// Copyright 2017-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.
// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate. If not, see .
//! # Session Module
//! The Session module allows validators to manage their session keys, provides a function for changing
//! the session length, and handles session rotation.
//! - [`session::Trait`](./trait.Trait.html)
//! - [`Call`](./enum.Call.html)
//! - [`Module`](./struct.Module.html)
//! ## Overview
//! ### Terminology
//! - **Session:** A session is a period of time that has a constant set of validators. Validators can only join
//! or exit the validator set at a session change. It is measured in block numbers. The block where a session is
//! ended is determined by the `ShouldSessionEnd` trait. When the session is ending, a new validator set
//! can be chosen by `OnSessionEnding` implementations.
//! - **Session key:** A session key is actually several keys kept together that provide the various signing
//! functions required by network authorities/validators in pursuit of their duties.
//! - **Validator ID:** Every account has an associated validator ID. For some simple staking systems, this
//! may just be the same as the account ID. For staking systems using a stash/controller model,
//! the validator ID would be the stash account ID of the controller.
//! - **Session key configuration process:** A session key is set using `set_key` for use in the
//! next session. It is stored in `NextKeyFor`, a mapping between the caller's `ValidatorId` and the session
//! keys provided. `set_key` allows users to set their session key prior to being selected as validator.
//! It is a public call since it uses `ensure_signed`, which checks that the origin is a signed account.
//! As such, the account ID of the origin stored in in `NextKeyFor` may not necessarily be associated with
//! a block author or a validator. The session keys of accounts are removed once their account balance is zero.
//! - **Validator set session key configuration process:** Each session we iterate through the current
//! set of validator account IDs to check if a session key was created for it in the previous session
//! using `set_key`. If it was then we call `set_authority` from the [Consensus module](../frame_consensus/index.html)
//! and pass it a set of session keys (each associated with an account ID) as the session keys for the new
//! validator set. Lastly, if the session key of the current authority does not match any session keys stored under
//! its validator index in the `AuthorityStorageVec` mapping, then we update the mapping with its session
//! key and update the saved list of original authorities if necessary
//! (see https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/issues/1290). Note: Authorities are stored in the Consensus module.
//! They are represented by a validator account ID index from the Session module and allocated with a session
//! key for the length of the session.
//! - **Session length change process:** At the start of the next session we allocate a session index and record the
//! timestamp when the session started. If a `NextSessionLength` was recorded in the previous session, we record
//! it as the new session length. Additionally, if the new session length differs from the length of the
//! next session then we record a `LastLengthChange`.
//! - **Session rotation configuration:** Configure as either a 'normal' (rewardable session where rewards are
//! applied) or 'exceptional' (slashable) session rotation.
//! - **Session rotation process:** The session is changed at the end of the final block of the current session
//! using the `on_finalize` method. It may be called by either an origin or internally from another runtime
//! module at the end of each block.
//! ### Goals
//! The Session module in Substrate is designed to make the following possible:
//! - Set session keys of the validator set for the next session.
//! - Set the length of a session.
//! - Configure and switch between either normal or exceptional session rotations.
//! ## Interface
//! ### Dispatchable Functions
//! - `set_key` - Set a validator's session key for the next session.
//! - `set_length` - Set a new session length to be applied upon the next session change.
//! - `force_new_session` - Force a new session that should be considered either a normal (rewardable)
//! or exceptional rotation.
//! - `on_finalize` - Called when a block is finalized. Will rotate session if it is the last
//! block of the current session.
//! ### Public Functions
//! - `validator_count` - Get the current number of validators.
//! - `last_length_change` - Get the block number when the session length last changed.
//! - `apply_force_new_session` - Force a new session. Can be called by other runtime modules.
//! - `set_validators` - Set the current set of validators. Can only be called by the Staking module.
//! - `check_rotate_session` - Rotate the session and apply rewards if necessary. Called after the Staking
//! module updates the authorities to the new validator set.
//! - `rotate_session` - Change to the next session. Register the new authority set. Update session keys.
//! Enact session length change if applicable.
//! - `ideal_session_duration` - Get the time of an ideal session.
//! - `blocks_remaining` - Get the number of blocks remaining in the current session,
//! excluding the current block.
//! ## Usage
//! ### Example from the SRML
//! The [Staking module](../pallet_staking/index.html) uses the Session module to get the validator set.
//! ```
//! use pallet_session as session;
//! # fn not_executed() {
//! let validators = >::validators();
//! # }
//! # fn main(){}
//! ```
//! ## Related Modules
//! - [Consensus](../frame_consensus/index.html)
//! - [Staking](../pallet_staking/index.html)
//! - [Timestamp](../pallet_timestamp/index.html)
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
use rstd::{prelude::*, marker::PhantomData, ops::{Sub, Rem}};
use codec::Decode;
use sr_primitives::{KeyTypeId, Perbill, RuntimeAppPublic, BoundToRuntimeAppPublic};
use support::weights::SimpleDispatchInfo;
use sr_primitives::traits::{Convert, Zero, Member, OpaqueKeys};
use sr_staking_primitives::SessionIndex;
use support::{dispatch::Result, ConsensusEngineId, decl_module, decl_event, decl_storage};
use support::{ensure, traits::{OnFreeBalanceZero, Get, FindAuthor}, Parameter};
use system::{self, ensure_signed};
mod mock;
#[cfg(feature = "historical")]
pub mod historical;
/// Decides whether the session should be ended.
pub trait ShouldEndSession {
/// Return `true` if the session should be ended.
fn should_end_session(now: BlockNumber) -> bool;
/// Ends the session after a fixed period of blocks.
/// The first session will have length of `Offset`, and
/// the following sessions will have length of `Period`.
/// This may prove nonsensical if `Offset` >= `Period`.
pub struct PeriodicSessions<
>(PhantomData<(Period, Offset)>);
BlockNumber: Rem