// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! PVF artifacts (final compiled code blobs). //! //! # Lifecycle of an artifact //! //! 1. During node start-up, the artifacts cache is cleaned up. This means that all local artifacts //! stored on-disk are cleared, and we start with an empty [`Artifacts`] table. //! //! 2. In order to be executed, a PVF should be prepared first. This means that artifacts should //! have an [`ArtifactState::Prepared`] entry for that artifact in the table. If not, the //! preparation process kicks in. The execution request is stashed until after the preparation is //! done, and the artifact state in the host is set to [`ArtifactState::Preparing`]. Preparation //! goes through the preparation queue and the pool. //! //! 1. If the artifact is already being processed, we add another execution request to the //! existing preparation job, without starting a new one. //! //! 2. Note that if the state is [`ArtifactState::FailedToProcess`], we usually do not retry //! preparation, though we may under certain conditions. //! //! 3. The pool gets an available worker and instructs it to work on the given PVF. The worker //! starts compilation. When the worker finishes successfully, it writes the serialized artifact //! into a temporary file and notifies the host that it's done. The host atomically moves //! (renames) the temporary file to the destination filename of the artifact. //! //! 4. If the worker concluded successfully or returned an error, then the pool notifies the queue. //! In both cases, the queue reports to the host that the result is ready. //! //! 5. The host will react by changing the artifact state to either [`ArtifactState::Prepared`] or //! [`ArtifactState::FailedToProcess`] for the PVF in question. On success, the //! `last_time_needed` will be set to the current time. It will also dispatch the pending //! execution requests. //! //! 6. On success, the execution request will come through the execution queue and ultimately be //! processed by an execution worker. When this worker receives the request, it will read the //! requested artifact. If it doesn't exist it reports an internal error. A request for execution //! will bump the `last_time_needed` to the current time. //! //! 7. There is a separate process for pruning the prepared artifacts whose `last_time_needed` is //! older by a predefined parameter. This process is run very rarely (say, once a day). Once the //! artifact is expired it is removed from disk eagerly atomically. use crate::host::PrepareResultSender; use always_assert::always; use polkadot_node_core_pvf_common::{error::PrepareError, prepare::PrepareStats, pvf::PvfPrepData}; use polkadot_node_primitives::NODE_VERSION; use polkadot_parachain_primitives::primitives::ValidationCodeHash; use polkadot_primitives::ExecutorParamsHash; use std::{ collections::HashMap, path::{Path, PathBuf}, time::{Duration, SystemTime}, }; /// Identifier of an artifact. Encodes a code hash of the PVF and a hash of executor parameter set. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct ArtifactId { pub(crate) code_hash: ValidationCodeHash, pub(crate) executor_params_hash: ExecutorParamsHash, } impl ArtifactId { const PREFIX: &'static str = "wasmtime_"; const NODE_VERSION_PREFIX: &'static str = "polkadot_v"; /// Creates a new artifact ID with the given hash. pub fn new(code_hash: ValidationCodeHash, executor_params_hash: ExecutorParamsHash) -> Self { Self { code_hash, executor_params_hash } } /// Returns an artifact ID that corresponds to the PVF with given executor params. pub fn from_pvf_prep_data(pvf: &PvfPrepData) -> Self { Self::new(pvf.code_hash(), pvf.executor_params().hash()) } /// Tries to recover the artifact id from the given file name. #[cfg(test)] pub fn from_file_name(file_name: &str) -> Option { use polkadot_core_primitives::Hash; use std::str::FromStr as _; let file_name = file_name.strip_prefix(Self::PREFIX)?.strip_prefix(Self::NODE_VERSION_PREFIX)?; // [ node version | code hash | param hash ] let parts: Vec<&str> = file_name.split('_').collect(); let (_node_ver, code_hash_str, executor_params_hash_str) = (parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]); let code_hash = Hash::from_str(code_hash_str).ok()?.into(); let executor_params_hash = ExecutorParamsHash::from_hash(Hash::from_str(executor_params_hash_str).ok()?); Some(Self { code_hash, executor_params_hash }) } /// Returns the expected path to this artifact given the root of the cache. pub fn path(&self, cache_path: &Path) -> PathBuf { let file_name = format!( "{}{}{}_{:#x}_{:#x}", Self::PREFIX, Self::NODE_VERSION_PREFIX, NODE_VERSION, self.code_hash, self.executor_params_hash ); cache_path.join(file_name) } } /// A bundle of the artifact ID and the path. /// /// Rationale for having this is two-fold: /// /// - While we can derive the artifact path from the artifact id, it makes sense to carry it around /// sometimes to avoid extra work. /// - At the same time, carrying only path limiting the ability for logging. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct ArtifactPathId { pub(crate) id: ArtifactId, pub(crate) path: PathBuf, } impl ArtifactPathId { pub(crate) fn new(artifact_id: ArtifactId, cache_path: &Path) -> Self { Self { path: artifact_id.path(cache_path), id: artifact_id } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ArtifactState { /// The artifact is ready to be used by the executor. /// /// That means that the artifact should be accessible through the path obtained by the artifact /// id (unless, it was removed externally). Prepared { /// The time when the artifact was last needed. /// /// This is updated when we get the heads up for this artifact or when we just discover /// this file. last_time_needed: SystemTime, /// Stats produced by successful preparation. prepare_stats: PrepareStats, }, /// A task to prepare this artifact is scheduled. Preparing { /// List of result senders that are waiting for a response. waiting_for_response: Vec, /// The number of times this artifact has failed to prepare. num_failures: u32, }, /// The code couldn't be compiled due to an error. Such artifacts /// never reach the executor and stay in the host's memory. FailedToProcess { /// Keep track of the last time that processing this artifact failed. last_time_failed: SystemTime, /// The number of times this artifact has failed to prepare. num_failures: u32, /// The last error encountered for preparation. error: PrepareError, }, } /// A container of all known artifact ids and their states. pub struct Artifacts { artifacts: HashMap, } impl Artifacts { /// Initialize a blank cache at the given path. This will clear everything present at the /// given path, to be populated over time. /// /// The recognized artifacts will be filled in the table and unrecognized will be removed. pub async fn new(cache_path: &Path) -> Self { // First delete the entire cache. This includes artifacts and any leftover worker dirs (see // [`WorkerDir`]). Nodes are long-running so this should populate shortly. let _ = tokio::fs::remove_dir_all(cache_path).await; // Make sure that the cache path directory and all its parents are created. let _ = tokio::fs::create_dir_all(cache_path).await; Self { artifacts: HashMap::new() } } #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) fn empty() -> Self { Self { artifacts: HashMap::new() } } /// Returns the state of the given artifact by its ID. pub fn artifact_state_mut(&mut self, artifact_id: &ArtifactId) -> Option<&mut ArtifactState> { self.artifacts.get_mut(artifact_id) } /// Inform the table about the artifact with the given ID. The state will be set to "preparing". /// /// This function must be used only for brand-new artifacts and should never be used for /// replacing existing ones. pub fn insert_preparing( &mut self, artifact_id: ArtifactId, waiting_for_response: Vec, ) { // See the precondition. always!(self .artifacts .insert(artifact_id, ArtifactState::Preparing { waiting_for_response, num_failures: 0 }) .is_none()); } /// Insert an artifact with the given ID as "prepared". /// /// This function must be used only for brand-new artifacts and should never be used for /// replacing existing ones. #[cfg(test)] pub fn insert_prepared( &mut self, artifact_id: ArtifactId, last_time_needed: SystemTime, prepare_stats: PrepareStats, ) { // See the precondition. always!(self .artifacts .insert(artifact_id, ArtifactState::Prepared { last_time_needed, prepare_stats }) .is_none()); } /// Remove and retrieve the artifacts from the table that are older than the supplied /// Time-To-Live. pub fn prune(&mut self, artifact_ttl: Duration) -> Vec { let now = SystemTime::now(); let mut to_remove = vec![]; for (k, v) in self.artifacts.iter() { if let ArtifactState::Prepared { last_time_needed, .. } = *v { if now .duration_since(last_time_needed) .map(|age| age > artifact_ttl) .unwrap_or(false) { to_remove.push(k.clone()); } } } for artifact in &to_remove { self.artifacts.remove(artifact); } to_remove } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{ArtifactId, Artifacts, NODE_VERSION}; use polkadot_primitives::ExecutorParamsHash; use sp_core::H256; use std::{path::Path, str::FromStr}; fn file_name(code_hash: &str, param_hash: &str) -> String { format!("wasmtime_polkadot_v{}_0x{}_0x{}", NODE_VERSION, code_hash, param_hash) } #[test] fn from_file_name() { assert!(ArtifactId::from_file_name("").is_none()); assert!(ArtifactId::from_file_name("junk").is_none()); let file_name = file_name( "0022800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0033900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", ); assert_eq!( ArtifactId::from_file_name(&file_name), Some(ArtifactId::new( hex_literal::hex![ "0022800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ] .into(), ExecutorParamsHash::from_hash(sp_core::H256(hex_literal::hex![ "0033900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ])), )), ); } #[test] fn path() { let dir = Path::new("/test"); let code_hash = "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234"; let params_hash = "4321098765432109876543210987654321098765432109876543210987654321"; let file_name = file_name(code_hash, params_hash); let code_hash = H256::from_str(code_hash).unwrap(); let params_hash = H256::from_str(params_hash).unwrap(); assert_eq!( ArtifactId::new(code_hash.into(), ExecutorParamsHash::from_hash(params_hash)) .path(dir) .to_str(), Some(format!("/test/{}", file_name).as_str()), ); } #[tokio::test] async fn artifacts_removes_cache_on_startup() { let fake_cache_path = crate::worker_intf::tmppath("test-cache").await.unwrap(); let fake_artifact_path = { let mut p = fake_cache_path.clone(); p.push("wasmtime_0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234"); p }; // create a tmp cache with 1 artifact. std::fs::create_dir_all(&fake_cache_path).unwrap(); std::fs::File::create(fake_artifact_path).unwrap(); // this should remove it and re-create. let p = &fake_cache_path; Artifacts::new(p).await; assert_eq!(std::fs::read_dir(&fake_cache_path).unwrap().count(), 0); std::fs::remove_dir_all(fake_cache_path).unwrap(); } }