chaostest ========= A cli for chaos testing on substrate [![oclif](]( [![Version](]( [![Downloads/week](]( * [Usage](#usage) * [Commands](#commands) # Usage ```sh-session $ npm install -g chaostest // yarn add global chaostest $ chaostest COMMAND running command... $ chaostest (-v|--version|version) chaostest/0.0.0 darwin-x64 node-v8.16.0 $ chaostest --help [COMMAND] USAGE $ chaostest COMMAND ... ``` # Commands * [`chaostest spawn`](#chaostest-spawn) * [`chaostest singlenodeheight`](#chaostest-singlenodeheight) * [`chaostest clean`](#chaostest-clean) ## `chaostest spawn` Spawn a testnet based on your local k8s configuration. Could be either a dev node, a two node alicebob chain or a customized chain with various validators/fullnodes. ``` USAGE $ chaostest spawn [ARGUMENTS] [FLAGS] Arguments dev, a single fullnode in --dev mode alicebob, a two nodes private chain with Alice as bootnode and Bob as validator [chainName], a customized chain deployed with -v numbers of validators and -n numbers of fullnodes Flags --image, -i, the image tag of the certain substrate version you want to deploy --port, -p, the port to expose when image is deployed in a pod --namespace, the desired namespace to deploy on --validator, -v, the number of substrate validators to deploy --node, -n, the number of full nodes, if not set but exists, default to 1 DESCRIPTION ... Extra documentation goes here ``` _See code: [src/commands/spawn/index.js]( ## `chaostest singlenodeheight` Test against a fullnode on --dev mode to check if it can successfully produce blocks to a certain height. ``` USAGE $ chaostest singlenodeheight [FLAGS] FLAGS -h , the desired height of blocks to check if reachable, this only works with integers smaller than 2^6 -t, the wait time out before it halts the polling ``` _See code: [src/commands/singlenodeheight/index.js]( ## `chaostest clean` Clean up the k8s deployment by namespace. ``` USAGE $ chaostest clean [FLAGS] FLAGS -n , the desired namespace to delete on your k8s cluster ``` _See code: [src/commands/clean/index.js](