[@amaurymartiny/txwrapper](../README.md) › [Globals](../globals.md) › ["decode/decode"](_decode_decode_.md) # External module: "decode/decode" ## Index ### Functions * [decode](_decode_decode_.md#decode) ## Functions ### decode ▸ **decode**(`unsignedTx`: [UnsignedTransaction](../interfaces/_util_types_.unsignedtransaction.md), `metadataRpc`: string): *DecodedUnsignedTx* *Defined in [src/decode/decode.ts:16](https://github.com/paritytech/txwrapper/blob/fcbe6db/src/decode/decode.ts#L16)* Parse the transaction information from a signing payload, an unsigned tx, or a signed tx. **Parameters:** Name | Type | Description | ------ | ------ | ------ | `unsignedTx` | [UnsignedTransaction](../interfaces/_util_types_.unsignedtransaction.md) | The data to parse, as an unsigned tx. | `metadataRpc` | string | The SCALE-encoded metadata, as a hex string. Can be retrieved via the RPC call `state_getMetadata`. | **Returns:** *DecodedUnsignedTx* ▸ **decode**(`signedTx`: string, `metadataRpc`: string): *DecodedSignedTx* *Defined in [src/decode/decode.ts:28](https://github.com/paritytech/txwrapper/blob/fcbe6db/src/decode/decode.ts#L28)* Parse the transaction information from a signing payload, an unsigned tx, or a signed tx. **Parameters:** Name | Type | Description | ------ | ------ | ------ | `signedTx` | string | The data to parse, as a signed tx hex string. | `metadataRpc` | string | The SCALE-encoded metadata, as a hex string. Can be retrieved via the RPC call `state_getMetadata`. | **Returns:** *DecodedSignedTx* ▸ **decode**(`signingPayload`: string, `metadataRpc`: string): *DecodedSigningPayload* *Defined in [src/decode/decode.ts:37](https://github.com/paritytech/txwrapper/blob/fcbe6db/src/decode/decode.ts#L37)* Parse the transaction information from a signing payload, an unsigned tx, or a signed tx. **Parameters:** Name | Type | Description | ------ | ------ | ------ | `signingPayload` | string | The data to parse, as a signing payload hex string. | `metadataRpc` | string | The SCALE-encoded metadata, as a hex string. Can be retrieved via the RPC call `state_getMetadata`. | **Returns:** *DecodedSigningPayload*