use std::fmt; use std::sync::Arc; use parking_lot::RwLock; use chain::Block; use db; use primitives::hash::H256; use hash_queue::{HashQueueChain, HashPosition}; use miner::MemoryPool; /// Thread-safe reference to `Chain` pub type ChainRef = Arc>; /// Index of 'verifying' queue const VERIFYING_QUEUE: usize = 0; /// Index of 'requested' queue const REQUESTED_QUEUE: usize = 1; /// Index of 'scheduled' queue const SCHEDULED_QUEUE: usize = 2; /// Number of hash queues const NUMBER_OF_QUEUES: usize = 3; /// Block synchronization state #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum BlockState { /// Block is unknown Unknown, /// Scheduled for requesting Scheduled, /// Requested from peers Requested, /// Currently verifying Verifying, /// In storage Stored, } /// Synchronization chain information #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Information { /// Number of blocks currently scheduled for requesting pub scheduled: u32, /// Number of blocks currently requested from peers pub requested: u32, /// Number of blocks currently verifying pub verifying: u32, /// Number of blocks in the storage pub stored: u32, } /// Result of intersecting chain && inventory #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum InventoryIntersection { /// 3.2: No intersection with in-memory queue && no intersection with db NoKnownBlocks(usize), /// 2.3: Inventory has no new blocks && some of blocks in inventory are in in-memory queue InMemoryNoNewBlocks, /// 2.4.2: Inventory has new blocks && these blocks are right after chain' best block InMemoryMainNewBlocks(usize), /// 2.4.3: Inventory has new blocks && these blocks are forked from our chain' best block InMemoryForkNewBlocks(usize), /// 3.3: No intersection with in-memory queue && has intersection with db && all blocks are already stored in db DbAllBlocksKnown, /// 3.4: No intersection with in-memory queue && has intersection with db && some blocks are not yet stored in db DbForkNewBlocks(usize), } /// Blockchain from synchroniation point of view, consisting of: /// 1) all blocks from the `storage` [oldest blocks] /// 2) all blocks currently verifying by `verification_queue` /// 3) all blocks currently requested from peers /// 4) all blocks currently scheduled for requesting [newest blocks] pub struct Chain { /// Genesis block hash (stored for optimizations) genesis_block_hash: H256, /// Best storage block (stored for optimizations) best_storage_block: db::BestBlock, /// Local blocks storage storage: Arc, /// In-memory queue of blocks hashes hash_chain: HashQueueChain, /// Transactions memory pool memory_pool: MemoryPool, } impl BlockState { pub fn from_queue_index(queue_index: usize) -> BlockState { match queue_index { SCHEDULED_QUEUE => BlockState::Scheduled, REQUESTED_QUEUE => BlockState::Requested, VERIFYING_QUEUE => BlockState::Verifying, _ => panic!("Unsupported queue_index: {}", queue_index), } } pub fn to_queue_index(&self) -> usize { match self { &BlockState::Scheduled => SCHEDULED_QUEUE, &BlockState::Requested => REQUESTED_QUEUE, &BlockState::Verifying => VERIFYING_QUEUE, _ => panic!("Unsupported queue: {:?}", self), } } } impl Chain { /// Create new `Chain` with given storage pub fn new(storage: Arc) -> Self { // we only work with storages with genesis block let genesis_block_hash = storage.block_hash(0) .expect("storage with genesis block is required"); let best_storage_block = storage.best_block() .expect("non-empty storage is required"); Chain { genesis_block_hash: genesis_block_hash, best_storage_block: best_storage_block, storage: storage, hash_chain: HashQueueChain::with_number_of_queues(NUMBER_OF_QUEUES), memory_pool: MemoryPool::new(), } } /// Get information on current blockchain state pub fn information(&self) -> Information { Information { scheduled: self.hash_chain.len_of(SCHEDULED_QUEUE), requested: self.hash_chain.len_of(REQUESTED_QUEUE), verifying: self.hash_chain.len_of(VERIFYING_QUEUE), stored: self.best_storage_block.number + 1, } } /// Get storage pub fn storage(&self) -> Arc { } /// Get memory pool reference pub fn memory_pool<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a MemoryPool { &self.memory_pool } /// Get mutable memory pool reference #[cfg(test)] pub fn memory_pool_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut MemoryPool { &mut self.memory_pool } /// Get number of blocks in given state pub fn length_of_state(&self, state: BlockState) -> u32 { match state { BlockState::Stored => self.best_storage_block.number + 1, _ => self.hash_chain.len_of(state.to_queue_index()), } } /// Get best block pub fn best_block(&self) -> db::BestBlock { match self.hash_chain.back() { Some(hash) => db::BestBlock { number: self.best_storage_block.number + self.hash_chain.len(), hash: hash.clone(), }, None => self.best_storage_block.clone(), } } /// Get block state pub fn block_state(&self, hash: &H256) -> BlockState { match self.hash_chain.contains_in(hash) { Some(queue_index) => BlockState::from_queue_index(queue_index), None => if { BlockState::Stored } else { BlockState::Unknown }, } } /// Prepare block locator hashes, as described in protocol documentation: /// /// When there are forked blocks in the queue, this method can result in /// mixed block locator hashes ([0 - from fork1, 1 - from fork2, 2 - from fork1]). /// Peer will respond with blocks of fork1 || fork2 => we could end up in some side fork /// To resolve this, after switching to saturated state, we will also ask all peers for inventory. pub fn block_locator_hashes(&self) -> Vec { let mut block_locator_hashes: Vec = Vec::new(); // calculate for hash_queue let (local_index, step) = self.block_locator_hashes_for_queue(&mut block_locator_hashes); // calculate for storage let storage_index = if self.best_storage_block.number < local_index { 0 } else { self.best_storage_block.number - local_index }; self.block_locator_hashes_for_storage(storage_index, step, &mut block_locator_hashes); block_locator_hashes } /// Schedule blocks for requesting pub fn schedule_blocks_hashes(&mut self, hashes: Vec) { self.hash_chain.push_back_n_at(SCHEDULED_QUEUE, hashes) } /// Moves n blocks from scheduled queue to requested queue pub fn request_blocks_hashes(&mut self, n: u32) -> Vec { let scheduled = self.hash_chain.pop_front_n_at(SCHEDULED_QUEUE, n); self.hash_chain.push_back_n_at(REQUESTED_QUEUE, scheduled.clone()); scheduled } /// Add block to verifying queue pub fn verify_block_hash(&mut self, hash: H256) { self.hash_chain.push_back_at(VERIFYING_QUEUE, hash); } /// Moves n blocks from requested queue to verifying queue #[cfg(test)] pub fn verify_blocks_hashes(&mut self, n: u32) -> Vec { let requested = self.hash_chain.pop_front_n_at(REQUESTED_QUEUE, n); self.hash_chain.push_back_n_at(VERIFYING_QUEUE, requested.clone()); requested } /// Insert new best block to storage pub fn insert_best_block(&mut self, block: Block) -> Result<(), db::Error> { // insert to storage try!(; // remember new best block hash self.best_storage_block ="Inserted block above"); Ok(()) } /// Remove block pub fn remove_block(&mut self, hash: &H256) { if self.hash_chain.remove_at(SCHEDULED_QUEUE, hash) == HashPosition::Missing && self.hash_chain.remove_at(REQUESTED_QUEUE, hash) == HashPosition::Missing { self.hash_chain.remove_at(VERIFYING_QUEUE, hash); } } /// Remove block by hash if it is currently in given state pub fn remove_block_with_state(&mut self, hash: &H256, state: BlockState) -> HashPosition { self.hash_chain.remove_at(state.to_queue_index(), hash) } /// Remove all blocks with given state pub fn remove_blocks_with_state(&mut self, state: BlockState) { self.hash_chain.remove_all_at(state.to_queue_index()); } /// Intersect chain with inventory pub fn intersect_with_inventory(&self, inventory: &Vec) -> InventoryIntersection { let inventory_len = inventory.len(); assert!(inventory_len != 0); // giving that blocks in inventory are ordered match self.block_state(&inventory[0]) { // if first block of inventory is unknown => all other blocks are also unknown BlockState::Unknown => { InventoryIntersection::NoKnownBlocks(0) }, // else if first block is known first_block_state @ _ => match self.block_state(&inventory[inventory_len - 1]) { // if last block is known to be in db => all inventory blocks are also in db BlockState::Stored => { InventoryIntersection::DbAllBlocksKnown }, // if first block is known && last block is unknown => intersection with queue or with db BlockState::Unknown => { // find last known block let mut previous_state = first_block_state; for index in 1..inventory_len { let state = self.block_state(&inventory[index]); if state == BlockState::Unknown { // previous block is stored => fork from stored block if previous_state == BlockState::Stored { return InventoryIntersection::DbForkNewBlocks(index); } // previous block is best block => no fork else if &self.best_block().hash == &inventory[index - 1] { return InventoryIntersection::InMemoryMainNewBlocks(index); } // previous block is not a best block => fork else { return InventoryIntersection::InMemoryForkNewBlocks(index); } } previous_state = state; } // unreachable because last block is unknown && in above loop we search for unknown blocks unreachable!(); }, // if first block is known && last block is also known && is in queue => queue intersection with no new block _ => { InventoryIntersection::InMemoryNoNewBlocks } } } } /// Calculate block locator hashes for hash queue fn block_locator_hashes_for_queue(&self, hashes: &mut Vec) -> (u32, u32) { let queue_len = self.hash_chain.len(); if queue_len == 0 { return (0, 1); } let mut index = queue_len - 1; let mut step = 1u32; loop { let block_hash = self.hash_chain[index].clone(); hashes.push(block_hash); if hashes.len() >= 10 { step <<= 1; } if index < step { return (step - index - 1, step); } index -= step; } } /// Calculate block locator hashes for storage fn block_locator_hashes_for_storage(&self, mut index: u32, mut step: u32, hashes: &mut Vec) { loop { let block_hash = .expect("private function; index calculated in `block_locator_hashes`; qed"); hashes.push(block_hash); if hashes.len() >= 10 { step <<= 1; } if index < step { // always include genesis hash if index != 0 { hashes.push(self.genesis_block_hash.clone()) } break; } index -= step; } } } impl fmt::Debug for Chain { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { try!(writeln!(f, "chain: [")); { let mut num = self.best_storage_block.number; try!(writeln!(f, "\tworse(stored): {} {:?}", 0,; try!(writeln!(f, "\tbest(stored): {} {:?}", num,; let queues = vec![ ("verifying", VERIFYING_QUEUE), ("requested", REQUESTED_QUEUE), ("scheduled", SCHEDULED_QUEUE), ]; for (state, queue) in queues { let queue_len = self.hash_chain.len_of(queue); if queue_len != 0 { try!(writeln!(f, "\tworse({}): {} {:?}", state, num + 1, self.hash_chain.front_at(queue))); num += queue_len; if let Some(pre_best) = self.hash_chain.pre_back_at(queue) { try!(writeln!(f, "\tpre-best({}): {} {:?}", state, num - 1, pre_best)); } try!(writeln!(f, "\tbest({}): {} {:?}", state, num, self.hash_chain.back_at(queue))); } } } writeln!(f, "]") } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::sync::Arc; use chain::RepresentH256; use hash_queue::HashPosition; use super::{Chain, BlockState, InventoryIntersection}; use db::{self, Store, BestBlock}; use primitives::hash::H256; use test_data; #[test] fn chain_empty() { let db = Arc::new(db::TestStorage::with_genesis_block()); let db_best_block = BestBlock { number: 0, hash: db.best_block().expect("storage with genesis block is required").hash }; let chain = Chain::new(db.clone()); assert_eq!(chain.information().scheduled, 0); assert_eq!(chain.information().requested, 0); assert_eq!(chain.information().verifying, 0); assert_eq!(chain.information().stored, 1); assert_eq!(chain.length_of_state(BlockState::Scheduled), 0); assert_eq!(chain.length_of_state(BlockState::Requested), 0); assert_eq!(chain.length_of_state(BlockState::Verifying), 0); assert_eq!(chain.length_of_state(BlockState::Stored), 1); assert_eq!(&chain.best_block(), &db_best_block); assert_eq!(chain.block_state(&db_best_block.hash), BlockState::Stored); assert_eq!(chain.block_state(&H256::from(0)), BlockState::Unknown); } #[test] fn chain_block_path() { let db = Arc::new(db::TestStorage::with_genesis_block()); let mut chain = Chain::new(db.clone()); // add 6 blocks to scheduled queue chain.schedule_blocks_hashes(vec![ H256::from(0), H256::from(1), H256::from(2), H256::from(3), H256::from(4), H256::from(5), ]); assert!(chain.information().scheduled == 6 && chain.information().requested == 0 && chain.information().verifying == 0 && chain.information().stored == 1); // move 2 best blocks (0 && 1) to requested queue chain.request_blocks_hashes(2); assert!(chain.information().scheduled == 4 && chain.information().requested == 2 && chain.information().verifying == 0 && chain.information().stored == 1); // move 0 best blocks to requested queue chain.request_blocks_hashes(0); assert!(chain.information().scheduled == 4 && chain.information().requested == 2 && chain.information().verifying == 0 && chain.information().stored == 1); // move 1 best blocks (2) to requested queue chain.request_blocks_hashes(1); assert!(chain.information().scheduled == 3 && chain.information().requested == 3 && chain.information().verifying == 0 && chain.information().stored == 1); // try to remove block 0 from scheduled queue => missing assert_eq!(chain.remove_block_with_state(&H256::from(0), BlockState::Scheduled), HashPosition::Missing); assert!(chain.information().scheduled == 3 && chain.information().requested == 3 && chain.information().verifying == 0 && chain.information().stored == 1); // remove blocks 0 & 1 from requested queue assert_eq!(chain.remove_block_with_state(&H256::from(1), BlockState::Requested), HashPosition::Inside); assert_eq!(chain.remove_block_with_state(&H256::from(0), BlockState::Requested), HashPosition::Front); assert!(chain.information().scheduled == 3 && chain.information().requested == 1 && chain.information().verifying == 0 && chain.information().stored == 1); // mark 0 & 1 as verifying chain.verify_block_hash(H256::from(1)); chain.verify_block_hash(H256::from(2)); assert!(chain.information().scheduled == 3 && chain.information().requested == 1 && chain.information().verifying == 2 && chain.information().stored == 1); // mark block 0 as verified assert_eq!(chain.remove_block_with_state(&H256::from(1), BlockState::Verifying), HashPosition::Front); assert!(chain.information().scheduled == 3 && chain.information().requested == 1 && chain.information().verifying == 1 && chain.information().stored == 1); // insert new best block to the chain chain.insert_best_block(test_data::block_h1()).expect("Db error"); assert!(chain.information().scheduled == 3 && chain.information().requested == 1 && chain.information().verifying == 1 && chain.information().stored == 2); assert_eq!(db.best_block().expect("storage with genesis block is required").number, 1); } #[test] fn chain_block_locator_hashes() { let mut chain = Chain::new(Arc::new(db::TestStorage::with_genesis_block())); let genesis_hash = chain.best_block().hash; assert_eq!(chain.block_locator_hashes(), vec![genesis_hash.clone()]); let block1 = test_data::block_h1(); let block1_hash = block1.hash(); chain.insert_best_block(block1).expect("Error inserting new block"); assert_eq!(chain.block_locator_hashes(), vec![block1_hash.clone(), genesis_hash.clone()]); let block2 = test_data::block_h2(); let block2_hash = block2.hash(); chain.insert_best_block(block2).expect("Error inserting new block"); assert_eq!(chain.block_locator_hashes(), vec![block2_hash.clone(), block1_hash.clone(), genesis_hash.clone()]); chain.schedule_blocks_hashes(vec![ H256::from(0), H256::from(1), H256::from(2), H256::from(3), H256::from(4), H256::from(5), H256::from(6), H256::from(7), H256::from(8), H256::from(9), H256::from(10), ]); chain.request_blocks_hashes(10); chain.verify_blocks_hashes(10); assert_eq!(chain.block_locator_hashes(), vec![ H256::from(10), H256::from(9), H256::from(8), H256::from(7), H256::from(6), H256::from(5), H256::from(4), H256::from(3), H256::from(2), H256::from(1), block2_hash.clone(), genesis_hash.clone(), ]); chain.schedule_blocks_hashes(vec![ H256::from(11), H256::from(12), H256::from(13), H256::from(14), H256::from(15), H256::from(16), ]); chain.request_blocks_hashes(10); assert_eq!(chain.block_locator_hashes(), vec![ H256::from(16), H256::from(15), H256::from(14), H256::from(13), H256::from(12), H256::from(11), H256::from(10), H256::from(9), H256::from(8), H256::from(7), H256::from(5), H256::from(1), genesis_hash.clone(), ]); chain.schedule_blocks_hashes(vec![ H256::from(20), H256::from(21), H256::from(22), ]); assert_eq!(chain.block_locator_hashes(), vec![ H256::from(22), H256::from(21), H256::from(20), H256::from(16), H256::from(15), H256::from(14), H256::from(13), H256::from(12), H256::from(11), H256::from(10), H256::from(8), H256::from(4), genesis_hash.clone(), ]); } #[test] fn chain_intersect_with_inventory() { let mut chain = Chain::new(Arc::new(db::TestStorage::with_genesis_block())); // append 2 db blocks chain.insert_best_block(test_data::block_h1()).expect("Error inserting new block"); chain.insert_best_block(test_data::block_h2()).expect("Error inserting new block"); // append 3 verifying blocks chain.schedule_blocks_hashes(vec![ H256::from(0), H256::from(1), H256::from(2), ]); chain.request_blocks_hashes(3); chain.verify_blocks_hashes(3); // append 3 requested blocks chain.schedule_blocks_hashes(vec![ H256::from(10), H256::from(11), H256::from(12), ]); chain.request_blocks_hashes(10); // append 3 scheduled blocks chain.schedule_blocks_hashes(vec![ H256::from(20), H256::from(21), H256::from(22), ]); assert_eq!(chain.intersect_with_inventory(&vec![ H256::from(30), H256::from(31), ]), InventoryIntersection::NoKnownBlocks(0)); assert_eq!(chain.intersect_with_inventory(&vec![ H256::from(2), H256::from(10), H256::from(11), H256::from(12), H256::from(20), ]), InventoryIntersection::InMemoryNoNewBlocks); assert_eq!(chain.intersect_with_inventory(&vec![ H256::from(21), H256::from(22), H256::from(30), H256::from(31), ]), InventoryIntersection::InMemoryMainNewBlocks(2)); assert_eq!(chain.intersect_with_inventory(&vec![ H256::from(20), H256::from(21), H256::from(30), H256::from(31), ]), InventoryIntersection::InMemoryForkNewBlocks(2)); assert_eq!(chain.intersect_with_inventory(&vec![ test_data::block_h1().hash(), test_data::block_h2().hash(), ]), InventoryIntersection::DbAllBlocksKnown); assert_eq!(chain.intersect_with_inventory(&vec![ test_data::block_h2().hash(), H256::from(30), H256::from(31), ]), InventoryIntersection::DbForkNewBlocks(1)); } }