_createsignedtx_.md 1.03 KiB
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# External module: "createSignedTx"

## Index

### Functions

* [createSignedTx](_createsignedtx_.md#createsignedtx)

## Functions

###  createSignedTx

**createSignedTx**(`unsigned`: [UnsignedTransaction](_balancetransfer_.md#unsignedtransaction), `signature`: string, `metadataRpc`: string): *string*

*Defined in [createSignedTx.ts:15](https://github.com/amaurymartiny/polkadotjs-wrapper/blob/07b7ece/src/createSignedTx.ts#L15)*

Serialize a signed transaction in a format that can be submitted over the
Node RPC Interface from the signing payload and signature produced by the
remote signer


Name | Type | Description |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`unsigned` | [UnsignedTransaction](_balancetransfer_.md#unsignedtransaction) | The JSON representing the unsigned transaction |
`signature` | string | Signature of the signing payload produced by the remote signer  |
`metadataRpc` | string | - |

**Returns:** *string*