import * as express from 'express'; import { Request, Response } from 'express'; import { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api'; import { TypeRegistry } from '@polkadot/types'; import { BlockHash } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/rpc'; const HOST = process.env.BIND_HOST || ''; const PORT = Number(process.env.BIND_PORT) || 8080; async function main() { const api = await ApiPromise.create(); const app = express(); async function getBlock(hash: BlockHash, req: Request, res: Response) { const { block } = await api.rpc.chain.getBlock(hash); const { parentHash, number, stateRoot, extrinsicsRoot } = block.header; // console.log(block.toJSON()); const logs = => log.type); const extrinsics = => ({ method: `${extrinsic.method.sectionName}.${extrinsic.method.methodName}`, args: => arg.toJSON()), })); res.send({ number, hash, parentHash, stateRoot, extrinsicsRoot, logs, extrinsics, }); } app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Proxy is running, go to /block to get latest finalized block')) app.get('/block/:number', async (req, res) => { const number = Number(req.params.number) || 0; const hash = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(number); await getBlock(hash, req, res); }) app.get('/block/', async (req, res) => { const hash = await api.rpc.chain.getFinalizedHead(); await getBlock(hash, req, res); }) app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Running on http://${HOST}:${PORT}/`)) } main();