// Copyright 2017-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . use log::info; use service::{IdentifyVariant, self}; use sc_executor::NativeExecutionDispatch; use sc_cli::{SubstrateCli, Result}; use crate::cli::{Cli, Subcommand}; impl SubstrateCli for Cli { fn impl_name() -> &'static str { "Parity Polkadot" } fn impl_version() -> &'static str { env!("SUBSTRATE_CLI_IMPL_VERSION") } fn description() -> &'static str { env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION") } fn author() -> &'static str { env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS") } fn support_url() -> &'static str { "https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/issues/new" } fn copyright_start_year() -> i32 { 2017 } fn executable_name() -> &'static str { "polkadot" } fn load_spec(&self, id: &str) -> std::result::Result, String> { Ok(match id { "polkadot-dev" | "dev" => Box::new(service::chain_spec::polkadot_development_config()), "polkadot-local" => Box::new(service::chain_spec::polkadot_local_testnet_config()), "polkadot-staging" => Box::new(service::chain_spec::polkadot_staging_testnet_config()), "kusama-dev" => Box::new(service::chain_spec::kusama_development_config()), "kusama-local" => Box::new(service::chain_spec::kusama_local_testnet_config()), "kusama-staging" => Box::new(service::chain_spec::kusama_staging_testnet_config()), "westend" => Box::new(service::chain_spec::westend_config()?), "kusama" | "" => Box::new(service::chain_spec::kusama_config()?), "westend-dev" => Box::new(service::chain_spec::westend_development_config()), "westend-local" => Box::new(service::chain_spec::westend_local_testnet_config()), "westend-staging" => Box::new(service::chain_spec::westend_staging_testnet_config()), path if self.run.force_kusama => { Box::new(service::KusamaChainSpec::from_json_file(std::path::PathBuf::from(path))?) }, path if self.run.force_westend => { Box::new(service::WestendChainSpec::from_json_file(std::path::PathBuf::from(path))?) }, path => Box::new(service::PolkadotChainSpec::from_json_file(std::path::PathBuf::from(path))?), }) } } /// Parses polkadot specific CLI arguments and run the service. pub fn run() -> Result<()> { sc_cli::reset_signal_pipe_handler()?; let cli = Cli::from_args(); match &cli.subcommand { None => { let runtime = cli.create_runner(&cli.run.base)?; let config = runtime.config(); let authority_discovery_enabled = cli.run.authority_discovery_enabled; let grandpa_pause = if cli.run.grandpa_pause.is_empty() { None } else { Some((cli.run.grandpa_pause[0], cli.run.grandpa_pause[1])) }; if config.chain_spec.is_kusama() { info!("----------------------------"); info!("This chain is not in any way"); info!(" endorsed by the "); info!(" KUSAMA FOUNDATION "); info!("----------------------------"); runtime.run_node( |config| { service::kusama_new_light(config) }, |config| { service::kusama_new_full( config, None, None, authority_discovery_enabled, 6000, grandpa_pause ).map(|(s, _, _)| s) }, service::KusamaExecutor::native_version().runtime_version ) } else if config.chain_spec.is_westend() { runtime.run_node( |config| { service::westend_new_light(config) }, |config| { service::westend_new_full( config, None, None, authority_discovery_enabled, 6000, grandpa_pause ).map(|(s, _, _)| s) }, service::WestendExecutor::native_version().runtime_version ) } else { runtime.run_node( |config| { service::polkadot_new_light(config) }, |config| { service::polkadot_new_full( config, None, None, authority_discovery_enabled, 6000, grandpa_pause ).map(|(s, _, _)| s) }, service::PolkadotExecutor::native_version().runtime_version ) } }, Some(Subcommand::Base(subcommand)) => { let runtime = cli.create_runner(subcommand)?; if runtime.config().chain_spec.is_kusama() { runtime.run_subcommand(subcommand, |config| service::new_chain_ops::< service::kusama_runtime::RuntimeApi, service::KusamaExecutor, service::kusama_runtime::UncheckedExtrinsic, >(config) ) } else if runtime.config().chain_spec.is_westend() { runtime.run_subcommand(subcommand, |config| service::new_chain_ops::< service::westend_runtime::RuntimeApi, service::WestendExecutor, service::westend_runtime::UncheckedExtrinsic, >(config) ) } else { runtime.run_subcommand(subcommand, |config| service::new_chain_ops::< service::polkadot_runtime::RuntimeApi, service::PolkadotExecutor, service::polkadot_runtime::UncheckedExtrinsic, >(config) ) } }, Some(Subcommand::ValidationWorker(cmd)) => { sc_cli::init_logger(""); if cfg!(feature = "browser") { Err(sc_cli::Error::Input("Cannot run validation worker in browser".into())) } else { #[cfg(not(feature = "browser"))] service::run_validation_worker(&cmd.mem_id)?; Ok(()) } }, Some(Subcommand::Benchmark(cmd)) => { let runtime = cli.create_runner(cmd)?; if runtime.config().chain_spec.is_kusama() { runtime.sync_run(|config| { cmd.run::(config) }) } else if runtime.config().chain_spec.is_westend() { runtime.sync_run(|config| { cmd.run::(config) }) } else { runtime.sync_run(|config| { cmd.run::(config) }) } }, } }