1. Oct 28, 2019
  2. Oct 25, 2019
  3. Oct 11, 2019
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Introduce Parathreads (runtime) (#341) · 2213e91d
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Rest of parathread draft implementation, parachain permissioning.
      * Update Substrate
      * Update Substrate again
      * Integrate weight/fee stuff.
      * Council
      * Build fixes
      * More fixes
      * Minor additions
      * fix some small errors
      * Revert "fix some small errors"
      This reverts commit 4fb52c82
      * Merge fix.
      * do_swap -> on_swap
      * Update depdendency to polkadot-master
      * Fix more merge problems
      * Some patching of errors
      * Fix storage closure
      * Actually fix storage. It builds!
      * Tests run... but not successfully.
      * Add `run_to_block` to get parachains active to start
      * More `run_to_block`
      * Fix build
      * Queue up changes to threads
      * Move registration test
      * Fix regsiter/deregister test
      * Retry queue.
      * Minor refactor
      * Refactor to avoid heavy storage items
      * Make tests pass
      * remove para on deregister, add events
      * Remove println
      * Fix register/deregister parathread test
      * fix merge
      * Parathread can be activated test
      * Test auction
      * Add `Debtors` storage item
      I considered putting the debtor information in `ParaInfo`, but it did not make sense to me since this information only applies to parathreads, not `paras` in general.
      * remove comment code
      * Some new tests
      * Fixes for removing threads when scheduled. Tests.
      * Test progression of threads.
      * Test that reschedule queuing works properly.
      * Make test slightly more interesting
      * whitespace
      * Swap works properly.
      * Update locks
      * Build
      * Rename can_swap
      * Add test for funds to be correctly returned after a swap
      Swap does not seem to have logic which correctly swaps the debtor account to the new parathread.
      * Make tests consistant
      * Add check that `PendingSwap` is cleaned up
      * Update runtime/src/parachains.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Update runtime/src/registrar.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Some fixes/suggestions from review
      * Docs
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
      * Update network/src/gossip.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Rename OnSwap
      * Add missing `]`
      * Rejig ordering semantics, making everything a bit slower but correct.
      * Some Fixes to Parathread Compile (#470)
      * Some Fixes
      * Fix queue_upward_messages
      * Change back to const
      * Build fixes
      * Fix tests
  4. Sep 13, 2019
  5. Sep 11, 2019
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Substrate.from() (#426) · c69ba7e2
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Substrate.from()
      * Fix some transaction validation code
      * must be more specific for matching now.
      * Update `wasm-builder` and add `build-only-wasm` script
      * Update to latest service builder interfaces
      * ANother substrate update
      * Another update
  6. Aug 24, 2019
  7. Aug 12, 2019
    • Kian Paimani's avatar
      Update to latest Substrate master. (#353) · af0d87af
      Kian Paimani authored
      * Integrate srml/im-online
      * Fix all build errors with old aura.
      * Fix most of the build errors.
      * Builds and tests seem to pass (I will not trust this commit yet)
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Kill some warnings.
      * fix panics on 0 validators
      * Fix dev chain.
      * Fix author stuff
      * fix im online integration.
      * Some tweaks
      * Introduce app-crypto
      * Initial build work
      * codec update / tweaks
      * patch polkadot-erasure-coding input
      * More fixes for new crypto
      * More fixes
      * Update parachains module
      * evamp parachain crypto
      * More crypto work.
      * Chain spec and service.
      * ChainSpec stuff
      * Last bits for a clean build
      * Tweak coment
      * adapt polkadot-validation to the new keystore
      * polkadot-network compiles, but tests don't
      * Integrate the new parachain validation stuff
      * delete message_routing file
      * make polkadot-network tests compile and pass
      * runtime tests compile and pass
      * update substrate ref
      * service compiles
      * all tests pass
      * Add TODO, change branch back to polkadot-master
      * Lock file
      * TODOs done
      * Issue number
      * Remove old tODO
      * Remove commented code
  8. Aug 05, 2019
  9. Jul 23, 2019
  10. Jul 09, 2019
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Update to latest Substrate master (#320) · 5935e5ac
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Make `collator::Network` require `Send + Sync` to make it work
      * Update packages
      * Update to latest Substrate
      * Make it compile and make tests work
      * Use `polkadot-master`
      * Fix CI
      * Remove `build.sh` from readmes
      * Delete old stuff
      * Bring one back
  11. Jul 04, 2019
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Update to Substrate master (#311) · d19d5b13
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Best effort to bring up to date.
      * Fix the executor stuff
      * Update verisons.
      * Finish fixing
      * Final fixes and warnings.
      * add some docs and bump Wasm versions
      * Fix tests
      * Fix final test
  12. Jun 25, 2019
  13. Jun 05, 2019
    • Andrew Jones's avatar
      Remove dependency on error_chain (#277) · d6b0e1f7
      Andrew Jones authored
      * Convert validation error
      * Convert wasm_executor error
      * Convert block evaluation error
      * Convert collation errors and the compilation
      * Remove error-chain dep from service
      * Remove unused Result type
      * Remove unused error variants
      * Remove redundant intos
      * Add missing comments
      * Update validation/src/collation.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarthiolliere <[email protected]>
      * Fix new error variant
  14. May 25, 2019
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Parachain auctions (#239) · be79c5dc
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Slots module
      * Integrate slots
      * More drafting
      * Minor updates
      * Update parachains to use trati
      * More build fixes
      * Full code now compiles
      * Add renew bid function
      * Implement calculate_winner
      * Warning remove
      * Update gitignore
      * Test framework
      * Tests
      * Further testing
      * More tests, new parameterisation.
      * Fix and new test
      * Thread-safe tests
      * Test off-boarding and a fix.
      * Test onboarding
      * Allow late onboarding.
      * Another test and fix
      * Avoid println in nostd
      * Compact representation of paraids
      * Introduce documentation.
      * Introduce events.
      * Additional test and fix
      * Additional test
      * Tidy up line lengths.
      * Remove printlns
      * Use later substrate utils.
      * Fix build/test
      * Make slots work with latest substrate
      * Update runtime/src/slot_range.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Update runtime/src/slots.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
      * Update runtime/src/slots.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
      * Polish logic
      * Rewind to earlier substrate master
      * Remove dead code.
  15. Feb 20, 2019
  16. Feb 04, 2019
  17. Jan 22, 2019
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Parachain execution yields messages to send (#96) · 5893fa7c
      asynchronous rob authored
      * read head-data directly out of WASM memory
      * implement ext_post_message for parachain WASM
      * further refactoring of the parachain module
      * add externalities error type
      * accumulate posted messages when validating parachain candidate
      * define Extrinsic type in primitives
      * availability-store: store extrinsic data
      * compute extrinsic and check against candidate
      * add some egress queue tests
      * grumbles & substrate update
      * ensure everything builds
  18. Jan 15, 2019
  19. Nov 25, 2018
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Make work with Substrate master (#36) · a35ddc58
      Gav Wood authored
      * Fix up wasm runtime build
      * Fixes for runtime
      * Fix.
      * More fixes
      * Runtime builds on native.
      * Native and wasm both build without warnings.
      * Fix runtime tests.
      * Merge #20
      * Final fix for native runtime.
      * Compile polkadot wo consensus
      * Reverted changes to polkadot-consensus
      * reintroduce minimal subset of consensus
      * reintroduce checked_block to runtime for std
      * polkadot_consensus compiles without most of the code
      * remove checked_block again and do more checks in parachains for runtime
      * uncomment proposer
      * remove offline tracker
      * extract out parachain-attestation logic from proposal directly
      * reintroduce transaction_pool
      * write some custom aura verification logic for the block verifier
      * use transaction pool in more generic way
      * service compiles again
      * polkadot-network and tests pass
      * remove unused session_key function from router
      * everything but CLI compiles due to service hell
      * Fixes compilation of `polkadot_cli`
      * everything compiles
      * update adder wasm
  20. Sep 12, 2018
  21. Aug 30, 2018
  22. Aug 15, 2018
  23. Aug 14, 2018
  24. Aug 08, 2018
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      Derivable Encode & Decode (#509) · cc7a4d62
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Derive macro for simple structs.
      * Derive Encode/Decode wherever we can.
      * Derive for enums.
      * Support discriminant.
      * Get rid of some repetition.
      * Support custom indices.
      * Derive codec for enums wherever possible.
      * Fix no_std
      * WASM rebuilt
      * Avoid excessive import.
      * Fix compilation.
      * Address review grumbles.
  25. Aug 01, 2018
  26. Jul 04, 2018
  27. Jun 25, 2018
  28. May 25, 2018
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Minimal parachain framework part 1 (#113) · f41a4959
      asynchronous rob authored
      * dynamic inclusion threshold calculator
      * collators interface
      * collation helpers
      * initial proposal-creation future
      * create proposer when asked to propose
      * remove local_availability duty
      * statement table tracks includable parachain count
      * beginnings of timing future
      * finish proposal logic
      * remove stray println
      * extract shared table to separate module
      * change ordering
      * includability tracking
      * fix doc
      * initial changes to parachains module
      * initialise dummy block before API calls
      * give polkadot control over round proposer based on random seed
      * propose only after enough candidates
      * flesh out parachains module a bit more
      * set_heads
      * actually introduce set_heads to runtime
      * update block_builder to accept parachains
      * split block validity errors from real errors in evaluation
      * update WASM runtimes
      * polkadot-api methods for parachains additions
      * delay evaluation until candidates are ready
      * comments
      * fix dynamic inclusion with zero initial
      * test for includability tracker
      * wasm validation of parachain candidates
      * move primitives to primitives crate
      * remove runtime-std dependency from codec
      * adjust doc
      * polkadot-parachain-primitives
      * kill legacy polkadot-validator crate
      * basic-add test chain
      * test for basic_add parachain
      * move to test-chains dir
      * use wasm-build
      * new wasm directory layout
      * reorganize a bit more
      * Fix for rh-minimal-parachain (#141)
      * Remove extern "C"
      We already encountered such behavior (bug?) in pwasm-std, I believe.
      * Fix `panic_fmt` signature by adding `_col`
      Wrong `panic_fmt` signature can inhibit some optimizations in LTO mode.
      * Add linker flags and use wasm-gc in build script
      Pass --import-memory to LLD to emit wasm binary with imported memory.
      Also use wasm-gc instead of wasm-build.
      * Fix effective_max.
      I'm not sure why it was the way it was actually.
      * Recompile wasm.
      * Fix indent
      * more basic_add tests
      * validate parachain WASM
      * produce statements on receiving statements
      * tests for reactive statement production
      * fix build
      * add OOM lang item to runtime-io
      * use dynamic_inclusion when evaluating as well
      * fix update_includable_count
      * remove dead code
      * grumbles
      * actually defer round_proposer logic
      * update wasm
      * address a few more grumbles
      * grumbles
      * update WASM checkins
      * remove dependency on tokio-timer