import { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api'; import { expandMetadata } from '@polkadot/metadata/decorate'; import { Compact, GenericCall, Struct, Vec } from '@polkadot/types'; import { AbstractInt } from '@polkadot/types/codec/AbstractInt'; import { Block, BlockHash, BlockNumber, BlockWeights, DispatchInfo, EventRecord, Hash, } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'; import { AnyJson, Codec, Registry } from '@polkadot/types/types'; import { u8aToHex } from '@polkadot/util'; import { blake2AsU8a } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'; import { CalcFee } from '@substrate/calc'; import { BadRequest, InternalServerError } from 'http-errors'; import { BlockWeightStore, IPerClass, isExtBaseWeightValue, isPerClassValue, WeightValue, } from '../../types/chains-config'; import { IBlock, ICalcFee, IExtrinsic, IExtrinsicIndex, ISanitizedCall, ISanitizedEvent, isFrameMethod, } from '../../types/responses'; import { IOption } from '../../types/util'; import { isPaysFee } from '../../types/util'; import { AbstractService } from '../AbstractService'; /** * Types for fetchBlock's options * @field eventDocs * @field extrinsicDocs * @field checkFinalized Option to reduce rpc calls. Equals true when blockId is a hash. * @field queryFinalizedHead Option to reduce rpc calls. Equals true when finalized head has not been queried. * @field omitFinalizedTag Option to omit the finalized tag, and return it as undefined. */ interface FetchBlockOptions { eventDocs: boolean; extrinsicDocs: boolean; checkFinalized: boolean; queryFinalizedHead: boolean; omitFinalizedTag: boolean; } /** * Event methods that we check for. */ enum Event { success = 'ExtrinsicSuccess', failure = 'ExtrinsicFailed', } export class BlocksService extends AbstractService { constructor( api: ApiPromise, private minCalcFeeRuntime: IOption, private blockWeightStore: BlockWeightStore = {} ) { super(api); } /** * Fetch a block augmented with derived values. * * @param hash `BlockHash` of the block to fetch. * @param FetchBlockOptions options for additonal information. */ async fetchBlock( hash: BlockHash, { eventDocs, extrinsicDocs, checkFinalized, queryFinalizedHead, omitFinalizedTag, }: FetchBlockOptions ): Promise { const { api } = this; const [deriveBlock, events, finalizedHead] = await Promise.all([ api.derive.chain.getBlock(hash), this.fetchEvents(api, hash), queryFinalizedHead ? api.rpc.chain.getFinalizedHead() : Promise.resolve(hash), ]); if (deriveBlock === undefined) { throw new InternalServerError('Error querying for block'); } const { block, author: authorId } = deriveBlock; const { parentHash, number, stateRoot, extrinsicsRoot, digest, } = block.header; const logs ={ type, index, value }) => { return { type, index, value }; }); const nonSanitizedExtrinsics = this.extractExtrinsics( block, events, extrinsicDocs ); const { extrinsics, onInitialize, onFinalize } = this.sanitizeEvents( events, nonSanitizedExtrinsics, hash, eventDocs ); let finalized = undefined; if (!omitFinalizedTag) { // Check if the requested block is finalized finalized = await this.isFinalizedBlock( api, number, hash, finalizedHead, checkFinalized ); } // The genesis block is a special case with little information associated with it. if (parentHash.every((byte) => !byte)) { return { number, hash, parentHash, stateRoot, extrinsicsRoot, authorId, logs, onInitialize, extrinsics, onFinalize, finalized, }; } let calcFee, specName, specVersion; if (this.minCalcFeeRuntime === null) { // Don't bother with trying to create calcFee for a runtime where fee calcs are not supported specVersion = -1; specName = 'ERROR'; calcFee = undefined; } else { // This runtime supports fee calc const createCalcFee = await this.createCalcFee(api, parentHash, block); calcFee = createCalcFee.calcFee; specName = createCalcFee.specName; specVersion = createCalcFee.specVersion; } for (let idx = 0; idx < block.extrinsics.length; ++idx) { if (!extrinsics[idx].paysFee || !block.extrinsics[idx].isSigned) { continue; } if (this.minCalcFeeRuntime === null) { extrinsics[idx].info = { error: `Fee calculation not supported for this network`, }; continue; } if (calcFee === null || calcFee === undefined) { extrinsics[idx].info = { error: `Fee calculation not supported for ${specVersion}#${specName}`, }; continue; } const xtEvents = extrinsics[idx].events; const completedEvent = xtEvents.find( ({ method }) => isFrameMethod(method) && (method.method === Event.success || method.method === Event.failure) ); if (!completedEvent) { extrinsics[idx].info = { error: 'Unable to find success or failure event for extrinsic', }; continue; } const completedData =; if (!completedData) { extrinsics[idx].info = { error: 'Success or failure event for extrinsic does not contain expected data', }; continue; } // both ExtrinsicSuccess and ExtrinsicFailed events have DispatchInfo // types as their final arg const weightInfo = completedData[ completedData.length - 1 ] as DispatchInfo; if (!weightInfo.weight) { extrinsics[idx].info = { error: 'Success or failure event for extrinsic does not specify weight', }; continue; } // The Dispatch class used to key into `blockWeights.perClass` // We set default to be normal. let weightInfoClass: keyof IPerClass = 'normal'; if (weightInfo.class.isMandatory) { weightInfoClass = 'mandatory'; } else if (weightInfo.class.isOperational) { weightInfoClass = 'operational'; } /** * `extrinsicBaseWeight` changed from using system.extrinsicBaseWeight => system.blockWeights.perClass[weightInfoClass].baseExtrinsic * in polkadot v0.8.27 due to this pr: . * . * */ // This makes the compiler happy for below type guards const weightStored = this.blockWeightStore[specVersion]; let extrinsicBaseWeight; if (isExtBaseWeightValue(weightStored)) { extrinsicBaseWeight = weightStored.extrinsicBaseWeight; } else if (isPerClassValue(weightStored)) { extrinsicBaseWeight = weightStored.perClass[weightInfoClass]?.baseExtrinsic; } if (!extrinsicBaseWeight) { throw new InternalServerError('Could not find extrinsicBaseWeight'); } const len = block.extrinsics[idx].encodedLength; const weight = weightInfo.weight; const partialFee = calcFee.calc_fee( BigInt(weight.toString()), len, extrinsicBaseWeight ); extrinsics[idx].info = api.createType('RuntimeDispatchInfo', { weight, class: weightInfo.class, partialFee: partialFee, }); } return { number, hash, parentHash, stateRoot, extrinsicsRoot, authorId, logs, onInitialize, extrinsics, onFinalize, finalized, }; } /** * * @param block Takes in a block which is the result of `BlocksService.fetchBlock` * @param extrinsicIndex Parameter passed into the request */ fetchExtrinsicByIndex( block: IBlock, extrinsicIndex: number ): IExtrinsicIndex { if (extrinsicIndex > block.extrinsics.length - 1) { throw new BadRequest('Requested `extrinsicIndex` does not exist'); } const { hash, number } = block; const height = number.unwrap().toString(10); return { at: { height, hash, }, extrinsics: block.extrinsics[extrinsicIndex], }; } /** * Extract extrinsics from a block. * * @param block Block * @param events events fetched by `fetchEvents` */ private extractExtrinsics( block: Block, events: Vec | string, extrinsicDocs: boolean ) { const defaultSuccess = typeof events === 'string' ? events : false; // Note, if events is a string then there was an issue getting them from the node. // In this case we try and create the calls with the registry on `block`. // The block from `api.derive.chain.getBlock` has the most recent registry, // which could cause issues with historical querries. // On the other hand, we know `events` will have the correctly dated query // since it is a storage query. const registry = typeof events === 'string' ? block.registry : events.registry; return => { const { method, nonce, signature, signer, isSigned, tip } = extrinsic; const hash = u8aToHex(blake2AsU8a(extrinsic.toU8a(), 256)); const call = registry.createType('Call', method); return { method: { pallet: method.section, method: method.method, }, signature: isSigned ? { signature, signer } : null, nonce: isSigned ? nonce : null, args: this.parseGenericCall(call, registry).args, tip: isSigned ? tip : null, hash, info: {}, events: [] as ISanitizedEvent[], success: defaultSuccess, // paysFee overrides to bool if `system.ExtrinsicSuccess|ExtrinsicFailed` event is present // we set to false if !isSigned because unsigned never pays a fee paysFee: isSigned ? null : false, docs: extrinsicDocs ? this.sanitizeDocs(extrinsic.meta.documentation) : undefined, }; }); } /** * Sanitize events and attribute them to an extrinsic, onInitialize, or * onFinalize. * * @param events events from `fetchEvents` * @param extrinsics extrinsics from * @param hash hash of the block the events are from */ private sanitizeEvents( events: EventRecord[] | string, extrinsics: IExtrinsic[], hash: BlockHash, eventDocs: boolean ) { const onInitialize = { events: [] as ISanitizedEvent[] }; const onFinalize = { events: [] as ISanitizedEvent[] }; if (Array.isArray(events)) { for (const record of events) { const { event, phase } = record; const sanitizedEvent = { method: { pallet: event.section, method: event.method, }, data:, docs: eventDocs ? this.sanitizeDocs( : undefined, }; if (phase.isApplyExtrinsic) { const extrinsicIdx = phase.asApplyExtrinsic.toNumber(); const extrinsic = extrinsics[extrinsicIdx]; if (!extrinsic) { throw new Error( `Missing extrinsic ${extrinsicIdx} in block ${hash.toString()}` ); } if (event.method === Event.success) { extrinsic.success = true; } if ( event.method === Event.success || event.method === Event.failure ) { const sanitizedData = as AnyJson[]; for (const data of sanitizedData) { if (extrinsic.signature && isPaysFee(data)) { extrinsic.paysFee = data.paysFee === true || data.paysFee === 'Yes'; break; } } }; } else if (phase.isFinalization) {; } else if (phase.isInitialization) {; } } } return { extrinsics, onInitialize, onFinalize, }; } /** * Create calcFee from params or return `null` if calcFee cannot be created. * * @param api ApiPromise * @param parentHash Hash of the parent block * @param block Block which the extrinsic is from */ private async createCalcFee( api: ApiPromise, parentHash: Hash, block: Block ): Promise { const parentParentHash: Hash = await this.getParentParentHash( api, parentHash, block ); const [version, multiplier] = await Promise.all([ api.rpc.state.getRuntimeVersion(parentParentHash), api.query.transactionPayment?.nextFeeMultiplier?.at(parentHash), ]); const specName = version.specName.toString(); const specVersion = version.specVersion.toNumber(); const perByte = api.consts.transactionPayment?.transactionByteFee; const extrinsicBaseWeightExists = api.consts.system.extrinsicBaseWeight || api.consts.system.blockWeights.perClass.normal.baseExtrinsic; const { weightToFee } = api.consts.transactionPayment; if ( !perByte || !extrinsicBaseWeightExists || (this.minCalcFeeRuntime && specVersion < this.minCalcFeeRuntime) || !multiplier || !weightToFee ) { // This particular runtime version is not supported with fee calcs or // does not have the necessay materials to build calcFee return { specVersion, specName, }; } const coefficients = => { return { // Anything that could overflow Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER needs to be serialized // to BigInt or string. coeffInteger: c.coeffInteger.toString(10), coeffFrac: c.coeffFrac.toNumber(), degree:, negative: c.negative, }; }); // Now that we know the exact runtime supports fee calcs, make sure we have // the weights in the store this.blockWeightStore[specVersion] ||= await this.getWeight( api, parentHash ); const calcFee = CalcFee.from_params( coefficients, multiplier.toString(10), perByte.toString(10), specName, specVersion ); return { calcFee, specName, specVersion, }; } /** * Get a formatted blockweight store value for the runtime corresponding to the given block hash. * * @param api ApiPromise * @param blockHash Hash of a block in the runtime to get the extrinsic base weight(s) for * @returns formatted block weight store entry */ private async getWeight( api: ApiPromise, blockHash: BlockHash ): Promise { const metadata = await api.rpc.state.getMetadata(blockHash); const { consts: { system }, } = expandMetadata(api.registry, metadata); let weightValue; if (((system.blockWeights as unknown) as BlockWeights)?.perClass) { const { normal, operational, mandatory, } = ((system.blockWeights as unknown) as BlockWeights)?.perClass; const perClass = { normal: { baseExtrinsic: normal.baseExtrinsic.toBigInt(), }, operational: { baseExtrinsic: operational.baseExtrinsic.toBigInt(), }, mandatory: { baseExtrinsic: mandatory.baseExtrinsic.toBigInt(), }, }; weightValue = { perClass }; } else if (system.extrinsicBaseWeight) { weightValue = { extrinsicBaseWeight: ((system.extrinsicBaseWeight as unknown) as AbstractInt).toBigInt(), }; } else { throw new InternalServerError( 'Could not find a extrinsic base weight in metadata' ); } return weightValue; } /** * The block where the runtime is deployed falsely proclaims it would * be already using the new runtime. This workaround therefore uses the * parent of the parent in order to determine the correct runtime under which * this block was produced. * * @param api ApiPromise to use for rpc call * @param parentHash Used to identify the runtime in a block * @param block Used to make sure we dont */ private async getParentParentHash( api: ApiPromise, parentHash: Hash, block: Block ): Promise { let parentParentHash: Hash; if (block.header.number.toNumber() > 1) { parentParentHash = (await api.rpc.chain.getHeader(parentHash)).parentHash; } else { parentParentHash = parentHash; } return parentParentHash; } /** * Fetch events for the specified block. * * @param api ApiPromise to use for query * @param hash `BlockHash` to make query at */ private async fetchEvents( api: ApiPromise, hash: BlockHash ): Promise | string> { try { return await; } catch { return 'Unable to fetch Events, cannot confirm extrinsic status. Check pruning settings on the node.'; } } /** * Helper function for `parseGenericCall`. * * @param argsArray array of `Codec` values * @param registry type registry of the block the call belongs to */ private parseArrayGenericCalls( argsArray: Codec[], registry: Registry ): (Codec | ISanitizedCall)[] { return => { if (argument instanceof GenericCall) { return this.parseGenericCall(argument, registry); } return argument; }); } /** * Recursively parse a `GenericCall` in order to label its arguments with * their param names and give a human friendly method name (opposed to just a * call index). Parses `GenericCall`s that are nested as arguments. * * @param genericCall `GenericCall` * @param registry type registry of the block the call belongs to */ private parseGenericCall( genericCall: GenericCall, registry: Registry ): ISanitizedCall { const newArgs = {}; // Pull out the struct of arguments to this call const callArgs = genericCall.get('args') as Struct; // Make sure callArgs exists and we can access its keys if (callArgs && callArgs.defKeys) { // paramName is a string for (const paramName of callArgs.defKeys) { const argument = callArgs.get(paramName); if (Array.isArray(argument)) { newArgs[paramName] = this.parseArrayGenericCalls(argument, registry); } else if (argument instanceof GenericCall) { newArgs[paramName] = this.parseGenericCall(argument, registry); } else if (paramName === 'call' && argument?.toRawType() === 'Bytes') { // is an OpaqueCall (Vec) that we // serialize to a polkadot-js Call and parse so it is not a hex blob. try { const call = registry.createType('Call', argument.toHex()); newArgs[paramName] = this.parseGenericCall(call, registry); } catch { newArgs[paramName] = argument; } } else { newArgs[paramName] = argument; } } } return { method: { pallet: genericCall.section, method: genericCall.method, }, args: newArgs, }; } /** * When querying a block this will immediately inform the request whether * or not the queried block is considered finalized at the time of querying. * * @param api ApiPromise to use for query * @param blockNumber Queried block number * @param queriedHash Hash of user queried block * @param finalizedHead Finalized head for our chain * @param checkFinalized If the passed in blockId is a hash */ private async isFinalizedBlock( api: ApiPromise, blockNumber: Compact, queriedHash: BlockHash, finalizedHead: BlockHash, checkFinalized: boolean ): Promise { if (checkFinalized) { // The blockId url param is a hash const [finalizedHeadBlock, canonHash] = await Promise.all([ // Returns the header of the most recently finalized block api.rpc.chain.getHeader(finalizedHead), // Fetch the hash of the block with equal height on the canon chain. // N.B. We assume when we query by number <= finalized head height, // we will always get a block on the finalized, canonical chain. api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(blockNumber.unwrap()), ]); // If queried by hash this is the original request param const hash = queriedHash.toHex(); // If this conditional is satisfied, the queried hash is on a fork, // and is not on the canonical chain and therefore not finalized if (canonHash.toHex() !== hash) { return false; } // Retreive the finalized head blockNumber const finalizedHeadBlockNumber = finalizedHeadBlock?.number; // If the finalized head blockNumber is undefined return false if (!finalizedHeadBlockNumber) { return false; } // Check if the user's block is less than or equal to the finalized head. // If so, the user's block is finalized. return blockNumber.unwrap().lte(finalizedHeadBlockNumber.unwrap()); } else { // The blockId url param is an integer // Returns the header of the most recently finalized block const finalizedHeadBlock = await api.rpc.chain.getHeader(finalizedHead); // Retreive the finalized head blockNumber const finalizedHeadBlockNumber = finalizedHeadBlock?.number; // If the finalized head blockNumber is undefined return false if (!finalizedHeadBlockNumber) { return false; } // Check if the user's block is less than or equal to the finalized head. // If so, the user's block is finalized. return blockNumber.unwrap().lte(finalizedHeadBlockNumber.unwrap()); } } }