#!/bin/sh # # check if a pr is compatible with polkadot companion pr or master if not # available # # to override one that was just mentioned mark companion pr in the body of the # polkadot pr like # # polkadot companion: paritytech/polkadot#567 # github_api_substrate_pull_url="https://api.github.com/repos/paritytech/substrate/pulls" # use github api v3 in order to access the data without authentication github_header="Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" boldprint () { printf "|\n| \033[1m${@}\033[0m\n|\n" ; } boldcat () { printf "|\n"; while read l; do printf "| \033[1m${l}\033[0m\n"; done; printf "|\n" ; } boldcat <<-EOT check_polkadot_companion_build ============================== this job checks if there is a string in the description of the pr like polkadot companion: paritytech/polkadot#567 it will then run cargo check from this polkadot's branch with substrate code from this pull request. in absence of that string it will check if a polkadot pr is mentioned and will use the last one instead. if none of the above can be found it will check if polkadot has a branch of the exact same name than the substrate's branch. if it can't find anything, it will uses master instead EOT # Set the user name and email to make merging work git config --global user.name 'CI system' git config --global user.email '<>' SUBSTRATE_PATH=$(pwd) # Merge master into our branch before building Polkadot to make sure we don't miss # any commits that are required by Polkadot. git merge origin/master # Clone the current Polkadot master branch into ./polkadot. git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot.git cd polkadot # either it's a pull request then check for a companion otherwise use # polkadot:master if expr match "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" '^[0-9]\+$' >/dev/null then boldprint "this is pull request no ${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" pr_data_file="$(mktemp)" # get the last reference to a pr in polkadot curl -sSL -H "${github_header}" -o "${pr_data_file}" \ "${github_api_substrate_pull_url}/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" pr_body="$(sed -n -r 's/^[[:space:]]+"body": (".*")[^"]+$/\1/p' "${pr_data_file}")" pr_companion="$(echo "${pr_body}" | sed -n -r \ -e 's;^.*polkadot companion: paritytech/polkadot#([0-9]+).*$;\1;p' \ -e 's;^.*polkadot companion: https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/pull/([0-9]+).*$;\1;p' \ | tail -n 1)" if [ -z "${pr_companion}" ] then pr_companion="$(echo "${pr_body}" | sed -n -r \ -e 's;^.*paritytech/polkadot/#([0-9]+).*$;\1;p' \ -e 's;^.*https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/pull/([0-9]+).*$;\1;p' \ | tail -n 1)" fi if [ "${pr_companion}" ] then boldprint "companion pr specified/detected: #${pr_companion}" git fetch origin refs/pull/${pr_companion}/head:pr/${pr_companion} git checkout pr/${pr_companion} git merge origin/master else pr_ref="$(grep -Po '"ref"\s*:\s*"\K(?!master)[^"]*' "${pr_data_file}")" if git fetch origin "$pr_ref":branch/"$pr_ref" 2>/dev/null then boldprint "companion branch detected: $pr_ref" git checkout branch/"$pr_ref" git merge origin/master else boldprint "no companion branch found - building polkadot:master" fi fi rm -f "${pr_data_file}" else boldprint "this is not a pull request - building polkadot:master" fi # Make sure we override the crates in native and wasm build # patching the git path as described in the link below did not test correctly # https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/overriding-dependencies.html mkdir .cargo echo "paths = [ \"$SUBSTRATE_PATH\" ]" > .cargo/config mkdir -p target/debug/wbuild/.cargo cp .cargo/config target/debug/wbuild/.cargo/config # package, others are updated along the way. cargo update # Test Polkadot pr or master branch with this Substrate commit. time cargo test --all --release --verbose