1. Jul 09, 2020
  2. Jul 08, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Implement PoV Distribution Subsystem (#1344) · b651e4af
      asynchronous rob authored
      * introduce candidatedescriptor type
      * add PoVDistribution message type
      * loosen bound on PoV Distribution to account for equivocations
      * re-export some types from the messages module
      * begin PoV Distribution subsystem
      * remove redundant index from PoV distribution
      * define state machine for pov distribution
      * handle overseer signals
      * set up control flow
      * remove `ValidatorStatement` section
      * implement PoV fetching
      * implement distribution logic
      * add missing `
      * implement some network bridge event handlers
      * stub for message processing, handle our view change
      * control flow for handling messages
      * handle `awaiting` message
      * handle any incoming PoVs and redistribute
      * actually provide a subsystem implementation
      * remove set-builder notation
      * begin testing PoV distribution
      * test that we send awaiting messages only to peers with same view
      * ensure we distribute awaited PoVs to peers on view changes
      * test that peers can complete fetch and are rewarded
      * test some reporting logic
      * ensure peer is reported for flooding
      * test punishing peers diverging from awaited protocol
      * test that we eagerly complete peers' awaited PoVs based on what we receive
      * test that we prune the awaited set after receiving
      * expand pov-distribution in guide to match a change I made
      * remove unneeded import
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Bump Substrate (#1382) · edd8f3b2
      Gavin Wood authored
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Companion for #6599 (#1371) · 9cc8c576
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Companion for #6599
      * Update Substrate ref
    • Pierre Krieger's avatar
      Update to substrate#59ee76a0 (#1380) · 8ab7370e
      Pierre Krieger authored
    • pscott's avatar
      Companion PR for #6564 (#1350) · 8d9bc116
      pscott authored
      * Add log_rotation_opt
      * Update Cargo lock
      * Use SubstrateCli's log-directory instead of re-defining it
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Companion for #6584 (#1373) · 5a3e236d
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Companion for #6584
      * updating sp-io
      * Update dev-dependency, too
      * update lockfile
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBenjamin Kampmann <[email protected]>
    • Shaopeng Wang's avatar
      Companion for #6500 (decl_module: frame_system as default ident) (#1314) · 1e1169d4
      Shaopeng Wang authored
      * Update decl_storage usage with frame_system as default ident.
      * More decl_module usage update.
      * 'Update substrate'
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
  3. Jul 07, 2020
  4. Jul 06, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Implement the Statement Distribution Subsystem (#1326) · 8348cc4c
      asynchronous rob authored
      * set up data types and control flow for statement distribution
      * add some set-like methods to View
      * implement sending to peers
      * start fixing equivocation handling
      * Add a section to the statement distribution subsystem on equivocations and flood protection
      * fix typo and amend wording
      * implement flood protection
      * have peer knowledge tracker follow when peer first learns about a candidate
      * send dependents after circulating
      * add another TODO
      * trigger send in one more place
      * refactors from review
      * send new statements to candidate backing
      * instantiate active head data with runtime API values
      * track our view changes and peer view changes
      * apply a benefit to peers who send us statements we want
      * remove unneeded TODO
      * add some comments and improve Hash implementation
      * start tests and fix `note_statement`
      * test active_head seconding logic
      * test that the per-peer tracking logic works
      * test per-peer knowledge tracker
      * test that peer view updates lead to messages being sent
      * test statement circulation
      * address review comments
      * have view set methods return references
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Companion for #6576 (#1351) · 0499212f
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Companion for #6576
      * 'Update substrate'
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
    • Shawn Tabrizi's avatar
      Companion for #6567 (Benchmark Writer CLI) (#1349) · 7afb386d
      Shawn Tabrizi authored
      * Update usage of macro
      * 'Update substrate'
      * cargo update -p sp-io
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
  5. Jul 05, 2020
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
      implement custom proposer (#1320) · 69ce9ff3
      Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
      * network bridge skeleton
      * move some primitives around and add debug impls
      * protocol registration glue & abstract network interface
      * add send_msgs to subsystemctx
      * select logic
      * transform different events into actions and handle
      * implement remaining network bridge state machine
      * start test skeleton
      * make network methods asynchronous
      * extract subsystem out to subsystem crate
      * port over overseer to subsystem context trait
      * fix minimal example
      * fix overseer doc test
      * update network-bridge crate
      * write a subsystem test-helpers crate
      * write a network test helper for network-bridge
      * set up (broken) view test
      * Revamp network to be more async-friendly and not require Sync
      * fix spacing
      * fix test compilation
      * insert side-channel for actions
      * Add some more message types to AllMessages
      * introduce a test harness
      * impl ProvideInherent for InclusionInherent
      * reduce import churn; correct expect message
      * move inclusion inherent identifier into primitives
      It's not clear precisely why this is desired, but it's a pattern
      I've seen in several places, so I'm going this to be on the
      safe side. Worst case, we can revert this commit pretty easily.
      * bump kusama spec_version to placate CI
      * copy sc_basic_authorship::{ProposerFactory, Proposer}
      We have from the problem description:
      > This Proposer will require an OverseerHandle to make requests via.
      That's next on the plate.
      * use polkadot custom proposer instead of basic-authorship one
      * add some tests
      * ensure service compiles and passes tests
      * fix typo
      * fix service-new compilation
      * Subsystem test helpers send messages synchronously
      * remove smelly action inspector
      * remove superfluous let binding
      * fix warnings
      * add license header
      * empty commit; maybe github will notice the one with changes
      * Update node/network/bridge/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
      * add sanity check to only include valid inherents
      * stub: encapsulate block production mechanics instead of copying them
      The goal is to end up with something like what's in
      validation::block_production::*, which encapsulates
      basic block production mechanics. This is a better idea than
      just straight-up copying those mechanics.
      * partial implementation of propose fn
      Doesn't actually compile yet; need to bring in some other
      commits to ensure ProvisionerMessage is a thing, and also
      figure out how to get the block hash given the current
      * fix compilation
      * clear a few more compile errors
      * finish fn propose
      * broken: add timeout to proposal
      * add timeout to proposal
      * guide: provisioner is responsible for selecting parachain candidates
      * implement ProvisionerMessage::RequestInherentData & update fn propose
      * impl CreateProposer::init; clean up
      * impl std::error::Error for Error
      * document error-handling rationale
      * cause polkadot-service-new to compile correctly
      * Move potentially-blocking call from fn init -> fn propose
      This means that we can wrap the delayed call into the same
      timeout check used elsewhere.
      * document struct Proposer
      * extract provisioner data fetch
      This satisfies two requirements:
      - only applies the timeout to actually fetching the provisioner data,
        not to constructing the block after
      - simplifies the problem of injecting default data if we could not
        get the real provisioner data in time.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
  6. Jul 04, 2020
    • André Silva's avatar
      babe: enable equivocation reporting on all runtimes (#1330) · 78e6e08e
      André Silva authored
      * enable BABE equivocation reporting on all runtimes
      * runtime: fix parachains mock test runtime
      * cargo update -p sp-io
      Co-authored-by: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Make a collator send a collation as backup as well (#1353) · 21f31f78
      Bastian Köcher authored
      Currently a collator will only send a collation to validators it is a
      primary for. While testing this could lead to the situation that the
      same collator was registered as prime for all Parachain validators but
      failed for other reasons to generate a PoVBlock. However no other
      collator was sending a collation, which stopped the Parachain until the
      faulty collator was stopped.
      This pr solves this problem by making sure that every collator sends a
      collation to one of his validators he is connected to, but registered as backup.
  7. Jul 03, 2020
  8. Jul 01, 2020
  9. Jun 30, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Companion for Substrate #6508 (#1329) · d1ce3733
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Companion for Substrate #6508
      * Update Cargo.lock
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Implement Network Bridge (#1280) · eaae8653
      asynchronous rob authored
      * network bridge skeleton
      * move some primitives around and add debug impls
      * protocol registration glue & abstract network interface
      * add send_msgs to subsystemctx
      * select logic
      * transform different events into actions and handle
      * implement remaining network bridge state machine
      * start test skeleton
      * make network methods asynchronous
      * extract subsystem out to subsystem crate
      * port over overseer to subsystem context trait
      * fix minimal example
      * fix overseer doc test
      * update network-bridge crate
      * write a subsystem test-helpers crate
      * write a network test helper for network-bridge
      * set up (broken) view test
      * Revamp network to be more async-friendly and not require Sync
      * fix spacing
      * fix test compilation
      * insert side-channel for actions
      * Add some more message types to AllMessages
      * introduce a test harness
      * add some tests
      * ensure service compiles and passes tests
      * fix typo
      * fix service-new compilation
      * Subsystem test helpers send messages synchronously
      * remove smelly action inspector
      * remove superfluous let binding
      * fix warnings
      * Update node/network/bridge/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
      * fix compilation
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
    • Ashley's avatar
      Companion PR for `Remove the service, replacing it with a struct of individual... · 51ce2b31
      Ashley authored
      Companion PR for `Remove the service, replacing it with a struct of individual chain components` (#1288)
      * Switch branch
      * Fix service things
      * Fix browser node compilation
      * Update branch
      * fixed new service
      * Update for new branch
      * Fix browser node
      * Update branch
      * Revert "Switch branch"
      This reverts commit 3623adff
      * Update cargo.lock
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
  10. Jun 26, 2020
  11. Jun 25, 2020
  12. Jun 24, 2020
  13. Jun 23, 2020
  14. Jun 22, 2020
  15. Jun 21, 2020
  16. Jun 19, 2020
  17. Jun 18, 2020
  18. Jun 17, 2020
  19. Jun 16, 2020
  20. Jun 12, 2020