// Copyright 2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity Bridges Common. // Parity Bridges Common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity Bridges Common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity Bridges Common. If not, see . //! Substrate Finality Verifier Pallet //! //! The goal of this pallet is to provide a safe interface for writing finalized headers to an //! external pallet which tracks headers and finality proofs. By safe, we mean that only headers //! whose finality has been verified will be written to the underlying pallet. //! //! By verifying the finality of headers before writing them to storage we prevent DoS vectors in //! which unfinalized headers get written to storage even if they don't have a chance of being //! finalized in the future (such as in the case where a different fork gets finalized). //! //! The underlying pallet used for storage is assumed to be a pallet which tracks headers and //! GRANDPA authority set changes. This information is used during the verification of GRANDPA //! finality proofs. #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] // Runtime-generated enums #![allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] use bp_header_chain::{justification::verify_justification, AncestryChecker, HeaderChain}; use bp_runtime::{Chain, HeaderOf}; use finality_grandpa::voter_set::VoterSet; use frame_support::{decl_error, decl_module, decl_storage, dispatch::DispatchResult, ensure, traits::Get}; use frame_system::ensure_signed; use sp_runtime::traits::Header as HeaderT; #[cfg(test)] mod mock; /// Header of the bridged chain. pub(crate) type BridgedHeader = HeaderOf<::BridgedChain>; /// The module configuration trait. pub trait Config: frame_system::Config { /// The chain we are bridging to here. type BridgedChain: Chain; /// The pallet which we will use as our underlying storage mechanism. type HeaderChain: HeaderChain<::Header>; /// The type through which we will verify that a given header is related to the last /// finalized header in our storage pallet. type AncestryChecker: AncestryChecker< ::Header, Vec<::Header>, >; /// The maximum length of headers we can have in a single ancestry proof. This prevents /// unbounded iteration when verifying proofs. type MaxHeadersInSingleProof: Get; } decl_storage! { trait Store for Module as FinalityVerifier {} } decl_error! { pub enum Error for Module { /// The given justification is invalid for the given header. InvalidJustification, /// The given ancestry proof is unable to verify that the child and ancestor headers are /// related. InvalidAncestryProof, /// The authority set from the underlying header chain is invalid. InvalidAuthoritySet, /// Failed to write a header to the underlying header chain. FailedToWriteHeader, /// Failed to write finality proof to the underlying header chain. FailedToWriteFinalityProof, /// The given ancestry proof is too large to be verified in a single transaction. OversizedAncestryProof, } } decl_module! { pub struct Module for enum Call where origin: T::Origin { type Error = Error; /// Verify a header is finalized according to the given finality proof. /// /// Will use the underlying storage pallet to fetch information about the current /// authorities and best finalized header in order to verify that the header is finalized. /// /// If successful in verification, it will write the headers to the underlying storage /// pallet as well as import the valid finality proof. #[weight = 0] pub fn submit_finality_proof( origin, finality_target: BridgedHeader, justification: Vec, ancestry_proof: Vec>, ) -> DispatchResult { let _ = ensure_signed(origin)?; ensure!( ancestry_proof.len() <= T::MaxHeadersInSingleProof::get() as usize, >::OversizedAncestryProof ); let authority_set = T::HeaderChain::authority_set(); let voter_set = VoterSet::new(authority_set.authorities).ok_or(>::InvalidAuthoritySet)?; let set_id = authority_set.set_id; verify_justification::>( (finality_target.hash(), *finality_target.number()), set_id, voter_set, &justification ) .map_err(|_| >::InvalidJustification)?; let best_finalized = T::HeaderChain::best_finalized(); ensure!( T::AncestryChecker::are_ancestors(&best_finalized, &finality_target, &ancestry_proof), >::InvalidAncestryProof ); // If for whatever reason we are unable to fully import headers and the corresponding // finality proof we want to avoid writing to the base pallet storage use frame_support::storage::{with_transaction, TransactionOutcome}; with_transaction(|| { for header in ancestry_proof { if T::HeaderChain::import_header(header).is_err() { return TransactionOutcome::Rollback(Err(>::FailedToWriteHeader)) } } if T::HeaderChain::import_finality_proof(finality_target, justification).is_err() { return TransactionOutcome::Rollback(Err(>::FailedToWriteFinalityProof)) } TransactionOutcome::Commit(Ok(())) })?; Ok(()) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::mock::{run_test, test_header, Origin, TestRuntime}; use bp_test_utils::{authority_list, make_justification_for_header}; use codec::Encode; use frame_support::{assert_err, assert_ok}; fn initialize_substrate_bridge() { let genesis = test_header(0); let init_data = pallet_substrate_bridge::InitializationData { header: genesis, authority_list: authority_list(), set_id: 1, scheduled_change: None, is_halted: false, }; assert_ok!(pallet_substrate_bridge::Module::::initialize( Origin::root(), init_data )); } #[test] fn succesfully_imports_header_with_valid_finality_and_ancestry_proofs() { run_test(|| { initialize_substrate_bridge(); let child = test_header(1); let header = test_header(2); let set_id = 1; let grandpa_round = 1; let justification = make_justification_for_header(&header, grandpa_round, set_id, &authority_list()).encode(); let ancestry_proof = vec![child, header.clone()]; assert_ok!(Module::::submit_finality_proof( Origin::signed(1), header.clone(), justification, ancestry_proof, )); assert_eq!( pallet_substrate_bridge::Module::::best_headers(), vec![(*header.number(), header.hash())] ); assert_eq!(pallet_substrate_bridge::Module::::best_finalized(), header); }) } #[test] fn does_not_import_header_with_invalid_finality_proof() { run_test(|| { initialize_substrate_bridge(); let child = test_header(1); let header = test_header(2); let justification = [1u8; 32].encode(); let ancestry_proof = vec![child, header.clone()]; assert_err!( Module::::submit_finality_proof(Origin::signed(1), header, justification, ancestry_proof,), >::InvalidJustification ); }) } #[test] fn does_not_import_header_with_invalid_ancestry_proof() { run_test(|| { initialize_substrate_bridge(); let header = test_header(2); let set_id = 1; let grandpa_round = 1; let justification = make_justification_for_header(&header, grandpa_round, set_id, &authority_list()).encode(); // For testing, we've made it so that an empty ancestry proof is invalid let ancestry_proof = vec![]; assert_err!( Module::::submit_finality_proof(Origin::signed(1), header, justification, ancestry_proof,), >::InvalidAncestryProof ); }) } #[test] fn disallows_ancestry_proofs_which_are_too_large() { run_test(|| { initialize_substrate_bridge(); let header = test_header(1); let justification = [1u8; 32].encode(); let mut ancestry_proof = vec![]; let max_len = ::MaxHeadersInSingleProof::get(); for i in 1..=max_len + 1 { ancestry_proof.push(test_header(i as u64)); } assert_err!( Module::::submit_finality_proof(Origin::signed(1), header, justification, ancestry_proof,), >::OversizedAncestryProof ); }) } #[test] fn disallows_invalid_authority_set() { run_test(|| { use bp_test_utils::{alice, bob}; let genesis = test_header(0); let invalid_authority_list = vec![(alice(), u64::MAX), (bob(), u64::MAX)]; let init_data = pallet_substrate_bridge::InitializationData { header: genesis, authority_list: invalid_authority_list, set_id: 1, scheduled_change: None, is_halted: false, }; assert_ok!(pallet_substrate_bridge::Module::::initialize( Origin::root(), init_data )); let header = test_header(1); let justification = [1u8; 32].encode(); let ancestry_proof = vec![]; assert_err!( Module::::submit_finality_proof(Origin::signed(1), header, justification, ancestry_proof,), >::InvalidAuthoritySet ); }) } }