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// Copyright 2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.

// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.

//! The proposer proposes new blocks to include

#![deny(unused_crate_dependencies, unused_results)]

use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::select;
use polkadot_node_subsystem::{messages::{AllMessages, ProvisionerInherentData, ProvisionerMessage}, SubsystemError};
use polkadot_overseer::OverseerHandler;
use polkadot_primitives::v1::{
	Block, Hash, Header,
use sc_block_builder::{BlockBuilderApi, BlockBuilderProvider};
use sp_core::traits::SpawnNamed;
use sp_api::{ApiExt, ProvideRuntimeApi};
use sp_blockchain::HeaderBackend;
use sp_consensus::{Proposal, RecordProof};
use sp_inherents::InherentData;
use sp_runtime::traits::{DigestFor, HashFor};
use sp_transaction_pool::TransactionPool;
use prometheus_endpoint::Registry as PrometheusRegistry;
use std::{fmt, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, time};

/// How long proposal can take before we give up and err out
const PROPOSE_TIMEOUT: core::time::Duration = core::time::Duration::from_millis(2500);

/// Custom Proposer factory for Polkadot
pub struct ProposerFactory<TxPool, Backend, Client> {
	inner: sc_basic_authorship::ProposerFactory<TxPool, Backend, Client>,
	overseer: OverseerHandler,

impl<TxPool, Backend, Client> ProposerFactory<TxPool, Backend, Client> {
	pub fn new(
		spawn_handle: impl SpawnNamed + 'static,
		client: Arc<Client>,
		transaction_pool: Arc<TxPool>,
		overseer: OverseerHandler,
		prometheus: Option<&PrometheusRegistry>,
	) -> Self {
		ProposerFactory {
			inner: sc_basic_authorship::ProposerFactory::new(

impl<TxPool, Backend, Client> sp_consensus::Environment<Block>
	for ProposerFactory<TxPool, Backend, Client>
	TxPool: 'static + TransactionPool<Block = Block>,
	Client: 'static
		+ BlockBuilderProvider<Backend, Block, Client>
		+ ProvideRuntimeApi<Block>
		+ HeaderBackend<Block>
		+ Send
		+ Sync,
		BlockBuilderApi<Block> + ApiExt<Block, Error = sp_blockchain::Error>,
		'static + sc_client_api::Backend<Block, State = sp_api::StateBackendFor<Client, Block>>,
	// Rust bug:
	sp_api::StateBackendFor<Client, Block>: sp_api::StateBackend<HashFor<Block>> + Send,
	type CreateProposer = Pin<Box<
		dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Proposer, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static,
	type Proposer = Proposer<TxPool, Backend, Client>;
	type Error = Error;

	fn init(&mut self, parent_header: &Header) -> Self::CreateProposer {
		// create the inner proposer
		let proposer = self.inner.init(parent_header).into_inner();

		// data to be moved into the future
		let overseer = self.overseer.clone();
		let parent_header_hash = parent_header.hash();

		async move {
			Ok(Proposer {
				inner: proposer?,

/// Custom Proposer for Polkadot.
/// This proposer gets the ProvisionerInherentData and injects it into the wrapped
/// proposer's inherent data, then delegates the actual proposal generation.
pub struct Proposer<TxPool: TransactionPool<Block = Block>, Backend, Client> {
	inner: sc_basic_authorship::Proposer<Backend, Block, Client, TxPool>,
	overseer: OverseerHandler,
	parent_header_hash: Hash,

// This impl has the same generic bounds as the Proposer impl.
impl<TxPool, Backend, Client> Proposer<TxPool, Backend, Client>
	TxPool: 'static + TransactionPool<Block = Block>,
	Client: 'static
		+ BlockBuilderProvider<Backend, Block, Client>
		+ ProvideRuntimeApi<Block>
		+ HeaderBackend<Block>
		+ Send
		+ Sync,
		BlockBuilderApi<Block> + ApiExt<Block, Error = sp_blockchain::Error>,
		'static + sc_client_api::Backend<Block, State = sp_api::StateBackendFor<Client, Block>>,
	// Rust bug:
	sp_api::StateBackendFor<Client, Block>: sp_api::StateBackend<HashFor<Block>> + Send,
	/// Get provisioner inherent data
	/// This function has a constant timeout: `PROPOSE_TIMEOUT`.
	async fn get_provisioner_data(&self) -> Result<ProvisionerInherentData, Error> {
		// clone this (lightweight) data because we're going to move it into the future
		let mut overseer = self.overseer.clone();
		let parent_header_hash = self.parent_header_hash.clone();

		let pid = async {
			let (sender, receiver) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel();
			overseer.wait_for_activation(parent_header_hash, sender).await;
			receiver.await.map_err(|_| Error::ClosedChannelAwaitingActivation)??;
			let (sender, receiver) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel();
				ProvisionerMessage::RequestInherentData(parent_header_hash, sender),
			receiver.await.map_err(|_| Error::ClosedChannelAwaitingInherentData)
		let mut timeout = futures_timer::Delay::new(PROPOSE_TIMEOUT).fuse();
			_ = timeout => Err(Error::Timeout),

impl<TxPool, Backend, Client> sp_consensus::Proposer<Block> for Proposer<TxPool, Backend, Client>
	TxPool: 'static + TransactionPool<Block = Block>,
	Client: 'static
		+ BlockBuilderProvider<Backend, Block, Client>
		+ ProvideRuntimeApi<Block>
		+ HeaderBackend<Block>
		+ Send
		+ Sync,
		BlockBuilderApi<Block> + ApiExt<Block, Error = sp_blockchain::Error>,
		'static + sc_client_api::Backend<Block, State = sp_api::StateBackendFor<Client, Block>>,
	// Rust bug:
	sp_api::StateBackendFor<Client, Block>: sp_api::StateBackend<HashFor<Block>> + Send,
	type Transaction = sc_client_api::TransactionFor<Backend, Block>;
	type Proposal = Pin<Box<
		dyn Future<Output = Result<Proposal<Block, sp_api::TransactionFor<Client, Block>>, Error>> + Send,
	type Error = Error;

	fn propose(
		mut inherent_data: InherentData,
		inherent_digests: DigestFor<Block>,
		max_duration: time::Duration,
		record_proof: RecordProof,
	) -> Self::Proposal {
		async move {
			// TODO: how can we tell, here, if we expect a heavy block?
			// The runtime exposes `frame_system::Module::block_weight`
			// (
			// and the `MaximumBlockWeight`
			// (,
			// so fundamentally this is a question of propagating the necessary runtime information
			// through the Runtime API. At that point, it's a simple inequality:
			// ```rust
			// let expect_heavy_block = block_weight > maximum_block_weight - MARGIN;
			// ```
			// Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple, because the whole point of this proposer
			// is to inject the provisioner data before the substrate proposer runs. Before it runs,
			// the `block_weight` function isn't going to give us any useful information, beacuse
			// nothing has yet been proposed to be included in the block.
			// The naive option is very simple: run the proposer, then weigh the block. Either add a
			// dry-run mode to the internal proposer, or run the internal proposer and then revert
			// all state changes that it's made. The downside of this approach is that it runs
			// everything twice, cutting runtime performance literally in half. That would be
			// suboptimal.
			// A somewhat more sophisticated approach takes advantage of the fact that Substrate's
			// proposer is greedy: if it is possible to include all proposed transactions, then it
			// will do so. This means that we can just compute the weight of all the transactions in
			// the pool, and use essentially the same inequality:
			// ```rust
			// let expect_heavy_block = sum_of_tx_weights > maximum_block_weight - MARGIN;
			// ```
			// This is complicated by the fact that transactions are code, not data: in principle,
			// it would be possible for an attacker to craft a transaction which is heavy and looks
			// valid to the transaction pool, but which aborts cheaply when it is executed,
			// preventing its costs from being deducted from the attacker. Spamming the relay chain
			// with sufficient of these transactions would prevent all parachain progress.
			let expect_heavy_block = false;

			let provisioner_data = if !expect_heavy_block {
				match self.get_provisioner_data().await {
					Ok(pd) => pd,
					Err(err) => {
						tracing::warn!(err = ?err, "could not get provisioner inherent data; injecting default data");
			} else {


				.propose(inherent_data, inherent_digests, max_duration, record_proof)

// It would have been more ergonomic to use thiserror to derive the
// From implementations, Display, and std::error::Error, but unfortunately
// one of the wrapped errors (sp_inherents::Error) also
// don't impl std::error::Error, which breaks the thiserror derive.
pub enum Error {

impl From<sp_consensus::Error> for Error {
	fn from(e: sp_consensus::Error) -> Error {

impl From<sp_blockchain::Error> for Error {
	fn from(e: sp_blockchain::Error) -> Error {

impl From<sp_inherents::Error> for Error {
	fn from(e: sp_inherents::Error) -> Error {

impl From<SubsystemError> for Error {
	fn from(e: SubsystemError) -> Error {

impl fmt::Display for Error {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
		match self {
			Self::Consensus(err) => write!(f, "consensus error: {}", err),
			Self::Blockchain(err) => write!(f, "blockchain error: {}", err),
			Self::Inherent(err) => write!(f, "inherent error: {:?}", err),
			Self::Timeout => write!(f, "timeout: provisioner did not return inherent data after {:?}", PROPOSE_TIMEOUT),
			Self::ClosedChannelAwaitingActivation => write!(f, "closed channel from overseer when awaiting activation"),
			Self::ClosedChannelAwaitingInherentData => write!(f, "closed channel from provisioner when awaiting inherent data"),
			Self::Subsystem(err) => write!(f, "subsystem error: {:?}", err),

impl std::error::Error for Error {
	fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
		match self {
			Self::Consensus(err) => Some(err),
			Self::Blockchain(err) => Some(err),
			Self::Subsystem(err) => Some(err),