import Metadata from '@polkadot/metadata'; import { createType, TypeRegistry } from '@polkadot/types'; import { SignerPayloadJSON } from '@polkadot/types/types'; import { EXTRINSIC_VERSION } from './util/constants'; /** * JSON format for an unsigned transaction */ export interface UnsignedTransaction extends SignerPayloadJSON { /** * The SCALE-encoded metadata, as a hex string. Can be retrieved via the RPC * call `state_getMetadata` */ metadataRpc: string; } export interface TxInfo { /** * The ss-58 encoded address */ address: string; /** * The amount to send */ amount: number; /** * The checkpoint hash of the block, in hex */ blockHash: string; /** * The checkpoint block number (u32), in hex */ blockNumber: number; /** * The genesis hash of the chain, in hex */ genesisHash: string; /** * Use balances::transfer_keep_alive instead of balances::transfer */ keepAlive?: boolean; /** * The SCALE-encoded metadata, as a hex string. Can be retrieved via the RPC * call `state_getMetadata` */ metadataRpc: string; /** * The nonce for this transaction, */ nonce: number; /** * The current spec version for the runtime */ specVersion: number; /** * The tip for this transaction, in hex */ tip: number; /** * The recipient address, ss-58 encoded */ to: string; /** * The amount of time (in second) the transaction is valid for. Will be * translated into a mortal era */ validityPeriod: number; } // Useful constants for calculting an Era. const BLOCKTIME = 6; const ONE_SECOND = 1 / BLOCKTIME; /** * Construct a balance transfer transaction offline. Transactions can be * constructed in such a way that it is valid for at least 240 minutes * * @param info - Information required to construct the transaction * @param amount - */ export function balanceTransfer(info: TxInfo): UnsignedTransaction { const registry = new TypeRegistry(); const metadata = new Metadata(registry, info.metadataRpc); const transfer = info.keepAlive ? metadata.tx.balances.transferKeepAlivetransfer : metadata.tx.balances.transfer; const method = transfer(, info.amount).toHex(); return { address: info.address, blockHash: info.blockHash, blockNumber: createType(registry, 'BlockNumber', info.blockNumber).toHex(), era: createType(registry, 'ExtrinsicEra', { current: info.blockNumber, period: ONE_SECOND * info.validityPeriod }).toHex(), genesisHash: info.genesisHash, metadataRpc: info.metadataRpc, method, nonce: createType(registry, 'Compact', info.nonce).toHex(), specVersion: createType(registry, 'u32', info.specVersion).toHex(), tip: createType(registry, 'Compact', info.tip).toHex(), version: EXTRINSIC_VERSION }; }