1. Jul 16, 2020
  2. Jul 14, 2020
  3. Jul 10, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Refactor primitives (#1383) · 96af6ead
      asynchronous rob authored
      * create a v1 primitives module
      * Improve guide on availability types
      * punctuate
      * new parachains runtime uses new primitives
      * tests of new runtime now use new primitives
      * add ErasureChunk to guide
      * export erasure chunk from v1 primitives
      * subsystem crate uses v1 primitives
      * node-primitives uses new v1 primitives
      * port overseer to new primitives
      * new-proposer uses v1 primitives (no ParachainHost anymore)
      * fix no-std compilation for primitives
      * service-new uses v1 primitives
      * network-bridge uses new primitives
      * statement distribution uses v1 primitives
      * PoV distribution uses v1 primitives; add PoV::hash fn
      * move parachain to v0
      * remove inclusion_inherent module and place into v1
      * remove everything from primitives crate root
      * remove some unused old types from v0 primitives
      * point everything else at primitives::v0
      * squanch some warns up
      * add RuntimeDebug import to no-std as well
      * port over statement-table and validation
      * fix final errors in validation and node-primitives
      * add dummy Ord impl to committed candidate receipt
      * guide: update CandidateValidationMessage
      * add primitive for validationoutputs
      * expand CandidateValidationMessage further
      * bikeshed
      * add some impls to omitted-validation-data and available-data
      * expand CandidateValidationMessage
      * make erasure-coding generic over v1/v0
      * update usages of erasure-coding
      * implement commitments.hash()
      * use Arc<Pov> for CandidateValidation
      * improve new erasure-coding method names
      * fix up candidate backing
      * update docs a bit
      * fix most tests and add short-circuiting to make_pov_available
      * fix remainder of candidate backing tests
      * squanching warns
      * squanch it up
      * some fallout
      * overseer fallout
      * free from polkadot-test-service hell
  4. Jul 03, 2020
  5. Jul 01, 2020
  6. Jun 26, 2020
  7. Jun 24, 2020
  8. Jun 23, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Make `produce_candidate` return an `Option` (#1309) · 39a36052
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Make `produce_candidate` return an `Option`
      Instead of `produce_candidate` returning a `Result`, it should return an
      `Option`. The only supported error was `InvalidHead` anyway and Cumulus
      will take care to print appropriate information on what failed and
      Polkadot can just ignore it.
      * Fix warning
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Update staking reward curves (#1302) · ff6dc9a9
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Update staking reward curve for pre-parachain situation.
      * Bump runtime.
      * Bump versions
  9. Jun 19, 2020
  10. Jun 17, 2020
  11. Jun 16, 2020
  12. Jun 12, 2020
  13. Jun 10, 2020
    • Cecile Tonglet's avatar
      Add the ability to change the informant's prefix (#1221) · 0f1e436c
      Cecile Tonglet authored
      * Initial commit
      Forked at: 4234dee5
      Parent branch: origin/master
      * Add the ability to change the informant's prefix
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * fixed tests
      * Rename prefix to informant prefix
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      v0.8.7 (#1222) · 32a791ee
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Bump Substrate again.
      * update kusama runtmie for ensure origin
      * update polkadot runtime for ensure origin
      * fix imports
      * root only available for runtime benchmarks
      * Fix lock file
      * Bump Substrate
      * Update lock
      * Remove questionable feature-gating.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
  14. Jun 09, 2020
  15. Jun 08, 2020
  16. Jun 04, 2020
  17. Jun 01, 2020
  18. May 29, 2020
  19. May 28, 2020
  20. May 26, 2020
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Chain Candidate One: Final changes (#1155) · 57b3d36b
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Test CC1 spec
      * Adaptive default chainspec
      * Strip -pre
      * Update to next CC1 iteration
      * Raw chainspec
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Prepare for final genesis (#1131) · 848e1a89
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Update claim statements
      * Update URLs
      * Minor tweak to make enum agree with URL
      * final html multihashes
      * New hashes
      * Version
      * updated SAFT statement hash
      * Update runtimes; this relies on substrate #6131
      * Bump
      * Share transaction filterer and fix Kusama
      * Warning
      * Gah!
      * Tidy
      * Westend fixes
      * Westend fix
      * Tweak constants
      * Implement TCF stuff
      * Fix
      * Warning
      * 15 minute lookahead
      * 15 minute lookahead in Polkadot
      * update max transactions
      * Enable utility, disable vested_transfer
      * Update runtime/common/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      * Filter calls for validate unsigned also
      * Deduplicate
      * Fix
      * Introduce Polkadot (mainnet) chainspec
      * Fix naming.
      * Enable indices and fix comment.
      * Fix compilation
      * Enable indices and fix comment.
      * polkadot: babe: enable secondary VRF slots
      * Test JSON
      * Allow set_heads
      * Fix
      * Raw chain spec added
      Co-authored-by: default avatarkeorn <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNikVolf <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <[email protected]>
  21. May 16, 2020
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Extra requirements for claimants (#1091) · d8328043
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Introduce mandatory statement signing into claims
      * Introduce SignedExtension
      * Tests passing
      * Bump runtime version
      * Bump version, fix test
      * Test for validate
      * Another couple of tests
      * Enable PrevalidateAttests on Polkadot
      * Enable PrevalidateAttests on Polkadot
      * Fix build
      * Fixes
      * More fixes
      * Fix bench tests
      * Fix & test Preclaim clobbering.
      * Fix for errant claim logic
      * Add test
      * Update tests, always use Vec as input
      * mint_claim can add signature, some_benchmarks
      * Add claim with statement test
      * finish benchmarks
      * put the correct number of claims with benchmarks
      * fix compiler warning
      * Update weights
      * Weight comments for validation
      Co-authored-by: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
  22. May 07, 2020
  23. May 05, 2020
  24. Apr 29, 2020
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Prep v0.7.32 (#1056) · b2c024f3
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Bump Westend runtime version
      * Bump Substrate
      * Prep for release of 0.7.32
      * Update lock
  25. Apr 28, 2020
  26. Apr 27, 2020
  27. Apr 17, 2020
  28. Apr 14, 2020
  29. Apr 07, 2020
    • Cecile Tonglet's avatar
      Update cli to new sc-cli API (#935) · bee86bba
      Cecile Tonglet authored
      * Initial commit
      Forked at: 77de8b91
      Parent branch: origin/master
      * Switch substrate to branch cecton-the-revenge-of-the-cli
      * Adapting code
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * Adapting code
      * Adapt more code
      * Implement force_kusama parameter
      * Revert dependency update
      * Adapt code to use ref to SubstrateCli object
      * Updated to latest version
      * Updated with latest changes
      * Bump spec vesion
      * Fixed tests
      * WIP
      Forked at: 77de8b91
      Parent branch: origin/master
      * More fixes
      * Cargo.lock
      * Updated code
      * Fixed and adapt
      * Fixed dependency issue with wasm
      * Adapted code
      * Revert branch change
      * Cargo.lock
      * Cargo.lock
      * Adapt code
      * Clean-up
      * More clean-up
      * Cargo.lock
  30. Apr 06, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Upgradeable validation functions (#918) · ed2c4cab
      asynchronous rob authored
      * upgrade primitives to allow changing validation function
      * set up storage schema for old parachains code
      * fix compilation errors
      * fix test compilation
      * add some tests for past code meta
      * most of the runtime logic for code upgrades
      * implement old-code pruning
      * add a couple tests
      * clean up remaining TODOs
      * add a whole bunch of tests for runtime functionality
      * remove unused function
      * fix runtime compilation
      * extract some primitives to parachain crate
      * add validation-code upgrades to validation params and result
      * extend validation params with code upgrade fields
      * provide maximums to validation params
      * port test-parachains
      * add a code-upgrader test-parachain and tests
      * fix collator tests
      * move test-parachains to own folder to work around compilation errors
      * fix test compilation
      * update the Cargo.lock
      * fix parachains tests
      * remove dbg! invocation
      * use new pool in code-upgrader
      * bump lockfile
      * link TODO to issue