "std")] fn build(config: &GenesisConfig) { use sr_primitives::traits::Zero; let mut p = config.parachains.clone(); p.sort_unstable_by_key(|&(ref id, _, _)| *id); p.dedup_by_key(|&mut (ref id, _, _)| *id); let only_ids: Vec = p.iter().map(|&(ref id, _, _)| id).cloned().collect(); Parachains::put(&only_ids); for (id, code, genesis) in p { Paras::insert(id, &primitives::parachain::PARACHAIN_INFO); // no ingress -- a chain cannot be routed to until it is live. ::insert(&id, &code); ::insert(&id, &genesis); >::insert(&id, T::BlockNumber::zero()); // Save initial parachains in registrar Paras::insert(id, ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Always }) } } /// Swap the existence of two items, provided by value, within an ordered list. /// /// If neither item exists, or if both items exist this will do nothing. If exactly one of the /// items exists, then it will be removed and the other inserted. pub fn swap_ordered_existence(ids: &mut [T], one: T, other: T) { let maybe_one_pos = ids.binary_search(&one); let maybe_other_pos = ids.binary_search(&other); match (maybe_one_pos, maybe_other_pos) { (Ok(one_pos), Err(_)) => ids[one_pos] = other, (Err(_), Ok(other_pos)) => ids[other_pos] = one, _ => return, }; ids.sort(); } decl_module! { /// Parachains module. pub struct Module for enum Call where origin: ::Origin { fn deposit_event() = default; /// Register a parachain with given code. /// Fails if given ID is already used. #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedOperational(5_000_000)] pub fn register_para(origin, #[compact] id: ParaId, info: ParaInfo, code: Vec, initial_head_data: Vec, ) -> Result { ensure_root(origin)?; >:: register_para(id, info, code, initial_head_data) } /// Deregister a parachain with given id #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedOperational(10_000)] pub fn deregister_para(origin, #[compact] id: ParaId) -> Result { ensure_root(origin)?; >::deregister_para(id) } /// Reset the number of parathreads that can pay to be scheduled in a single block. /// /// - `count`: The number of parathreads. /// /// Must be called from Root origin. fn set_thread_count(origin, count: u32) { ensure_root(origin)?; ThreadCount::put(count); } /// Register a parathread for immediate use. /// /// Must be sent from a Signed origin that is able to have ParathreadDeposit reserved. /// `code` and `initial_head_data` are used to initialize the parathread's state. fn register_parathread(origin, code: Vec, initial_head_data: Vec, ) { let who = ensure_signed(origin)?; T::Currency::reserve(&who, T::ParathreadDeposit::get())?; let info = ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Dynamic, }; let id = >::new_id(); let _ = >:: register_para(id, info, code, initial_head_data); >::insert(id, who); Self::deposit_event(Event::ParathreadRegistered(id)); } /// Place a bid for a parathread to be progressed in the next block. /// /// This is a kind of special transaction that should by heavily prioritized in the /// transaction pool according to the `value`; only `ThreadCount` of them may be presented /// in any single block. fn select_parathread(origin, #[compact] _id: ParaId, _collator: CollatorId, _head_hash: T::Hash, ) { ensure_signed(origin)?; // Everything else is checked for in the transaction `SignedExtension`. } /// Deregister a parathread and retrieve the deposit. /// /// Must be sent from a `Parachain` origin which is currently a parathread. /// /// Ensure that before calling this that any funds you want emptied from the parathread's /// account is moved out; after this it will be impossible to retrieve them (without /// governance intervention). fn deregister_parathread(origin) { let id = parachains::ensure_parachain(::Origin::from(origin))?; let info = Paras::get(id).ok_or("invalid id")?; if let Scheduling::Dynamic = info.scheduling {} else { Err("invalid parathread id")? } >::deregister_para(id)?; Self::force_unschedule(|i| i == id); let debtor = >::take(id); let _ = T::Currency::unreserve(&debtor, T::ParathreadDeposit::get()); Self::deposit_event(Event::ParathreadRegistered(id)); } /// Swap a parachain with another parachain or parathread. The origin must be a `Parachain`. /// The swap will happen only if there is already an opposite swap pending. If there is not, /// the swap will be stored in the pending swaps map, ready for a later confirmatory swap. /// /// The `ParaId`s remain mapped to the same head data and code so external code can rely on /// `ParaId` to be a long-term identifier of a notional "parachain". However, their /// scheduling info (i.e. whether they're a parathread or parachain), auction information /// and the auction deposit are switched. fn swap(origin, #[compact] other: ParaId) { let id = parachains::ensure_parachain(::Origin::from(origin))?; if PendingSwap::get(other) == Some(id) { // actually do the swap. T::SwapAux::ensure_can_swap(id, other)?; // Remove intention to swap. PendingSwap::remove(other); Self::force_unschedule(|i| i == id || i == other); Parachains::mutate(|ids| swap_ordered_existence(ids, id, other)); Paras::mutate(id, |i| Paras::mutate(other, |j| rstd::mem::swap(i, j) ) ); >::mutate(id, |i| >::mutate(other, |j| rstd::mem::swap(i, j) ) ); let _ = T::SwapAux::on_swap(id, other); } else { PendingSwap::insert(id, other); } } /// Block initializer. Clears SelectedThreads and constructs/replaces Active. fn on_initialize() { let next_up = SelectedThreads::mutate(|t| { let r = if t.len() >= T::QueueSize::get() { // Take the first set of parathreads in queue t.remove(0) } else { vec![] }; while t.len() < T::QueueSize::get() { t.push(vec![]); } r }); // mutable so that we can replace with `None` if parathread appears in new schedule. let mut retrying = Self::take_next_retry(); if let Some(((para, _), _)) = retrying { // this isn't really ideal: better would be if there were an earlier pass that set // retrying to the first item in the Missed queue that isn't already scheduled, but // this is potentially O(m*n) in terms of missed queue size and parathread pool size. if next_up.iter().any(|x| x.0 == para) { retrying = None } } let mut paras = Parachains::get().into_iter() .map(|id| (id, None)) .chain(next_up.into_iter() .map(|(para, collator)| (para, Some((collator, Retriable::WithRetries(0)))) ) ).chain(retrying.into_iter() .map(|((para, collator), retries)| (para, Some((collator, Retriable::WithRetries(retries + 1)))) ) ).collect::>(); // for Rust's timsort algorithm, sorting a concatenation of two sorted ranges is near // O(N). paras.sort_by_key(|&(ref id, _)| *id); Active::put(paras); } fn on_finalize() { // a block without this will panic, but let's not panic here. if let Some(proceeded_vec) = parachains::DidUpdate::get() { // Active is sorted and DidUpdate is a sorted subset of its elements. // // We just go through the contents of active and find any items that don't appear in // DidUpdate *and* which are enabled for retry. let mut proceeded = proceeded_vec.into_iter(); let mut i = proceeded.next(); for sched in Active::get().into_iter() { match i { // Scheduled parachain proceeded properly. Move onto next item. Some(para) if para == sched.0 => i = proceeded.next(), // Scheduled `sched` missed their block. // Queue for retry if it's allowed. _ => if let (i, Some((c, Retriable::WithRetries(n)))) = sched { Self::retry_later((i, c), n) }, } } } } } } decl_event!{ pub enum Event { /// A parathread was registered; its new ID is supplied. ParathreadRegistered(ParaId), /// The parathread of the supplied ID was de-registered. ParathreadDeregistered(ParaId), } } impl Module { /// Ensures that the given `ParaId` corresponds to a registered parathread, and returns a descriptor if so. pub fn ensure_thread_id(id: ParaId) -> Option { Paras::get(id).and_then(|info| if let Scheduling::Dynamic = info.scheduling { Some(info) } else { None }) } fn retry_later(sched: (ParaId, CollatorId), retries: u32) { if retries < T::MaxRetries::get() { RetryQueue::mutate(|q| { q.resize(T::MaxRetries::get() as usize, vec![]); q[retries as usize].push(sched); }); } } fn take_next_retry() -> Option<((ParaId, CollatorId), u32)> { RetryQueue::mutate(|q| { for (i, q) in q.iter_mut().enumerate() { if !q.is_empty() { return Some((q.remove(0), i as u32)); } } None }) } /// Forcibly remove the threads matching `m` from all current and future scheduling. fn force_unschedule(m: impl Fn(ParaId) -> bool) { RetryQueue::mutate(|qs| for q in qs.iter_mut() { q.retain(|i| !m(i.0)) }); SelectedThreads::mutate(|qs| for q in qs.iter_mut() { q.retain(|i| !m(i.0)) }); Active::mutate(|a| for i in a.iter_mut() { if m(i.0) { if let Some((_, ref mut r)) = i.1 { *r = Retriable::Never; } } }); } } impl ActiveParas for Module { fn active_paras() -> Vec<(ParaId, Option<(CollatorId, Retriable)>)> { Active::get() } } /// Ensure that parathread selections happen prioritized by fees. #[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct LimitParathreadCommits(rstd::marker::PhantomData) where ::Call: IsSubType, T>; impl rstd::fmt::Debug for LimitParathreadCommits where ::Call: IsSubType, T> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut rstd::fmt::Formatter) -> rstd::fmt::Result { write!(f, "LimitParathreadCommits") } } /// Custom validity errors used in Polkadot while validating transactions. #[repr(u8)] pub enum Error { /// Parathread ID has already been submitted for this block. Duplicate = 0, /// Parathread ID does not identify a parathread. InvalidId = 1, } impl SignedExtension for LimitParathreadCommits where ::Call: IsSubType, T> { type AccountId = T::AccountId; type Call = ::Call; type AdditionalSigned = (); type Pre = (); type DispatchInfo = DispatchInfo; fn additional_signed(&self) -> rstd::result::Result { Ok(()) } fn validate( &self, _who: &Self::AccountId, call: &Self::Call, _info: DispatchInfo, _len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity { let mut r = ValidTransaction::default(); if let Some(local_call) = call.is_sub_type() { if let Call::select_parathread(id, collator, hash) = local_call { // ensure that the para ID is actually a parathread. let e = TransactionValidityError::from(InvalidTransaction::Custom(Error::InvalidId as u8)); >::ensure_thread_id(*id).ok_or(e)?; // ensure that we haven't already had a full complement of selected parathreads. let mut upcoming_selected_threads = SelectedThreads::get(); if upcoming_selected_threads.is_empty() { upcoming_selected_threads.push(vec![]); } let i = upcoming_selected_threads.len() - 1; let selected_threads = &mut upcoming_selected_threads[i]; let thread_count = ThreadCount::get() as usize; ensure!( selected_threads.len() < thread_count, InvalidTransaction::ExhaustsResources.into() ); // ensure that this is not selecting a duplicate parathread ID let e = TransactionValidityError::from(InvalidTransaction::Custom(Error::Duplicate as u8)); let pos = selected_threads .binary_search_by(|&(ref other_id, _)| other_id.cmp(id)) .err() .ok_or(e)?; // ensure that this is a live bid (i.e. that the thread's chain head matches) let e = TransactionValidityError::from(InvalidTransaction::Custom(Error::InvalidId as u8)); let head = >::parachain_head(id).ok_or(e)?; let actual = T::Hashing::hash(&head); ensure!(&actual == hash, InvalidTransaction::Stale.into()); // updated the selected threads. selected_threads.insert(pos, (*id, collator.clone())); rstd::mem::drop(selected_threads); SelectedThreads::put(upcoming_selected_threads); // provides the state-transition for this head-data-hash; this should cue the pool // to throw out competing transactions with lesser fees. r.provides = vec![hash.encode()]; } } Ok(r) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use bitvec::vec::BitVec; use sr_io::TestExternalities; use substrate_primitives::{H256, Pair}; use sr_primitives::{ traits::{ BlakeTwo256, IdentityLookup, OnInitialize, OnFinalize, Dispatchable, AccountIdConversion, }, testing::{UintAuthorityId, Header}, Perbill }; use primitives::{ parachain::{ ValidatorId, Info as ParaInfo, Scheduling, LOWEST_USER_ID, AttestedCandidate, CandidateReceipt, HeadData, ValidityAttestation, Statement, Chain, CollatorPair, }, Balance, BlockNumber, }; use frame_support::{ impl_outer_origin, impl_outer_dispatch, assert_ok, parameter_types, assert_noop, }; use keyring::Sr25519Keyring; use crate::parachains; use crate::slots; use crate::attestations; impl_outer_origin! { pub enum Origin for Test { parachains, } } impl_outer_dispatch! { pub enum Call for Test where origin: Origin { parachains::Parachains, registrar::Registrar, } } #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Test; parameter_types! { pub const BlockHashCount: u32 = 250; pub const MaximumBlockWeight: u32 = 4 * 1024 * 1024; pub const MaximumBlockLength: u32 = 4 * 1024 * 1024; pub const AvailableBlockRatio: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(75); } impl system::Trait for Test { type Origin = Origin; type Call = Call; type Index = u64; type BlockNumber = u64; type Hash = H256; type Hashing = BlakeTwo256; type AccountId = u64; type Lookup = IdentityLookup; type Header = Header; type Event = (); type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount; type MaximumBlockWeight = MaximumBlockWeight; type MaximumBlockLength = MaximumBlockLength; type AvailableBlockRatio = AvailableBlockRatio; type Version = (); } parameter_types! { pub const ExistentialDeposit: Balance = 0; pub const TransferFee: Balance = 0; pub const CreationFee: Balance = 0; } impl balances::Trait for Test { type Balance = Balance; type OnFreeBalanceZero = (); type OnNewAccount = (); type Event = (); type DustRemoval = (); type TransferPayment = (); type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit; type TransferFee = TransferFee; type CreationFee = CreationFee; } parameter_types!{ pub const LeasePeriod: u64 = 10; pub const EndingPeriod: u64 = 3; } impl slots::Trait for Test { type Event = (); type Currency = balances::Module; type Parachains = Registrar; type EndingPeriod = EndingPeriod; type LeasePeriod = LeasePeriod; type Randomness = RandomnessCollectiveFlip; } parameter_types!{ pub const AttestationPeriod: BlockNumber = 100; } impl attestations::Trait for Test { type AttestationPeriod = AttestationPeriod; type ValidatorIdentities = parachains::ValidatorIdentities; type RewardAttestation = (); } parameter_types! { pub const Period: BlockNumber = 1; pub const Offset: BlockNumber = 0; pub const DisabledValidatorsThreshold: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(17); } impl session::Trait for Test { type OnSessionEnding = (); type Keys = UintAuthorityId; type ShouldEndSession = session::PeriodicSessions; type SessionHandler = session::TestSessionHandler; type Event = (); type SelectInitialValidators = (); type ValidatorId = u64; type ValidatorIdOf = (); type DisabledValidatorsThreshold = DisabledValidatorsThreshold; } impl parachains::Trait for Test { type Origin = Origin; type Call = Call; type ParachainCurrency = balances::Module; type ActiveParachains = Registrar; type Registrar = Registrar; type Randomness = RandomnessCollectiveFlip; } parameter_types! { pub const ParathreadDeposit: Balance = 10; pub const QueueSize: usize = 2; pub const MaxRetries: u32 = 3; } impl Trait for Test { type Event = (); type Origin = Origin; type Currency = balances::Module; type ParathreadDeposit = ParathreadDeposit; type SwapAux = slots::Module; type QueueSize = QueueSize; type MaxRetries = MaxRetries; } type Balances = balances::Module; type Parachains = parachains::Module; type System = system::Module; type Slots = slots::Module; type Registrar = Module; type RandomnessCollectiveFlip = randomness_collective_flip::Module; const AUTHORITY_KEYS: [Sr25519Keyring; 8] = [ Sr25519Keyring::Alice, Sr25519Keyring::Bob, Sr25519Keyring::Charlie, Sr25519Keyring::Dave, Sr25519Keyring::Eve, Sr25519Keyring::Ferdie, Sr25519Keyring::One, Sr25519Keyring::Two, ]; fn new_test_ext(parachains: Vec<(ParaId, Vec, Vec)>) -> TestExternalities { let mut t = system::GenesisConfig::default().build_storage::().unwrap(); let authority_keys = [ Sr25519Keyring::Alice, Sr25519Keyring::Bob, Sr25519Keyring::Charlie, Sr25519Keyring::Dave, Sr25519Keyring::Eve, Sr25519Keyring::Ferdie, Sr25519Keyring::One, Sr25519Keyring::Two, ]; // stashes are the index. let session_keys: Vec<_> = authority_keys.iter().enumerate() .map(|(i, _k)| (i as u64, UintAuthorityId(i as u64))) .collect(); let authorities: Vec<_> = authority_keys.iter().map(|k| ValidatorId::from(k.public())).collect(); let balances: Vec<_> = (0..authority_keys.len()).map(|i| (i as u64, 10_000_000)).collect(); parachains::GenesisConfig { authorities: authorities.clone(), }.assimilate_storage::(&mut t).unwrap(); GenesisConfig:: { parachains, _phdata: Default::default(), }.assimilate_storage(&mut t).unwrap(); session::GenesisConfig:: { keys: session_keys, }.assimilate_storage(&mut t).unwrap(); balances::GenesisConfig:: { balances, vesting: vec![], }.assimilate_storage(&mut t).unwrap(); t.into() } fn init_block() { println!("Initializing {}", System::block_number()); System::on_initialize(System::block_number()); Registrar::on_initialize(System::block_number()); Parachains::on_initialize(System::block_number()); Slots::on_initialize(System::block_number()); } fn run_to_block(n: u64) { println!("Running until block {}", n); while System::block_number() < n { if System::block_number() > 1 { println!("Finalizing {}", System::block_number()); if !parachains::DidUpdate::exists() { println!("Null heads update"); assert_ok!(Parachains::set_heads(system::RawOrigin::None.into(), vec![])); } Slots::on_finalize(System::block_number()); Parachains::on_finalize(System::block_number()); Registrar::on_finalize(System::block_number()); System::on_finalize(System::block_number()); } System::set_block_number(System::block_number() + 1); init_block(); } } fn schedule_thread(id: ParaId, head_data: &[u8], col: &CollatorId) { let tx: LimitParathreadCommits = LimitParathreadCommits(Default::default()); let hdh = BlakeTwo256::hash(head_data); let inner_call = super::Call::select_parathread(id, col.clone(), hdh); let call = Call::Registrar(inner_call); let origin = 4u64; assert!(tx.validate(&origin, &call, Default::default(), 0).is_ok()); assert_ok!(call.dispatch(Origin::signed(origin))); } fn user_id(i: u32) -> ParaId { LOWEST_USER_ID + i } fn attest(id: ParaId, collator: &CollatorPair, head_data: &[u8], block_data: &[u8]) -> AttestedCandidate { let block_data_hash = BlakeTwo256::hash(block_data); let candidate = CandidateReceipt { parachain_index: id, collator: collator.public(), signature: block_data_hash.using_encoded(|d| collator.sign(d)), head_data: HeadData(head_data.to_vec()), egress_queue_roots: vec![], fees: 0, block_data_hash, upward_messages: vec![], }; let payload = (Statement::Valid(candidate.hash()), System::parent_hash()).encode(); let roster = Parachains::calculate_duty_roster().0.validator_duty; AttestedCandidate { candidate, validity_votes: AUTHORITY_KEYS.iter() .enumerate() .filter(|(i, _)| roster[*i] == Chain::Parachain(id)) .map(|(_, k)| k.sign(&payload).into()) .map(ValidityAttestation::Explicit) .collect(), validator_indices: roster.iter() .map(|i| i == &Chain::Parachain(id)) .collect::(), } } #[test] fn basic_setup_works() { new_test_ext(vec![]).execute_with(|| { assert_eq!(super::Parachains::get(), vec![]); assert_eq!(ThreadCount::get(), 0); assert_eq!(Active::get(), vec![]); assert_eq!(NextFreeId::get(), LOWEST_USER_ID); assert_eq!(PendingSwap::get(&ParaId::from(0u32)), None); assert_eq!(Paras::get(&ParaId::from(0u32)), None); }); } #[test] fn genesis_registration_works() { let parachains = vec![ (5u32.into(), vec![1,2,3], vec![1]), (100u32.into(), vec![4,5,6], vec![2,]), ]; new_test_ext(parachains).execute_with(|| { // Need to trigger on_initialize run_to_block(2); // Genesis registration works assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![(5u32.into(), None), (100u32.into(), None)]); assert_eq!( Registrar::paras(&ParaId::from(5u32)), Some(ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Always }), ); assert_eq!( Registrar::paras(&ParaId::from(100u32)), Some(ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Always }), ); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_code(&ParaId::from(5u32)), Some(vec![1, 2, 3])); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_code(&ParaId::from(100u32)), Some(vec![4, 5, 6])); }); } #[test] fn swap_chain_and_thread_works() { new_test_ext(vec![]).execute_with(|| { assert_ok!(Registrar::set_thread_count(Origin::ROOT, 1)); // Need to trigger on_initialize run_to_block(2); // Register a new parathread assert_ok!(Registrar::register_parathread( Origin::signed(1u64), vec![1; 3], vec![1; 3], )); // Lease out a new parachain assert_ok!(Slots::new_auction(Origin::ROOT, 5, 1)); assert_ok!(Slots::bid(Origin::signed(1), 0, 1, 1, 4, 1)); run_to_block(9); // Ensure that the thread is scheduled around the swap time. let col = Sr25519Keyring::One.public().into(); schedule_thread(user_id(0), &[1; 3], &col); run_to_block(10); let h = BlakeTwo256::hash(&[2u8; 3]); assert_ok!(Slots::fix_deploy_data(Origin::signed(1), 0, user_id(1), h, vec![2; 3])); assert_ok!(Slots::elaborate_deploy_data(Origin::signed(0), user_id(1), vec![2; 3])); assert_ok!(Slots::set_offboarding(Origin::signed(user_id(1).into_account()), 1)); run_to_block(11); // should be one active parachain and one active parathread. assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![ (user_id(0), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries(0)))), (user_id(1), None), ]); // One half of the swap call does not actually trigger the swap. assert_ok!(Registrar::swap(parachains::Origin::Parachain(user_id(0)).into(), user_id(1))); // Nothing changes from what was originally registered assert_eq!(Registrar::paras(&user_id(0)), Some(ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Dynamic })); assert_eq!(Registrar::paras(&user_id(1)), Some(ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Always })); assert_eq!(super::Parachains::get(), vec![user_id(1)]); assert_eq!(Slots::managed_ids(), vec![user_id(1)]); assert_eq!(Slots::deposits(user_id(1)), vec![1; 3]); assert_eq!(Slots::offboarding(user_id(1)), 1); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_code(&user_id(0)), Some(vec![1u8; 3])); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_head(&user_id(0)), Some(vec![1u8; 3])); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_code(&user_id(1)), Some(vec![2u8; 3])); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_head(&user_id(1)), Some(vec![2u8; 3])); // Intention to swap is added assert_eq!(PendingSwap::get(user_id(0)), Some(user_id(1))); // Intention to swap is reciprocated, swap actually happens assert_ok!(Registrar::swap(parachains::Origin::Parachain(user_id(1)).into(), user_id(0))); assert_eq!(Registrar::paras(&user_id(0)), Some(ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Always })); assert_eq!(Registrar::paras(&user_id(1)), Some(ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Dynamic })); assert_eq!(super::Parachains::get(), vec![user_id(0)]); assert_eq!(Slots::managed_ids(), vec![user_id(0)]); assert_eq!(Slots::deposits(user_id(0)), vec![1; 3]); assert_eq!(Slots::offboarding(user_id(0)), 1); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_code(&user_id(0)), Some(vec![1u8; 3])); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_head(&user_id(0)), Some(vec![1u8; 3])); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_code(&user_id(1)), Some(vec![2u8; 3])); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_head(&user_id(1)), Some(vec![2u8; 3])); // Intention to swap is no longer present assert_eq!(PendingSwap::get(user_id(0)), None); assert_eq!(PendingSwap::get(user_id(1)), None); run_to_block(12); // thread should not be queued or scheduled any more, even though it would otherwise be // being retried.. assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![(user_id(0), None)]); }); } #[test] fn swap_handles_funds_correctly() { new_test_ext(vec![]).execute_with(|| { assert_ok!(Registrar::set_thread_count(Origin::ROOT, 1)); // Need to trigger on_initialize run_to_block(2); let initial_1_balance = Balances::free_balance(1); let initial_2_balance = Balances::free_balance(2); // User 1 register a new parathread assert_ok!(Registrar::register_parathread( Origin::signed(1), vec![1; 3], vec![1; 3], )); // User 2 leases out a new parachain assert_ok!(Slots::new_auction(Origin::ROOT, 5, 1)); assert_ok!(Slots::bid(Origin::signed(2), 0, 1, 1, 4, 1)); run_to_block(9); // Swap the parachain and parathread assert_ok!(Registrar::swap(parachains::Origin::Parachain(user_id(0)).into(), user_id(1))); assert_ok!(Registrar::swap(parachains::Origin::Parachain(user_id(1)).into(), user_id(0))); // Deregister the parathread that was originally a parachain assert_ok!(Registrar::deregister_parathread(parachains::Origin::Parachain(user_id(1)).into())); // Go past when a parachain loses its slot run_to_block(50); // Funds are correctly returned assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(1), initial_1_balance); assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(2), initial_2_balance); }); } #[test] fn register_deregister_chains_works() { let parachains = vec![ (1u32.into(), vec![1; 3], vec![1; 3]), ]; new_test_ext(parachains).execute_with(|| { // Need to trigger on_initialize run_to_block(2); // Genesis registration works assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![(1u32.into(), None)]); assert_eq!( Registrar::paras(&ParaId::from(1u32)), Some(ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Always }) ); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_code(&ParaId::from(1u32)), Some(vec![1; 3])); // Register a new parachain assert_ok!(Registrar::register_para( Origin::ROOT, 2u32.into(), ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Always }, vec![2; 3], vec![2; 3], )); let orig_bal = Balances::free_balance(&3u64); // Register a new parathread assert_ok!(Registrar::register_parathread( Origin::signed(3u64), vec![3; 3], vec![3; 3], )); // deposit should be taken (reserved) assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&3u64) + ParathreadDeposit::get(), orig_bal); assert_eq!(Balances::reserved_balance(&3u64), ParathreadDeposit::get()); run_to_block(3); // New paras are registered assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![(1u32.into(), None), (2u32.into(), None)]); assert_eq!( Registrar::paras(&ParaId::from(2u32)), Some(ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Always }) ); assert_eq!( Registrar::paras(&user_id(0)), Some(ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Dynamic }) ); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_code(&ParaId::from(2u32)), Some(vec![2; 3])); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_code(&user_id(0)), Some(vec![3; 3])); assert_ok!(Registrar::deregister_para(Origin::ROOT, 2u32.into())); assert_ok!(Registrar::deregister_parathread( parachains::Origin::Parachain(user_id(0)).into() )); // reserved balance should be returned. assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&3u64), orig_bal); assert_eq!(Balances::reserved_balance(&3u64), 0); run_to_block(4); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![(1u32.into(), None)]); assert_eq!(Registrar::paras(&ParaId::from(2u32)), None); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_code(&ParaId::from(2u32)), None); assert_eq!(Registrar::paras(&user_id(0)), None); assert_eq!(Parachains::parachain_code(&user_id(0)), None); }); } #[test] fn parathread_scheduling_works() { new_test_ext(vec![]).execute_with(|| { assert_ok!(Registrar::set_thread_count(Origin::ROOT, 1)); run_to_block(2); // Register a new parathread assert_ok!(Registrar::register_parathread( Origin::signed(3u64), vec![3; 3], vec![3; 3], )); run_to_block(3); // transaction submitted to get parathread progressed. let col = Sr25519Keyring::One.public().into(); schedule_thread(user_id(0), &[3; 3], &col); run_to_block(5); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![ (user_id(0), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries(0)))) ]); assert_ok!(Parachains::set_heads(Origin::NONE, vec![ attest(user_id(0), &Sr25519Keyring::One.pair().into(), &[3; 3], &[0; 0]) ])); run_to_block(6); // at next block, it shouldn't be retried. assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![]); }); } #[test] fn removing_scheduled_parathread_works() { new_test_ext(vec![]).execute_with(|| { assert_ok!(Registrar::set_thread_count(Origin::ROOT, 1)); run_to_block(2); // Register some parathreads. assert_ok!(Registrar::register_parathread(Origin::signed(3), vec![3; 3], vec![3; 3])); run_to_block(3); // transaction submitted to get parathread progressed. let col = Sr25519Keyring::One.public().into(); schedule_thread(user_id(0), &[3; 3], &col); // now we remove the parathread assert_ok!(Registrar::deregister_parathread( parachains::Origin::Parachain(user_id(0)).into() )); run_to_block(5); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![]); // should not be scheduled. assert_ok!(Registrar::register_parathread(Origin::signed(3), vec![4; 3], vec![4; 3])); run_to_block(6); // transaction submitted to get parathread progressed. schedule_thread(user_id(1), &[4; 3], &col); run_to_block(9); // thread's slot was missed and is now being re-scheduled. assert_ok!(Registrar::deregister_parathread( parachains::Origin::Parachain(user_id(1)).into() )); run_to_block(10); // thread's rescheduled slot was missed, but should not be reschedule since it was // removed. assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![]); // should not be scheduled. }); } #[test] fn parathread_rescheduling_works() { new_test_ext(vec![]).execute_with(|| { assert_ok!(Registrar::set_thread_count(Origin::ROOT, 1)); run_to_block(2); // Register some parathreads. assert_ok!(Registrar::register_parathread(Origin::signed(3), vec![3; 3], vec![3; 3])); assert_ok!(Registrar::register_parathread(Origin::signed(4), vec![4; 3], vec![4; 3])); assert_ok!(Registrar::register_parathread(Origin::signed(5), vec![5; 3], vec![5; 3])); run_to_block(3); // transaction submitted to get parathread progressed. let col = Sr25519Keyring::One.public().into(); schedule_thread(user_id(0), &[3; 3], &col); // 4x: the initial time it was scheduled, plus 3 retries. for n in 5..9 { run_to_block(n); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![ (user_id(0), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries((n - 5) as u32)))) ]); } // missed too many times. dropped. run_to_block(9); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![]); // schedule and miss all 3 and check that they go through the queueing system ok. assert_ok!(Registrar::set_thread_count(Origin::ROOT, 2)); schedule_thread(user_id(0), &[3; 3], &col); schedule_thread(user_id(1), &[4; 3], &col); run_to_block(10); schedule_thread(user_id(2), &[5; 3], &col); // 0 and 1 scheduled as normal. run_to_block(11); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![ (user_id(0), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries(0)))), (user_id(1), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries(0)))) ]); // 2 scheduled, 0 retried run_to_block(12); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![ (user_id(0), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries(1)))), (user_id(2), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries(0)))), ]); // 1 retried run_to_block(13); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![ (user_id(1), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries(1)))) ]); // 2 retried run_to_block(14); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![ (user_id(2), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries(1)))) ]); run_to_block(15); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![ (user_id(0), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries(2)))) ]); run_to_block(16); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![ (user_id(1), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries(2)))) ]); run_to_block(17); assert_eq!(Registrar::active_paras(), vec![ (user_id(2), Some((col.clone(), Retriable::WithRetries(2)))) ]); }); } #[test] fn parathread_auction_handles_basic_errors() { new_test_ext(vec![]).execute_with(|| { run_to_block(2); let o = Origin::signed(0); assert_ok!(Registrar::register_parathread(o, vec![7, 8, 9], vec![1, 1, 1])); run_to_block(3); assert_eq!( Registrar::paras(&user_id(0)), Some(ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Dynamic }) ); let good_para_id = user_id(0); let bad_para_id = user_id(1); let bad_head_hash = ::Hashing::hash(&vec![1, 2, 1]); let good_head_hash = ::Hashing::hash(&vec![1, 1, 1]); let info = DispatchInfo::default(); // Allow for threads assert_ok!(Registrar::set_thread_count(Origin::ROOT, 10)); // Bad parathread id let col = CollatorId::default(); let inner = super::Call::select_parathread(bad_para_id, col.clone(), good_head_hash); let call = Call::Registrar(inner); assert!( LimitParathreadCommits::(std::marker::PhantomData) .validate(&0, &call, info, 0).is_err() ); // Bad head data let inner = super::Call::select_parathread(good_para_id, col.clone(), bad_head_hash); let call = Call::Registrar(inner); assert!( LimitParathreadCommits::(std::marker::PhantomData) .validate(&0, &call, info, 0).is_err() ); // No duplicates let inner = super::Call::select_parathread(good_para_id, col.clone(), good_head_hash); let call = Call::Registrar(inner); assert!( LimitParathreadCommits::(std::marker::PhantomData) .validate(&0, &call, info, 0).is_ok() ); assert!( LimitParathreadCommits::(std::marker::PhantomData) .validate(&0, &call, info, 0).is_err() ); }); } #[test] fn parathread_auction_works() { new_test_ext(vec![]).execute_with(|| { run_to_block(2); // Register 5 parathreads for x in 0..5 { let o = Origin::signed(x as u64); assert_ok!(Registrar::register_parathread(o, vec![x; 3], vec![x; 3])); } run_to_block(3); for x in 0..5 { assert_eq!( Registrar::paras(&user_id(x)), Some(ParaInfo { scheduling: Scheduling::Dynamic }) ); } // Only 3 slots available... who will win?? assert_ok!(Registrar::set_thread_count(Origin::ROOT, 3)); // Everyone wants a thread for x in 0..5 { let para_id = user_id(x as u32); let collator_id = CollatorId::default(); let head_hash = ::Hashing::hash(&vec![x; 3]); let inner = super::Call::select_parathread(para_id, collator_id, head_hash); let call = Call::Registrar(inner); let info = DispatchInfo::default(); // First 3 transactions win a slot if x < 3 { assert!( LimitParathreadCommits::(std::marker::PhantomData) .validate(&0, &call, info, 0) .is_ok() ); } else { // All others lose assert_noop!( LimitParathreadCommits::(std::marker::PhantomData) .validate(&0, &call, info, 0), InvalidTransaction::ExhaustsResources.into() ); } } // 3 Threads are selected assert_eq!( SelectedThreads::get()[1], vec![ (user_id(0), CollatorId::default()), (user_id(1), CollatorId::default()), (user_id(2), CollatorId::default()), ] ); // Assuming Queue Size is 2 assert_eq!(::QueueSize::get(), 2); // 2 blocks later run_to_block(5); // Threads left queue assert_eq!(SelectedThreads::get()[0], vec![]); // Threads are active assert_eq!( Registrar::active_paras(), vec![ (user_id(0), Some((CollatorId::default(), Retriable::WithRetries(0)))), (user_id(1), Some((CollatorId::default(), Retriable::WithRetries(0)))), (user_id(2), Some((CollatorId::default(), Retriable::WithRetries(0)))), ] ); }); } }