use std::{collections::HashMap, path::PathBuf}; use anyhow::Context; use provider::{ constants::{LOCALHOST, NODE_CONFIG_DIR, NODE_DATA_DIR, NODE_RELAY_DATA_DIR, P2P_PORT}, shared::helpers::running_in_ci, types::{SpawnNodeOptions, TransferedFile}, DynNamespace, }; use support::{constants::THIS_IS_A_BUG, fs::FileSystem}; use tracing::info; use crate::{ generators, network::node::NetworkNode, network_spec::{node::NodeSpec, parachain::ParachainSpec}, shared::constants::{PROMETHEUS_PORT, RPC_PORT}, ScopedFilesystem, ZombieRole, }; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SpawnNodeCtx<'a, T: FileSystem> { /// Relaychain id, from the chain-spec (e.g rococo_local_testnet) pub(crate) chain_id: &'a str, // Parachain id, from the chain-spec (e.g local_testnet) pub(crate) parachain_id: Option<&'a str>, /// Relaychain chain name (e.g rococo-local) pub(crate) chain: &'a str, /// Role of the node in the network pub(crate) role: ZombieRole, /// Ref to the namespace pub(crate) ns: &'a DynNamespace, /// Ref to an scoped filesystem (encapsulate fs actions inside the ns directory) pub(crate) scoped_fs: &'a ScopedFilesystem<'a, T>, /// Ref to a parachain (used to spawn collators) pub(crate) parachain: Option<&'a ParachainSpec>, /// The string representation of the bootnode address to pass to nodes pub(crate) bootnodes_addr: &'a Vec<String>, /// Flag to wait node is ready or not /// Ready state means we can query Prometheus internal server pub(crate) wait_ready: bool, } pub async fn spawn_node<'a, T>( node: &NodeSpec, mut files_to_inject: Vec<TransferedFile>, ctx: &SpawnNodeCtx<'a, T>, ) -> Result<NetworkNode, anyhow::Error> where T: FileSystem, { let mut created_paths = vec![]; // Create and inject the keystore IFF // - The node is validator in the relaychain // - The node is collator (encoded as validator) and the parachain is cumulus_based // (parachain_id) should be set then. if node.is_validator && (ctx.parachain.is_none() || ctx.parachain_id.is_some()) { // Generate keystore for node let node_files_path = if let Some(para) = ctx.parachain { } else { }; let asset_hub_polkadot = ctx .parachain_id .map(|id| id.starts_with("asset-hub-polkadot")) .unwrap_or_default(); let key_filenames = generators::generate_node_keystore( &node.accounts, &node_files_path, ctx.scoped_fs, asset_hub_polkadot, ) .await .unwrap(); // Paths returned are relative to the base dir, we need to convert into // fullpaths to inject them in the nodes. let remote_keystore_chain_id = if let Some(id) = ctx.parachain_id { id } else { ctx.chain_id }; for key_filename in key_filenames { let f = TransferedFile::new( PathBuf::from(format!( "{}/{}/{}", ctx.ns.base_dir().to_string_lossy(), node_files_path, key_filename.to_string_lossy() )), PathBuf::from(format!( "/data/chains/{}/keystore/{}", remote_keystore_chain_id, key_filename.to_string_lossy() )), ); files_to_inject.push(f); } created_paths.push(PathBuf::from(format!( "/data/chains/{}/keystore", remote_keystore_chain_id ))); } let base_dir = format!("{}/{}", ctx.ns.base_dir().to_string_lossy(), &; let (cfg_path, data_path, relay_data_path) = if !ctx.ns.capabilities().prefix_with_full_path { ( NODE_CONFIG_DIR.into(), NODE_DATA_DIR.into(), NODE_RELAY_DATA_DIR.into(), ) } else { let cfg_path = format!("{}{NODE_CONFIG_DIR}", &base_dir); let data_path = format!("{}{NODE_DATA_DIR}", &base_dir); let relay_data_path = format!("{}{NODE_RELAY_DATA_DIR}", &base_dir); (cfg_path, data_path, relay_data_path) }; let gen_opts = generators::GenCmdOptions { relay_chain_name: ctx.chain, cfg_path: &cfg_path, // TODO: get from provider/ns data_path: &data_path, // TODO: get from provider relay_data_path: &relay_data_path, // TODO: get from provider use_wrapper: false, // TODO: get from provider bootnode_addr: ctx.bootnodes_addr.clone(), // IFF the provider require an image (e.g k8s) we should use the default ports in the cmd. use_default_ports_in_cmd: ctx.ns.capabilities().use_default_ports_in_cmd, }; let (program, args) = match ctx.role { // Collator should be `non-cumulus` one (e.g adder/undying) ZombieRole::Node | ZombieRole::Collator => { let maybe_para_id =|para|; generators::generate_node_command(node, gen_opts, maybe_para_id) }, ZombieRole::CumulusCollator => { let para = ctx.parachain.expect(&format!( "parachain must be part of the context {THIS_IS_A_BUG}" )); let full_p2p = generators::generate_node_port(None)?; generators::generate_node_command_cumulus(node, gen_opts,, full_p2p.0) }, _ => unreachable!(), /* TODO: do we need those? * ZombieRole::Bootnode => todo!(), * ZombieRole::Companion => todo!(), */ }; info!( "🚀 {}, spawning.... with command: {} {}",, program, args.join(" ") ); let ports = if ctx.ns.capabilities().use_default_ports_in_cmd { // should use default ports to as internal [ (P2P_PORT, node.p2p_port.0), (RPC_PORT, node.rpc_port.0), (PROMETHEUS_PORT, node.prometheus_port.0), ] } else { [ (P2P_PORT, P2P_PORT), (RPC_PORT, RPC_PORT), (PROMETHEUS_PORT, PROMETHEUS_PORT), ] }; let spawn_ops = SpawnNodeOptions::new(, program) .args(args) .env( node.env .iter() .map(|var| (, var.value.clone())), ) .injected_files(files_to_inject) .created_paths(created_paths) .db_snapshot(node.db_snapshot.clone()) .port_mapping(HashMap::from(ports)); let spawn_ops = if let Some(image) = node.image.as_ref() { spawn_ops.image(image.as_str()) } else { spawn_ops }; // Drops the port parking listeners before spawn node.ws_port.drop_listener(); node.p2p_port.drop_listener(); node.rpc_port.drop_listener(); node.prometheus_port.drop_listener(); let running_node = ctx.ns.spawn_node(&spawn_ops).await.with_context(|| { format!( "Failed to spawn node: {} with opts: {:#?}",, spawn_ops ) })?; let mut ip_to_use = LOCALHOST; let (rpc_port_external, prometheus_port_external); // Create port-forward iff we are not in CI if !running_in_ci() { let ports = futures::future::try_join_all(vec![ running_node.create_port_forward(node.rpc_port.0, RPC_PORT), running_node.create_port_forward(node.prometheus_port.0, PROMETHEUS_PORT), ]) .await?; (rpc_port_external, prometheus_port_external) = ( ports[0].unwrap_or(node.rpc_port.0), ports[1].unwrap_or(node.prometheus_port.0), ); } else { // running in ci require to use ip and default port (rpc_port_external, prometheus_port_external) = (RPC_PORT, PROMETHEUS_PORT); ip_to_use = running_node.ip().await?; } let ws_uri = format!("ws://{}:{}", ip_to_use, rpc_port_external); let prometheus_uri = format!("http://{}:{}/metrics", ip_to_use, prometheus_port_external); info!("🚀 {}, should be running now",; info!( "💻 {}: direct link{ws_uri}#/explorer", ); info!("📊 {}: metrics link {prometheus_uri}",; info!("📓 logs cmd: {}", running_node.log_cmd()); Ok(NetworkNode::new(, ws_uri, prometheus_uri, node.clone(), running_node, )) }