// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . use codec::Encode; use frame_support::{ construct_runtime, derive_impl, parameter_types, traits::{ AsEnsureOriginWithArg, ConstU128, ConstU32, Contains, Equals, Everything, EverythingBut, Nothing, }, weights::Weight, }; use frame_system::EnsureRoot; use polkadot_parachain_primitives::primitives::Id as ParaId; use polkadot_runtime_parachains::origin; use sp_core::H256; use sp_runtime::{traits::IdentityLookup, AccountId32, BuildStorage}; pub use sp_std::cell::RefCell; use xcm::prelude::*; #[allow(deprecated)] use xcm_builder::CurrencyAdapter as XcmCurrencyAdapter; use xcm_builder::{ AccountId32Aliases, AllowKnownQueryResponses, AllowSubscriptionsFrom, AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom, Case, ChildParachainAsNative, ChildParachainConvertsVia, ChildSystemParachainAsSuperuser, DescribeAllTerminal, FixedRateOfFungible, FixedWeightBounds, FrameTransactionalProcessor, FungiblesAdapter, HashedDescription, IsConcrete, MatchedConvertedConcreteId, NoChecking, SignedAccountId32AsNative, SignedToAccountId32, SovereignSignedViaLocation, TakeWeightCredit, XcmFeeManagerFromComponents, XcmFeeToAccount, }; use xcm_executor::{ traits::{Identity, JustTry}, XcmExecutor, }; use crate::{self as pallet_xcm, TestWeightInfo}; pub type AccountId = AccountId32; pub type Balance = u128; type Block = frame_system::mocking::MockBlock; #[frame_support::pallet] pub mod pallet_test_notifier { use crate::{ensure_response, QueryId}; use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*; use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*; use sp_runtime::DispatchResult; use xcm::latest::prelude::*; use xcm_executor::traits::QueryHandler; #[pallet::pallet] pub struct Pallet(_); #[pallet::config] pub trait Config: frame_system::Config + crate::Config { type RuntimeEvent: IsType<::RuntimeEvent> + From>; type RuntimeOrigin: IsType<::RuntimeOrigin> + Into::RuntimeOrigin>>; type RuntimeCall: IsType<::RuntimeCall> + From>; } #[pallet::event] #[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)] pub enum Event { QueryPrepared(QueryId), NotifyQueryPrepared(QueryId), ResponseReceived(Location, QueryId, Response), } #[pallet::error] pub enum Error { UnexpectedId, BadAccountFormat, } #[pallet::call] impl Pallet { #[pallet::call_index(0)] #[pallet::weight(Weight::from_parts(1_000_000, 1_000_000))] pub fn prepare_new_query(origin: OriginFor, querier: Location) -> DispatchResult { let who = ensure_signed(origin)?; let id = who .using_encoded(|mut d| <[u8; 32]>::decode(&mut d)) .map_err(|_| Error::::BadAccountFormat)?; let qid = as QueryHandler>::new_query( Junction::AccountId32 { network: None, id }, 100u32.into(), querier, ); Self::deposit_event(Event::::QueryPrepared(qid)); Ok(()) } #[pallet::call_index(1)] #[pallet::weight(Weight::from_parts(1_000_000, 1_000_000))] pub fn prepare_new_notify_query(origin: OriginFor, querier: Location) -> DispatchResult { let who = ensure_signed(origin)?; let id = who .using_encoded(|mut d| <[u8; 32]>::decode(&mut d)) .map_err(|_| Error::::BadAccountFormat)?; let call = Call::::notification_received { query_id: 0, response: Default::default() }; let qid = crate::Pallet::::new_notify_query( Junction::AccountId32 { network: None, id }, ::RuntimeCall::from(call), 100u32.into(), querier, ); Self::deposit_event(Event::::NotifyQueryPrepared(qid)); Ok(()) } #[pallet::call_index(2)] #[pallet::weight(Weight::from_parts(1_000_000, 1_000_000))] pub fn notification_received( origin: OriginFor, query_id: QueryId, response: Response, ) -> DispatchResult { let responder = ensure_response(::RuntimeOrigin::from(origin))?; Self::deposit_event(Event::::ResponseReceived(responder, query_id, response)); Ok(()) } } } construct_runtime!( pub enum Test { System: frame_system, Balances: pallet_balances, AssetsPallet: pallet_assets, ParasOrigin: origin, XcmPallet: pallet_xcm, TestNotifier: pallet_test_notifier, } ); thread_local! { pub static SENT_XCM: RefCell)>> = RefCell::new(Vec::new()); pub static FAIL_SEND_XCM: RefCell = RefCell::new(false); } pub(crate) fn sent_xcm() -> Vec<(Location, Xcm<()>)> { SENT_XCM.with(|q| (*q.borrow()).clone()) } pub(crate) fn take_sent_xcm() -> Vec<(Location, Xcm<()>)> { SENT_XCM.with(|q| { let mut r = Vec::new(); std::mem::swap(&mut r, &mut *q.borrow_mut()); r }) } pub(crate) fn set_send_xcm_artificial_failure(should_fail: bool) { FAIL_SEND_XCM.with(|q| *q.borrow_mut() = should_fail); } /// Sender that never returns error. pub struct TestSendXcm; impl SendXcm for TestSendXcm { type Ticket = (Location, Xcm<()>); fn validate( dest: &mut Option, msg: &mut Option>, ) -> SendResult<(Location, Xcm<()>)> { if FAIL_SEND_XCM.with(|q| *q.borrow()) { return Err(SendError::Transport("Intentional send failure used in tests")) } let pair = (dest.take().unwrap(), msg.take().unwrap()); Ok((pair, Assets::new())) } fn deliver(pair: (Location, Xcm<()>)) -> Result { let hash = fake_message_hash(&pair.1); SENT_XCM.with(|q| q.borrow_mut().push(pair)); Ok(hash) } } /// Sender that returns error if `X8` junction and stops routing pub struct TestSendXcmErrX8; impl SendXcm for TestSendXcmErrX8 { type Ticket = (Location, Xcm<()>); fn validate( dest: &mut Option, _: &mut Option>, ) -> SendResult<(Location, Xcm<()>)> { if dest.as_ref().unwrap().len() == 8 { dest.take(); Err(SendError::Transport("Destination location full")) } else { Err(SendError::NotApplicable) } } fn deliver(pair: (Location, Xcm<()>)) -> Result { let hash = fake_message_hash(&pair.1); SENT_XCM.with(|q| q.borrow_mut().push(pair)); Ok(hash) } } parameter_types! { pub Para3000: u32 = 3000; pub Para3000Location: Location = Parachain(Para3000::get()).into(); pub Para3000PaymentAmount: u128 = 1; pub Para3000PaymentAssets: Assets = Assets::from(Asset::from((Here, Para3000PaymentAmount::get()))); } /// Sender only sends to `Parachain(3000)` destination requiring payment. pub struct TestPaidForPara3000SendXcm; impl SendXcm for TestPaidForPara3000SendXcm { type Ticket = (Location, Xcm<()>); fn validate( dest: &mut Option, msg: &mut Option>, ) -> SendResult<(Location, Xcm<()>)> { if let Some(dest) = dest.as_ref() { if !dest.eq(&Para3000Location::get()) { return Err(SendError::NotApplicable) } } else { return Err(SendError::NotApplicable) } let pair = (dest.take().unwrap(), msg.take().unwrap()); Ok((pair, Para3000PaymentAssets::get())) } fn deliver(pair: (Location, Xcm<()>)) -> Result { let hash = fake_message_hash(&pair.1); SENT_XCM.with(|q| q.borrow_mut().push(pair)); Ok(hash) } } parameter_types! { pub const BlockHashCount: u64 = 250; } #[derive_impl(frame_system::config_preludes::TestDefaultConfig as frame_system::DefaultConfig)] impl frame_system::Config for Test { type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin; type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall; type Nonce = u64; type Hash = H256; type Hashing = ::sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256; type AccountId = AccountId; type Lookup = IdentityLookup; type Block = Block; type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent; type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount; type BlockWeights = (); type BlockLength = (); type Version = (); type PalletInfo = PalletInfo; type AccountData = pallet_balances::AccountData; type OnNewAccount = (); type OnKilledAccount = (); type DbWeight = (); type BaseCallFilter = Everything; type SystemWeightInfo = (); type SS58Prefix = (); type OnSetCode = (); type MaxConsumers = frame_support::traits::ConstU32<16>; } parameter_types! { pub ExistentialDeposit: Balance = 1; pub const MaxLocks: u32 = 50; pub const MaxReserves: u32 = 50; } impl pallet_balances::Config for Test { type MaxLocks = MaxLocks; type Balance = Balance; type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent; type DustRemoval = (); type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit; type AccountStore = System; type WeightInfo = (); type MaxReserves = MaxReserves; type ReserveIdentifier = [u8; 8]; type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason; type RuntimeFreezeReason = RuntimeFreezeReason; type FreezeIdentifier = (); type MaxFreezes = ConstU32<0>; } #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")] /// Simple conversion of `u32` into an `AssetId` for use in benchmarking. pub struct XcmBenchmarkHelper; #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")] impl pallet_assets::BenchmarkHelper for XcmBenchmarkHelper { fn create_asset_id_parameter(id: u32) -> Location { Location::new(1, [Parachain(id)]) } } impl pallet_assets::Config for Test { type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent; type Balance = Balance; type AssetId = Location; type AssetIdParameter = Location; type Currency = Balances; type CreateOrigin = AsEnsureOriginWithArg>; type ForceOrigin = EnsureRoot; type AssetDeposit = ConstU128<1>; type AssetAccountDeposit = ConstU128<10>; type MetadataDepositBase = ConstU128<1>; type MetadataDepositPerByte = ConstU128<1>; type ApprovalDeposit = ConstU128<1>; type StringLimit = ConstU32<50>; type Freezer = (); type WeightInfo = (); type CallbackHandle = (); type Extra = (); type RemoveItemsLimit = ConstU32<5>; #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")] type BenchmarkHelper = XcmBenchmarkHelper; } // This child parachain is a system parachain trusted to teleport native token. pub const SOME_SYSTEM_PARA: u32 = 1001; // This child parachain acts as trusted reserve for its assets in tests. // USDT allowed to teleport to/from here. pub const FOREIGN_ASSET_RESERVE_PARA_ID: u32 = 2001; // Inner junction of reserve asset on `FOREIGN_ASSET_RESERVE_PARA_ID`. pub const FOREIGN_ASSET_INNER_JUNCTION: Junction = GeneralIndex(1234567); // This child parachain acts as trusted reserve for say.. USDC that can be used for fees. pub const USDC_RESERVE_PARA_ID: u32 = 2002; // Inner junction of reserve asset on `USDC_RESERVE_PARA_ID`. pub const USDC_INNER_JUNCTION: Junction = PalletInstance(42); // This child parachain is a trusted teleporter for say.. USDT (T from Teleport :)). // We'll use USDT in tests that teleport fees. pub const USDT_PARA_ID: u32 = 2003; // This child parachain is not configured as trusted reserve or teleport location for any assets. pub const OTHER_PARA_ID: u32 = 2009; // This child parachain is used for filtered/disallowed assets. pub const FILTERED_PARA_ID: u32 = 2010; parameter_types! { pub const RelayLocation: Location = Here.into_location(); pub const NativeAsset: Asset = Asset { fun: Fungible(10), id: AssetId(Here.into_location()), }; pub SystemParachainLocation: Location = Location::new( 0, [Parachain(SOME_SYSTEM_PARA)] ); pub ForeignReserveLocation: Location = Location::new( 0, [Parachain(FOREIGN_ASSET_RESERVE_PARA_ID)] ); pub ForeignAsset: Asset = Asset { fun: Fungible(10), id: AssetId(Location::new( 0, [Parachain(FOREIGN_ASSET_RESERVE_PARA_ID), FOREIGN_ASSET_INNER_JUNCTION], )), }; pub UsdcReserveLocation: Location = Location::new( 0, [Parachain(USDC_RESERVE_PARA_ID)] ); pub Usdc: Asset = Asset { fun: Fungible(10), id: AssetId(Location::new( 0, [Parachain(USDC_RESERVE_PARA_ID), USDC_INNER_JUNCTION], )), }; pub UsdtTeleportLocation: Location = Location::new( 0, [Parachain(USDT_PARA_ID)] ); pub Usdt: Asset = Asset { fun: Fungible(10), id: AssetId(Location::new( 0, [Parachain(USDT_PARA_ID)], )), }; pub FilteredTeleportLocation: Location = Location::new( 0, [Parachain(FILTERED_PARA_ID)] ); pub FilteredTeleportAsset: Asset = Asset { fun: Fungible(10), id: AssetId(Location::new( 0, [Parachain(FILTERED_PARA_ID)], )), }; pub const AnyNetwork: Option = None; pub UniversalLocation: InteriorLocation = Here; pub UnitWeightCost: u64 = 1_000; pub CheckingAccount: AccountId = XcmPallet::check_account(); } pub type SovereignAccountOf = ( ChildParachainConvertsVia, AccountId32Aliases, HashedDescription, ); pub type ForeignAssetsConvertedConcreteId = MatchedConvertedConcreteId< Location, Balance, // Excludes relay/parent chain currency EverythingBut<(Equals,)>, Identity, JustTry, >; #[allow(deprecated)] pub type AssetTransactors = ( XcmCurrencyAdapter, SovereignAccountOf, AccountId, ()>, FungiblesAdapter< AssetsPallet, ForeignAssetsConvertedConcreteId, SovereignAccountOf, AccountId, NoChecking, CheckingAccount, >, ); type LocalOriginConverter = ( SovereignSignedViaLocation, ChildParachainAsNative, SignedAccountId32AsNative, ChildSystemParachainAsSuperuser, ); parameter_types! { pub const BaseXcmWeight: Weight = Weight::from_parts(1_000, 1_000); pub CurrencyPerSecondPerByte: (AssetId, u128, u128) = (AssetId(RelayLocation::get()), 1, 1); pub TrustedLocal: (AssetFilter, Location) = (All.into(), Here.into()); pub TrustedSystemPara: (AssetFilter, Location) = (NativeAsset::get().into(), SystemParachainLocation::get()); pub TrustedUsdt: (AssetFilter, Location) = (Usdt::get().into(), UsdtTeleportLocation::get()); pub TrustedFilteredTeleport: (AssetFilter, Location) = (FilteredTeleportAsset::get().into(), FilteredTeleportLocation::get()); pub TeleportUsdtToForeign: (AssetFilter, Location) = (Usdt::get().into(), ForeignReserveLocation::get()); pub TrustedForeign: (AssetFilter, Location) = (ForeignAsset::get().into(), ForeignReserveLocation::get()); pub TrustedUsdc: (AssetFilter, Location) = (Usdc::get().into(), UsdcReserveLocation::get()); pub const MaxInstructions: u32 = 100; pub const MaxAssetsIntoHolding: u32 = 64; pub XcmFeesTargetAccount: AccountId = AccountId::new([167u8; 32]); } pub const XCM_FEES_NOT_WAIVED_USER_ACCOUNT: [u8; 32] = [37u8; 32]; pub struct XcmFeesNotWaivedLocations; impl Contains for XcmFeesNotWaivedLocations { fn contains(location: &Location) -> bool { matches!( location.unpack(), (0, [Junction::AccountId32 { network: None, id: XCM_FEES_NOT_WAIVED_USER_ACCOUNT }]) ) } } pub type Barrier = ( TakeWeightCredit, AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom, AllowKnownQueryResponses, AllowSubscriptionsFrom, ); pub type XcmRouter = (TestPaidForPara3000SendXcm, TestSendXcmErrX8, TestSendXcm); pub struct XcmConfig; impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig { type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall; type XcmSender = XcmRouter; type AssetTransactor = AssetTransactors; type OriginConverter = LocalOriginConverter; type IsReserve = (Case, Case); type IsTeleporter = ( Case, Case, Case, Case, Case, ); type UniversalLocation = UniversalLocation; type Barrier = Barrier; type Weigher = FixedWeightBounds; type Trader = FixedRateOfFungible; type ResponseHandler = XcmPallet; type AssetTrap = XcmPallet; type AssetLocker = (); type AssetExchanger = (); type AssetClaims = XcmPallet; type SubscriptionService = XcmPallet; type PalletInstancesInfo = AllPalletsWithSystem; type MaxAssetsIntoHolding = MaxAssetsIntoHolding; type FeeManager = XcmFeeManagerFromComponents< EverythingBut, XcmFeeToAccount, >; type MessageExporter = (); type UniversalAliases = Nothing; type CallDispatcher = RuntimeCall; type SafeCallFilter = Everything; type Aliasers = Nothing; type TransactionalProcessor = FrameTransactionalProcessor; } pub type LocalOriginToLocation = SignedToAccountId32; parameter_types! { pub static AdvertisedXcmVersion: pallet_xcm::XcmVersion = 4; } pub struct XcmTeleportFiltered; impl Contains<(Location, Vec)> for XcmTeleportFiltered { fn contains(t: &(Location, Vec)) -> bool { let filtered = FilteredTeleportAsset::get(); t.1.iter().any(|asset| asset == &filtered) } } impl pallet_xcm::Config for Test { type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent; type SendXcmOrigin = xcm_builder::EnsureXcmOrigin; type XcmRouter = XcmRouter; type ExecuteXcmOrigin = xcm_builder::EnsureXcmOrigin; type XcmExecuteFilter = Everything; type XcmExecutor = XcmExecutor; type XcmTeleportFilter = EverythingBut; type XcmReserveTransferFilter = Everything; type Weigher = FixedWeightBounds; type UniversalLocation = UniversalLocation; type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin; type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall; const VERSION_DISCOVERY_QUEUE_SIZE: u32 = 100; type AdvertisedXcmVersion = AdvertisedXcmVersion; type AdminOrigin = EnsureRoot; type TrustedLockers = (); type SovereignAccountOf = AccountId32Aliases<(), AccountId32>; type Currency = Balances; type CurrencyMatcher = IsConcrete; type MaxLockers = frame_support::traits::ConstU32<8>; type MaxRemoteLockConsumers = frame_support::traits::ConstU32<0>; type RemoteLockConsumerIdentifier = (); type WeightInfo = TestWeightInfo; } impl origin::Config for Test {} impl pallet_test_notifier::Config for Test { type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent; type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin; type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall; } #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")] impl super::benchmarking::Config for Test { fn reachable_dest() -> Option { Some(Parachain(1000).into()) } fn teleportable_asset_and_dest() -> Option<(Asset, Location)> { Some((NativeAsset::get(), SystemParachainLocation::get())) } fn reserve_transferable_asset_and_dest() -> Option<(Asset, Location)> { Some(( Asset { fun: Fungible(10), id: AssetId(Here.into_location()) }, Parachain(OTHER_PARA_ID).into(), )) } fn set_up_complex_asset_transfer() -> Option<(Assets, u32, Location, Box)> { use crate::tests::assets_transfer::{into_assets_checked, set_up_foreign_asset}; // Transfer native asset (local reserve) to `USDT_PARA_ID`. Using teleport-trusted USDT for // fees. let asset_amount = 10u128; let fee_amount = 2u128; let existential_deposit = ExistentialDeposit::get(); let caller = frame_benchmarking::whitelisted_caller(); // Give some multiple of the existential deposit let balance = asset_amount + existential_deposit * 1000; let _ = >::make_free_balance_be( &caller, balance, ); // create sufficient foreign asset USDT let usdt_initial_local_amount = fee_amount * 10; let (usdt_chain, _, usdt_id_location) = set_up_foreign_asset( USDT_PARA_ID, None, caller.clone(), usdt_initial_local_amount, true, ); // native assets transfer destination is USDT chain (teleport trust only for USDT) let dest = usdt_chain; let (assets, fee_index, _, _) = into_assets_checked( // USDT for fees (is sufficient on local chain too) - teleported (usdt_id_location.clone(), fee_amount).into(), // native asset to transfer (not used for fees) - local reserve (Location::here(), asset_amount).into(), ); // verify initial balances assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&caller), balance); assert_eq!( AssetsPallet::balance(usdt_id_location.clone(), &caller), usdt_initial_local_amount ); // verify transferred successfully let verify = Box::new(move || { // verify balances after transfer, decreased by transferred amounts assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&caller), balance - asset_amount); assert_eq!( AssetsPallet::balance(usdt_id_location, &caller), usdt_initial_local_amount - fee_amount ); }); Some((assets, fee_index as u32, dest, verify)) } } pub(crate) fn last_event() -> RuntimeEvent { System::events().pop().expect("RuntimeEvent expected").event } pub(crate) fn last_events(n: usize) -> Vec { System::events().into_iter().map(|e| e.event).rev().take(n).rev().collect() } pub(crate) fn buy_execution(fees: impl Into) -> Instruction { use xcm::latest::prelude::*; BuyExecution { fees: fees.into(), weight_limit: Unlimited } } pub(crate) fn buy_limited_execution( fees: impl Into, weight_limit: WeightLimit, ) -> Instruction { use xcm::latest::prelude::*; BuyExecution { fees: fees.into(), weight_limit } } pub(crate) fn new_test_ext_with_balances( balances: Vec<(AccountId, Balance)>, ) -> sp_io::TestExternalities { new_test_ext_with_balances_and_xcm_version( balances, // By default set actual latest XCM version Some(XCM_VERSION), ) } pub(crate) fn new_test_ext_with_balances_and_xcm_version( balances: Vec<(AccountId, Balance)>, safe_xcm_version: Option, ) -> sp_io::TestExternalities { let mut t = frame_system::GenesisConfig::::default().build_storage().unwrap(); pallet_balances::GenesisConfig:: { balances } .assimilate_storage(&mut t) .unwrap(); pallet_xcm::GenesisConfig:: { safe_xcm_version, ..Default::default() } .assimilate_storage(&mut t) .unwrap(); let mut ext = sp_io::TestExternalities::new(t); ext.execute_with(|| System::set_block_number(1)); ext } pub(crate) fn fake_message_hash(message: &Xcm) -> XcmHash { message.using_encoded(sp_io::hashing::blake2_256) }