1. Sep 28, 2020
  2. Sep 18, 2020
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
      Remove service, migrate all to service-new (#1630) · af14ea54
      Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
      * import rococo into chain-spec
      * make a few stabs at moving forward
      * wip: rococo readme
      * remove /service crate
      - Move the chain-spec files to node-service
      - update sufficient cargo files that polkadot-service-new builds
      - not everything else builds yet
      * wip: chase down some build errors in polkadot-cli
      There's a lot more to go, but some progress has happened.
      * make more progress getting polkadot-cli to build
      * don't ignore polkadot.json within the res directory
      * don't recreate pathbufs
      * Prepare Polkadot to be used by Cumulus
      This begins to make Polkadot usable from Cumulus.
      * Remove old test
      * migrate new_chain_ops fix from /service
      * partially remove node/test-service
      * Reset some changes
      * Revert "partially remove node/test-service"
      This reverts commit 7b8f9ba5.
      * WIP: replace v0 ParachainHost impl with v1 for test runtime
      This is necessary because one of the current errors when building
      the test service boils down to:
      the trait bound `polkadot_test_runtime::RuntimeApiImpl<...>`:
        `polkadot_primitives::v1::ParachainHost<...>` is not satisfied
      This is WIP because it appears to be causing some std leakage into
      the wasm environment, or something; the compiler is currently
      complaining about duplicate definitions of `panic_handler` and `oom`.
      Presumably I have to identify all std types (Vec etc) and replace
      them with sp_std equivalents.
      * fix test runtime build
      it wasn't std leakage, after all
      * bump westend spec version
      * use service-new as service within cli
      * to revert: demo that forwarding the test runtime to the real impl blows up
      * Revert "to revert: demo that forwarding the test runtime to the real impl blows up"
      This reverts commit 68d2f385.
      * Revert "Revert "to revert: demo that forwarding the test runtime to the real impl blows up""
      This reverts commit 04cb1cbf.
      Might have just forgotten to disable default features
      * More reverts
      * MOARE
      * plug in the runtime as the generic instantiation
      This feels closer to a solution, but it still has problems: in particular,
      it's assumed that Runtime implements all appropriate Trait traits,
      which this one apparently does not.
      * implement necessary traits to get the test runtime compiling
      This is almost certainly not correct in some way; it really
      looks like I need to mess with the construct_runtime! macro
      somehow, to inject the inclusion trait's event type as a Event
      variant. Still, better lock down this changeset while it all
      * add inclusion::Event as variant into Event enum
      * implement unimplemented bits in kusama
      * implement unimplemented bits in polkadot runtime
      * implement unimplemented bits in westend runtime
      * migrate client upgrades from master
      * update test service with new node changes
      * package metadata--that wasn't intended to be removed
      * add parachains v1 modules to each runtime
      It's not clear what precisely this does, but it's probably the right
      thing to do.
      * enable cli to opt out of full node features
      * adjust rococo chainspec per example
      * try to fix Cargo.lock
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndronik Ordian <[email protected]>
  3. Jul 08, 2020
  4. Jun 22, 2020
  5. May 21, 2020
  6. Mar 15, 2020
  7. Feb 03, 2020
  8. Jan 06, 2020
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Hotfix for Kusama (#724) · f1d06780
      Gavin Wood authored
      * cli: revert borked kusama chain on startup
      * Docs.
      * cli: fix reversal of bork kusama fork
      * cli: force always can author
      * Version bump
      * service: support setting fork blocks in config
      * service: add support for bad blocks extension
      * service: add badBlocks to kusama chainspec
      * Bump Substrate to hotfix version.
      * service: add bad block to kusama chain spec
      * cleanup kusama hotfix
      * add kusama grandpa hotfix
      * Bump substrate
      * Bump spec_version
      * Rebump
      * cli: remove unnecessary dependencies
      * service: revert can_author_with fix
      * service: remove unnecessary method
      * Don't try to track polkadot runtime verion yet
      * Versions
      * service: better grandpa fix detection
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <[email protected]>
    • André Silva's avatar
  9. Dec 11, 2019
  10. Dec 10, 2019
  11. Nov 28, 2019
  12. Sep 26, 2019
  13. Aug 23, 2019
  14. Aug 21, 2019
  15. Aug 16, 2019
  16. Aug 12, 2019
    • Kian Paimani's avatar
      Update to latest Substrate master. (#353) · af0d87af
      Kian Paimani authored
      * Integrate srml/im-online
      * Fix all build errors with old aura.
      * Fix most of the build errors.
      * Builds and tests seem to pass (I will not trust this commit yet)
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Kill some warnings.
      * fix panics on 0 validators
      * Fix dev chain.
      * Fix author stuff
      * fix im online integration.
      * Some tweaks
      * Introduce app-crypto
      * Initial build work
      * codec update / tweaks
      * patch polkadot-erasure-coding input
      * More fixes for new crypto
      * More fixes
      * Update parachains module
      * evamp parachain crypto
      * More crypto work.
      * Chain spec and service.
      * ChainSpec stuff
      * Last bits for a clean build
      * Tweak coment
      * adapt polkadot-validation to the new keystore
      * polkadot-network compiles, but tests don't
      * Integrate the new parachain validation stuff
      * delete message_routing file
      * make polkadot-network tests compile and pass
      * runtime tests compile and pass
      * update substrate ref
      * service compiles
      * all tests pass
      * Add TODO, change branch back to polkadot-master
      * Lock file
      * TODOs done
      * Issue number
      * Remove old tODO
      * Remove commented code
  17. Mar 05, 2019
  18. Feb 26, 2019
  19. Jan 09, 2019
  20. Dec 21, 2018
  21. Dec 20, 2018
  22. Sep 12, 2018
  23. Jul 28, 2018
  24. Jul 25, 2018
    • Arkadiy Paronyan's avatar
      Substrate CLI (#423) · 1fb72bf3
      Arkadiy Paronyan authored
      * Moved chain ops to substrate-service
      * moved RPC to susbstrate-service WIP
      * Moved RPC to substrate-service
      * Version
      * Removed redundadnt messages
      * substrate CLI
      * Removed obsolete files
      * Sorted out startup messages
      * Pass executable name to CLI
  25. Jul 17, 2018
  26. Jul 15, 2018
    • snd's avatar
      Issue 279 - unique path for each chains db, network, keystore to prevent collisions (#322) · 27a19e1f
      snd authored
      * make spec.name() part of database_path preventing collisions
      resolves #279
      * add `id` field to `ChainSpec`
      * add blank line for readability
      * dot/cli: use spec_id in db_path
      * dot/cli: make spec_id part of keystore_path
      * dot/cli: make spec_id part of network_path
      * add id field to poc-1.json chain spec
      * dot/cli: spec_id -> chain_id
  27. Jul 03, 2018
    • Arkadiy Paronyan's avatar
      Serialisable genesis config (#229) · 5f1e44be
      Arkadiy Paronyan authored
      * Genesis serialization
      * Custom type for AuthorityId
      * Merge w master
      * Fixed a few minor issues
      * Fixed unmerged file
      * Renamed tag
      * Deferred genesis loading
      * Upated wasm runtime
      * Minor issues