/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call */ import { RpcPromiseResult } from '@polkadot/api/types/rpc'; import Extrinsic from '@polkadot/types/extrinsic/Extrinsic'; import { GenericCall } from '@polkadot/types/generic'; import { BlockHash, Hash, SignedBlock } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'; import { sanitizeNumbers } from '../../../sanitize/sanitizeNumbers'; import { createCall } from '../../../test-helpers/createCall'; import { kusamaRegistry, polkadotRegistry, } from '../../../test-helpers/registries'; import { blockHash789629, getBlock, mockApi, mockBlock789629, } from '../../test-helpers/mock'; import * as block789629 from '../../test-helpers/mock/data/block789629.json'; import * as blocks789629Response from '../../test-helpers/responses/blocks/blocks789629.json'; import { BlocksService } from './BlocksService'; /** * For type casting mock getBlock functions so tsc does not complain */ type GetBlock = RpcPromiseResult< (hash?: string | BlockHash | Uint8Array | undefined) => Promise >; /** * BlockService mock */ const blocksService = new BlocksService(mockApi); describe('BlocksService', () => { describe('fetchBlock', () => { it('works when ApiPromise works (block 789629)', async () => { expect( sanitizeNumbers(await blocksService.fetchBlock(blockHash789629)) ).toStrictEqual(blocks789629Response); }); it('throws when an extrinsic is undefined', async () => { // Create a block with undefined as the first extrinisic and the last extrinsic removed const mockBlock789629BadExt = polkadotRegistry.createType( 'Block', block789629 ); mockBlock789629BadExt.extrinsics.pop(); mockBlock789629BadExt.extrinsics.unshift( (undefined as unknown) as Extrinsic ); mockApi.rpc.chain.getBlock = (() => Promise.resolve().then(() => { return { block: mockBlock789629BadExt, }; }) as unknown) as GetBlock; await expect( blocksService.fetchBlock(blockHash789629) ).rejects.toThrow( new Error( `Cannot destructure property 'method' of 'extrinsic' as it is undefined.` ) ); mockApi.rpc.chain.getBlock = (getBlock as unknown) as GetBlock; }); }); describe('createCalcFee & calc_fee', () => { it('calculates partialFee for proxy.proxy in polkadot block 789629', async () => { // tx hash: 0x6d6c0e955650e689b14fb472daf14d2bdced258c748ded1d6cb0da3bfcc5854f const { calcFee } = await blocksService['createCalcFee']( mockApi, ('0xParentHash' as unknown) as Hash, mockBlock789629 ); expect(calcFee?.calc_fee(BigInt(399480000), 534)).toBe('544000000'); }); it('calculates partialFee for utility.batch in polkadot block 789629', async () => { // tx hash: 0xc96b4d442014fae60c932ea50cba30bf7dea3233f59d1fe98c6f6f85bfd51045 const { calcFee } = await blocksService['createCalcFee']( mockApi, ('0xParentHash' as unknown) as Hash, mockBlock789629 ); expect(calcFee?.calc_fee(BigInt(941325000000), 1247)).toBe( '1257000075' ); }); }); describe('BlocksService.parseGenericCall', () => { const transfer = createCall('balances', 'transfer', { value: 12, dest: kusamaRegistry.createType( 'AccountId', '14E5nqKAp3oAJcmzgZhUD2RcptBeUBScxKHgJKU4HPNcKVf3' ), // Bob }); const transferOutput = { method: 'balances.transfer', callIndex: new Uint8Array([6, 0]), args: { dest: '5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty', value: 12, }, }; it('does not handle an empty object', () => expect(() => blocksService['parseGenericCall']( ({} as unknown) as GenericCall ) ).toThrow()); it('parses a simple balances.transfer', () => { expect( JSON.stringify(blocksService['parseGenericCall'](transfer)) ).toBe(JSON.stringify(transferOutput)); }); it('parses utility.batch nested 4 deep', () => { const batch1 = createCall('utility', 'batch', { calls: [transfer], }); const batch2 = createCall('utility', 'batch', { calls: [batch1, transfer], }); const batch3 = createCall('utility', 'batch', { calls: [batch2, transfer], }); const batch4 = createCall('utility', 'batch', { calls: [batch3, transfer], }); const baseBatch = { method: 'utility.batch', callIndex: new Uint8Array([1, 0]), args: { calls: [], }, }; expect( JSON.stringify(blocksService['parseGenericCall'](batch4)) ).toBe( JSON.stringify({ ...baseBatch, args: { calls: [ { ...baseBatch, args: { calls: [ { ...baseBatch, args: { calls: [ { ...baseBatch, args: { calls: [ transferOutput, ], }, }, transferOutput, ], }, }, transferOutput, ], }, }, transferOutput, ], }, }) ); }); it('handles a batch sudo proxy transfer', () => { const proxy = createCall('proxy', 'proxy', { forceProxyType: 'Any', call: transfer, }); const sudo = createCall('sudo', 'sudo', { call: proxy, }); const batch = createCall('utility', 'batch', { calls: [sudo, sudo, sudo], }); const sudoOutput = { method: 'sudo.sudo', callIndex: new Uint8Array([18, 0]), args: { call: { method: 'proxy.proxy', callIndex: new Uint8Array([28, 0]), args: { real: '5C4hrfjw9DjXZTzV3MwzrrAr9P1MJhSrvWGWqi1eSuyUpnhM', force_proxy_type: 'Any', call: transferOutput, }, }, }, }; expect( JSON.stringify(blocksService['parseGenericCall'](batch)) ).toEqual( JSON.stringify({ method: 'utility.batch', callIndex: new Uint8Array([1, 0]), args: { calls: [sudoOutput, sudoOutput, sudoOutput], }, }) ); }); }); });