// Copyright 2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! Polkadot service. Starts a thread that spins the network, the client and the transaction pool. //! Manages communication between them. extern crate futures; extern crate ed25519; extern crate exit_future; extern crate parking_lot; extern crate tokio_timer; extern crate polkadot_primitives; extern crate polkadot_runtime; extern crate polkadot_executor; extern crate polkadot_api; extern crate polkadot_consensus as consensus; extern crate polkadot_transaction_pool as transaction_pool; extern crate polkadot_keystore as keystore; extern crate substrate_runtime_io as runtime_io; extern crate substrate_primitives as primitives; extern crate substrate_network as network; extern crate substrate_codec as codec; extern crate substrate_executor; extern crate substrate_state_machine as state_machine; extern crate tokio_core; extern crate substrate_client as client; extern crate substrate_client_db as client_db; #[macro_use] extern crate error_chain; #[macro_use] extern crate log; #[macro_use] extern crate hex_literal; mod error; mod config; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread; use futures::prelude::*; use tokio_core::reactor::Core; use codec::Slicable; use primitives::AuthorityId; use transaction_pool::TransactionPool; use substrate_executor::NativeExecutor; use polkadot_executor::Executor as LocalDispatch; use keystore::Store as Keystore; use polkadot_api::PolkadotApi; use polkadot_primitives::{Block, BlockId, Hash, Header}; use polkadot_runtime::{GenesisConfig, ConsensusConfig, CouncilConfig, DemocracyConfig, SessionConfig, StakingConfig, BuildExternalities}; use client::backend::Backend; use client::{genesis, Client, BlockchainEvents, CallExecutor}; use network::ManageNetwork; use exit_future::Signal; pub use self::error::{ErrorKind, Error}; pub use config::{Configuration, Role, ChainSpec}; type CodeExecutor = NativeExecutor; /// Polkadot service. pub struct Service { thread: Option>, client: Arc>, network: Arc>, transaction_pool: Arc, signal: Option, _consensus: Option, } struct TransactionPoolAdapter where A: Send + Sync, E: Send + Sync { pool: Arc, client: Arc>, api: Arc, } impl network::TransactionPool for TransactionPoolAdapter where B: Backend + Send + Sync, E: client::CallExecutor + Send + Sync, client::error::Error: From<<>::State as state_machine::backend::Backend>::Error>, A: PolkadotApi + Send + Sync, { fn transactions(&self) -> Vec<(Hash, Vec)> { let best_block = match self.client.info() { Ok(info) => info.chain.best_hash, Err(e) => { debug!("Error getting best block: {:?}", e); return Vec::new(); } }; let id = match self.api.check_id(BlockId::hash(best_block)) { Ok(id) => id, Err(_) => return Vec::new(), }; let ready = transaction_pool::Ready::create(id, &*self.api); self.pool.cull_and_get_pending(ready, |pending| pending .map(|t| { let hash = t.hash().clone(); (hash, t.primitive_extrinsic()) }) .collect() ) } fn import(&self, transaction: &Vec) -> Option { let encoded = transaction.encode(); if let Some(uxt) = codec::Slicable::decode(&mut &encoded[..]) { match self.pool.import_unchecked_extrinsic(uxt) { Ok(xt) => Some(*xt.hash()), Err(e) => match *e.kind() { transaction_pool::ErrorKind::AlreadyImported(hash) => Some(hash[..].into()), _ => { debug!("Error adding transaction to the pool: {:?}", e); None }, } } } else { debug!("Error decoding transaction"); None } } fn on_broadcasted(&self, propagations: HashMap>) { self.pool.on_broadcasted(propagations) } } pub struct ChainConfig { genesis_config: GenesisConfig, boot_nodes: Vec, } fn poc_2_testnet_config() -> ChainConfig { let initial_authorities = vec![ hex!["82c39b31a2b79a90f8e66e7a77fdb85a4ed5517f2ae39f6a80565e8ecae85cf5"].into(), hex!["4de37a07567ebcbf8c64568428a835269a566723687058e017b6d69db00a77e7"].into(), hex!["063d7787ebca768b7445dfebe7d62cbb1625ff4dba288ea34488da266dd6dca5"].into(), hex!["8101764f45778d4980dadaceee6e8af2517d3ab91ac9bec9cd1714fa5994081c"].into(), ]; let endowed_accounts = vec![ hex!["f295940fa750df68a686fcf4abd4111c8a9c5a5a5a83c4c8639c451a94a7adfd"].into(), ]; let genesis_config = GenesisConfig { consensus: Some(ConsensusConfig { code: include_bytes!("../../runtime/wasm/genesis.wasm").to_vec(), // TODO change authorities: initial_authorities.clone(), }), system: None, session: Some(SessionConfig { validators: initial_authorities.iter().cloned().map(Into::into).collect(), session_length: 720, // that's 1 hour per session. }), staking: Some(StakingConfig { current_era: 0, intentions: initial_authorities.iter().cloned().map(Into::into).collect(), transaction_base_fee: 100, transaction_byte_fee: 1, balances: endowed_accounts.iter().map(|&k|(k, 1u128 << 60)).collect(), validator_count: 12, sessions_per_era: 24, // 24 hours per era. bonding_duration: 90, // 90 days per bond. }), democracy: Some(DemocracyConfig { launch_period: 120 * 24 * 14, // 2 weeks per public referendum voting_period: 120 * 24 * 28, // 4 weeks to discuss & vote on an active referendum minimum_deposit: 1000, // 1000 as the minimum deposit for a referendum }), council: Some(CouncilConfig { active_council: vec![], candidacy_bond: 1000, // 1000 to become a council candidate voter_bond: 100, // 100 down to vote for a candidate present_slash_per_voter: 1, // slash by 1 per voter for an invalid presentation. carry_count: 24, // carry over the 24 runners-up to the next council election presentation_duration: 120 * 24, // one day for presenting winners. approval_voting_period: 7 * 120 * 24, // one week period between possible council elections. term_duration: 180 * 120 * 24, // 180 day term duration for the council. desired_seats: 0, // start with no council: we'll raise this once the stake has been dispersed a bit. inactive_grace_period: 1, // one addition vote should go by before an inactive voter can be reaped. cooloff_period: 90 * 120 * 24, // 90 day cooling off period if council member vetoes a proposal. voting_period: 7 * 120 * 24, // 7 day voting period for council members. }), parachains: Some(Default::default()), }; let boot_nodes = vec![ "enode://a93a29fa68d965452bf0ff8c1910f5992fe2273a72a1ee8d3a3482f68512a61974211ba32bb33f051ceb1530b8ba3527fc36224ba6b9910329025e6d9153cf50@".into(), "enode://051b18f63a316c4c5fef4631f8c550ae0adba179153588406fac3e5bbbbf534ebeda1bf475dceda27a531f6cdef3846ab6a010a269aa643a1fec7bff51af66bd@".into(), "enode://c831ec9011d2c02d2c4620fc88db6d897a40d2f88fd75f47b9e4cf3b243999acb6f01b7b7343474650b34eeb1363041a422a91f1fc3850e43482983ee15aa582@".into(), ]; ChainConfig { genesis_config, boot_nodes } } fn testnet_config(initial_authorities: Vec) -> ChainConfig { let endowed_accounts = vec![ ed25519::Pair::from_seed(b"Alice ").public().0.into(), ed25519::Pair::from_seed(b"Bob ").public().0.into(), ed25519::Pair::from_seed(b"Charlie ").public().0.into(), ed25519::Pair::from_seed(b"Dave ").public().0.into(), ed25519::Pair::from_seed(b"Eve ").public().0.into(), ed25519::Pair::from_seed(b"Ferdie ").public().0.into(), ]; let genesis_config = GenesisConfig { consensus: Some(ConsensusConfig { code: include_bytes!("../../runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/polkadot_runtime.compact.wasm").to_vec(), authorities: initial_authorities.clone(), }), system: None, session: Some(SessionConfig { validators: initial_authorities.iter().cloned().map(Into::into).collect(), session_length: 10, }), staking: Some(StakingConfig { current_era: 0, intentions: initial_authorities.iter().cloned().map(Into::into).collect(), transaction_base_fee: 1, transaction_byte_fee: 0, balances: endowed_accounts.iter().map(|&k|(k, (1u128 << 60))).collect(), validator_count: 2, sessions_per_era: 5, bonding_duration: 2, }), democracy: Some(DemocracyConfig { launch_period: 9, voting_period: 18, minimum_deposit: 10, }), council: Some(CouncilConfig { active_council: endowed_accounts.iter().filter(|a| initial_authorities.iter().find(|&b| &a.0 == b).is_none()).map(|a| (a.clone(), 1000000)).collect(), candidacy_bond: 10, voter_bond: 2, present_slash_per_voter: 1, carry_count: 4, presentation_duration: 10, approval_voting_period: 20, term_duration: 1000000, desired_seats: (endowed_accounts.len() - initial_authorities.len()) as u32, inactive_grace_period: 1, cooloff_period: 75, voting_period: 20, }), parachains: Some(Default::default()), }; let boot_nodes = Vec::new(); ChainConfig { genesis_config, boot_nodes } } fn development_config() -> ChainConfig { testnet_config(vec![ ed25519::Pair::from_seed(b"Alice ").public().into(), ]) } fn local_testnet_config() -> ChainConfig { testnet_config(vec![ ed25519::Pair::from_seed(b"Alice ").public().into(), ed25519::Pair::from_seed(b"Bob ").public().into(), ]) } struct GenesisBuilder { config: GenesisConfig, } impl client::GenesisBuilder for GenesisBuilder { fn build(self) -> (Header, Vec<(Vec, Vec)>) { let storage = self.config.build_externalities(); let block = genesis::construct_genesis_block::(&storage); (block.header, storage.into_iter().collect()) } } /// Creates light client and register protocol with the network service pub fn new_light(config: Configuration) -> Result< Service< client::light::Backend, client::RemoteCallExecutor, network::OnDemand>> >, error::Error, > { Service::new(move |_, executor, genesis_builder: GenesisBuilder| { let client_backend = client::light::new_light_backend(); let fetch_checker = Arc::new(client::light::new_fetch_checker(client_backend.clone(), executor)); let fetcher = Arc::new(network::OnDemand::new(fetch_checker)); let client = client::light::new_light(client_backend, fetcher.clone(), genesis_builder)?; Ok((Arc::new(client), Some(fetcher))) }, |client| Arc::new(polkadot_api::light::RemotePolkadotApiWrapper(client.clone())), |_client, _network, _tx_pool, _keystore| Ok(None), config) } /// Creates full client and register protocol with the network service pub fn new_full(config: Configuration) -> Result, client::LocalCallExecutor, CodeExecutor>>, error::Error> { let is_validator = (config.roles & Role::VALIDATOR) == Role::VALIDATOR; Service::new(|db_settings, executor, genesis_builder: GenesisBuilder| Ok((Arc::new(client_db::new_client(db_settings, executor, genesis_builder)?), None)), |client| client, |client, network, tx_pool, keystore| { if !is_validator { return Ok(None); } // Load the first available key. Code above makes sure it exisis. let key = keystore.load(&keystore.contents()?[0], "")?; info!("Using authority key {:?}", key.public()); Ok(Some(consensus::Service::new( client.clone(), client.clone(), network.clone(), tx_pool.clone(), ::std::time::Duration::from_millis(4000), // TODO: dynamic key, ))) }, config) } impl Service where B: Backend + Send + Sync + 'static, E: CallExecutor + Send + Sync + 'static, client::error::Error: From<<>::State as state_machine::backend::Backend>::Error> { /// Creates and register protocol with the network service fn new(client_creator: F, api_creator: G, consensus_creator: C, mut config: Configuration) -> Result where F: FnOnce( client_db::DatabaseSettings, CodeExecutor, GenesisBuilder, ) -> Result<(Arc>, Option>>>), error::Error>, G: Fn( Arc>, ) -> Arc, C: Fn( Arc>, Arc>, Arc, &Keystore ) -> Result, error::Error>, A: PolkadotApi + Send + Sync + 'static, { use std::sync::Barrier; let (signal, exit) = ::exit_future::signal(); // Create client let executor = polkadot_executor::Executor::new(); let mut keystore = Keystore::open(config.keystore_path.into())?; for seed in &config.keys { keystore.generate_from_seed(seed)?; } if keystore.contents()?.is_empty() { let key = keystore.generate("")?; info!("Generated a new keypair: {:?}", key.public()); } let ChainConfig { genesis_config, boot_nodes } = match config.chain_spec { ChainSpec::Development => development_config(), ChainSpec::LocalTestnet => local_testnet_config(), ChainSpec::PoC2Testnet => poc_2_testnet_config(), }; config.network.boot_nodes.extend(boot_nodes); let genesis_builder = GenesisBuilder { config: genesis_config, }; let db_settings = client_db::DatabaseSettings { cache_size: None, path: config.database_path.into(), }; let (client, on_demand) = client_creator(db_settings, executor, genesis_builder)?; let api = api_creator(client.clone()); let best_header = client.best_block_header()?; info!("Starting Polkadot. Best block is #{}", best_header.number); let transaction_pool = Arc::new(TransactionPool::new(config.transaction_pool)); let transaction_pool_adapter = Arc::new(TransactionPoolAdapter { pool: transaction_pool.clone(), client: client.clone(), api: api.clone(), }); let network_params = network::Params { config: network::ProtocolConfig { roles: config.roles, }, network_config: config.network, chain: client.clone(), on_demand: on_demand.clone().map(|d| d as Arc), transaction_pool: transaction_pool_adapter, }; let network = network::Service::new(network_params)?; let barrier = ::std::sync::Arc::new(Barrier::new(2)); on_demand.map(|on_demand| on_demand.set_service_link(Arc::downgrade(&network))); let thread = { let client = client.clone(); let network = network.clone(); let txpool = transaction_pool.clone(); let thread_barrier = barrier.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { network.start_network(); thread_barrier.wait(); let mut core = Core::new().expect("tokio::Core could not be created"); // block notifications let network1 = network.clone(); let txpool1 = txpool.clone(); let events = client.import_notification_stream() .for_each(move |notification| { network1.on_block_imported(notification.hash, ¬ification.header); prune_imported(&*api, &*txpool1, notification.hash); Ok(()) }); core.handle().spawn(events); // transaction notifications let events = txpool.import_notification_stream() // TODO [ToDr] Consider throttling? .for_each(move |_| { network.trigger_repropagate(); Ok(()) }); core.handle().spawn(events); if let Err(e) = core.run(exit) { debug!("Polkadot service event loop shutdown with {:?}", e); } debug!("Polkadot service shutdown"); }) }; // wait for the network to start up before starting the consensus // service. barrier.wait(); // Spin consensus service if configured let consensus_service = consensus_creator(client.clone(), network.clone(), transaction_pool.clone(), &keystore)?; Ok(Service { thread: Some(thread), client: client, network: network, transaction_pool: transaction_pool, signal: Some(signal), _consensus: consensus_service, }) } /// Get shared client instance. pub fn client(&self) -> Arc> { self.client.clone() } /// Get shared network instance. pub fn network(&self) -> Arc> { self.network.clone() } /// Get shared transaction pool instance. pub fn transaction_pool(&self) -> Arc { self.transaction_pool.clone() } } /// Produce a task which prunes any finalized transactions from the pool. pub fn prune_imported(api: &A, pool: &TransactionPool, hash: Hash) where A: PolkadotApi, { match api.check_id(BlockId::hash(hash)) { Ok(id) => { let ready = transaction_pool::Ready::create(id, api); pool.cull(None, ready); }, Err(e) => warn!("Failed to check block id: {:?}", e), } } impl Drop for Service { fn drop(&mut self) { self.network.stop_network(); if let Some(signal) = self.signal.take() { signal.fire(); } if let Some(thread) = self.thread.take() { thread.join().expect("The service thread has panicked"); } } }