// Copyright 2017-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.
// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate. If not, see .
// tag::description[]
//! Cryptographic utilities.
// end::description[]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use parity_codec::{Encode, Decode};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use regex::Regex;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use base58::{FromBase58, ToBase58};
/// The root phrase for our publicly known keys.
pub const DEV_PHRASE: &str = "bottom drive obey lake curtain smoke basket hold race lonely fit walk";
/// The address of the associated root phrase for our publicly known keys.
pub const DEV_ADDRESS: &str = "5DfhGyQdFobKM8NsWvEeAKk5EQQgYe9AydgJ7rMB6E1EqRzV";
/// The infallible type.
pub enum Infallible {}
/// The length of the junction identifier. Note that this is also referred to as the
/// `CHAIN_CODE_LENGTH` in the context of Schnorrkel.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub const JUNCTION_ID_LEN: usize = 32;
/// Similar to `From`, except that the onus is on the part of the caller to ensure
/// that data passed in makes sense. Basically, you're not guaranteed to get anything
/// sensible out.
pub trait UncheckedFrom {
/// Convert from an instance of `T` to Self. This is not guaranteed to be
/// whatever counts as a valid instance of `T` and it's up to the caller to
/// ensure that it makes sense.
fn unchecked_from(t: T) -> Self;
/// The counterpart to `UncheckedFrom`.
pub trait UncheckedInto {
/// The counterpart to `unchecked_from`.
fn unchecked_into(self) -> T;
impl> UncheckedInto for S {
fn unchecked_into(self) -> T {
/// An error with the interpretation of a secret.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub enum SecretStringError {
/// The overall format was invalid (e.g. the seed phrase contained symbols).
/// The seed phrase provided is not a valid BIP39 phrase.
/// The supplied password was invalid.
/// The seed is invalid (bad content).
/// The seed has an invalid length.
/// The derivation path was invalid (e.g. contains soft junctions when they are not supported).
/// A since derivation junction description. It is the single parameter used when creating
/// a new secret key from an existing secret key and, in the case of `SoftRaw` and `SoftIndex`
/// a new public key from an existing public key.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub enum DeriveJunction {
/// Soft (vanilla) derivation. Public keys have a correspondent derivation.
Soft([u8; JUNCTION_ID_LEN]),
/// Hard ("hardened") derivation. Public keys do not have a correspondent derivation.
Hard([u8; JUNCTION_ID_LEN]),
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl DeriveJunction {
/// Consume self to return a soft derive junction with the same chain code.
pub fn soften(self) -> Self { DeriveJunction::Soft(self.unwrap_inner()) }
/// Consume self to return a hard derive junction with the same chain code.
pub fn harden(self) -> Self { DeriveJunction::Hard(self.unwrap_inner()) }
/// Create a new soft (vanilla) DeriveJunction from a given, encodable, value.
/// If you need a hard junction, use `hard()`.
pub fn soft(index: T) -> Self {
let mut cc: [u8; JUNCTION_ID_LEN] = Default::default();
index.using_encoded(|data| if data.len() > JUNCTION_ID_LEN {
let hash_result = blake2_rfc::blake2b::blake2b(JUNCTION_ID_LEN, &[], data);
let hash = hash_result.as_bytes();
} else {
/// Create a new hard (hardened) DeriveJunction from a given, encodable, value.
/// If you need a soft junction, use `soft()`.
pub fn hard(index: T) -> Self {
/// Consume self to return the chain code.
pub fn unwrap_inner(self) -> [u8; JUNCTION_ID_LEN] {
match self {
DeriveJunction::Hard(c) | DeriveJunction::Soft(c) => c,
/// Get a reference to the inner junction id.
pub fn inner(&self) -> &[u8; JUNCTION_ID_LEN] {
match self {
DeriveJunction::Hard(ref c) | DeriveJunction::Soft(ref c) => c,
/// Return `true` if the junction is soft.
pub fn is_soft(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
DeriveJunction::Soft(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Return `true` if the junction is hard.
pub fn is_hard(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
DeriveJunction::Hard(_) => true,
_ => false,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl> From for DeriveJunction {
fn from(j: T) -> DeriveJunction {
let j = j.as_ref();
let (code, hard) = if j.starts_with("/") {
(&j[1..], true)
} else {
(j, false)
let res = if let Ok(n) = str::parse::(code) {
// number
} else {
// something else
if hard {
} else {
/// An error type for SS58 decoding.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum PublicError {
/// Bad alphabet.
/// Bad length.
/// Unknown version.
/// Invalid checksum.
/// Invalid format.
/// Invalid derivation path.
/// Key that can be encoded to/from SS58.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub trait Ss58Codec: Sized {
/// Some if the string is a properly encoded SS58Check address.
fn from_ss58check(s: &str) -> Result;
/// Some if the string is a properly encoded SS58Check address, optionally with
/// a derivation path following.
fn from_string(s: &str) -> Result { Self::from_ss58check(s) }
/// Return the ss58-check string for this key.
fn to_ss58check(&self) -> String;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
/// Derivable key trait.
pub trait Derive: Sized {
/// Derive a child key from a series of given junctions.
/// Will be `None` for public keys if there are any hard junctions in there.
fn derive>(&self, _path: Iter) -> Option {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
const PREFIX: &[u8] = b"SS58PRE";
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn ss58hash(data: &[u8]) -> blake2_rfc::blake2b::Blake2bResult {
let mut context = blake2_rfc::blake2b::Blake2b::new(64);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl + AsRef<[u8]> + Default + Derive> Ss58Codec for T {
fn from_ss58check(s: &str) -> Result {
let mut res = T::default();
let len = res.as_mut().len();
let d = s.from_base58().map_err(|_| PublicError::BadBase58)?; // failure here would be invalid encoding.
if d.len() != len + 3 {
// Invalid length.
return Err(PublicError::BadLength);
if d[0] != 42 {
// Invalid version.
return Err(PublicError::UnknownVersion);
if d[len+1..len+3] != ss58hash(&d[0..len+1]).as_bytes()[0..2] {
// Invalid checksum.
return Err(PublicError::InvalidChecksum);
fn to_ss58check(&self) -> String {
let mut v = vec![42u8];
let r = ss58hash(&v);
fn from_string(s: &str) -> Result {
let re = Regex::new(r"^(?P[\w\d]+)?(?P(//?[^/]+)*)$")
.expect("constructed from known-good static value; qed");
let cap = re.captures(s).ok_or(PublicError::InvalidFormat)?;
let re_junction = Regex::new(r"/(/?[^/]+)")
.expect("constructed from known-good static value; qed");
let addr = Self::from_ss58check(
.map(|r| r.as_str())
if cap["path"].is_empty() {
} else {
let path = re_junction.captures_iter(&cap["path"])
.map(|f| DeriveJunction::from(&f[1]));
/// Trait suitable for typical cryptographic PKI key pair type.
/// For now it just specifies how to create a key from a phrase and derivation path.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub trait Pair: Sized {
/// TThe type which is used to encode a public key.
type Public;
/// The type used to (minimally) encode the data required to securely create
/// a new key pair.
type Seed;
/// The type used to represent a signature. Can be created from a key pair and a message
/// and verified with the message and a public key.
type Signature;
/// Error returned from the `derive` function.
type DeriveError;
/// Generate new secure (random) key pair.
/// This is only for ephemeral keys really, since you won't have access to the secret key
/// for storage. If you want a persistent key pair, use `generate_with_phrase` instead.
fn generate() -> Self;
/// Generate new secure (random) key pair and provide the recovery phrase.
/// You can recover the same key later with `from_phrase`.
/// This is generally slower than `generate()`, so prefer that unless you need to persist
/// the key from the current session.
fn generate_with_phrase(password: Option<&str>) -> (Self, String);
/// Returns the KeyPair from the English BIP39 seed `phrase`, or `None` if it's invalid.
fn from_phrase(phrase: &str, password: Option<&str>) -> Result;
/// Derive a child key from a series of given junctions.
fn derive>(&self, path: Iter) -> Result;
/// Generate new key pair from the provided `seed`.
/// @WARNING: THIS WILL ONLY BE SECURE IF THE `seed` IS SECURE. If it can be guessed
/// by an attacker then they can also derive your key.
fn from_seed(seed: Self::Seed) -> Self;
/// Make a new key pair from secret seed material. The slice must be the correct size or
/// it will return `None`.
/// @WARNING: THIS WILL ONLY BE SECURE IF THE `seed` IS SECURE. If it can be guessed
/// by an attacker then they can also derive your key.
fn from_seed_slice(seed: &[u8]) -> Result;
/// Construct a key from a phrase, password and path.
fn from_standard_components<
I: Iterator-
>(phrase: &str, password: Option<&str>, path: I) -> Result;
/// Sign a message.
fn sign(&self, message: &[u8]) -> Self::Signature;
/// Verify a signature on a message. Returns true if the signature is good.
fn verify, M: AsRef<[u8]>>(sig: &Self::Signature, message: M, pubkey: P) -> bool;
/// Verify a signature on a message. Returns true if the signature is good.
fn verify_weak, M: AsRef<[u8]>>(sig: &[u8], message: M, pubkey: P) -> bool;
/// Get the public key.
fn public(&self) -> Self::Public;
/// Interprets the string `s` in order to generate a key Pair.
/// This takes a helper function to do the key generation from a phrase, password and
/// junction iterator.
/// - If `s` is a possibly `0x` prefixed 64-digit hex string, then it will be interpreted
/// directly as a `MiniSecretKey` (aka "seed" in `subkey`).
/// - If `s` is a valid BIP-39 key phrase of 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words, then the key will
/// be derived from it. In this case:
/// - the phrase may be followed by one or more items delimited by `/` characters.
/// - the path may be followed by `///`, in which case everything after the `///` is treated
/// as a password.
/// - If `s` begins with a `/` character it is prefixed with the Substrate public `DEV_PHRASE` and
/// interpreted as above.
/// In this case they are interpreted as HDKD junctions; purely numeric items are interpreted as
/// integers, non-numeric items as strings. Junctions prefixed with `/` are interpreted as soft
/// junctions, and with `//` as hard junctions.
/// There is no correspondence mapping between SURI strings and the keys they represent.
/// Two different non-identical strings can actually lead to the same secret being derived.
/// Notably, integer junction indices may be legally prefixed with arbitrary number of zeros.
/// Similarly an empty password (ending the SURI with `///`) is perfectly valid and will generally
/// be equivalent to no password at all.
/// `None` is returned if no matches are found.
fn from_string(s: &str, password_override: Option<&str>) -> Result {
let hex_seed = if s.starts_with("0x") {
} else {
if let Ok(d) = hex::decode(hex_seed) {
if let Ok(r) = Self::from_seed_slice(&d) {
return Ok(r)
let re = Regex::new(r"^(?P\w+( \w+)*)?(?P(//?[^/]+)*)(///(?P.*))?$")
.expect("constructed from known-good static value; qed");
let cap = re.captures(s).ok_or(SecretStringError::InvalidFormat)?;
let re_junction = Regex::new(r"/(/?[^/]+)")
.expect("constructed from known-good static value; qed");
let path = re_junction.captures_iter(&cap["path"])
.map(|f| DeriveJunction::from(&f[1]));
cap.name("phrase").map(|r| r.as_str()).unwrap_or(DEV_PHRASE),
password_override.or_else(|| cap.name("password").map(|m| m.as_str())),
mod tests {
use crate::DeriveJunction;
use hex_literal::{hex, hex_impl};
use super::*;
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum TestPair {
GeneratedFromPhrase{phrase: String, password: Option},
Standard{phrase: String, password: Option, path: Vec},
impl Pair for TestPair {
type Public = ();
type Seed = ();
type Signature = ();
type DeriveError = ();
fn generate() -> Self { TestPair::Generated }
fn generate_with_phrase(_password: Option<&str>) -> (Self, String) { (TestPair::GeneratedWithPhrase, "".into()) }
fn from_phrase(phrase: &str, password: Option<&str>) -> Result {
Ok(TestPair::GeneratedFromPhrase{ phrase: phrase.to_owned(), password: password.map(Into::into) })
fn derive>(&self, _path: Iter) -> Result {
fn from_seed(_seed: ::Seed) -> Self { TestPair::Seed(vec![]) }
fn sign(&self, _message: &[u8]) -> Self::Signature { () }
fn verify, M: AsRef<[u8]>>(_sig: &Self::Signature, _message: M, _pubkey: P) -> bool { true }
fn verify_weak, M: AsRef<[u8]>>(_sig: &[u8], _message: M, _pubkey: P) -> bool { true }
fn public(&self) -> Self::Public { () }
fn from_standard_components>(phrase: &str, password: Option<&str>, path: I) -> Result {
Ok(TestPair::Standard { phrase: phrase.to_owned(), password: password.map(ToOwned::to_owned), path: path.collect() })
fn from_seed_slice(seed: &[u8]) -> Result {
fn interpret_std_seed_should_work() {
TestPair::from_string("0x0123456789abcdef", None),
TestPair::from_string("0123456789abcdef", None),
fn password_override_should_work() {
TestPair::from_string("hello world///password", None),
TestPair::from_string("hello world", Some("password")),
TestPair::from_string("hello world///password", None),
TestPair::from_string("hello world///other password", Some("password")),
fn interpret_std_secret_string_should_work() {
TestPair::from_string("hello world", None),
Ok(TestPair::Standard{phrase: "hello world".to_owned(), password: None, path: vec![]})
TestPair::from_string("hello world/1", None),
Ok(TestPair::Standard{phrase: "hello world".to_owned(), password: None, path: vec![DeriveJunction::soft(1)]})
TestPair::from_string("hello world/DOT", None),
Ok(TestPair::Standard{phrase: "hello world".to_owned(), password: None, path: vec![DeriveJunction::soft("DOT")]})
TestPair::from_string("hello world//1", None),
Ok(TestPair::Standard{phrase: "hello world".to_owned(), password: None, path: vec![DeriveJunction::hard(1)]})
TestPair::from_string("hello world//DOT", None),
Ok(TestPair::Standard{phrase: "hello world".to_owned(), password: None, path: vec![DeriveJunction::hard("DOT")]})
TestPair::from_string("hello world//1/DOT", None),
Ok(TestPair::Standard{phrase: "hello world".to_owned(), password: None, path: vec![DeriveJunction::hard(1), DeriveJunction::soft("DOT")]})
TestPair::from_string("hello world//DOT/1", None),
Ok(TestPair::Standard{phrase: "hello world".to_owned(), password: None, path: vec![DeriveJunction::hard("DOT"), DeriveJunction::soft(1)]})
TestPair::from_string("hello world///password", None),
Ok(TestPair::Standard{phrase: "hello world".to_owned(), password: Some("password".to_owned()), path: vec![]})
TestPair::from_string("hello world//1/DOT///password", None),
Ok(TestPair::Standard{phrase: "hello world".to_owned(), password: Some("password".to_owned()), path: vec![DeriveJunction::hard(1), DeriveJunction::soft("DOT")]})
TestPair::from_string("hello world/1//DOT///password", None),
Ok(TestPair::Standard{phrase: "hello world".to_owned(), password: Some("password".to_owned()), path: vec![DeriveJunction::soft(1), DeriveJunction::hard("DOT")]})