1. Dec 24, 2020
  2. Dec 21, 2020
    • Sergey Pepyakin's avatar
      Do not use rely on the block initialization when calling runtime APIs (#2123) · e21f5cec
      Sergey Pepyakin authored
      * Don't initialize block when calling runtime APIs
      * Adapt check_validation_outputs
      We split the code path for the inclusion and for the commitments checking.
      * Slap #[skip_initialize_block] on safe runtime APIs
      That is, those that should not be affected by this attribute
      * Make `Scheduled` not ephemeral
      So that it is persisted in the storage and ready to be inspected
      by the runtime APIs. This is in contrast to what was before, where we
      would remove the storage entry and then rely on the scheduling performed
      by `on_initialize` again.
      * Add a big fat comment
      * Typos
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Move session change to the end of the current block
      Previously, it was the beginning of the next block. This allows us to
      put #[skip_initialize_block]
      * Update tests
      * Fix a test in paras registrar
      Also refactor it a bit so the next time there are more chances this kind
      of issue is diagnosed quicker.
      * Add for_runtime_api to inclusion's check_validation_outputs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
  3. Dec 16, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Reward validators for participating in parachains (#2089) · dd9ad157
      asynchronous rob authored
      * plumbing for rewarding backers
      * give validators reward points for participating
      * fix tests
      * add bitfield rewarding
      * add mocks for backing rewards
      * add testing for backing & availability rewards
      * implement RewardValidators on top of staking
      * add to test-runtime and rococo
      * add to test-runtime & rococo
      * point to source on rewards values
      * fix common tests
      * do not reward availability anymore
    • RK's avatar
      Companion for #7536 (Pallet Treasury Refactor) (#2025) · 465e3580
      RK authored
      * wk2048 | D6 | issue-7143-treasury-refactor | integration
      * wk2048 | D6 | issue-7143-treasury-refactor | integration | p2
      * trait -> config
      * fix weight files and import
      * missed some
      * fix import
      * fix imports
      * alphabetize
      * fix config traits
      * fix trait
      * update traits
      * update weights
      * "Update Substrate"
      * fix features
      * Update runtime/kusama/src/lib.rs
      * Update runtime/polkadot/src/lib.rs
      * add bounties and tips in proxy filters
      * remove unused
      * remove unused
      * remove unused
      Co-authored-by: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarthiolliere <[email protected]>
  4. Dec 14, 2020
  5. Dec 11, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Add assignment keys to session keys, no separate approvals key (#2092) · 6701f772
      asynchronous rob authored
      * guide: merge backing and approval keys
      * bump substrate master & update primitives
      * use new SessionInfo struct in session_info
      * session keys upgrade for Polkadot
      * kusama & westend runtimes
      * bump westend, kusama, and polkadot versions
      * add session key to rococo & test-runtime
      * update prepare-test-net to latest subkey
      * update chain specs to support new para_assignment session key
      * get cargo.lock from master
      * formatting
      * update kill_storage based on substrate master
      * fix test-service
      * assgn -> asgn
      * use session info module for assignment session key
  6. Dec 09, 2020
  7. Dec 08, 2020
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      Companion for #6629 (weight params refactor) (#1420) · 20f3c411
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Change branch.
      * Update runtime.
      * Revert "Change branch."
      This reverts commit 841c59f3.
      * Update substrate.
      * Fix tests.
      * Fix compilation.
      * Fix frame system imports.
      * Fix usages of system
      * Fix stuff.
      * Fix compilation.
      * Fixes.
      * Fix block_weight usage.
      * Bump substrate.
  8. Dec 07, 2020
  9. Dec 04, 2020
  10. Dec 03, 2020
  11. Nov 30, 2020
  12. Nov 27, 2020
  13. Nov 26, 2020
    • ordian's avatar
      past-session validator discovery APIs (#2009) · 734eda87
      ordian authored
      * guide: fix formatting for SessionInfo module
      * primitives: SessionInfo type
      * punt on approval keys
      * ah, revert the type alias
      * session info runtime module skeleton
      * update the guide
      * runtime/configuration: sync with the guide
      * runtime/configuration: setters for newly added fields
      * runtime/configuration: set codec indexes
      * runtime/configuration: update test
      * primitives: fix SessionInfo definition
      * runtime/session_info: initial impl
      * runtime/session_info: use initializer for session handling (wip)
      * runtime/session_info: mock authority discovery trait
      * guide: update the initializer's order
      * runtime/session_info: tests skeleton
      * runtime/session_info: store n_delay_tranches in Configuration
      * runtime/session_info: punt on approval keys
      * runtime/session_info: add some basic tests
      * Update primitives/src/v1.rs
      * small fixes
      * remove codec index annotation on structs
      * fix off-by-one error
      * validator_discovery: accept a session index
      * runtime: replace validator_discovery api with session_info
      * Update runtime/parachains/src/session_info.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSergei Shulepov <[email protected]>
      * runtime/session_info: add a comment about missing entries
      * runtime/session_info: define the keys
      * util: expose connect_to_past_session_validators
      * util: allow session_info requests for jobs
      * runtime-api: add mock test for session_info
      * collator-protocol: add session_index to test state
      * util: fix error message for runtime error
      * fix compilation
      * fix tests after merge with master
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSergei Shulepov <[email protected]>
  14. Nov 19, 2020
  15. Nov 17, 2020
    • ordian's avatar
      update most of the dependencies (#1946) · 31fb8fed
      ordian authored
      * update tiny-keccak to 0.2
      * update deps except bitvec and shared_memory
      * fix some warning after futures upgrade
      * remove useless package rename caused by bug in cargo-upgrade
      * revert parity-util-mem *
      * remove unused import
      * cargo update
      * remove all renames on parity-scale-codec
      * remove the leftovers
      * remove unused dep
  16. Nov 16, 2020
  17. Nov 06, 2020
    • Sergey Pepyakin's avatar
      Implement HRMP (#1900) · 73553661
      Sergey Pepyakin authored
      * HRMP: Update the impl guide
      * HRMP: Incorporate the channel notifications into the guide
      * HRMP: Renaming in the impl guide
      * HRMP: Constrain the maximum number of HRMP messages per candidate
      This commit addresses the HRMP part of https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/issues/1869
      * XCM: Introduce HRMP related message types
      * HRMP: Data structures and plumbing
      * HRMP: Configuration
      * HRMP: Data layout
      * HRMP: Acceptance & Enactment
      * HRMP: Test base logic
      * Update adder collator
      * HRMP: Runtime API for accessing inbound messages
      Also, removing some redundant fully-qualified names.
      * HRMP: Add diagnostic logging in acceptance criteria
      * HRMP: Additional tests
      * Self-review fixes
      * save test refactorings for the next time
      * Missed a return statement.
      * a formatting blip
      * Add missing logic for appending HRMP digests
      * Remove the channel contents vectors which became empty
      * Tighten HRMP channel digests invariants.
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
      * Remove a note about sorting for channel id
      * Add missing rustdocs to the configuration
      * Clarify and update the invariant for HrmpChannelDigests
      * Make the onboarding invariant less sloppy
      Namely, introduce `Paras::is_valid_para` (in fact, it already is present
      in the implementation) and hook up the invariant to that.
      Note that this says "within a session" because I don't want to make it
      super strict on the session boundary. The logic on the session boundary
      should be extremely careful.
      * Make `CandidateCheckContext` use T::BlockNumber for hrmp_watermark
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
  18. Nov 02, 2020
  19. Oct 29, 2020
  20. Oct 27, 2020
  21. Oct 26, 2020
  22. Oct 19, 2020
  23. Oct 08, 2020
  24. Oct 06, 2020
    • Sergey Pepyakin's avatar
      Registrar v1 follow-ups (#1786) · b56f2b30
      Sergey Pepyakin authored
      * parachains: use the root origin for mock
      * registrar: notify the router module about the cleanup
      * add missing call to schedule_para_cleanup
  25. Oct 05, 2020
  26. Oct 04, 2020
    • Kian Paimani's avatar
      Companion for substrate/pull/7215 (#1768) · 6d126150
      Kian Paimani authored
      * Companion for substrate/pull/7215
      * More fixes
      * Fix build
      * fix
      * Fix again with normal
      * Fix build
      * Latest changes
      * "Update Substrate"
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
  27. Oct 01, 2020
  28. Sep 22, 2020
  29. Sep 18, 2020
  30. Sep 17, 2020
  31. Sep 16, 2020
  32. Sep 08, 2020