# Schema: Polkadot SDK PRDoc Schema (prdoc) v1.0.0 # See doc at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/master/prdoc/schema_user.json title: "pallet-xcm: add new extrinsic for asset transfers using explicit reserve" doc: - audience: Runtime User description: | pallet-xcm has a new extrinsic `transfer_assets_using_type_and_then` for transferring assets from local chain to destination chain using an explicit XCM transfer types for transferring the assets and the fees: - `TransferType::LocalReserve`: transfer assets to sovereign account of destination chain and forward a notification XCM to `dest` to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to `beneficiary`. - `TransferType::DestinationReserve`: burn local assets and forward a notification to `dest` chain to withdraw the reserve assets from this chain's sovereign account and deposit them to `beneficiary`. - `TransferType::RemoteReserve(reserve)`: burn local assets, forward XCM to `reserve` chain to move reserves from this chain's SA to `dest` chain's SA, and forward another XCM to `dest` to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to `beneficiary`. Typically the remote `reserve` is Asset Hub. - `TransferType::Teleport`: burn local assets and forward XCM to `dest` chain to mint/teleport assets and deposit them to `beneficiary`. By default, an asset's reserve is its origin chain. But sometimes we may want to explicitly use another chain as reserve (as long as allowed by runtime IsReserve filter). This is very helpful for transferring assets with multiple configured reserves (such as Asset Hub ForeignAssets), when the transfer strictly depends on the used reserve location. E.g. For transferring a bridged Foreign Assets between local parachains, Asset Hub or the parachain that bridged the asset over must be used as the reserve location. Same when transferring bridged assets back across the bridge, the local bridging parachain must be used as the explicit reserve location. The new method takes a `custom_xcm_on_dest` parameter allowing the caller to specify what should happen to the transferred assets once they reach the `dest` chain. The `custom_xcm_on_dest` parameter should contains the instructions to execute on `dest` as a final step. Usually as simple as: `Xcm(vec![DepositAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(assets.len())), beneficiary }])`, but could be something more exotic like sending the `assets` even further. crates: - name: pallet-xcm bump: minor