1. Dec 09, 2019
  2. Nov 19, 2019
  3. Sep 23, 2019
  4. Sep 11, 2019
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Substrate.from() (#426) · c69ba7e2
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Substrate.from()
      * Fix some transaction validation code
      * must be more specific for matching now.
      * Update `wasm-builder` and add `build-only-wasm` script
      * Update to latest service builder interfaces
      * ANother substrate update
      * Another update
  5. Jul 09, 2019
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Update to latest Substrate master (#320) · 5935e5ac
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Make `collator::Network` require `Send + Sync` to make it work
      * Update packages
      * Update to latest Substrate
      * Make it compile and make tests work
      * Use `polkadot-master`
      * Fix CI
      * Remove `build.sh` from readmes
      * Delete old stuff
      * Bring one back
  6. May 29, 2019
  7. Jan 27, 2019
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Updates substrate to latest master (#107) · 11d79181
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Updates substrate to latest master
      * Use slot_duration and not slot
      * Update to latest substrate master again to have latest CLI
      * Rename iherent indentifier
      * Update after master merge
  8. Nov 25, 2018
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Make work with Substrate master (#36) · a35ddc58
      Gav Wood authored
      * Fix up wasm runtime build
      * Fixes for runtime
      * Fix.
      * More fixes
      * Runtime builds on native.
      * Native and wasm both build without warnings.
      * Fix runtime tests.
      * Merge #20
      * Final fix for native runtime.
      * Compile polkadot wo consensus
      * Reverted changes to polkadot-consensus
      * reintroduce minimal subset of consensus
      * reintroduce checked_block to runtime for std
      * polkadot_consensus compiles without most of the code
      * remove checked_block again and do more checks in parachains for runtime
      * uncomment proposer
      * remove offline tracker
      * extract out parachain-attestation logic from proposal directly
      * reintroduce transaction_pool
      * write some custom aura verification logic for the block verifier
      * use transaction pool in more generic way
      * service compiles again
      * polkadot-network and tests pass
      * remove unused session_key function from router
      * everything but CLI compiles due to service hell
      * Fixes compilation of `polkadot_cli`
      * everything compiles
      * update adder wasm
  9. Aug 15, 2018
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Refactor/substrate state machine generic (#553) · 0b37ecd8
      Gav Wood authored and asynchronous rob's avatar asynchronous rob committed
      * Genric over hasher
      * WIP start adding NodeCodec
      * Add codec to TrieBackend
      * Typechecks
      * Fix error type
      * Cleanup
      * Tests build (and fail)
      * Fix tests: don't use MemoryDB::default()
      * Lockfile
      * Address grumbles
      * Teach environmental! about generics
      * Add Finder artifacts
      * whitespace
      * Add a toy impl of Hasher and plug it in to Externalities
      * Use `uint` and `fixed-hash` from `parity-common`
      Remove unused U512
      Add test to ensure H256 impls heapsizeof
      * lock file updates
      * Make hashes Encodable/Decodable
      * lock file updates
      * Impl FromIterator for TestExternalities so we can collect() and use map!
      * Use rustc-hex from crates
      Use rlp from master so dependencies do not mess up the scope
      * Fix tests in runtime-io
      * lockfile shenanigans
      * Add a BlakeHasher impl
      * Use BlakeHasher in runtime-io
      * lockfile updates
      * ws
      * Add a Blake2/RLP-flavoured NodeCodec
      * Use Blake-flavoured Hasher and NodeCodec
      * lockfile
      * Implement PartialEq and Default for TestExternalities
      * Add note about limitations of environmental!
      * Make it compile, but this is probably broken
      * Derive Debug so tests in executor can work
      * Make executor use BlakeHasher
      * ws
      * WIP make client generic
      * typechecks
      * cleanup
      * client tests pass
      * Fix client/db
      * cleanup
      * Fix network
      * Fix rpc
      * Fix service
      * Make TestExternalities work better au lieu d'un HashMap
      * Fix tests in council
      * Fix tests in contract
      * Fix tests in council
      * Fix democracy
      * Add comment about odd-looking reexports in tests
      * Don't need to load branch
      * Fix staking
      * Fix session
      * Some polkadot fixes and lockfile
      * Fix executive
      * fixup lockfile
      * Fix polkadot/api
      * Fix polkadot/service
      * Fix polkadot/runtime tests
      * Fix tests in test-runtime
      * Test fixes
      * Fix missing component in the `std` feature
      * Use PhantomData and Result from core
      * Fix paths
      Use core
      * load heapsize on wasm
      * implement `HeapSizeOf` for wasm
      * Add toy impl of `blake2_256` for no_std
      * lockfile
      * Use kvdb* from parity-common and fix errors
      * rebuilt lockfile
      * Add dummy impl of `on_advance_round` for rhododendron::Context
      * Fix build after merge
      * Add HeapSizeOf bound where needed
      * Sort out dependencies for no_std
      * Add HeapSizeOf bound where needed
      * use temp branch pending PR merges
      * Remove unneeded tests
      * Lock file and wasm artifacts
      * lockfile
      * Use magic commit for libp2p
      * Cleanup
      * Implement blake2_256 for no_std
      * Back on parity-common master
      * missing type params
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * whitespace
      * Rename concrete Rlp node codec "RlpCodec" and use everywhere
      Implement a Keccak-flavoured Rlp NodeCodec and use everywhere
      Add a KeccakHasher
      * Switch to use KeccakHasher
      * Lock file and runtimes
      * fixup lockfile
      * Fix outstanding issue using concrete types (thanks @gnunicorn)
      * Cleanup
      * More cleanup
      * Comment out Blake2 Hasher
      * implement ext_keccak256
      * Address todo: FetchChecker is generic
      * all tests passing
  10. Jul 03, 2018
    • Arkadiy Paronyan's avatar
      Runtime version (#256) · 24c4e4c7
      Arkadiy Paronyan authored
      * Runtime version
      * Updated genesis.wasm
      * Minor fixes
      * Fresh runtime
      * Default version for pre Poc-2; Fixed authorship interface check
      * Fixed authoring check
  11. Jun 06, 2018
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Make substrate generic (#169) · 521e3a23
      Gav Wood authored and asynchronous rob's avatar asynchronous rob committed
      * Some initial work on RPC and client
      * Rephrase as params
      * More work on traitifying substrate.
      * Traitify in_mem.rs
      * traitify client.rs
      * Make new primitives (mainly traits) build again.
      * Many (superficial) build fixes throughout.
      * Fix remaining build issues up to bft interface.
      * Make bft primitives be generic.
      * Switch out MisBehaviorReport for generic version.
      * Merge Hashing into Header.
      * Update runtime for new generics (with Hashing).
      * Update demo runtime.
      * Make runtime compile.
      * Build fixes for runtime
      * Remove old modules.
      * port substrate-bft to use generic substrate types
      * port client
      * port substrate-test-runtime
      * mostly port test-runtime to get compiling for std
      * Ensure `AccountId` has a `Default`.
      * Fix type deps.
      * finish porting
      * initialize test_runtime from genesis correctly
      * remove commented code
      * maybe unsigned signatures
      * runtimes compile
      * port over most of network
      * serialization for generic types
      * fix comment
      * remove some unnecessary trait bounds
      * network compiles
      * tests compile for sync
      * fix deserialization
      * temporarily remove deserialize derives
      * workarounds for serde issues for deriving deserialization
      * get demo-runtime compiling on std
      * port extrinsic-pool
      * primitives reshuffling
      * get network compiling again
      * remove debugging file
      * runtime tests now passing
      * port client-db
      * start to port over substrate-rpc
      * mostly port over PolkadotApi
      * test_runtime follows normal conventions
      * substrate runtime tests pass
      * deal with inherent extrinsics correctly in polkadot-api
      * port transaction-pool
      * port polkadot-consensus
      * port substrate-rpc
      * everything compiles
      * tests compile
      * fix grumbles
      * test-runtime uses its own transfer type
      * switch to master branch of jsonrpc
      * fix network tests and some warnings
      * all tests pass locally
      * [ci-skip] add another comment about issue
      * remove some curlies
  12. Apr 05, 2018
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Make Polkadot use the Substrate traity libraries (#105) · b3f026f1
      Gav Wood authored and asynchronous rob's avatar asynchronous rob committed
      * Initial stuff.
      * Various fixes.
      * Fix tests.
      * Fix another test
      * Fix another test.
      * Docs in polkadot runtime.
      * Fix up ser/de tests.
      * Update god keys
      * Syntax
      * Fix
      * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into gav-merge-runtime
      * Permissions on init.sh
      * Port-over the whitespace from @rphmeier
      * Rename
      * Merge branch 'master' into gav-merge-runtime
      * Fix typo.
      * Fix grumbles.
      * Make more idiomatic.
      * Move `Ed25519Signature` out of traits.
  13. Mar 13, 2018
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Slash Authorities for irrefutable misbehavior (#84) · ca28497c
      asynchronous rob authored
      * double-commit and prepare misbehavior
      * get misbehavior on completion
      * collect misbehavior on drop, not only on success
      * kill unused transaction_index field
      * add primitive misbehavior report type
      * add misbehavior report transaction
      * store prior session
      * fix set_items
      * basic checks for misbehavior reports
      * crate for substrate bft misbehavior checking
      * integrate misbehavior check crate
      * fix comment
      * new wasm binaries
      * fix hash in test
      * import misbehavior transactions into queue
      * fix test build
      * sign on digest and full proposal when proposing
      * detect proposal misbehavior
      * fix fallout
      * restore balance/bondage types
  14. Feb 25, 2018
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Proposal creation and evaluation to plug into BFT (#77) · 05583c34
      asynchronous rob authored
      * reshuffle consensus libraries
      * polkadot-useful type definitions for statement table
      * begin BftService
      * primary selection logic
      * bft service implementation without I/O
      * extract out `BlockImport` trait
      * allow bft primitives to compile on wasm
      * Block builder (substrate)
      * take polkadot-consensus down to the core.
      * test for preemption
      * fix test build
      * Fix wasm build
      * Bulid on any block
      * Test for block builder.
      * Block import tests for client.
      * Tidy ups
      * clean up block builder instantiation
      * justification verification logic
      * JustifiedHeader and import
      * Propert block generation for tests
      * network and tablerouter trait
      * use statement import to drive creation of further statements
      * Fixed rpc tests
      * custom error type for consensus
      * create proposer
      * asynchronous proposal evaluation
      * inherent transactions in polkadot runtime
      * fix tests to match real polkadot block constraints
      * implicitly generate inherent functions
      * add inherent transaction functionality to block body
      * block builder logic for polkadot
      * some tests for the polkadot API
  15. Feb 19, 2018
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Optional storage entries (#75) · 1308aab5
      Gav Wood authored and asynchronous rob's avatar asynchronous rob committed
      * Block builder (substrate)
      * Fix wasm build
      * Bulid on any block
      * Test for block builder.
      * Block import tests for client.
      * Tidy ups
      * Repotted client
      * Avoid pointless work
      * All backend stuff now manages optional storage.
      Also simplified a lot of the backend.
      * Native runtime-io now supports empty storage items.
      * Finish up the API transition.
      * Build fix.
      * Fix tests.
      * Remerge in changes to client.
      * Final fixes.
      * Unrevert typos
      * Remove accidentally committed change
      * Bring back zero copy
      * Fix merge.
  16. Feb 12, 2018
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Additional runtime tests for the test-runtime (#69) · 3d30b128
      Gav Wood authored and asynchronous rob's avatar asynchronous rob committed
      * Remove rustc dependency from ed25519 and refactor a little.
      * Runtime support provides more extensive test-key functionality.
      * Additional APIs for ed25519 stuff.
      * Extensive test for test-runtime.
      * Fixes for the new test key API.
      * Additional convenience for tests
      * Take advantage of more convenient API.
      * Redo formating.
      * Remove old test identities.
      * Remove boilerplate, add test.
      * Refactor out unneeded code.
      * Clean up algo for determining authorities.
      * Remove unneeded API.
      * Make `to_*` consume
      * Only export keyring when testing
      * Fix build & warning
      * Extract Keyring into separate library.
      * Add tests for Keyring and a trait-based API.
      * Address grumbles.
  17. Feb 09, 2018
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Introduce toy runtime for testing inside substrate. (#66) · 0a53392c
      Gav Wood authored
      * Introduce simple blockchain runtime for substrate tests.
      * Remove bad files.
      * Add needed wasm binaries.
      * Refactoring.
      - Repot files in test-runtime.
      - Rename troublesome `Joiner::join` to `Joiner::and`.
      - Rework `Slicable` to dedup code.
      * More fixes and refactoring
      * Rebuild substrate test wasm.
      * Fix merge errors.
      * Rename the disasterously named `to_vec` to `encode`.
      Also rename `as_slice_then` to `with_encoded`.
      * Tests for toy runtime.
      * Fix doc nit
  18. Feb 08, 2018
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Re-introduce zero copy codec and add minimal polkadot client API which uses... · 4fb77640
      asynchronous rob authored
      Re-introduce zero copy codec and add minimal polkadot client API which uses linked native runtime (#65)
      * client-api type and move duty roster types to primitives
      * tuple implementation for slicable
      * mild cleanup of deserialization code
      * stubs which handle encoding and decoding themselves
      * fancier impl_stubs macro
      * zero-copy slicable API
      * minimal polkadot-client API
      * fix WASM API generation
      * move native environment stuff to substrate executor
      * fix warnings and grumbles
    • Gav's avatar
      Fix warning and directory restructure. · 8d256389
      Gav authored