1. Nov 12, 2020
  2. Nov 09, 2020
  3. Nov 03, 2020
  4. Nov 02, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Adder collator improvements (#1896) · 96465b04
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Fixes bug that collator wasn't sending `Declare` message
      * Set authority discovery config
      * Fixes bug that collator wasn't sending `Declare` message
      * Adds real overseer feature and makes the wasm_validation fail with a
      proper error
      * Adds README
      * Remove debug stuff
      * Add feature
      * Make adder collator use the correct parent when building a new block
  5. Oct 31, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Adds test parachain adder collator (#1864) · 8cadebb7
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * start working on building the real overseer
      Unfortunately, this fails to compile right now due to an upstream
      failure to compile which is probably brought on by a recent upgrade
      to rustc v1.47.
      * fill in AllSubsystems internal constructors
      * replace fn make_metrics with Metrics::attempt_to_register
      * update to account for #1740
      * remove Metrics::register, rename Metrics::attempt_to_register
      * add 'static bounds to real_overseer type params
      * pass authority_discovery and network_service to real_overseer
      It's not straightforwardly obvious that this is the best way to handle
      the case when there is no authority discovery service, but it seems
      to be the best option available at the moment.
      * select a proper database configuration for the availability store db
      * use subdirectory for av-store database path
      * apply Basti's patch which avoids needing to parameterize everything on Block
      * simplify path extraction
      * get all tests to compile
      * Fix Prometheus double-registry error
      for debugging purposes, added this to node/subsystem-util/src/lib.rs:472-476:
      Some(registry) => Self::try_register(registry).map_err(|err| {
      	eprintln!("PrometheusError calling {}::register: {:?}", std::any::type_name::<Self>(), err);
      That pointed out where the registration was failing, which led to
      this fix. The test still doesn't pass, but it now fails in a new
      and different way!
      * authorities must have authority discovery, but not necessarily overseer handlers
      * fix broken SpawnedSubsystem impls
      detailed logging determined that using the `Box::new` style of
      future generation, the `self.run` method was never being called,
      leading to dropped receivers / closed senders for those subsystems,
      causing the overseer to shut down immediately.
      This is not the final fix needed to get things working properly,
      but it's a good start.
      * use prometheus properly
      Prometheus lets us register simple counters, which aren't very
      interesting. It also allows us to register CounterVecs, which are.
      With a CounterVec, you can provide a set of labels, which can
      later be used to filter the counts.
      We were using them wrong, though. This pattern was repeated in a
      variety of places in the code:
      // panics with an cardinality mismatch
      let my_counter = register(CounterVec::new(opts, &["succeeded", "failed"])?, registry)?;
      The problem is that the labels provided in the constructor are not
      the set of legal values which can be annotated, but a set of individual
      label names which can have individual, arbitrary values.
      This commit fixes that.
      * get av-store subsystem to actually run properly and not die on first signal
      * typo fix: incomming -> incoming
      * don't disable authority discovery in test nodes
      * Fix rococo-v1 missing session keys
      * Update node/core/av-store/Cargo.toml
      * try dummying out av-store on non-full-nodes
      * overseer and subsystems are required only for full nodes
      * Reduce the amount of warnings on browser target
      * Fix two more warnings
      * InclusionInherent should actually have an Inherent module on rococo
      * Ancestry: don't return genesis' parent hash
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * fix broken test
      * update test script: specify chainspec as script argument
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * Update node/service/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * node/service/src/lib: Return error via ? operator
      * post-merge blues
      * add is_collator flag
      * prevent occasional av-store test panic
      * simplify fix; expand application
      * run authority_discovery in Role::Discover when collating
      * distinguish between proposer closed channel errors
      * add IsCollator enum, remove is_collator CLI flag
      * improve formatting
      * remove nop loop
      * Fix some stuff
      * Adds test parachain adder collator
      * Add sudo to Rococo, change session length to 30 seconds and some renaming
      * Update to the latest changes on master
      * Some fixes
      * Fix compilation
      * Update parachain/test-parachains/adder/collator/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSergei Shulepov <[email protected]>
      * Review comments
      * Downgrade transaction version
      * Fixes
      * MOARE
      * Register notification protocols
      * utils: remove unused error
      * av-store: more resilient to some errors
      * address review nits
      * address more review nits
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndronik Ordian <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFedor Sakharov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMax Inden <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSergey Shulepov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSergei Shulepov <[email protected]>
  6. Oct 28, 2020
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
      start working on building the real overseer (#1795) · 798f781f
      Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
      * start working on building the real overseer
      Unfortunately, this fails to compile right now due to an upstream
      failure to compile which is probably brought on by a recent upgrade
      to rustc v1.47.
      * fill in AllSubsystems internal constructors
      * replace fn make_metrics with Metrics::attempt_to_register
      * update to account for #1740
      * remove Metrics::register, rename Metrics::attempt_to_register
      * add 'static bounds to real_overseer type params
      * pass authority_discovery and network_service to real_overseer
      It's not straightforwardly obvious that this is the best way to handle
      the case when there is no authority discovery service, but it seems
      to be the best option available at the moment.
      * select a proper database configuration for the availability store db
      * use subdirectory for av-store database path
      * apply Basti's patch which avoids needing to parameterize everything on Block
      * simplify path extraction
      * get all tests to compile
      * Fix Prometheus double-registry error
      for debugging purposes, added this to node/subsystem-util/src/lib.rs:472-476:
      Some(registry) => Self::try_register(registry).map_err(|err| {
      	eprintln!("PrometheusError calling {}::register: {:?}", std::any::type_name::<Self>(), err);
      That pointed out where the registration was failing, which led to
      this fix. The test still doesn't pass, but it now fails in a new
      and different way!
      * authorities must have authority discovery, but not necessarily overseer handlers
      * fix broken SpawnedSubsystem impls
      detailed logging determined that using the `Box::new` style of
      future generation, the `self.run` method was never being called,
      leading to dropped receivers / closed senders for those subsystems,
      causing the overseer to shut down immediately.
      This is not the final fix needed to get things working properly,
      but it's a good start.
      * use prometheus properly
      Prometheus lets us register simple counters, which aren't very
      interesting. It also allows us to register CounterVecs, which are.
      With a CounterVec, you can provide a set of labels, which can
      later be used to filter the counts.
      We were using them wrong, though. This pattern was repeated in a
      variety of places in the code:
      // panics with an cardinality mismatch
      let my_counter = register(CounterVec::new(opts, &["succeeded", "failed"])?, registry)?;
      The problem is that the labels provided in the constructor are not
      the set of legal values which can be annotated, but a set of individual
      label names which can have individual, arbitrary values.
      This commit fixes that.
      * get av-store subsystem to actually run properly and not die on first signal
      * typo fix: incomming -> incoming
      * don't disable authority discovery in test nodes
      * Fix rococo-v1 missing session keys
      * Update node/core/av-store/Cargo.toml
      * try dummying out av-store on non-full-nodes
      * overseer and subsystems are required only for full nodes
      * Reduce the amount of warnings on browser target
      * Fix two more warnings
      * InclusionInherent should actually have an Inherent module on rococo
      * Ancestry: don't return genesis' parent hash
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * fix broken test
      * update test script: specify chainspec as script argument
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * Update node/service/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * node/service/src/lib: Return error via ? operator
      * post-merge blues
      * add is_collator flag
      * prevent occasional av-store test panic
      * simplify fix; expand application
      * run authority_discovery in Role::Discover when collating
      * distinguish between proposer closed channel errors
      * add IsCollator enum, remove is_collator CLI flag
      * improve formatting
      * remove nop loop
      * Fix some stuff
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndronik Ordian <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFedor Sakharov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMax Inden <[email protected]>
  7. Oct 08, 2020
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
      Remove old service, 3rd try (#1776) · ba0d1a32
      Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
      * Remove old service, 3rd try
      Revert "Revert "Remove Old Service, 2nd try (#1732)" (#1758)"
      This reverts commit c80f7b6b.
      Closes #1757.
      We now have some evidence that the polkadot validator was producing
      blocks after all; the reason the blocks_constructed metric was 0 was
      that as a new metric it hadn't yet been incorporated into that
      branch's codebase. See
      As this PR is based on a newer `master` branch than the previous one,
      that should hopefully no longer be an issue.
      * paras trait now has an Origin type
      * initial work running a two node local net
      * use the right incantations so the nodes produce blocks together
      * improve internal documentation
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
  8. Sep 28, 2020
  9. Sep 18, 2020
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
      Remove service, migrate all to service-new (#1630) · af14ea54
      Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
      * import rococo into chain-spec
      * make a few stabs at moving forward
      * wip: rococo readme
      * remove /service crate
      - Move the chain-spec files to node-service
      - update sufficient cargo files that polkadot-service-new builds
      - not everything else builds yet
      * wip: chase down some build errors in polkadot-cli
      There's a lot more to go, but some progress has happened.
      * make more progress getting polkadot-cli to build
      * don't ignore polkadot.json within the res directory
      * don't recreate pathbufs
      * Prepare Polkadot to be used by Cumulus
      This begins to make Polkadot usable from Cumulus.
      * Remove old test
      * migrate new_chain_ops fix from /service
      * partially remove node/test-service
      * Reset some changes
      * Revert "partially remove node/test-service"
      This reverts commit 7b8f9ba5.
      * WIP: replace v0 ParachainHost impl with v1 for test runtime
      This is necessary because one of the current errors when building
      the test service boils down to:
      the trait bound `polkadot_test_runtime::RuntimeApiImpl<...>`:
        `polkadot_primitives::v1::ParachainHost<...>` is not satisfied
      This is WIP because it appears to be causing some std leakage into
      the wasm environment, or something; the compiler is currently
      complaining about duplicate definitions of `panic_handler` and `oom`.
      Presumably I have to identify all std types (Vec etc) and replace
      them with sp_std equivalents.
      * fix test runtime build
      it wasn't std leakage, after all
      * bump westend spec version
      * use service-new as service within cli
      * to revert: demo that forwarding the test runtime to the real impl blows up
      * Revert "to revert: demo that forwarding the test runtime to the real impl blows up"
      This reverts commit 68d2f385.
      * Revert "Revert "to revert: demo that forwarding the test runtime to the real impl blows up""
      This reverts commit 04cb1cbf.
      Might have just forgotten to disable default features
      * More reverts
      * MOARE
      * plug in the runtime as the generic instantiation
      This feels closer to a solution, but it still has problems: in particular,
      it's assumed that Runtime implements all appropriate Trait traits,
      which this one apparently does not.
      * implement necessary traits to get the test runtime compiling
      This is almost certainly not correct in some way; it really
      looks like I need to mess with the construct_runtime! macro
      somehow, to inject the inclusion trait's event type as a Event
      variant. Still, better lock down this changeset while it all
      * add inclusion::Event as variant into Event enum
      * implement unimplemented bits in kusama
      * implement unimplemented bits in polkadot runtime
      * implement unimplemented bits in westend runtime
      * migrate client upgrades from master
      * update test service with new node changes
      * package metadata--that wasn't intended to be removed
      * add parachains v1 modules to each runtime
      It's not clear what precisely this does, but it's probably the right
      thing to do.
      * enable cli to opt out of full node features
      * adjust rococo chainspec per example
      * try to fix Cargo.lock
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndronik Ordian <[email protected]>
  10. Aug 13, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Remove v0 parachains runtime (#1501) · ae5990c7
      asynchronous rob authored
      * remove v0 parachains modules and switch to v1 primitives
      * get tests compiling for runtime-common
      * remove registrar module
      * Add a dummy module
      * remove runtime-parachains
      * mostly remove old parachains code from polkadot-runtime
      * remove slots::Trait implementation
      * remove sp_std prelude import
      * add a ZeroSizedTypeDifferentiator to dummy
      * finish porting over polkadot runtime
      * ZeroSizedTypeDifferentiator was actually unnecessary
      * westend
      * kusama
      * test-runtime (no dummy modules)
      * fix warning
      * fix chain-specs
      * fix test-service
      * test-client
      * remove dead import
      * remove unused needed_extrinsics parameter
      * runtimes compile
      * remove rococo-v0
      * remove remaining references to Rococo
      * bump versions
  11. Aug 04, 2020
  12. Jul 24, 2020
    • Wei Tang's avatar
      Companion PR for #6569 (#1394) · 08995278
      Wei Tang authored
      * Update wasm-builder version to 2.0.0
      * Fix all crate compile
      * Update cargo lock
      * Bump runtime impl_version
  13. Jul 20, 2020
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Remove Sudo (#1437) · 29fea4e4
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Remove Sudo
      NOTE: To ensure minimal index changes to pre-existing pallet deployments,
      this is done with a "swap_remove" style; the previous last pallet
      (Purchase), which is hitherto unused, has been shifted into the old index
      of Sudo.
      * Remove CC1 designation.
      * Fixes
      * Bump
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
  14. Jul 10, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Refactor primitives (#1383) · 96af6ead
      asynchronous rob authored
      * create a v1 primitives module
      * Improve guide on availability types
      * punctuate
      * new parachains runtime uses new primitives
      * tests of new runtime now use new primitives
      * add ErasureChunk to guide
      * export erasure chunk from v1 primitives
      * subsystem crate uses v1 primitives
      * node-primitives uses new v1 primitives
      * port overseer to new primitives
      * new-proposer uses v1 primitives (no ParachainHost anymore)
      * fix no-std compilation for primitives
      * service-new uses v1 primitives
      * network-bridge uses new primitives
      * statement distribution uses v1 primitives
      * PoV distribution uses v1 primitives; add PoV::hash fn
      * move parachain to v0
      * remove inclusion_inherent module and place into v1
      * remove everything from primitives crate root
      * remove some unused old types from v0 primitives
      * point everything else at primitives::v0
      * squanch some warns up
      * add RuntimeDebug import to no-std as well
      * port over statement-table and validation
      * fix final errors in validation and node-primitives
      * add dummy Ord impl to committed candidate receipt
      * guide: update CandidateValidationMessage
      * add primitive for validationoutputs
      * expand CandidateValidationMessage further
      * bikeshed
      * add some impls to omitted-validation-data and available-data
      * expand CandidateValidationMessage
      * make erasure-coding generic over v1/v0
      * update usages of erasure-coding
      * implement commitments.hash()
      * use Arc<Pov> for CandidateValidation
      * improve new erasure-coding method names
      * fix up candidate backing
      * update docs a bit
      * fix most tests and add short-circuiting to make_pov_available
      * fix remainder of candidate backing tests
      * squanching warns
      * squanch it up
      * some fallout
      * overseer fallout
      * free from polkadot-test-service hell
  15. Jun 11, 2020
  16. May 26, 2020
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Prepare for final genesis (#1131) · 848e1a89
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Update claim statements
      * Update URLs
      * Minor tweak to make enum agree with URL
      * final html multihashes
      * New hashes
      * Version
      * updated SAFT statement hash
      * Update runtimes; this relies on substrate #6131
      * Bump
      * Share transaction filterer and fix Kusama
      * Warning
      * Gah!
      * Tidy
      * Westend fixes
      * Westend fix
      * Tweak constants
      * Implement TCF stuff
      * Fix
      * Warning
      * 15 minute lookahead
      * 15 minute lookahead in Polkadot
      * update max transactions
      * Enable utility, disable vested_transfer
      * Update runtime/common/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      * Filter calls for validate unsigned also
      * Deduplicate
      * Fix
      * Introduce Polkadot (mainnet) chainspec
      * Fix naming.
      * Enable indices and fix comment.
      * Fix compilation
      * Enable indices and fix comment.
      * polkadot: babe: enable secondary VRF slots
      * Test JSON
      * Allow set_heads
      * Fix
      * Raw chain spec added
      Co-authored-by: default avatarkeorn <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNikVolf <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <[email protected]>
  17. Apr 28, 2020
  18. Apr 14, 2020
    • ddorgan's avatar
      Westend Mark II (#983) · 20cb15d0
      ddorgan authored
      * Initial draft
      * More work
      * Build
      * Docs
      * Insert westend keys
      * Add badBlock to fork from old chain
      * Updated spec to reset westend
      * Use raw spec
      * Fix spec format and use westend2 for both id's
      * Correct public key for bootnode 3
      * Build
      * Extra space
      * Fix build
      * Lock
      * Update lock
      * Fixes
      * Fix for he startup text
      * Bump
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGav Wood <[email protected]>
  19. Apr 08, 2020
  20. Apr 01, 2020
  21. Mar 26, 2020
  22. Mar 13, 2020
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Bump to latest Substrate (#898) · b5cc86af
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Flag to force kusama runtime
      * Chainspecs for kusama
      * Polkadot config for westend
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * network/src/legacy/gossip: Wrap GossipEngine in Arc Mutex & lock it on use
      `GossipEngine` in itself has no need to be Send and Sync, given that it
      does not rely on separately spawned background tasks anymore.
      `RegisteredMessageValidator` needs to be `Send` and `Sync` due to the
      inherited trait bounds from implementing `GossipService`. In addition
      `RegisteredMessageValidator` derives `Clone`. Thereby `GossipEngine`
      needs to be wrapped in an `Arc` and `Mutex` to keep the status quo.
      * Needed fixes.
      * Fixes
      * Fixed build
      * Fixed build w benchmarking CLI
      * Fixed building tests
      * Added --dev shortcut
      Co-authored-by: default avatararkpar <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMax Inden <[email protected]>
  23. Mar 05, 2020
  24. Feb 28, 2020
  25. Feb 19, 2020
  26. Feb 09, 2020
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Bump Substrate (#816) · 6a2092d6
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Amalgamate pieces of balance module
      * Fixes for vesting split
      * Refactoring for vesting/balances split
      * Build fixes
      * Remove on_free_balance_zero and some docs.
      * Indentation.
      * Revert branch
      * Fix.
      * Update substrate: fixes after CLI refactoring
      * Reverting removal of exit
      * Removed too much again
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * Cargo.lock
      * Update Substrate, ready for #4820
      * Fixes
      * Update to latest substrate master
      * Fix network tests
      * Update lock
      * Fix tests
      * Update futures to get bug fixes
      * Fix tests for new balances/vesting logic
      * Cargo fix
      * Another fix
      Co-authored-by: default avatarCecile Tonglet <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
  27. Jan 23, 2020
  28. Jan 10, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Companion pr for Substrate #3860 (#743) · 6459a194
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Make use of `runtime_interface` for parachain externalities
      This also changes the encoding of the `ValidationResult` return value to
      match the default encoding used in Substrate.
      * Bump versions (#655)
      * Bump version
      * Update Cargo lock and bump runtime version
      * Remove balance transfer disabler.
      * Fix checking that `get_heads` exists (#657)
      * Tweak some Kusama params (#659)
      * Tweak some Kusama params
      - Council elections daily
      - No treasury burn
      - Bonding/slash defer periods of 7 days
      * Bump runtime
      * Bump version
      * Update Substrate (#661)
      * Make compat with exit-future updates
      * Update exit-future entirely
      * Tidy
      * Bump Substrate
      * Update branch
      * Add back sudo and fixing compilation
      * Increase nick deposit (10 KSM) and require 2 councillors to slash (#663)
      * Bump Substrate (#664)
      * Replace Substrate mentions in license headers with Polkadot (#674)
      * Fix typo in comment (#671)
      * Bump Substrate, add Identity module (#676)
      * Bump Substrate, add Identity module
      * Bump Substrate again
      * Update futures and tokio for browser light client (#673)
      * Make availability-store compile for WASM
      * Use --manifest-path instead
      * Make validation work on wasm!
      * Switch to Spawn trait
      * Migrate validation to std futures
      * Migrate network to std futures
      * Final changes to validation
      * Tidy up network
      * Tidy up validation
      * Switch branch
      * Migrate service
      * Get polkadot to compile via wasm!
      * Add browser-demo
      * Add initial browser file
      * Add browser-demo
      * Tidy
      * Temp switch back to substrate/master
      * tidy
      * Fix wasm build
      * Re-add release flag
      * Switch to polkadot-master
      * Revert cli tokio version to avoid libp2p panic
      * Update tokio version
      * Fix availability store tests
      * Fix validation tests
      * Remove futures01 from availability-store
      * Fix network tests
      * Small changes
      * Fix collator
      * Fix typo
      * Revert removal of tokio_executor that causes tokio version mismatch panic
      * Fix adder test parachain
      * Revert "Revert removal of tokio_executor that causes tokio version mismatch panic"
      This reverts commit cfeb50c0
      * Update availability-store/src/worker.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarPierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      * Update network/src/lib.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarPierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      * Update network/src/lib.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarPierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      * Box pin changes
      * Asyncify network functions
      * Clean up browser validation worker error
      * Fix av store test
      * Nits
      * Fix validation test
      * Switch favicon
      * Fix validation test again
      * Revert "Asyncify network functions"
      This reverts commit f20ae654.
      * Add async blocks back in
      * Fix typo in comment (#672)
      * Add the /ws bootnode to the chain specs (#681)
      * Revert "Revert "Revert removal of tokio_executor that causes tokio version mismatch panic"" (#685)
      This reverts commit 938f411a
      * Fix bootnodes PeerIds (#683)
      * Fixes a flaky test (#675)
      * Fixes a flaky test
      * Renames a var
      * Do not unit the errors in tests
      * Bump Substrate (#686)
      * update to latest renames
      * Bump Substrate
      * Bump substrate
      * Merge some things from `ashley-compile-to-wasm` (#687)
      * Make availability-store compile for WASM
      * Use --manifest-path instead
      * Make validation work on wasm!
      * Switch to Spawn trait
      * Migrate validation to std futures
      * Migrate network to std futures
      * Final changes to validation
      * Tidy up network
      * Tidy up validation
      * Switch branch
      * Migrate service
      * Get polkadot to compile via wasm!
      * Add browser-demo
      * Add initial browser file
      * Add browser-demo
      * Tidy
      * Temp switch back to substrate/master
      * tidy
      * Fix wasm build
      * Re-add release flag
      * Add the /ws bootnode to the chain specs
      * Copy changes from master
      * Switch branch
      * Switch libp2p and add wasm-timer
      * Switch back libp2p and add rand
      * Fix bootnodes PeerIds
      * use browser indexdb
      * Reduce changeset
      * Add matrix release alert script and gitlab job (#688)
      * Add matrix release alert script and gitlab job
      * Update .gitlab-ci.yml
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarKirill Pimenov <[email protected]>
      * Rewrite some Future structs as async functions (#679)
      * Squashed commit of the following:
      commit e97a1715
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Tue Dec 10 15:06:28 2019 +0100
          Rewrite some functions as async
      commit 970e4851
      Merge: f98966ac 47828402
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Tue Dec 10 11:19:37 2019 +0100
          Merge remote-tracking branch 'parity/master' into ashley-futures-update
      commit f98966ac
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 23:40:20 2019 +0100
          Add async blocks back in
      commit 7fa88af0
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 23:17:02 2019 +0100
          Revert "Asyncify network functions"
          This reverts commit f20ae654.
      commit 82413550
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 19:09:55 2019 +0100
          Fix validation test again
      commit 47e002b0
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 19:07:43 2019 +0100
          Switch favicon
      commit 0c5c1409
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 18:54:10 2019 +0100
          Fix validation test
      commit 8bb6a018
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 18:53:54 2019 +0100
      commit 33410f3a
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 18:43:09 2019 +0100
          Fix av store test
      commit f0c517eb
      Merge: 938f411a 60e72111
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 18:21:39 2019 +0100
          Merge branch 'ashley-futures-updates' into ashley-futures-update
      commit 60e72111
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 18:19:40 2019 +0100
          Clean up browser validation worker error
      commit f20ae654
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 18:16:40 2019 +0100
          Asyncify network functions
      commit b22758d0
      Merge: 2e8b05ed ca8d5c54
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 17:47:26 2019 +0100
          Merge remote-tracking branch 'parity/master' into ashley-futures-updates
      commit 2e8b05ed
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 17:45:52 2019 +0100
          Box pin changes
      commit 08bfdf7f
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 17:15:38 2019 +0100
          Update network/src/lib.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarPierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      commit d8be456c
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 17:15:32 2019 +0100
          Update network/src/lib.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarPierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      commit ec736727
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 17:14:36 2019 +0100
          Update availability-store/src/worker.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarPierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      commit 938f411a
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 17:05:05 2019 +0100
          Revert "Revert removal of tokio_executor that causes tokio version mismatch panic"
          This reverts commit cfeb50c0.
      commit f92f5804
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 15:47:35 2019 +0100
          Fix adder test parachain
      commit cfeb50c0
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 15:31:36 2019 +0100
          Revert removal of tokio_executor that causes tokio version mismatch panic
      commit 5bcb83a1
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 15:17:55 2019 +0100
          Fix typo
      commit fc02b1dc
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 15:02:50 2019 +0100
          Fix collator
      commit 6c4ff5b3
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 14:35:37 2019 +0100
          Small changes
      commit e1338cb4
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 14:24:42 2019 +0100
          Fix network tests
      commit 4e458f7a
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 12:25:26 2019 +0100
          Remove futures01 from availability-store
      commit 5729f6cd
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 12:22:33 2019 +0100
          Fix validation tests
      commit a8206125
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 12:01:48 2019 +0100
          Fix availability store tests
      commit 112344fa
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 11:36:03 2019 +0100
          Update tokio version
      commit d2de6d8b
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 11:33:25 2019 +0100
          Revert cli tokio version to avoid libp2p panic
      commit 0c5f24e0
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 9 11:27:13 2019 +0100
          Switch to polkadot-master
      commit 2e2311e3
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Fri Dec 6 15:07:21 2019 +0100
          Re-add release flag
      commit 6adc1b61
      Merge: 9767f832 5e9542c8
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Fri Dec 6 13:36:35 2019 +0100
          Merge remote-tracking branch 'parity/master' into ashley-compile-to-wasm
      commit 9767f832
      Merge: c528dc6d 84ece424
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Wed Dec 4 17:11:39 2019 +0100
          Merge remote-tracking branch 'parity/master' into ashley-compile-to-wasm
      commit c528dc6d
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Wed Dec 4 17:07:00 2019 +0100
          Fix wasm build
      commit da233a12
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Wed Dec 4 16:25:49 2019 +0100
      commit 832f8054
      Merge: 4e1da888 78e828d8
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Wed Dec 4 15:56:56 2019 +0100
          Merge remote-tracking branch 'parity/master' into ashley-compile-to-wasm
      commit 4e1da888
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Tue Dec 3 16:47:02 2019 +0100
          Temp switch back to substrate/master
      commit af88a873
      Merge: a03a980c abb51115
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 2 19:33:14 2019 +0100
          Merge remote-tracking branch 'parity/master' into ashley-compile-to-wasm
      commit a03a980c
      Merge: 31a88a93 f7d48261
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 2 13:52:37 2019 +0100
          Merge remote-tracking branch 'parity/master' into ashley-compile-to-wasm
      commit 31a88a93
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 2 13:52:35 2019 +0100
      commit 5b33b7a7
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 2 11:55:51 2019 +0100
          Add browser-demo
      commit 868f6e51
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 2 10:51:57 2019 +0100
          Add initial browser file
      commit e5e399c2
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Mon Dec 2 10:45:02 2019 +0100
          Add browser-demo
      commit 408288b0
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Sun Dec 1 19:28:33 2019 +0100
          Get polkadot to compile via wasm!
      commit 04ffe72e
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Sun Dec 1 19:28:16 2019 +0100
          Migrate service
      commit 119f0829
      Merge: 93fb6428 5422684f
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Sun Dec 1 17:43:49 2019 +0100
          Merge remote-tracking branch 'parity/master' into ashley-compile-to-wasm
      commit 93fb6428
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Sun Dec 1 12:21:25 2019 +0100
          Switch branch
      commit 0c4fe833
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Sat Nov 30 11:45:59 2019 +0100
          Tidy up validation
      commit 73563253
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Sat Nov 30 11:39:09 2019 +0100
          Tidy up network
      commit 1c9cf042
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Sat Nov 30 01:16:35 2019 +0100
          Final changes to validation
      commit 322cca52
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Sat Nov 30 00:31:55 2019 +0100
          Migrate network to std futures
      commit 96f1a994
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Fri Nov 29 23:31:04 2019 +0100
          Migrate validation to std futures
      commit aaf5e55f
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Fri Nov 29 17:10:11 2019 +0100
          Switch to Spawn trait
      commit 2ab282f5
      Merge: cceb6b72 5598ed9b
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Fri Nov 29 16:31:24 2019 +0100
          Merge remote-tracking branch 'parity/master' into ashley-compile-to-wasm
      commit cceb6b72
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Fri Nov 29 15:47:14 2019 +0100
          Make validation work on wasm!
      commit b45a95cf
      Merge: 3773d5c1 db7eaa6b
      Author: Ashley <[email protected]>
      Date:   Fri Nov 29 13:57:23 2019 +0100
          Merge remote-tracking branch 'tomaka/wasm-start' into HEAD
      commit db7eaa6b
      Merge: 6f97dbb7 2ab32dac
      Author: Pierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      Date:   Thu Nov 28 13:58:15 2019 +0100
          Merge branch 'master' into wasm-start
      commit 6f97dbb7
      Author: Pierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      Date:   Thu Nov 28 12:47:45 2019 +0100
          Use --manifest-path instead
      commit 20104e98
      Author: Pierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      Date:   Thu Nov 28 10:44:51 2019 +0100
          Make availability-store compile for WASM
      * Fix build
      * Fix futures blocking panic in validators (again)
      * Deindent
      * Supercede 'Propagate Substrate#4284 to Polkadot' (#695)
      * Propagate Substrate#4284 to Polkadot
      * Fix tests
      * Fixes
      * Use hash part of fund id as child unique id.
      * Add comma
      * Switch branch
      * run cargo update
      * Update polkadot-master only
      * Fix collator
      * More update
      * Fix compilation
      * Some stylistic cleanups
      * Increase the minimum treasury bond to reduce silly proposals (#701)
      * Increase the minimum treasury bond to reduce silly proposals
      * Bump substrate
      * Bump version
      * Update to latest Substrate master (#703)
      * Update to latest Substrate master
      * Fix tests
      * Introduce an event for when transaction fees are paid (#702)
      * Introduce an event for when transaction fees are paid
      * Fix
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * Bump to latest Substrate (#706)
      * Updates, but won't build.
      * Bump version.
      * Fix
      * Fix test
      * ci: increase git cloning depth to 100 (#707)
      * ci: fetch master branch for runtime diff (#708)
      * Bump Substrate and runtime version (#712)
      * Update to latest Substrate master
      * Bump Substrate and runtime version
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * ci: fix release tagging after tags are added on the master branch (#714)
      * ci: fix release tagging after tags are added on the master branch
      * ci: latest tag applied to latest tag
      * Update kvdb version in availability-store (#709)
      * update availability store
      * also fix warning
      * update Cargo.lock
      * Support both polkadot and kusama runtimes (#704)
      * Allow both polkadot and kusama runtimes
      * Allow both polkadot and kusama runtimes
      * Make `collator` build
      * Removed kusama runtime
      * Introduced common runtime
      * Updated for latest substrate
      * Updated CI targets
      * Updated CI version check
      * Removed unused dependency
      * Pulled latests substrate
      * Pulled latest substrate
      * Fixed version
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * NEW_HEADS_IDENTIFIER moved to primitives
      * Updated CI check script
      * Fixed script
      * Set epoch duration for polkadot
      * ci: check_runtime for both runtimes
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatargabriel klawitter <[email protected]>
      * Bump Substrate & runtime version (#715)
      * Bump Substrate & runtime version
      * Attempt at fix
      * Update runtime/kusama/src/lib.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * Update copyright year (#718)
      * Fixes after master merge
      * service: support setting fork blocks in config (#719)
      * ci: make sure master branch is available for check_runtime (#720)
      * service/src/lib.rs: Register network event stream for authority disc (#678)
      * service/src/lib.rs: Register network event stream for authority disc
      Previously one would create a sender and receiver channel pair, pass the
      sender to the build_network_future through the service builder and
      funnel network events returned from polling the network service into the
      sender to be consumed by the authority discovery module owning the
      With recent changes it is now possible to register an event_stream
      with the network service directly, thus one does not need to make the
      detour through the build_network_future.
      This commit is an adjusted clone of one targeting the Substrate
      * service/src/lib.rs: Fix futures::stream imports
      * [TMP] *: Replace polkadot-upstream with feature branch
      * Revert "[TMP] *: Replace polkadot-upstream with feature branch"
      This reverts commit 0c947b04
      * Hotfix for Kusama (#724)
      * cli: revert borked kusama chain on startup
      * Docs.
      * cli: fix reversal of bork kusama fork
      * cli: force always can author
      * Version bump
      * service: support setting fork blocks in config
      * service: add support for bad blocks extension
      * service: add badBlocks to kusama chainspec
      * Bump Substrate to hotfix version.
      * service: add bad block to kusama chain spec
      * cleanup kusama hotfix
      * add kusama grandpa hotfix
      * Bump substrate
      * Bump spec_version
      * Rebump
      * cli: remove unnecessary dependencies
      * service: revert can_author_with fix
      * service: remove unnecessary method
      * Don't try to track polkadot runtime verion yet
      * Versions
      * service: better grandpa fix detection
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <[email protected]>
      * allow release alerts to fail (#725)
      * Fix the can-author issue by defaulting to Kusama when no chainspec given. (#728)
      * Fix can_author by defaulting correctly.
      * Comments
      * Better logging
      * Bump Substrate
      * Minor updates to readme.
      * service: reset grandpa into a future round (not past) (#726)
      * service: reset grandpa into a future round (not past)
      * update substrate version
      * service: create grandpa reset round variable
      * service: fine grained grandpa reset on startup
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
      * Bump version (#729)
      * polkadot v0.7.13 (#730)
      * bump substrate version
      * bump version to 0.7.13
      * Fix pending-release alert script (#734)
      ... parity/tools doesn't have /bin/bash
      * Select native runtime based on chain spec (#733)
      * Select native runtime based on chain spec
      * Bumped substrate
      * Add sudo module to `polkadot-runtime` (#735)
      * Bump versions (#736)
      * Fix up Kusama balance constants
      * Bump versions
      * Fix for the --dev option
      * remove kusama fixes (#738)
      * Tweak Polkadot constants & bump Substrate (#739)
      * Tweak Polkadot constants.
      * Bump and remove warning
      * Bump impl version
      * Bump Substrate
      * Bump Substrate again
      * Some fixes
      * Fix compilation
      * Remove TODO
      * Remove old dir
      * Companion PR for Substrate#4585 (#748)
      * Companion PR for Substrate#4394 (#723)
      * service/src/lib.rs: Register network event stream for authority disc
      Previously one would create a sender and receiver channel pair, pass the
      sender to the build_network_future through the service builder and
      funnel network events returned from polling the network service into the
      sender to be consumed by the authority discovery module owning the
      With recent changes it is now possible to register an event_stream
      with the network service directly, thus one does not need to make the
      detour through the build_network_future.
      This commit is an adjusted clone of one targeting the Substrate
      * service/src/lib.rs: Fix futures::stream imports
      * [TMP] *: Replace polkadot-upstream with feature branch
      * Switch branch
      * Small change
      * Companion PR to substrate#4542
      * Revert "Merge remote-tracking branch 'tomaka/companion-4542' into ashley-browser-utils"
      This reverts commit 17f00afe, reversing
      changes made to 928cbb9c
      * ashley-browser-utils -> ashley-browser-utils-polkadot
      * Switch branches back
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMax Inden <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      * Companion PR to substrate#4542 (#732)
      * Companion PR for Substrate#4585
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAshley <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMax Inden <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      * Reset branch and make it compile
      * Review feedback
      * Make the bounds a bit cleaner.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarStanislav Tkach <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLeo Arias <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAshley <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFedor Sakharov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatars3krit <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKirill Pimenov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatargabriel klawitter <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNikolay Volf <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarArkadiy Paronyan <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMax Inden <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
  29. Jan 07, 2020
  30. Jan 06, 2020
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Hotfix for Kusama (#724) · f1d06780
      Gavin Wood authored
      * cli: revert borked kusama chain on startup
      * Docs.
      * cli: fix reversal of bork kusama fork
      * cli: force always can author
      * Version bump
      * service: support setting fork blocks in config
      * service: add support for bad blocks extension
      * service: add badBlocks to kusama chainspec
      * Bump Substrate to hotfix version.
      * service: add bad block to kusama chain spec
      * cleanup kusama hotfix
      * add kusama grandpa hotfix
      * Bump substrate
      * Bump spec_version
      * Rebump
      * cli: remove unnecessary dependencies
      * service: revert can_author_with fix
      * service: remove unnecessary method
      * Don't try to track polkadot runtime verion yet
      * Versions
      * service: better grandpa fix detection
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <[email protected]>
    • André Silva's avatar
  31. Jan 05, 2020
  32. Jan 03, 2020
  33. Dec 03, 2019
  34. Dec 02, 2019
  35. Nov 28, 2019
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Update Substrate (#623) · e3a3906b
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Update to latest Substrate master (#615)
      * Update to latest Substrate master
      * Remove unneeded patch + warning
      * Update `Cargo.lock`
      * Fix tests
      * Update again
      * Bump Substrate (#616)
      * Update lock
      * Fix
      * Few fixes
      * Bump to latest Substrate
      * Fixes
      * fix pre-tx-pool compilation
      * more compilation fixes
      * Updates for the injection period
      - Liberal slash-refunding
      - Instant unbonding
      * *: Enable refactored authority discovery (#624)
      * *: Enable authority discovery module
      * *: List authority discovery id after parachain validator id
      Make sure existing key types don't change their order by appending the
      authority discovery id instead of injecting it between im online id and
      parachain validator id.
      * *: Gate authority discovery module behind feature flag
      * cli/src/lib.rs: Fix warnings
      * cli/src/lib.rs: Shorten line length
      * Bump Substrate
      * Bump Substrate
      * Line widths
      * Line widths again
      * Revert bump.