cargo-clippy: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .common-refs - .pipeline-stopper-artifacts variables: RUSTFLAGS: "-D warnings" script: - SKIP_WASM_BUILD=1 cargo clippy --all-targets --locked --workspace --quiet - SKIP_WASM_BUILD=1 cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features --locked --workspace --quiet check-try-runtime: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .common-refs script: - time cargo check --locked --all --features try-runtime # this is taken from cumulus # Check that parachain-template will compile with `try-runtime` feature flag. - time cargo check --locked -p parachain-template-node --features try-runtime # add after is merged # experimental code may rely on try-runtime and vice-versa - time cargo check --locked --all --features try-runtime,experimental # FIXME .cargo-deny-licenses: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .test-pr-refs variables: CARGO_DENY_CMD: "cargo deny --all-features check licenses -c ./substrate/scripts/ci/deny.toml" script: - $CARGO_DENY_CMD --hide-inclusion-graph after_script: - echo "___The complete log is in the artifacts___" - $CARGO_DENY_CMD 2> deny.log - if [ $CI_JOB_STATUS != 'success' ]; then echo 'Please check license of your crate or add an exception to scripts/ci/deny.toml'; fi allow_failure: true artifacts: name: $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA expire_in: 3 days when: always paths: - deny.log # from substrate # not sure if it's needed in monorepo check-dependency-rules: stage: check extends: - .kubernetes-env - .test-refs-no-trigger-prs-only variables: CI_IMAGE: "paritytech/tools:latest" allow_failure: true script: - cd substrate/ - ../.gitlab/ test-rust-features: stage: check extends: - .kubernetes-env - .test-refs-no-trigger-prs-only script: - bash .gitlab/ . job-starter: stage: check image: paritytech/tools:latest extends: - .kubernetes-env - .common-refs allow_failure: true script: - echo ok check-rust-feature-propagation: stage: check extends: - .kubernetes-env - .common-refs script: - zepter run check check-toml-format: stage: check extends: - .kubernetes-env - .common-refs script: - taplo format --check --config .config/taplo.toml - echo "Please run `taplo format --config .config/taplo.toml` to fix any toml formatting issues" # More info can be found here: .check-runtime-migration: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .test-pr-refs script: - export RUST_LOG=remote-ext=debug,runtime=debug - echo "---------- Downloading try-runtime CLI ----------" - curl -sL -o try-runtime - chmod +x ./try-runtime - echo "Using try-runtime-cli version:" - ./try-runtime --version - echo "---------- Building ${PACKAGE} runtime ----------" - time cargo build --release --locked -p "$PACKAGE" --features try-runtime - echo "---------- Executing on-runtime-upgrade for ${NETWORK} ----------" - > time ./try-runtime ${COMMAND_EXTRA_ARGS} \ --runtime ./target/release/wbuild/"$PACKAGE"/"$WASM" \ on-runtime-upgrade --disable-spec-version-check --checks=all ${SUBCOMMAND_EXTRA_ARGS} live --uri ${URI} - sleep 5 # Check runtime migrations for Parity managed relay chains check-runtime-migration-westend: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .test-pr-refs - .check-runtime-migration variables: NETWORK: "westend" PACKAGE: "westend-runtime" WASM: "westend_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm" URI: "wss://" SUBCOMMAND_EXTRA_ARGS: "--no-weight-warnings" check-runtime-migration-rococo: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .test-pr-refs - .check-runtime-migration variables: NETWORK: "rococo" PACKAGE: "rococo-runtime" WASM: "rococo_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm" URI: "wss://" SUBCOMMAND_EXTRA_ARGS: "--no-weight-warnings" # Check runtime migrations for Parity managed asset hub chains check-runtime-migration-asset-hub-westend: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .test-pr-refs - .check-runtime-migration variables: NETWORK: "asset-hub-westend" PACKAGE: "asset-hub-westend-runtime" WASM: "asset_hub_westend_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm" URI: "wss://" check-runtime-migration-asset-hub-rococo: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .test-pr-refs - .check-runtime-migration variables: NETWORK: "asset-hub-rococo" PACKAGE: "asset-hub-rococo-runtime" WASM: "asset_hub_rococo_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm" URI: "wss://" # Check runtime migrations for Parity managed bridge hub chains check-runtime-migration-bridge-hub-westend: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .test-pr-refs - .check-runtime-migration variables: NETWORK: "bridge-hub-westend" PACKAGE: "bridge-hub-westend-runtime" WASM: "bridge_hub_westend_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm" URI: "wss://" check-runtime-migration-bridge-hub-rococo: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .test-pr-refs - .check-runtime-migration variables: NETWORK: "bridge-hub-rococo" PACKAGE: "bridge-hub-rococo-runtime" WASM: "bridge_hub_rococo_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm" URI: "wss://" # Check runtime migrations for Parity managed contract chains check-runtime-migration-contracts-rococo: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .test-pr-refs - .check-runtime-migration variables: NETWORK: "contracts-rococo" PACKAGE: "contracts-rococo-runtime" WASM: "contracts_rococo_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm" URI: "wss://" # Check runtime migrations for Parity managed collectives chains check-runtime-migration-collectives-westend: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .test-pr-refs - .check-runtime-migration variables: NETWORK: "collectives-westend" PACKAGE: "collectives-westend-runtime" WASM: "collectives_westend_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm" URI: "wss://" COMMAND_EXTRA_ARGS: "--disable-spec-name-check" # Check runtime migrations for Parity managed coretime chain check-runtime-migration-coretime-rococo: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .test-pr-refs - .check-runtime-migration variables: NETWORK: "coretime-rococo" PACKAGE: "coretime-rococo-runtime" WASM: "coretime_rococo_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm" URI: "wss://" find-fail-ci-phrase: stage: check variables: CI_IMAGE: "paritytech/tools:latest" ASSERT_REGEX: "FAIL-CI" GIT_DEPTH: 1 extends: - .kubernetes-env - .test-pr-refs script: - set +e - rg --line-number --hidden --type rust --glob '!{.git,target}' "$ASSERT_REGEX" .; exit_status=$? - if [ $exit_status -eq 0 ]; then echo "$ASSERT_REGEX was found, exiting with 1"; exit 1; else echo "No $ASSERT_REGEX was found, exiting with 0"; exit 0; fi check-core-crypto-features: stage: check extends: - .docker-env - .common-refs script: - pushd substrate/primitives/core - ./ - popd - pushd substrate/primitives/application-crypto - ./ - popd - pushd substrate/primitives/keyring - ./ - popd