// This file is part of Substrate. // Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use clap::Parser; use jsonrpsee::http_client::HttpClientBuilder; use pallet_revive::evm::{Account, BlockTag, ReceiptInfo}; use pallet_revive_eth_rpc::{example::TransactionBuilder, EthRpcClient}; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::{ io::{AsyncBufReadExt, BufReader}, process::{Child, ChildStderr, Command}, signal::unix::{signal, SignalKind}, }; const DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME: &str = "eth-rpc-test"; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(author, about, version)] pub struct CliCommand { /// The eth-rpc url to connect to #[clap(long, default_value = "")] pub rpc_url: String, /// The parity docker image e.g eth-rpc:master-fb2e414f /// When not specified, no eth-rpc docker image is started /// and the test runs against the provided `rpc_url` directly. #[clap(long)] docker_image: Option<String>, /// The docker binary /// Either docker or podman #[clap(long, default_value = "docker")] docker_bin: String, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let CliCommand { docker_bin, rpc_url, docker_image, .. } = CliCommand::parse(); let Some(docker_image) = docker_image else { println!("Docker image not specified, using: {rpc_url:?}"); return test_eth_rpc(&rpc_url).await; }; let mut docker_process = start_docker(&docker_bin, &docker_image)?; let stderr = docker_process.stderr.take().unwrap(); tokio::select! { result = docker_process.wait() => { println!("docker failed: {result:?}"); } _ = interrupt() => { kill_docker().await?; } _ = wait_and_test_eth_rpc(stderr, &rpc_url) => { kill_docker().await?; } } Ok(()) } async fn interrupt() { let mut sigint = signal(SignalKind::interrupt()).expect("failed to listen for SIGINT"); let mut sigterm = signal(SignalKind::terminate()).expect("failed to listen for SIGTERM"); tokio::select! { _ = sigint.recv() => {}, _ = sigterm.recv() => {}, } } fn start_docker(docker_bin: &str, docker_image: &str) -> anyhow::Result<Child> { let docker_process = Command::new(docker_bin) .args([ "run", "--name", DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME, "--rm", "-p", "8545:8545", &format!("docker.io/paritypr/{docker_image}"), "--node-rpc-url", "wss://westend-asset-hub-rpc.polkadot.io", "--rpc-cors", "all", "--unsafe-rpc-external", "--log=sc_rpc_server:info", ]) .stderr(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .kill_on_drop(true) .spawn()?; Ok(docker_process) } async fn kill_docker() -> anyhow::Result<()> { Command::new("docker").args(["kill", DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME]).output().await?; Ok(()) } async fn wait_and_test_eth_rpc(stderr: ChildStderr, rpc_url: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut reader = BufReader::new(stderr).lines(); while let Some(line) = reader.next_line().await? { println!("{line}"); if line.contains("Running JSON-RPC server") { break; } } test_eth_rpc(rpc_url).await } async fn test_eth_rpc(rpc_url: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let account = Account::default(); let data = vec![]; let (bytes, _) = pallet_revive_fixtures::compile_module("dummy")?; let input = bytes.into_iter().chain(data).collect::<Vec<u8>>(); println!("Account:"); println!("- address: {:?}", account.address()); println!("- substrate address: {}", account.substrate_account()); let client = Arc::new(HttpClientBuilder::default().build(rpc_url)?); let nonce = client.get_transaction_count(account.address(), BlockTag::Latest.into()).await?; let balance = client.get_balance(account.address(), BlockTag::Latest.into()).await?; println!("- nonce: {nonce:?}"); println!("- balance: {balance:?}"); println!("\n\n=== Deploying dummy contract ===\n\n"); let tx = TransactionBuilder::new(&client).input(input).send().await?; println!("Hash: {:?}", tx.hash()); println!("Waiting for receipt..."); let ReceiptInfo { block_number, gas_used, contract_address, .. } = tx.wait_for_receipt().await?; let contract_address = contract_address.unwrap(); println!("\nReceipt:"); println!("Block explorer: https://westend-asset-hub-eth-explorer.parity.io/{:?}", tx.hash()); println!("- Block number: {block_number}"); println!("- Gas used: {gas_used}"); println!("- Address: {contract_address:?}"); println!("\n\n=== Calling dummy contract ===\n\n"); let tx = TransactionBuilder::new(&client).to(contract_address).send().await?; println!("Hash: {:?}", tx.hash()); println!("Waiting for receipt..."); let ReceiptInfo { block_number, gas_used, to, .. } = tx.wait_for_receipt().await?; println!("\nReceipt:"); println!("Block explorer: https://westend-asset-hub-eth-explorer.parity.io/{:?}", tx.hash()); println!("- Block number: {block_number}"); println!("- Gas used: {gas_used}"); println!("- To: {to:?}"); Ok(()) }