// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! Implementation of the Prospective Parachains subsystem - this tracks and handles //! prospective parachain fragments and informs other backing-stage subsystems //! of work to be done. //! //! This is the main coordinator of work within the node for the collation and //! backing phases of parachain consensus. //! //! This is primarily an implementation of "Fragment Trees", as described in //! [`polkadot_node_subsystem_util::inclusion_emulator`]. //! //! This subsystem also handles concerns such as the relay-chain being forkful and session changes. use std::{ borrow::Cow, collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, }; use futures::{channel::oneshot, prelude::*}; use polkadot_node_subsystem::{ messages::{ ChainApiMessage, FragmentTreeMembership, HypotheticalCandidate, HypotheticalFrontierRequest, IntroduceCandidateRequest, ProspectiveParachainsMessage, ProspectiveValidationDataRequest, RuntimeApiMessage, RuntimeApiRequest, }, overseer, ActiveLeavesUpdate, FromOrchestra, OverseerSignal, SpawnedSubsystem, SubsystemError, }; use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::{ inclusion_emulator::{Constraints, RelayChainBlockInfo}, request_session_index_for_child, runtime::{prospective_parachains_mode, ProspectiveParachainsMode}, }; use polkadot_primitives::{ async_backing::CandidatePendingAvailability, BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, Hash, HeadData, Header, Id as ParaId, PersistedValidationData, }; use crate::{ error::{FatalError, FatalResult, JfyiError, JfyiErrorResult, Result}, fragment_tree::{ CandidateStorage, CandidateStorageInsertionError, FragmentTree, Scope as TreeScope, }, }; mod error; mod fragment_tree; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; mod metrics; use self::metrics::Metrics; const LOG_TARGET: &str = "parachain::prospective-parachains"; struct RelayBlockViewData { // Scheduling info for paras and upcoming paras. fragment_trees: HashMap, pending_availability: HashSet, } struct View { // Active or recent relay-chain blocks by block hash. active_leaves: HashMap, candidate_storage: HashMap, } impl View { fn new() -> Self { View { active_leaves: HashMap::new(), candidate_storage: HashMap::new() } } } /// The prospective parachains subsystem. #[derive(Default)] pub struct ProspectiveParachainsSubsystem { metrics: Metrics, } impl ProspectiveParachainsSubsystem { /// Create a new instance of the `ProspectiveParachainsSubsystem`. pub fn new(metrics: Metrics) -> Self { Self { metrics } } } #[overseer::subsystem(ProspectiveParachains, error = SubsystemError, prefix = self::overseer)] impl ProspectiveParachainsSubsystem where Context: Send + Sync, { fn start(self, ctx: Context) -> SpawnedSubsystem { SpawnedSubsystem { future: run(ctx, self.metrics) .map_err(|e| SubsystemError::with_origin("prospective-parachains", e)) .boxed(), name: "prospective-parachains-subsystem", } } } #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)] async fn run(mut ctx: Context, metrics: Metrics) -> FatalResult<()> { let mut view = View::new(); loop { crate::error::log_error( run_iteration(&mut ctx, &mut view, &metrics).await, "Encountered issue during run iteration", )?; } } #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)] async fn run_iteration( ctx: &mut Context, view: &mut View, metrics: &Metrics, ) -> Result<()> { loop { match ctx.recv().await.map_err(FatalError::SubsystemReceive)? { FromOrchestra::Signal(OverseerSignal::Conclude) => return Ok(()), FromOrchestra::Signal(OverseerSignal::ActiveLeaves(update)) => { handle_active_leaves_update(&mut *ctx, view, update, metrics).await?; }, FromOrchestra::Signal(OverseerSignal::BlockFinalized(..)) => {}, FromOrchestra::Communication { msg } => match msg { ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(request, tx) => handle_candidate_introduced(&mut *ctx, view, request, tx).await?, ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(para, candidate_hash) => handle_candidate_seconded(view, para, candidate_hash), ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateBacked(para, candidate_hash) => handle_candidate_backed(&mut *ctx, view, para, candidate_hash).await?, ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetBackableCandidate( relay_parent, para, required_path, tx, ) => answer_get_backable_candidate(&view, relay_parent, para, required_path, tx), ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalFrontier(request, tx) => answer_hypothetical_frontier_request(&view, request, tx), ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetTreeMembership(para, candidate, tx) => answer_tree_membership_request(&view, para, candidate, tx), ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetMinimumRelayParents(relay_parent, tx) => answer_minimum_relay_parents_request(&view, relay_parent, tx), ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetProspectiveValidationData(request, tx) => answer_prospective_validation_data_request(&view, request, tx), }, } } } #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)] async fn handle_active_leaves_update( ctx: &mut Context, view: &mut View, update: ActiveLeavesUpdate, metrics: &Metrics, ) -> JfyiErrorResult<()> { // 1. clean up inactive leaves // 2. determine all scheduled para at new block // 3. construct new fragment tree for each para for each new leaf // 4. prune candidate storage. for deactivated in &update.deactivated { view.active_leaves.remove(deactivated); } let mut temp_header_cache = HashMap::new(); for activated in update.activated.into_iter() { let hash = activated.hash; let mode = prospective_parachains_mode(ctx.sender(), hash) .await .map_err(JfyiError::Runtime)?; let ProspectiveParachainsMode::Enabled { max_candidate_depth, allowed_ancestry_len } = mode else { gum::trace!( target: LOG_TARGET, block_hash = ?hash, "Skipping leaf activation since async backing is disabled" ); // Not a part of any allowed ancestry. return Ok(()) }; let mut pending_availability = HashSet::new(); let scheduled_paras = fetch_upcoming_paras(&mut *ctx, hash, &mut pending_availability).await?; let block_info: RelayChainBlockInfo = match fetch_block_info(&mut *ctx, &mut temp_header_cache, hash).await? { None => { gum::warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, block_hash = ?hash, "Failed to get block info for newly activated leaf block." ); // `update.activated` is an option, but we can use this // to exit the 'loop' and skip this block without skipping // pruning logic. continue }, Some(info) => info, }; let ancestry = fetch_ancestry(&mut *ctx, &mut temp_header_cache, hash, allowed_ancestry_len).await?; // Find constraints. let mut fragment_trees = HashMap::new(); for para in scheduled_paras { let candidate_storage = view.candidate_storage.entry(para).or_insert_with(CandidateStorage::new); let backing_state = fetch_backing_state(&mut *ctx, hash, para).await?; let (constraints, pending_availability) = match backing_state { Some(c) => c, None => { // This indicates a runtime conflict of some kind. gum::debug!( target: LOG_TARGET, para_id = ?para, relay_parent = ?hash, "Failed to get inclusion backing state." ); continue }, }; let pending_availability = preprocess_candidates_pending_availability( ctx, &mut temp_header_cache, constraints.required_parent.clone(), pending_availability, ) .await?; let mut compact_pending = Vec::with_capacity(pending_availability.len()); for c in pending_availability { let res = candidate_storage.add_candidate(c.candidate, c.persisted_validation_data); let candidate_hash = c.compact.candidate_hash; compact_pending.push(c.compact); match res { Ok(_) | Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::CandidateAlreadyKnown(_)) => { // Anything on-chain is guaranteed to be backed. candidate_storage.mark_backed(&candidate_hash); }, Err(err) => { gum::warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, ?candidate_hash, para_id = ?para, ?err, "Scraped invalid candidate pending availability", ); }, } } let scope = TreeScope::with_ancestors( para, block_info.clone(), constraints, compact_pending, max_candidate_depth, ancestry.iter().cloned(), ) .expect("ancestors are provided in reverse order and correctly; qed"); gum::debug!( target: LOG_TARGET, relay_parent = ?hash, min_relay_parent = scope.earliest_relay_parent().number, para_id = ?para, "Creating fragment tree" ); let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &*candidate_storage); fragment_trees.insert(para, tree); } view.active_leaves .insert(hash, RelayBlockViewData { fragment_trees, pending_availability }); } if !update.deactivated.is_empty() { // This has potential to be a hotspot. prune_view_candidate_storage(view, metrics); } Ok(()) } fn prune_view_candidate_storage(view: &mut View, metrics: &Metrics) { metrics.time_prune_view_candidate_storage(); let active_leaves = &view.active_leaves; let mut live_candidates = HashSet::new(); let mut live_paras = HashSet::new(); for sub_view in active_leaves.values() { for (para_id, fragment_tree) in &sub_view.fragment_trees { live_candidates.extend(fragment_tree.candidates()); live_paras.insert(*para_id); } live_candidates.extend(sub_view.pending_availability.iter().cloned()); } view.candidate_storage.retain(|para_id, storage| { if !live_paras.contains(¶_id) { return false } storage.retain(|h| live_candidates.contains(&h)); // Even if `storage` is now empty, we retain. // This maintains a convenient invariant that para-id storage exists // as long as there's an active head which schedules the para. true }) } struct ImportablePendingAvailability { candidate: CommittedCandidateReceipt, persisted_validation_data: PersistedValidationData, compact: crate::fragment_tree::PendingAvailability, } #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)] async fn preprocess_candidates_pending_availability( ctx: &mut Context, cache: &mut HashMap, required_parent: HeadData, pending_availability: Vec, ) -> JfyiErrorResult> { let mut required_parent = required_parent; let mut importable = Vec::new(); let expected_count = pending_availability.len(); for (i, pending) in pending_availability.into_iter().enumerate() { let relay_parent = match fetch_block_info(ctx, cache, pending.descriptor.relay_parent).await? { None => { gum::debug!( target: LOG_TARGET, ?pending.candidate_hash, ?pending.descriptor.para_id, index = ?i, ?expected_count, "Had to stop processing pending candidates early due to missing info.", ); break }, Some(b) => b, }; let next_required_parent = pending.commitments.head_data.clone(); importable.push(ImportablePendingAvailability { candidate: CommittedCandidateReceipt { descriptor: pending.descriptor, commitments: pending.commitments, }, persisted_validation_data: PersistedValidationData { parent_head: required_parent, max_pov_size: pending.max_pov_size, relay_parent_number: relay_parent.number, relay_parent_storage_root: relay_parent.storage_root, }, compact: crate::fragment_tree::PendingAvailability { candidate_hash: pending.candidate_hash, relay_parent, }, }); required_parent = next_required_parent; } Ok(importable) } #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)] async fn handle_candidate_introduced( _ctx: &mut Context, view: &mut View, request: IntroduceCandidateRequest, tx: oneshot::Sender, ) -> JfyiErrorResult<()> { let IntroduceCandidateRequest { candidate_para: para, candidate_receipt: candidate, persisted_validation_data: pvd, } = request; // Add the candidate to storage. // Then attempt to add it to all trees. let storage = match view.candidate_storage.get_mut(¶) { None => { gum::warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, para_id = ?para, candidate_hash = ?candidate.hash(), "Received seconded candidate for inactive para", ); let _ = tx.send(Vec::new()); return Ok(()) }, Some(storage) => storage, }; let candidate_hash = match storage.add_candidate(candidate, pvd) { Ok(c) => c, Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::CandidateAlreadyKnown(c)) => { // Candidate known - return existing fragment tree membership. let _ = tx.send(fragment_tree_membership(&view.active_leaves, para, c)); return Ok(()) }, Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::PersistedValidationDataMismatch) => { // We can't log the candidate hash without either doing more ~expensive // hashing but this branch indicates something is seriously wrong elsewhere // so it's doubtful that it would affect debugging. gum::warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, para = ?para, "Received seconded candidate had mismatching validation data", ); let _ = tx.send(Vec::new()); return Ok(()) }, }; let mut membership = Vec::new(); for (relay_parent, leaf_data) in &mut view.active_leaves { if let Some(tree) = leaf_data.fragment_trees.get_mut(¶) { tree.add_and_populate(candidate_hash, &*storage); if let Some(depths) = tree.candidate(&candidate_hash) { membership.push((*relay_parent, depths)); } } } if membership.is_empty() { storage.remove_candidate(&candidate_hash); } let _ = tx.send(membership); Ok(()) } fn handle_candidate_seconded(view: &mut View, para: ParaId, candidate_hash: CandidateHash) { let storage = match view.candidate_storage.get_mut(¶) { None => { gum::warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, para_id = ?para, ?candidate_hash, "Received instruction to second unknown candidate", ); return }, Some(storage) => storage, }; if !storage.contains(&candidate_hash) { gum::warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, para_id = ?para, ?candidate_hash, "Received instruction to second unknown candidate", ); return } storage.mark_seconded(&candidate_hash); } #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)] async fn handle_candidate_backed( _ctx: &mut Context, view: &mut View, para: ParaId, candidate_hash: CandidateHash, ) -> JfyiErrorResult<()> { let storage = match view.candidate_storage.get_mut(¶) { None => { gum::warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, para_id = ?para, ?candidate_hash, "Received instruction to back unknown candidate", ); return Ok(()) }, Some(storage) => storage, }; if !storage.contains(&candidate_hash) { gum::warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, para_id = ?para, ?candidate_hash, "Received instruction to back unknown candidate", ); return Ok(()) } if storage.is_backed(&candidate_hash) { gum::debug!( target: LOG_TARGET, para_id = ?para, ?candidate_hash, "Received redundant instruction to mark candidate as backed", ); return Ok(()) } storage.mark_backed(&candidate_hash); Ok(()) } fn answer_get_backable_candidate( view: &View, relay_parent: Hash, para: ParaId, required_path: Vec, tx: oneshot::Sender>, ) { let data = match view.active_leaves.get(&relay_parent) { None => { gum::debug!( target: LOG_TARGET, ?relay_parent, para_id = ?para, "Requested backable candidate for inactive relay-parent." ); let _ = tx.send(None); return }, Some(d) => d, }; let tree = match data.fragment_trees.get(¶) { None => { gum::debug!( target: LOG_TARGET, ?relay_parent, para_id = ?para, "Requested backable candidate for inactive para." ); let _ = tx.send(None); return }, Some(tree) => tree, }; let storage = match view.candidate_storage.get(¶) { None => { gum::warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, ?relay_parent, para_id = ?para, "No candidate storage for active para", ); let _ = tx.send(None); return }, Some(s) => s, }; let Some(child_hash) = tree.select_child(&required_path, |candidate| storage.is_backed(candidate)) else { let _ = tx.send(None); return }; let Some(candidate_relay_parent) = storage.relay_parent_by_candidate_hash(&child_hash) else { gum::error!( target: LOG_TARGET, ?child_hash, para_id = ?para, "Candidate is present in fragment tree but not in candidate's storage!", ); let _ = tx.send(None); return }; let _ = tx.send(Some((child_hash, candidate_relay_parent))); } fn answer_hypothetical_frontier_request( view: &View, request: HypotheticalFrontierRequest, tx: oneshot::Sender>, ) { let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(request.candidates.len()); for candidate in request.candidates { response.push((candidate, Vec::new())); } let required_active_leaf = request.fragment_tree_relay_parent; for (active_leaf, leaf_view) in view .active_leaves .iter() .filter(|(h, _)| required_active_leaf.as_ref().map_or(true, |x| h == &x)) { for &mut (ref c, ref mut membership) in &mut response { let fragment_tree = match leaf_view.fragment_trees.get(&c.candidate_para()) { None => continue, Some(f) => f, }; let candidate_storage = match view.candidate_storage.get(&c.candidate_para()) { None => continue, Some(storage) => storage, }; let candidate_hash = c.candidate_hash(); let hypothetical = match c { HypotheticalCandidate::Complete { receipt, persisted_validation_data, .. } => fragment_tree::HypotheticalCandidate::Complete { receipt: Cow::Borrowed(receipt), persisted_validation_data: Cow::Borrowed(persisted_validation_data), }, HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete { parent_head_data_hash, candidate_relay_parent, .. } => fragment_tree::HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete { relay_parent: *candidate_relay_parent, parent_head_data_hash: *parent_head_data_hash, }, }; let depths = fragment_tree.hypothetical_depths( candidate_hash, hypothetical, candidate_storage, request.backed_in_path_only, ); if !depths.is_empty() { membership.push((*active_leaf, depths)); } } } let _ = tx.send(response); } fn fragment_tree_membership( active_leaves: &HashMap, para: ParaId, candidate: CandidateHash, ) -> FragmentTreeMembership { let mut membership = Vec::new(); for (relay_parent, view_data) in active_leaves { if let Some(tree) = view_data.fragment_trees.get(¶) { if let Some(depths) = tree.candidate(&candidate) { membership.push((*relay_parent, depths)); } } } membership } fn answer_tree_membership_request( view: &View, para: ParaId, candidate: CandidateHash, tx: oneshot::Sender, ) { let _ = tx.send(fragment_tree_membership(&view.active_leaves, para, candidate)); } fn answer_minimum_relay_parents_request( view: &View, relay_parent: Hash, tx: oneshot::Sender>, ) { let mut v = Vec::new(); if let Some(leaf_data) = view.active_leaves.get(&relay_parent) { for (para_id, fragment_tree) in &leaf_data.fragment_trees { v.push((*para_id, fragment_tree.scope().earliest_relay_parent().number)); } } let _ = tx.send(v); } fn answer_prospective_validation_data_request( view: &View, request: ProspectiveValidationDataRequest, tx: oneshot::Sender>, ) { // 1. Try to get the head-data from the candidate store if known. // 2. Otherwise, it might exist as the base in some relay-parent and we can find it by iterating // fragment trees. // 3. Otherwise, it is unknown. // 4. Also try to find the relay parent block info by scanning fragment trees. // 5. If head data and relay parent block info are found - success. Otherwise, failure. let storage = match view.candidate_storage.get(&request.para_id) { None => { let _ = tx.send(None); return }, Some(s) => s, }; let mut head_data = storage.head_data_by_hash(&request.parent_head_data_hash).map(|x| x.clone()); let mut relay_parent_info = None; let mut max_pov_size = None; for fragment_tree in view .active_leaves .values() .filter_map(|x| x.fragment_trees.get(&request.para_id)) { if head_data.is_some() && relay_parent_info.is_some() && max_pov_size.is_some() { break } if relay_parent_info.is_none() { relay_parent_info = fragment_tree.scope().ancestor_by_hash(&request.candidate_relay_parent); } if head_data.is_none() { let required_parent = &fragment_tree.scope().base_constraints().required_parent; if required_parent.hash() == request.parent_head_data_hash { head_data = Some(required_parent.clone()); } } if max_pov_size.is_none() { let contains_ancestor = fragment_tree .scope() .ancestor_by_hash(&request.candidate_relay_parent) .is_some(); if contains_ancestor { // We are leaning hard on two assumptions here. // 1. That the fragment tree never contains allowed relay-parents whose session for // children is different from that of the base block's. // 2. That the max_pov_size is only configurable per session. max_pov_size = Some(fragment_tree.scope().base_constraints().max_pov_size); } } } let _ = tx.send(match (head_data, relay_parent_info, max_pov_size) { (Some(h), Some(i), Some(m)) => Some(PersistedValidationData { parent_head: h, relay_parent_number: i.number, relay_parent_storage_root: i.storage_root, max_pov_size: m as _, }), _ => None, }); } #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)] async fn fetch_backing_state( ctx: &mut Context, relay_parent: Hash, para_id: ParaId, ) -> JfyiErrorResult)>> { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); ctx.send_message(RuntimeApiMessage::Request( relay_parent, RuntimeApiRequest::ParaBackingState(para_id, tx), )) .await; Ok(rx .await .map_err(JfyiError::RuntimeApiRequestCanceled)?? .map(|s| (From::from(s.constraints), s.pending_availability))) } #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)] async fn fetch_upcoming_paras( ctx: &mut Context, relay_parent: Hash, pending_availability: &mut HashSet, ) -> JfyiErrorResult> { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); // This'll have to get more sophisticated with parathreads, // but for now we can just use the `AvailabilityCores`. ctx.send_message(RuntimeApiMessage::Request( relay_parent, RuntimeApiRequest::AvailabilityCores(tx), )) .await; let cores = rx.await.map_err(JfyiError::RuntimeApiRequestCanceled)??; let mut upcoming = HashSet::new(); for core in cores { match core { CoreState::Occupied(occupied) => { pending_availability.insert(occupied.candidate_hash); if let Some(next_up_on_available) = occupied.next_up_on_available { upcoming.insert(next_up_on_available.para_id); } if let Some(next_up_on_time_out) = occupied.next_up_on_time_out { upcoming.insert(next_up_on_time_out.para_id); } }, CoreState::Scheduled(scheduled) => { upcoming.insert(scheduled.para_id); }, CoreState::Free => {}, } } Ok(upcoming.into_iter().collect()) } // Fetch ancestors in descending order, up to the amount requested. #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)] async fn fetch_ancestry( ctx: &mut Context, cache: &mut HashMap, relay_hash: Hash, ancestors: usize, ) -> JfyiErrorResult> { if ancestors == 0 { return Ok(Vec::new()) } let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); ctx.send_message(ChainApiMessage::Ancestors { hash: relay_hash, k: ancestors, response_channel: tx, }) .await; let hashes = rx.map_err(JfyiError::ChainApiRequestCanceled).await??; let required_session = request_session_index_for_child(relay_hash, ctx.sender()) .await .await .map_err(JfyiError::RuntimeApiRequestCanceled)??; let mut block_info = Vec::with_capacity(hashes.len()); for hash in hashes { let info = match fetch_block_info(ctx, cache, hash).await? { None => { gum::warn!( target: LOG_TARGET, relay_hash = ?hash, "Failed to fetch info for hash returned from ancestry.", ); // Return, however far we got. break }, Some(info) => info, }; // The relay chain cannot accept blocks backed from previous sessions, with // potentially previous validators. This is a technical limitation we need to // respect here. let session = request_session_index_for_child(hash, ctx.sender()) .await .await .map_err(JfyiError::RuntimeApiRequestCanceled)??; if session == required_session { block_info.push(info); } else { break } } Ok(block_info) } #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)] async fn fetch_block_header_with_cache( ctx: &mut Context, cache: &mut HashMap, relay_hash: Hash, ) -> JfyiErrorResult> { if let Some(h) = cache.get(&relay_hash) { return Ok(Some(h.clone())) } let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); ctx.send_message(ChainApiMessage::BlockHeader(relay_hash, tx)).await; let header = rx.map_err(JfyiError::ChainApiRequestCanceled).await??; if let Some(ref h) = header { cache.insert(relay_hash, h.clone()); } Ok(header) } #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)] async fn fetch_block_info( ctx: &mut Context, cache: &mut HashMap, relay_hash: Hash, ) -> JfyiErrorResult> { let header = fetch_block_header_with_cache(ctx, cache, relay_hash).await?; Ok(header.map(|header| RelayChainBlockInfo { hash: relay_hash, number: header.number, storage_root: header.state_root, })) }