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# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

## [19.0.0]( (2024-04-24)

### Breaking Changes

- fix!: add new staking storage items ([#1432]( ([317edba](
  NOTE: This PR introduces breaking changes in the `staking-payouts` endpoint. More specifically:
    1. The payouts for eras after the v1.2.0 runtime upgrade are now retrieved and returned in the endpoint's response
    1. The payouts are retrieved by using the new storage items `erasStakersPaged` and `erasStakersOverview`
    1. The use of `erasStakersClipped` is deprecated but still supported. It will be completely removed in the future
- fix!: staking payouts change claimed value ([#1429]( ([abf4d9d](
  NOTE: This PR introduces breaking changes in the `staking-payouts` endpoint. More specifically:
    1. Payouts with `claimed` false are now retrieved and returned in the endpoint's response
    1. Payouts are now retrievable from any block height within the queried era

### Feat

- feat: add metadata versions endpoints ([#1424]( ([beb02ba](

### Fix

- fix: add deprecation note for paras endpoints ([#1428]( ([3ed7cbe](
- fix: define query param depth in Staking Payouts for all chains ([#1422]( ([c73c801](

### Chore

- chore(deps): update polkadot-js deps ([#1434]( ([d2c05f2](
- chore(deps): update polkadot-js deps ([#1430]( ([80571f8](
- chore(deps): bump tar from 6.1.15 to 6.2.1 ([#1427]( ([395b39b](
- chore: bump tar from 6.1.12 to 6.2.1 in /docs ([#1426]( ([467ecdd](
- chore: bump undici from 5.28.3 to 5.28.4 in /docs ([#1425]( ([360b6ab](
- chore(deps): bump express from 4.18.3 to 4.19.2 ([#1420]( ([5951085](
- chore(deps): bump express from 4.18.1 to 4.19.2 in /docs ([#1419]( ([d4ceb44](
- chore(deps): bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.1 to 5.3.4 in /docs ([#1418]( ([51a4a68](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v11000
- Kusama v11000
- Westend v11000

## [18.0.0]( (2024-03-21)

### Breaking Changes

- feat!: add in-transit XCM msgs in blocks endpoint ([#1412]( ([6028086](
  - NOTE: This PR introduces breaking changes in the blocks endpoint when decoded XCM messages are enabled. More specifically:
     1. The structure of the Upward Messages response has changed
     1. `paraId` was renamed to `originParaId`

### Fix

- fix: add Kusama chain check in historic blocks ([#1415]( ([cfbcddd](
- fix: multilocation type in pallets/foreign-assets ([#1408]( ([b7136d0](

### Chore

- fix(deps): update pjs deps, and fixing types ([#1416]( ([b5eded8](
- chore(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 in /docs ([#1414]( ([e20f782](
- chore(deps): update non-pjs deps ([#1407]( ([96c9f11](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v10800
- Kusama v10800
- Westend v10800

## [17.5.2]( (2024-03-01)

### Fix

- fix: add more historic support for staking-payouts ([#1397]( ([b1e84be](

### Chore

- chore(deps): bump ip from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9 in /docs ([#1399]( ([b7480fb](
- chore(deps): bump ip from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 ([#1398]( ([d751ba8](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v10500
- Kusama v10500
- Westend v10500

## [17.5.1](

### Fix

- fix: staking-payouts for legacy types ([#1394]( ([e91a913](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v10500
- Kusama v10500
- Westend v10500

## [17.5.0](

### Feat

- feat: add `at` query param for staking-payouts ([#1388]( ([a8b96ff](
- feat: Add endpoint `/accounts/{accountId}/proxy-info` ([#1387]( ([9addf07](

### Fix

- fix: add asset conversion pallet to Kusama Asset Hub ([#1389]( ([3b447c6](
- fix: added decodedXcmMsgs in 'blocks/head' endpoint ([#1385]( ([90b89de](

### Docs

- docs(calc): Updated README for calc package ([#1386]( ([cc80227](

### Ci

- ci: Replace helm deploy with argo cd ([#1391]( ([1bd0cda](

### Chore

- chore(deps): update swagger-ui to resolve braintree dep ([#1392]( ([3a42a38](
- chore(yarn): update yarn to 4.1.0 ([#1390]( ([02166de](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v10500
- Kusama v10500
- Westend v10500

## [17.4.0]( (2024-01-24)

### Features

- feat: add decoded XCM data in blocks endpoint ([#1364]( ([555817c](

### Fix

- fix: generated a custom key for the cache in blocks endpoint ([#1381]( ([17cbd2c](

### Docs

- docs: correct the /transaction/material docs for metadata ([#1377]( ([ca163c7](

### Chore

- chore(deps): bump Swatinem/rust-cache from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2 ([#1380]( ([8eca817](
- chore(deps): bump Swatinem/rust-cache from 2.7.2 to 2.7.3 ([#1382]( ([792d5bb](
- chore(deps): bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 ([#1383]( ([95987f5](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v10500
- Kusama v10500
- Westend v10500

## [17.3.5]( (2024-01-10)

### Fix

- fix: changed how claimed variable is set in staking-payouts ([#1378]( ([0560806](

### Perf

- perf: add additional high load benchmarks for /blocks ([#1372]( ([c3d9d01](

### Docs

- docs: update node compatibility ([#1373]( ([51353c0](

### Chore

- chore(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4 in /docs ([#1376]( ([b2aab7d](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v10500
- Kusama v10500
- Westend v10500

## [17.3.4]( (2024-01-05)

### Fix

- fix: ensure statemine, and statemint are still supported ([#1374]( ([ca5079a](

### Chore

- chore(pjs): update polkadot-js, and fix staking ledger types ([#1371]( ([ceea8eb](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
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