// Copyright 2017-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Substrate. // Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Substrate. If not, see . //! Tests for the module. #![cfg(test)] use super::*; use runtime_io::with_externalities; use srml_support::{assert_ok, assert_noop, EnumerableStorageMap}; use mock::{Balances, Session, Staking, System, Timestamp, Test, ExtBuilder, Origin}; use srml_support::traits::Currency; #[test] fn basic_setup_works() { // Verifies initial conditions of mock // TODO: Verify this check is comprehensive // - Session Per Era, Session Reward with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { assert_eq!(Staking::bonded(&11), Some(10)); // Account 11 is stashed and locked, and account 10 is the controller assert_eq!(Staking::bonded(&21), Some(20)); // Account 21 is stashed and locked, and account 20 is the controller assert_eq!(Staking::bonded(&1), None); // Account 1 is not a stashed // Account 10 controls the stash from account 11, which is 100 * balance_factor units assert_eq!(Staking::ledger(&10), Some(StakingLedger { stash: 11, total: 1000, active: 1000, unlocking: vec![] })); // Account 20 controls the stash from account 21, which is 200 * balance_factor units assert_eq!(Staking::ledger(&20), Some(StakingLedger { stash: 21, total: 2000, active: 2000, unlocking: vec![] })); // Account 1 does not control any stash assert_eq!(Staking::ledger(&1), None); // ValidatorPrefs are default, thus unstake_threshold is 3, other values are default for their type assert_eq!(>::enumerate().collect::>(), vec![ (20, ValidatorPrefs { unstake_threshold: 3, validator_payment: 0 }), (10, ValidatorPrefs { unstake_threshold: 3, validator_payment: 0 }) ]); // Account 10 is exposed by 100 * balance_factor from their own stash in account 11 assert_eq!(Staking::stakers(10), Exposure { total: 1000, own: 1000, others: vec![] }); assert_eq!(Staking::stakers(20), Exposure { total: 2000, own: 2000, others: vec![] }); }); } #[test] fn no_offline_should_work() { // Test the staking module works when no validators are offline with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { // Slashing begins for validators immediately if found offline assert_eq!(Staking::offline_slash_grace(), 0); // Account 10 has not been reported offline assert_eq!(Staking::slash_count(&10), 0); // Account 10 has `balance_factor` free balance assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 1); // Nothing happens to Account 10, as expected assert_eq!(Staking::slash_count(&10), 0); assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 1); // New era is not being forced assert!(Staking::forcing_new_era().is_none()); }); } #[test] fn invulnerability_should_work() { // Test that users can be invulnerable from slashing and being kicked with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { // Make account 10 invulnerable assert_ok!(Staking::set_invulnerables(vec![10])); // Give account 10 some funds Balances::set_free_balance(&10, 70); // There is no slash grade period assert_eq!(Staking::offline_slash_grace(), 0); // Account 10 has not been slashed assert_eq!(Staking::slash_count(&10), 0); // Account 10 has the 70 funds we gave it above assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 70); // Account 10 should be a validator assert!(>::exists(&10)); // Set account 10 as an offline validator with a large number of reports // Should exit early if invulnerable Staking::on_offline_validator(10, 100); // Show that account 10 has not been touched assert_eq!(Staking::slash_count(&10), 0); assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 70); assert!(>::exists(&10)); // New era not being forced assert!(Staking::forcing_new_era().is_none()); }); } #[test] fn offline_should_slash_and_kick() { // Test that an offline validator gets slashed and kicked with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { // Give account 10 some balance Balances::set_free_balance(&10, 1000); // Confirm account 10 is a validator assert!(>::exists(&10)); // Validators get slashed immediately assert_eq!(Staking::offline_slash_grace(), 0); // Unstake threshold is 3 assert_eq!(Staking::validators(&10).unstake_threshold, 3); // Account 10 has not been slashed before assert_eq!(Staking::slash_count(&10), 0); // Account 10 has the funds we just gave it assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 1000); // Report account 10 as offline, one greater than unstake threshold Staking::on_offline_validator(10, 4); // Confirm user has been reported assert_eq!(Staking::slash_count(&10), 4); // Confirm `slot_stake` is greater than exponential punishment, else math below will be different assert!(Staking::slot_stake() > 2_u64.pow(3) * 20); // Confirm balance has been reduced by 2^unstake_threshold * current_offline_slash() assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 1000 - 2_u64.pow(3) * 20); // Confirm account 10 has been removed as a validator assert!(!>::exists(&10)); // A new era is forced due to slashing assert!(Staking::forcing_new_era().is_some()); }); } #[test] fn offline_grace_should_delay_slashing() { // Tests that with grace, slashing is delayed with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { // Initialize account 10 with balance Balances::set_free_balance(&10, 70); // Verify account 10 has balance assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 70); // Set offline slash grace let offline_slash_grace = 1; assert_ok!(Staking::set_offline_slash_grace(offline_slash_grace)); assert_eq!(Staking::offline_slash_grace(), 1); // Check unstaked_threshold is 3 (default) let default_unstake_threshold = 3; assert_eq!(Staking::validators(&10), ValidatorPrefs { unstake_threshold: default_unstake_threshold, validator_payment: 0 }); // Check slash count is zero assert_eq!(Staking::slash_count(&10), 0); // Report account 10 up to the threshold Staking::on_offline_validator(10, default_unstake_threshold as usize + offline_slash_grace as usize); // Confirm slash count assert_eq!(Staking::slash_count(&10), 4); // Nothing should happen assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 70); // Report account 10 one more time Staking::on_offline_validator(10, 1); assert_eq!(Staking::slash_count(&10), 5); // User gets slashed assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 0); // New era is forced assert!(Staking::forcing_new_era().is_some()); }); } #[test] fn rewards_should_work() { // should check that: // 1) rewards get recorded per session // 2) rewards get paid per Era // 3) (bonus) Check that nominators are also rewarded with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { let delay = 2; // this test is only in the scope of one era. Since this variable changes // at the last block/new era, we'll save it. let session_reward = 10; // Set payee to controller assert_ok!(Staking::set_payee(Origin::signed(10), RewardDestination::Controller)); // Initial config should be correct assert_eq!(Staking::era_length(), 9); assert_eq!(Staking::sessions_per_era(), 3); assert_eq!(Staking::last_era_length_change(), 0); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 0); assert_eq!(Staking::current_session_reward(), 10); // check the balance of a validator accounts. assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), 1); // and the nominator (to-be) assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&2), 20); // add a dummy nominator. // NOTE: this nominator is being added 'manually'. a Further test (nomination_and_reward..) will add it via '.nominate()' >::insert(&10, Exposure { own: 500, // equal division indicates that the reward will be equally divided among validator and nominator. total: 1000, others: vec![IndividualExposure {who: 2, value: 500 }] }); >::insert(&2, RewardDestination::Controller); let mut block = 3; // Block 3 => Session 1 => Era 0 System::set_block_number(block); Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5); // on time. Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); // QUESTIONS: why this matters ? assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 1); // session triggered: the reward value stashed should be 10 -- defined in ExtBuilder genesis. assert_eq!(Staking::current_session_reward(), session_reward); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era_reward(), session_reward); block = 6; // Block 6 => Session 2 => Era 0 System::set_block_number(block); Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5 + delay); // a little late. Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 2); // session reward is the same, assert_eq!(Staking::current_session_reward(), session_reward); // though 2 will be deducted while stashed in the era reward due to delay assert_eq!(Staking::current_era_reward(), 2*session_reward - delay); block = 9; // Block 9 => Session 3 => Era 1 System::set_block_number(block); Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5); // back to being punktlisch. no delayss Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 1); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 3); assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), 1 + (3*session_reward - delay)/2); assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&2), 20 + (3*session_reward - delay)/2); }); } #[test] fn multi_era_reward_should_work() { // should check that: // The value of current_session_reward is set at the end of each era, based on // slot_stake and session_reward. Check and verify this. with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { let delay = 0; let session_reward = 10; // This is set by the test config builder. assert_eq!(Staking::current_session_reward(), session_reward); // check the balance of a validator accounts. assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), 1); // Set payee to controller assert_ok!(Staking::set_payee(Origin::signed(10), RewardDestination::Controller)); let mut block = 3; // Block 3 => Session 1 => Era 0 System::set_block_number(block); Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5); // on time. Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); // QUESTIONS: why this matters ? assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 1); // session triggered: the reward value stashed should be 10 -- defined in ExtBuilder genesis. assert_eq!(Staking::current_session_reward(), session_reward); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era_reward(), session_reward); block = 6; // Block 6 => Session 2 => Era 0 System::set_block_number(block); Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5 + delay); // a little late. Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 2); assert_eq!(Staking::current_session_reward(), session_reward); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era_reward(), 2*session_reward - delay); block = 9; // Block 9 => Session 3 => Era 1 System::set_block_number(block); Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5); // back to being punktlisch. no delayss Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 1); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 3); // 1 + sum of of the session rewards accumulated let recorded_balance = 1 + 3*session_reward - delay; assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), recorded_balance); // the reward for next era will be: session_reward * slot_stake let new_session_reward = Staking::session_reward() * Staking::slot_stake(); assert_eq!(Staking::current_session_reward(), new_session_reward); // fast forward to next era: block=12;System::set_block_number(block);Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5);Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); block=15;System::set_block_number(block);Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5);Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); // intermediate test. assert_eq!(Staking::current_era_reward(), 2*new_session_reward); block=18;System::set_block_number(block);Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5);Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); // pay time assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), 3*new_session_reward + recorded_balance); }); } #[test] fn staking_should_work() { // should test: // * new validators can be added to the default set // * new ones will be chosen per era (+ based on phragmen) // * either one can unlock the stash and back-down from being a validator. with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().session_length(1).build(), || { assert_eq!(Staking::era_length(), 3); assert_eq!(Staking::validator_count(), 2); // remember + compare this along with the test. assert_eq!(Session::validators(), vec![20, 10]); assert_ok!(Staking::set_bonding_duration(2)); assert_eq!(Staking::bonding_duration(), 2); // --- Block 1: System::set_block_number(1); // give the man some coins Balances::set_free_balance(&3, 3000); // initial stakers: vec![(11, 10, balance_factor * 100), (21, 20, balance_factor * 200)], // account 3 controlled by 4. assert_ok!(Staking::bond(Origin::signed(3), 4, 1500, RewardDestination::Controller)); // balance of 3 = 3000, stashed = 1500 Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); // No effects will be seen so far.s assert_eq!(Session::validators(), vec![20, 10]); // --- Block 2: System::set_block_number(2); // Explicitly state the desire to validate for all of them. // note that the controller account will state interest as representative of the stash-controller pair. assert_ok!(Staking::validate(Origin::signed(4), ValidatorPrefs { unstake_threshold: 3, validator_payment: 0 })); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); // No effects will be seen so far. Era has not been yet triggered. assert_eq!(Session::validators(), vec![20, 10]); // --- Block 3: the validators will now change. System::set_block_number(3); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); // TODO: the assertion in the section should be changed to something in sync with how phragmen works. // for now just check that some arbitrary "two validators" have been chosen. assert_eq!(Session::validators().len(), 2); assert_eq!(Session::validators(), vec![4, 20]); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 1); // --- Block 4: Unstake 4 as a validator, freeing up the balance stashed in 3 System::set_block_number(4); // unlock the entire stashed value. Staking::unbond(Origin::signed(4), Staking::ledger(&4).unwrap().active).unwrap(); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); // nothing should be changed so far. assert_eq!(Session::validators(), vec![4, 20]); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 1); // --- Block 5: nothing. 4 is still there. System::set_block_number(5); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Session::validators(), vec![4, 20]); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 1); // --- Block 6: 4 will be not be a validator as it has nothing in stash. System::set_block_number(6); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Session::validators().contains(&4), false); }); } #[test] fn nominating_and_rewards_should_work() { // TODO: This should be rewritten and tested with the Phragmen algorithm // For now it tests a functionality which somehow overlaps with other tests: // the fact that the nominator is rewarded properly. with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default() .session_length(1).sessions_per_era(1).build(), || { let session_reward = 10; let initial_balance = 1000; assert_eq!(Staking::era_length(), 1); assert_eq!(Staking::validator_count(), 2); assert_eq!(Staking::bonding_duration(), 3); assert_eq!(Session::validators(), vec![20, 10]); // Set payee to controller assert_ok!(Staking::set_payee(Origin::signed(10), RewardDestination::Controller)); assert_ok!(Staking::set_payee(Origin::signed(20), RewardDestination::Controller)); // default reward for the first session. assert_eq!(Staking::current_session_reward(), session_reward); // give the man some money for i in 1..5 { Balances::set_free_balance(&i, initial_balance); } Balances::set_free_balance(&10, initial_balance); Balances::set_free_balance(&20, initial_balance); System::set_block_number(1); // record their balances. for i in 1..5 { assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&i), initial_balance); } // bond two account pairs and state interest in nomination. // NOTE: in the current naive version only the first vote matters and will be chosen anyhow. // 2 will nominate for 10, 10 has 1000 in stash, 500 will be 1/3 of the total 1500 assert_ok!(Staking::bond(Origin::signed(1), 2, 500, RewardDestination::Controller)); assert_ok!(Staking::nominate(Origin::signed(2), vec![10, 20])); // 4 will nominate for 20, 20 has 2000 in stash, 500 will be 1/5 of the total 2500 assert_ok!(Staking::bond(Origin::signed(3), 4, 500, RewardDestination::Stash)); assert_ok!(Staking::nominate(Origin::signed(4), vec![20, 10])); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 1); // validators will not change, since selection currently is actually not dependent on nomination and votes, only stake. assert_eq!(Session::validators(), vec![20, 10]); // avalidators must have already received some rewards. assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), initial_balance + session_reward); assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&20), initial_balance + session_reward); System::set_block_number(2); // next session reward. let new_session_reward = Staking::session_reward() * Staking::slot_stake(); // nothing else will happen, era ends and rewards are paid again, // it is expected that nominators will also be paid. Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); // Nominator 2: staked 1/3 of the total, gets 1/3 of the reward, chose controller as destination assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&2), initial_balance + new_session_reward/3); // The Associated validator will get the other 2/3 assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), initial_balance + session_reward + 2*new_session_reward/3); // Nominator 4: staked 1/5 of the total, gets 1/5 of the reward, chose stash as destination // This means that the reward will go to 3, which is bonded as the stash of 4. assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&3), initial_balance + new_session_reward/5); // The Associated validator will get the other 4/5 assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&20), initial_balance + session_reward + 4*new_session_reward/5); }); } #[test] fn nominators_also_get_slashed() { // A nominator should be slashed if the validator they nominated is slashed with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default() .session_length(1).sessions_per_era(1).build(), || { assert_eq!(Staking::era_length(), 1); assert_eq!(Staking::validator_count(), 2); // slash happens immediately. assert_eq!(Staking::offline_slash_grace(), 0); // Account 10 has not been reported offline assert_eq!(Staking::slash_count(&10), 0); // initial validators assert_eq!(Session::validators(), vec![20, 10]); // Set payee to controller assert_ok!(Staking::set_payee(Origin::signed(10), RewardDestination::Controller)); // give the man some money. let initial_balance = 1000; for i in 1..3 { Balances::set_free_balance(&i, initial_balance); } Balances::set_free_balance(&10, initial_balance); // 2 will nominate for 10 let nominator_stake = 500; assert_ok!(Staking::bond(Origin::signed(1), 2, nominator_stake, RewardDestination::default())); assert_ok!(Staking::nominate(Origin::signed(2), vec![20, 10])); // new era, pay rewards, System::set_block_number(2); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); // 10 goes offline Staking::on_offline_validator(10, 4); let slash_value = Staking::current_offline_slash()*8; let expo = Staking::stakers(10); let actual_slash = expo.own.min(slash_value); let nominator_actual_slash = nominator_stake.min(expo.total - actual_slash); // initial + first era reward + slash assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), initial_balance + 10 - actual_slash); assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&2), initial_balance - nominator_actual_slash); assert!(Staking::forcing_new_era().is_some()); }); } #[test] fn double_staking_should_fail() { // should test (in the same order): // * an account already bonded as controller CAN be reused as the controller of another account. // * an account already bonded as stash cannot be the controller of another account. // * an account already bonded as stash cannot nominate. // * an account already bonded as controller can nominate. with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default() .session_length(1).sessions_per_era(2).build(), || { let arbitrary_value = 5; System::set_block_number(1); // 2 = controller, 1 stashed => ok assert_ok!(Staking::bond(Origin::signed(1), 2, arbitrary_value, RewardDestination::default())); // 2 = controller, 3 stashed (Note that 2 is reused.) => ok assert_ok!(Staking::bond(Origin::signed(3), 2, arbitrary_value, RewardDestination::default())); // 4 = not used so far, 1 stashed => not allowed. assert_noop!(Staking::bond(Origin::signed(1), 4, arbitrary_value, RewardDestination::default()), "stash already bonded"); // 1 = stashed => attempting to nominate should fail. assert_noop!(Staking::nominate(Origin::signed(1), vec![1]), "not a controller"); // 2 = controller => nominating should work. assert_ok!(Staking::nominate(Origin::signed(2), vec![1])); }); } #[test] fn session_and_eras_work() { with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default() .session_length(1) .sessions_per_era(2) .reward(10) .build(), || { assert_eq!(Staking::era_length(), 2); assert_eq!(Staking::sessions_per_era(), 2); assert_eq!(Staking::last_era_length_change(), 0); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 0); // Block 1: No change. System::set_block_number(1); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 1); assert_eq!(Staking::sessions_per_era(), 2); assert_eq!(Staking::last_era_length_change(), 0); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); // Block 2: Simple era change. System::set_block_number(2); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 2); assert_eq!(Staking::sessions_per_era(), 2); assert_eq!(Staking::last_era_length_change(), 0); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 1); // Block 3: Schedule an era length change; no visible changes. System::set_block_number(3); assert_ok!(Staking::set_sessions_per_era(3)); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 3); assert_eq!(Staking::sessions_per_era(), 2); assert_eq!(Staking::last_era_length_change(), 0); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 1); // Block 4: Era change kicks in. System::set_block_number(4); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 4); assert_eq!(Staking::sessions_per_era(), 3); assert_eq!(Staking::last_era_length_change(), 4); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 2); // Block 5: No change. System::set_block_number(5); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 5); assert_eq!(Staking::sessions_per_era(), 3); assert_eq!(Staking::last_era_length_change(), 4); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 2); // Block 6: No change. System::set_block_number(6); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 6); assert_eq!(Staking::sessions_per_era(), 3); assert_eq!(Staking::last_era_length_change(), 4); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 2); // Block 7: Era increment. System::set_block_number(7); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 7); assert_eq!(Staking::sessions_per_era(), 3); assert_eq!(Staking::last_era_length_change(), 4); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 3); }); } #[test] fn cannot_transfer_staked_balance() { // Tests that a stash account cannot transfer funds with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { // Confirm account 11 is stashed assert_eq!(Staking::bonded(&11), Some(10)); // Confirm account 11 has some free balance assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&11), 1000); // Confirm account 11 (via controller 10) is totally staked assert_eq!(Staking::stakers(&10).total, 1000); // Confirm account 11 cannot transfer as a result assert_noop!(Balances::transfer(Origin::signed(11), 20, 1), "account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal"); // Give account 11 extra free balance Balances::set_free_balance(&11, 10000); // Confirm that account 11 can now transfer some balance assert_ok!(Balances::transfer(Origin::signed(11), 20, 1)); }); } #[test] fn cannot_reserve_staked_balance() { // Checks that a bonded account cannot reserve balance from free balance with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { // Confirm account 11 is stashed assert_eq!(Staking::bonded(&11), Some(10)); // Confirm account 11 has some free balance assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&11), 1000); // Confirm account 11 (via controller 10) is totally staked assert_eq!(Staking::stakers(&10).total, 1000); // Confirm account 11 cannot transfer as a result assert_noop!(Balances::reserve(&11, 1), "account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal"); // Give account 11 extra free balance Balances::set_free_balance(&11, 10000); // Confirm account 11 can now reserve balance assert_ok!(Balances::reserve(&11, 1)); }); } #[test] fn max_unstake_threshold_works() { // Tests that max_unstake_threshold gets used when prefs.unstake_threshold is large with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { const MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD: u32 = 10; // Two users with maximum possible balance Balances::set_free_balance(&10, u64::max_value()); Balances::set_free_balance(&20, u64::max_value()); // Give them full exposer as a staker >::insert(&10, Exposure { total: u64::max_value(), own: u64::max_value(), others: vec![]}); >::insert(&20, Exposure { total: u64::max_value(), own: u64::max_value(), others: vec![]}); // Check things are initialized correctly assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), u64::max_value()); assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&20), u64::max_value()); assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), Balances::free_balance(&20)); assert_eq!(Staking::offline_slash_grace(), 0); assert_eq!(Staking::current_offline_slash(), 20); // Account 10 will have max unstake_threshold assert_ok!(Staking::validate(Origin::signed(10), ValidatorPrefs { unstake_threshold: MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD, validator_payment: 0, })); // Account 20 could not set their unstake_threshold past 10 assert_noop!(Staking::validate(Origin::signed(20), ValidatorPrefs { unstake_threshold: 11, validator_payment: 0}), "unstake threshold too large" ); // Give Account 20 unstake_threshold 11 anyway, should still be limited to 10 >::insert(20, ValidatorPrefs { unstake_threshold: 11, validator_payment: 0, }); // Make slot_stake really large, as to not affect punishment curve >::put(u64::max_value()); // Confirm `slot_stake` is greater than exponential punishment, else math below will be different assert!(Staking::slot_stake() > 2_u64.pow(MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD) * 20); // Report each user 1 more than the max_unstake_threshold Staking::on_offline_validator(10, MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD as usize + 1); Staking::on_offline_validator(20, MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD as usize + 1); // Show that each balance only gets reduced by 2^max_unstake_threshold assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), u64::max_value() - 2_u64.pow(MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD) * 20); assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&20), u64::max_value() - 2_u64.pow(MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD) * 20); }); } #[test] fn slashing_does_not_cause_underflow() { // Tests that slashing more than a user has does not underflow with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { // One user with less than `max_value` will test underflow does not occur Balances::set_free_balance(&10, 1); // Verify initial conditions assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 1); assert_eq!(Staking::offline_slash_grace(), 0); // Set validator preference so that 2^unstake_threshold would cause overflow (greater than 64) >::insert(10, ValidatorPrefs { unstake_threshold: 10, validator_payment: 0, }); // Should not panic Staking::on_offline_validator(10, 100); // Confirm that underflow has not occurred, and account balance is set to zero assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 0); }); } #[test] fn reward_destination_works() { // Rewards go to the correct destination as determined in Payee with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default() .sessions_per_era(1) .session_length(1) .build(), || { // Check that account 10 is a validator assert!(>::exists(10)); // Check the balance of the validator account assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 1); // Check the balance of the stash account assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&11), 1000); // Check these two accounts are bonded assert_eq!(Staking::bonded(&11), Some(10)); // Check how much is at stake assert_eq!(Staking::ledger(&10), Some(StakingLedger { stash: 11, total: 1000, active: 1000, unlocking: vec![] })); // Track current session reward let mut current_session_reward = Staking::current_session_reward(); // Move forward the system for payment System::set_block_number(1); Timestamp::set_timestamp(5); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); // Check that RewardDestination is Staked (default) assert_eq!(Staking::payee(&10), RewardDestination::Staked); // Check current session reward is 10 assert_eq!(current_session_reward, 10); // Check that reward went to the stash account assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&11), 1000 + 10); // Check that amount at stake increased accordingly assert_eq!(Staking::ledger(&10), Some(StakingLedger { stash: 11, total: 1000 + 10, active: 1000 + 10, unlocking: vec![] })); // Update current session reward current_session_reward = Staking::current_session_reward(); //Change RewardDestination to Stash >::insert(&10, RewardDestination::Stash); // Move forward the system for payment System::set_block_number(2); Timestamp::set_timestamp(10); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); // Check that RewardDestination is Stash assert_eq!(Staking::payee(&10), RewardDestination::Stash); // Check that reward went to the stash account assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&11), 1010 + current_session_reward); // Check that amount at stake is not increased assert_eq!(Staking::ledger(&10), Some(StakingLedger { stash: 11, total: 1010, active: 1010, unlocking: vec![] })); // Update current session reward current_session_reward = Staking::current_session_reward(); //Change RewardDestination to Controller >::insert(&10, RewardDestination::Controller); // Move forward the system for payment System::set_block_number(3); Timestamp::set_timestamp(15); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); // Check that RewardDestination is Controller assert_eq!(Staking::payee(&10), RewardDestination::Controller); // Check that reward went to the controller account assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 1 + current_session_reward); // Check that amount at stake is not increased assert_eq!(Staking::ledger(&10), Some(StakingLedger { stash: 11, total: 1010, active: 1010, unlocking: vec![] })); }); } #[test] fn validator_payment_prefs_work() { // Test that validator preferences are correctly honored // Note: unstake threshold is being directly tested in slashing tests. // This test will focus on validator payment. with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { let session_reward = 10; let validator_cut = 5; let validator_initial_balance = Balances::total_balance(&11); // Initial config should be correct assert_eq!(Staking::era_length(), 9); assert_eq!(Staking::sessions_per_era(), 3); assert_eq!(Staking::last_era_length_change(), 0); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 0); assert_eq!(Staking::current_session_reward(), session_reward); // check the balance of a validator accounts. assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), 1); // check the balance of a validator's stash accounts. assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&11), validator_initial_balance); // and the nominator (to-be) assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&2), 20); // add a dummy nominator. // NOTE: this nominator is being added 'manually', use '.nominate()' to do it realistically. >::insert(&10, Exposure { own: 500, // equal division indicates that the reward will be equally divided among validator and nominator. total: 1000, others: vec![IndividualExposure {who: 2, value: 500 }] }); >::insert(&2, RewardDestination::Controller); >::insert(&10, ValidatorPrefs { unstake_threshold: 3, validator_payment: validator_cut }); // ------------ Fast forward let mut block = 3; // Block 3 => Session 1 => Era 0 System::set_block_number(block); Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5); // on time. Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 1); // session triggered: the reward value stashed should be 10 -- defined in ExtBuilder genesis. assert_eq!(Staking::current_session_reward(), session_reward); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era_reward(), session_reward); block = 6; // Block 6 => Session 2 => Era 0 System::set_block_number(block); Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5); // a little late. Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 0); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 2); assert_eq!(Staking::current_session_reward(), session_reward); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era_reward(), 2*session_reward); block = 9; // Block 9 => Session 3 => Era 1 System::set_block_number(block); Timestamp::set_timestamp(block*5); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 1); assert_eq!(Session::current_index(), 3); // whats left to be shared is the sum of 3 rounds minus the validator's cut. let shared_cut = 3 * session_reward - validator_cut; // Validator's payee is Staked account, 11, reward will be paid here. assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&11), validator_initial_balance + shared_cut/2 + validator_cut); // Controller account will not get any reward. assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), 1); // Rest of the reward will be shared and paid to the nominator in stake. assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&2), 20 + shared_cut/2); }); } #[test] fn staking_ledger_grows_and_shrinks() { // TODO: Show that staking ledger grows with new events // TODO: Show that staking ledger shrinks when user is removed } #[test] fn consolidate_unlocked_works() { // TODO: Figure out what it does and then test it } #[test] fn bond_extra_works() { // Tests that extra `free_balance` in the stash can be added to stake with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default().build(), || { // Check that account 10 is a validator assert!(>::exists(10)); // Check that account 10 is bonded to account 11 assert_eq!(Staking::bonded(&11), Some(10)); // Check how much is at stake assert_eq!(Staking::ledger(&10), Some(StakingLedger { stash: 11, total: 1000, active: 1000, unlocking: vec![] })); // Give account 11 some large free balance greater than total Balances::set_free_balance(&11, 1000000); // Check the balance of the stash account assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&11), 1000000); // Call the bond_extra function from controller, add only 100 assert_ok!(Staking::bond_extra(Origin::signed(10), 100)); // There should be 100 more `total` and `active` in the ledger assert_eq!(Staking::ledger(&10), Some(StakingLedger { stash: 11, total: 1000 + 100, active: 1000 + 100, unlocking: vec![] })); // Call the bond_extra function with a large number, should handle it assert_ok!(Staking::bond_extra(Origin::signed(10), u64::max_value())); // The full amount of the funds should now be in the total and active assert_eq!(Staking::ledger(&10), Some(StakingLedger { stash: 11, total: 1000000, active: 1000000, unlocking: vec![] })); }); } #[test] fn withdraw_unbonded_works() { // TODO: Learn what it is and test it } #[test] fn reporting_misbehaviors_work() { // TODO: Does this code exist? } #[test] fn correct_number_of_validators_are_chosen() { // TODO: Check that number is at least minimum, and at most what is set // TODO: Test emergency conditions? } #[test] fn slot_stake_is_least_staked_validator_and_limits_maximum_punishment() { // TODO: Complete this test! // Test that slot_stake is determined by the least staked validator // Test that slot_stake is the maximum punishment that can happen to a validator // Note that rewardDestination is the stash account by default // Note that unlike reward slash will affect free_balance, not the stash account. with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default() .session_length(1) .sessions_per_era(1) .build(), || { // Confirm validator count is 2 assert_eq!(Staking::validator_count(), 2); // Confirm account 10 and 20 are validators assert!(>::exists(&10) && >::exists(&20)); // Confirm 10 has less stake than 20 assert!(Staking::stakers(&10).total < Staking::stakers(&20).total); assert_eq!(Staking::stakers(&10).total, 1000); assert_eq!(Staking::stakers(&20).total, 2000); // Give the man some money. Balances::set_free_balance(&10, 1000); Balances::set_free_balance(&20, 1000); // Confirm initial free balance. assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 1000); assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&20), 1000); // We confirm initialized slot_stake is this value assert_eq!(Staking::slot_stake(), Staking::stakers(&10).total); // Now lets lower account 20 stake >::insert(&20, Exposure { total: 69, own: 69, others: vec![] }); assert_eq!(Staking::stakers(&20).total, 69); >::insert(&20, StakingLedger { stash: 22, total: 69, active: 69, unlocking: vec![] }); // New era --> rewards are paid --> stakes are changed System::set_block_number(1); Timestamp::set_timestamp(5); Session::check_rotate_session(System::block_number()); assert_eq!(Staking::current_era(), 1); // -- new balances + reward assert_eq!(Staking::stakers(&10).total, 1000 + 10); assert_eq!(Staking::stakers(&20).total, 69 + 10); // -- Note that rewards are going drectly to stash, not as free balance. assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 1000); assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&20), 1000); // -- slot stake should also be updated. assert_eq!(Staking::slot_stake(), 79); // // If 10 gets slashed now, despite having +1000 in stash, it will be slashed byt 79, which is the slot stake Staking::on_offline_validator(10, 4); // // Confirm user has been reported assert_eq!(Staking::slash_count(&10), 4); // // check the balance of 10 (slash will be deducted from free balance.) assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 1000 - 79); }); } #[test] fn on_free_balance_zero_stash_removes_validator() { // Tests that validator storage items are cleaned up when stash is empty // Tests that storage items are untouched when controller is empty with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default() .existential_deposit(10) .build(), || { // Check that account 10 is a validator assert!(>::exists(10)); // Check the balance of the validator account assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 256); // Check the balance of the stash account assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&11), 256000); // Check these two accounts are bonded assert_eq!(Staking::bonded(&11), Some(10)); // Set some storage items which we expect to be cleaned up // Initiate slash count storage item Staking::on_offline_validator(10, 1); // Set payee information assert_ok!(Staking::set_payee(Origin::signed(10), RewardDestination::Stash)); // Check storage items that should be cleaned up assert!(>::exists(&10)); assert!(>::exists(&10)); assert!(>::exists(&10)); assert!(>::exists(&10)); // Reduce free_balance of controller to 0 Balances::set_free_balance(&10, 0); // Check total balance of account 10 assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), 0); // Check the balance of the stash account has not been touched assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&11), 256000); // Check these two accounts are still bonded assert_eq!(Staking::bonded(&11), Some(10)); // Check storage items have not changed assert!(>::exists(&10)); assert!(>::exists(&10)); assert!(>::exists(&10)); assert!(>::exists(&10)); // Reduce free_balance of stash to 0 Balances::set_free_balance(&11, 0); // Check total balance of stash assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&11), 0); // Check storage items do not exist assert!(!>::exists(&10)); assert!(!>::exists(&10)); assert!(!>::exists(&10)); assert!(!>::exists(&10)); assert!(!>::exists(&10)); assert!(!>::exists(&11)); }); } #[test] fn on_free_balance_zero_stash_removes_nominator() { // Tests that nominator storage items are cleaned up when stash is empty // Tests that storage items are untouched when controller is empty with_externalities(&mut ExtBuilder::default() .existential_deposit(10) .build(), || { // Make 10 a nominator assert_ok!(Staking::nominate(Origin::signed(10), vec![20])); // Check that account 10 is a nominator assert!(>::exists(10)); // Check the balance of the nominator account assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&10), 256); // Check the balance of the stash account assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&11), 256000); // Check these two accounts are bonded assert_eq!(Staking::bonded(&11), Some(10)); // Set payee information assert_ok!(Staking::set_payee(Origin::signed(10), RewardDestination::Stash)); // Check storage items that should be cleaned up assert!(>::exists(&10)); assert!(>::exists(&10)); assert!(>::exists(&10)); // Reduce free_balance of controller to 0 Balances::set_free_balance(&10, 0); // Check total balance of account 10 assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&10), 0); // Check the balance of the stash account has not been touched assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&11), 256000); // Check these two accounts are still bonded assert_eq!(Staking::bonded(&11), Some(10)); // Check storage items have not changed assert!(>::exists(&10)); assert!(>::exists(&10)); assert!(>::exists(&10)); // Reduce free_balance of stash to 0 Balances::set_free_balance(&11, 0); // Check total balance of stash assert_eq!(Balances::total_balance(&11), 0); // Check storage items do not exist assert!(!>::exists(&10)); assert!(!>::exists(&10)); assert!(!>::exists(&10)); assert!(!>::exists(&10)); assert!(!>::exists(&10)); assert!(!>::exists(&11)); }); }