const common = require('./0003-common.js'); async function run(nodeName, networkInfo, nodeNames) { const apis = await common.getApis(networkInfo, nodeNames); const proof = await apis[nodeName].rpc.mmr.generateProof([1, 9, 20]); const root = await apis[nodeName].rpc.mmr.root() const proofVerifications = await Promise.all( Object.values(apis).map(async (api) => { return api.rpc.mmr.verifyProof(proof); }) ); const proofVerificationsStateless = await Promise.all( Object.values(apis).map(async (api) => { return api.rpc.mmr.verifyProofStateless(root, proof); }) ); // check that all nodes accepted the proof return proofVerifications.every((proofVerification) => proofVerification) && proofVerificationsStateless.every((proofVerification) => proofVerification) } module.exports = { run };