	"specification": "https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/wiki/External-Address-Format-(SS58)",
	"schema": {
		"prefix": "The address prefix. Must be an integer and unique.",
		"network": "Unique identifier for the network that will use this prefix, string, no spaces. To integrate with CLI tools, e.g. `--network polkadot`.",
		"displayName": "The name of the network that will use this prefix, in a format friendly for display.",
		"symbols": "Array of symbols of any tokens the chain uses, usually 2-5 characters. Most chains will only have one. Chains that have multiple instances of the Balances pallet should order the array by instance.",
		"decimals": "Array of integers representing the number of decimals that represent a single unit to the end user. Must be same length as `symbols` to represent each token's denomination.",
		"standardAccount": "Signing curve for standard account. Substrate supports ed25519, sr25519, and secp256k1.",
		"website": "A website or Github repo associated with the network."
	"registry": [
			"prefix": 0,
			"network": "polkadot",
			"displayName": "Polkadot Relay Chain",
			"symbols": ["DOT"],
			"decimals": [10],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://polkadot.network"
			"prefix": 1,
			"network": null,
			"displayName": "Bare 32-bit Schnorr/Ristretto (S/R 25519) public key.",
			"symbols": null,
			"decimals": null,
			"standardAccount": null,
			"website": null
			"prefix": 2,
			"network": "kusama",
			"displayName": "Kusama Relay Chain",
			"symbols": ["KSM"],
			"decimals": [12],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://kusama.network"
			"prefix": 3,
			"network": null,
			"displayName": "Bare 32-bit Ed25519 public key.",
			"symbols": null,
			"decimals": null,
			"standardAccount": null,
			"website": null
			"prefix": 4,
			"network": "katalchain",
			"displayName": "Katal Chain",
			"symbols": null,
			"decimals": null,
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": null
			"prefix": 5,
			"network": "plasm",
			"displayName": "Plasm Network",
			"symbols": ["PLM"],
			"decimals": [15],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://plasmnet.io"
			"prefix": 6,
			"network": "bifrost",
			"displayName": "Bifrost",
			"symbols": ["BNC"],
			"decimals": [12],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://bifrost.finance/"
			"prefix": 7,
			"network": "edgeware",
			"displayName": "Edgeware",
			"symbols": ["EDG"],
			"decimals": [18],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://edgewa.re"
			"prefix": 8,
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			"displayName": "Karura",
			"symbols": ["KAR"],
			"decimals": [12],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://karura.network/"
			"prefix": 9,
			"network": "reynolds",
			"displayName": "Laminar Reynolds Canary",
			"symbols": ["REY"],
			"decimals": [18],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "http://laminar.network/"
			"prefix": 10,
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			"displayName": "Acala",
			"symbols": ["ACA"],
			"decimals": [12],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://acala.network/"
			"prefix": 11,
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			"displayName": "Laminar",
			"symbols": ["LAMI"],
			"decimals": [18],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "http://laminar.network/"
			"prefix": 12,
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			"displayName": "Polymesh",
			"symbols": ["POLYX"],
			"decimals": [6],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://polymath.network/"
			"prefix": 13,
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			"displayName": "Integritee",
			"symbols": ["TEER"],
			"decimals": [12],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://integritee.network"
			"prefix": 14,
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			"displayName": "Totem",
			"symbols": ["XTX"],
			"decimals": [0],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://totemaccounting.com"
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			"symbols": ["SYN"],
			"decimals": [12],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://synesthesia.network/"
			"prefix": 16,
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			"displayName": "Kulupu",
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			"decimals": [12],
			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://kulupu.network/"
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			"symbols": null,
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			"website": "https://darwinia.network/"
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			"standardAccount": "*25519",
			"website": "https://geekcash.org"
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			"displayName": "Stafi",
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			"standardAccount": "*25519",
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			"website": "https://dock.io"
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			"displayName": "Dock Mainnet",
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			"standardAccount": "*25519",
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			"website": "https://www.aresprotocol.com/"
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			"website": "https://valiu.com/"
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			"standardAccount": "*25519",
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			"website": "https://substrate.dev/"
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			"website": "https://neatcoin.org"
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			"standardAccount": "*25519",
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			"website": "https://sora.org"
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			"website": "https://social.network"
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			"standardAccount": "secp256k1",
			"website": "https://moonbeam.network"
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			"website": "https://moonbeam.network"
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			"website": "https://bsx.fi"