[workspace.package] authors = ["Parity Technologies <admin@parity.io>"] edition = "2021" homepage = "https://paritytech.github.io/polkadot-sdk/" license = "GPL-3.0-only" repository = "https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk.git" [workspace] resolver = "2" members = [ "bridges/bin/runtime-common", "bridges/chains/chain-asset-hub-rococo", "bridges/chains/chain-asset-hub-westend", "bridges/chains/chain-bridge-hub-cumulus", "bridges/chains/chain-bridge-hub-kusama", "bridges/chains/chain-bridge-hub-polkadot", "bridges/chains/chain-bridge-hub-rococo", "bridges/chains/chain-bridge-hub-westend", "bridges/chains/chain-kusama", "bridges/chains/chain-polkadot", "bridges/chains/chain-polkadot-bulletin", "bridges/chains/chain-rococo", "bridges/chains/chain-westend", "bridges/modules/beefy", "bridges/modules/grandpa", "bridges/modules/messages", "bridges/modules/parachains", "bridges/modules/relayers", "bridges/modules/xcm-bridge-hub", "bridges/modules/xcm-bridge-hub-router", 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"substrate/primitives/metadata-ir", "substrate/primitives/mixnet", "substrate/primitives/npos-elections", "substrate/primitives/npos-elections/fuzzer", "substrate/primitives/offchain", "substrate/primitives/panic-handler", "substrate/primitives/rpc", "substrate/primitives/runtime", "substrate/primitives/runtime-interface", "substrate/primitives/runtime-interface/proc-macro", "substrate/primitives/runtime-interface/test", "substrate/primitives/runtime-interface/test-wasm", "substrate/primitives/runtime-interface/test-wasm-deprecated", "substrate/primitives/session", "substrate/primitives/staking", "substrate/primitives/state-machine", "substrate/primitives/statement-store", "substrate/primitives/std", "substrate/primitives/storage", "substrate/primitives/test-primitives", "substrate/primitives/timestamp", "substrate/primitives/tracing", "substrate/primitives/transaction-pool", "substrate/primitives/transaction-storage-proof", "substrate/primitives/trie", "substrate/primitives/version", 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"templates/minimal/pallets/template", "templates/minimal/runtime", "templates/parachain", "templates/parachain/node", "templates/parachain/pallets/template", "templates/parachain/runtime", "templates/solochain/node", "templates/solochain/pallets/template", "templates/solochain/runtime", "templates/zombienet", "umbrella", ] default-members = [ "cumulus/polkadot-omni-node", "cumulus/polkadot-parachain", "polkadot", "substrate/bin/node/cli", ] [workspace.lints.rust] suspicious_double_ref_op = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # `substrate_runtime` is a common `cfg` condition name used in the repo. unexpected_cfgs = { level = "warn", check-cfg = [ 'cfg(build_opt_level, values("3"))', 'cfg(build_profile, values("debug", "release"))', 'cfg(enable_alloc_error_handler)', 'cfg(fuzzing)', 'cfg(substrate_runtime)', ] } [workspace.lints.clippy] all = { level = "allow", priority = 0 } bind_instead_of_map = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # stylistic borrowed-box = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # Reasonable to fix this one complexity = { level = "warn", priority = 1 } correctness = { level = "warn", priority = 1 } default_constructed_unit_structs = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # stylistic derivable_impls = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # false positives eq_op = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # In tests we test equality. erasing_op = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # E.g. 0 * DOLLARS extra-unused-type-parameters = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # stylistic identity-op = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # One case where we do 0 + if-same-then-else = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } needless-lifetimes = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # generated code needless_option_as_deref = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # false positives nonminimal-bool = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # maybe option-map-unit-fn = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # stylistic stable_sort_primitive = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # prefer stable sort too-many-arguments = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # (Turning this on would lead to) type_complexity = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # raison d'etre unit_arg = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # stylistic unnecessary_cast = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # Types may change useless_conversion = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # Types may change while_immutable_condition = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # false positives zero-prefixed-literal = { level = "allow", priority = 2 } # 00_1000_000 [workspace.dependencies] Inflector = { version = "0.11.4" } aes-gcm = { version = "0.10" } ahash = { version = "0.8.2" } alloy-core = { version = "0.8.15", default-features = false } always-assert = { version = "0.1" } anyhow = { version = "1.0.81", default-features = false } approx = { version = "0.5.1" } aquamarine = { version = "0.5.0" } arbitrary = { version = "1.3.2" } ark-bls12-377 = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false } ark-bls12-377-ext = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false } ark-bls12-381 = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false } ark-bls12-381-ext = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false } ark-bw6-761 = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false } ark-bw6-761-ext = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false } ark-ec = { version = "0.4.2", default-features = false } ark-ed-on-bls12-377 = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false } ark-ed-on-bls12-377-ext = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false } ark-ed-on-bls12-381-bandersnatch = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false } ark-ed-on-bls12-381-bandersnatch-ext = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false } ark-scale = { version = "0.0.12", default-features = false } array-bytes = { version = "6.2.2", default-features = false } arrayvec = { version = "0.7.4" } assert_cmd = { version = "2.0.14" } assert_matches = { version = "1.5.0" } asset-hub-rococo-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/parachains/assets/asset-hub-rococo" } asset-hub-rococo-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/assets/asset-hub-rococo", default-features = false } asset-hub-westend-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/parachains/assets/asset-hub-westend" } asset-hub-westend-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/assets/asset-hub-westend" } asset-test-utils = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/assets/test-utils", default-features = false } assets-common = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/assets/common", default-features = false } async-channel = { version = "1.8.0" } async-std = { version = "1.9.0" } async-trait = { version = "0.1.79" } asynchronous-codec = { version = "0.6" } backoff = { version = "0.4" } backtrace = { version = "0.3.71" } binary-merkle-tree = { path = "substrate/utils/binary-merkle-tree", default-features = false } bincode = { version = "1.3.3" } bip39 = { version = "2.0.0" } bitflags = { version = "1.3.2" } bitvec = { version = "1.0.1", default-features = false } blake2 = { version = "0.10.4", default-features = false } blake2b_simd = { version = "1.0.2", default-features = false } blake3 = { version = "1.5" } bounded-collections = { version = "0.2.3", default-features = false } bounded-vec = { version = "0.7" } bp-asset-hub-rococo = { path = "bridges/chains/chain-asset-hub-rococo", default-features = false } bp-asset-hub-westend = { path = "bridges/chains/chain-asset-hub-westend", default-features = false } bp-beefy = { path = "bridges/primitives/beefy", default-features = false } bp-bridge-hub-cumulus = { path = "bridges/chains/chain-bridge-hub-cumulus", default-features = false } bp-bridge-hub-kusama = { default-features = false, path = "bridges/chains/chain-bridge-hub-kusama" } bp-bridge-hub-polkadot = { path = "bridges/chains/chain-bridge-hub-polkadot", default-features = false } bp-bridge-hub-rococo = { path = "bridges/chains/chain-bridge-hub-rococo", default-features = false } bp-bridge-hub-westend = { path = "bridges/chains/chain-bridge-hub-westend", default-features = false } bp-header-chain = { path = "bridges/primitives/header-chain", default-features = false } bp-kusama = { default-features = false, path = "bridges/chains/chain-kusama" } bp-messages = { path = "bridges/primitives/messages", default-features = false } bp-parachains = { path = "bridges/primitives/parachains", default-features = false } bp-polkadot = { default-features = false, path = "bridges/chains/chain-polkadot" } bp-polkadot-bulletin = { path = "bridges/chains/chain-polkadot-bulletin", default-features = false } bp-polkadot-core = { path = "bridges/primitives/polkadot-core", default-features = false } bp-relayers = { path = "bridges/primitives/relayers", default-features = false } bp-rococo = { path = "bridges/chains/chain-rococo", default-features = false } bp-runtime = { path = "bridges/primitives/runtime", default-features = false } bp-test-utils = { path = "bridges/primitives/test-utils", default-features = false } bp-westend = { path = "bridges/chains/chain-westend", default-features = false } bp-xcm-bridge-hub = { path = "bridges/primitives/xcm-bridge-hub", default-features = false } bp-xcm-bridge-hub-router = { path = "bridges/primitives/xcm-bridge-hub-router", default-features = false } bridge-hub-common = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/common", default-features = false } bridge-hub-rococo-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/parachains/bridges/bridge-hub-rococo" } bridge-hub-rococo-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-rococo", default-features = false } bridge-hub-test-utils = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/test-utils", default-features = false } bridge-hub-westend-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/parachains/bridges/bridge-hub-westend" } bridge-hub-westend-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-westend", default-features = false } bridge-runtime-common = { path = "bridges/bin/runtime-common", default-features = false } bs58 = { version = "0.5.1", default-features = false } build-helper = { version = "0.1.1" } byte-slice-cast = { version = "1.2.1", default-features = false } byteorder = { version = "1.3.2", default-features = false } bytes = { version = "1.4.0", default-features = false } cargo_metadata = { version = "0.15.4" } cfg-expr = { version = "0.15.5" } cfg-if = { version = "1.0" } chain-spec-builder = { path = "substrate/bin/utils/chain-spec-builder", default-features = false, package = "staging-chain-spec-builder" } chain-spec-guide-runtime = { path = "docs/sdk/src/reference_docs/chain_spec_runtime" } chrono = { version = "0.4.31" } cid = { version = "0.9.0" } clap = { version = "4.5.13" } clap-num = { version = "1.0.2" } clap_complete = { version = "4.5.13" } cmd_lib = { version = "1.9.5" } coarsetime = { version = "0.1.22" } codec = { version = "3.7.4", default-features = false, package = "parity-scale-codec" } collectives-westend-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/parachains/collectives/collectives-westend" } collectives-westend-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/collectives/collectives-westend" } color-eyre = { version = "0.6.3", default-features = false } color-print = { version = "0.3.4" } colored = { version = "2.0.4" } comfy-table = { version = "7.1.0", default-features = false } console = { version = "0.15.8" } const-hex = { version = "1.10.0", default-features = false } contracts-rococo-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/contracts/contracts-rococo" } coretime-rococo-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/parachains/coretime/coretime-rococo" } coretime-rococo-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/coretime/coretime-rococo" } coretime-westend-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/parachains/coretime/coretime-westend" } coretime-westend-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/coretime/coretime-westend" } cpu-time = { version = "1.0.0" } criterion = { version = "0.5.1", default-features = false } cumulus-client-cli = { path = "cumulus/client/cli", default-features = false } cumulus-client-collator = { path = "cumulus/client/collator", default-features = false } cumulus-client-consensus-aura = { path = "cumulus/client/consensus/aura", default-features = false } cumulus-client-consensus-common = { path = "cumulus/client/consensus/common", default-features = false } cumulus-client-consensus-proposer = { path = "cumulus/client/consensus/proposer", default-features = false } cumulus-client-consensus-relay-chain = { path = "cumulus/client/consensus/relay-chain", default-features = false } cumulus-client-network = { path = "cumulus/client/network", default-features = false } cumulus-client-parachain-inherent = { path = "cumulus/client/parachain-inherent", default-features = false } cumulus-client-pov-recovery = { path = "cumulus/client/pov-recovery", default-features = false } cumulus-client-service = { path = "cumulus/client/service", default-features = false } cumulus-pallet-aura-ext = { path = "cumulus/pallets/aura-ext", default-features = false } cumulus-pallet-dmp-queue = { default-features = false, path = "cumulus/pallets/dmp-queue" } cumulus-pallet-parachain-system = { path = "cumulus/pallets/parachain-system", default-features = false } cumulus-pallet-parachain-system-proc-macro = { path = "cumulus/pallets/parachain-system/proc-macro", default-features = false } cumulus-pallet-session-benchmarking = { path = "cumulus/pallets/session-benchmarking", default-features = false } cumulus-pallet-solo-to-para = { path = "cumulus/pallets/solo-to-para", default-features = false } cumulus-pallet-weight-reclaim = { path = "cumulus/pallets/weight-reclaim", default-features = false } cumulus-pallet-xcm = { path = "cumulus/pallets/xcm", default-features = false } cumulus-pallet-xcmp-queue = { path = "cumulus/pallets/xcmp-queue", default-features = false } cumulus-ping = { path = "cumulus/parachains/pallets/ping", default-features = false } cumulus-primitives-aura = { path = "cumulus/primitives/aura", default-features = false } cumulus-primitives-core = { path = "cumulus/primitives/core", default-features = false } cumulus-primitives-parachain-inherent = { path = "cumulus/primitives/parachain-inherent", default-features = false } cumulus-primitives-proof-size-hostfunction = { path = "cumulus/primitives/proof-size-hostfunction", default-features = false } cumulus-primitives-storage-weight-reclaim = { path = "cumulus/primitives/storage-weight-reclaim", default-features = false } cumulus-primitives-timestamp = { path = "cumulus/primitives/timestamp", default-features = false } cumulus-primitives-utility = { path = "cumulus/primitives/utility", default-features = false } cumulus-relay-chain-inprocess-interface = { path = "cumulus/client/relay-chain-inprocess-interface", default-features = false } cumulus-relay-chain-interface = { path = "cumulus/client/relay-chain-interface", default-features = false } cumulus-relay-chain-minimal-node = { path = "cumulus/client/relay-chain-minimal-node", default-features = false } cumulus-relay-chain-rpc-interface = { path = "cumulus/client/relay-chain-rpc-interface", default-features = false } cumulus-test-client = { path = "cumulus/test/client" } cumulus-test-relay-sproof-builder = { path = "cumulus/test/relay-sproof-builder", default-features = false } cumulus-test-runtime = { path = "cumulus/test/runtime" } cumulus-test-service = { path = "cumulus/test/service" } curve25519-dalek = { version = "4.1.3" } derive-syn-parse = { version = "0.2.0" } derive-where = { version = "1.2.7" } derive_more = { version = "0.99.17", default-features = false } digest = { version = "0.10.3", default-features = false } directories = { version = "5.0.1" } dlmalloc = { version = "0.2.4" } docify = { version = "0.2.9" } dyn-clonable = { version = "0.9.0" } dyn-clone = { version = "1.0.16" } ed25519-dalek = { version = "2.1", default-features = false } ed25519-zebra = { version = "4.0.3", default-features = false } either = { version = "1.8.1", default-features = false } emulated-integration-tests-common = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/common", default-features = false } enumflags2 = { version = "0.7.11" } enumn = { version = "0.1.13" } env_logger = { version = "0.11.2" } environmental = { version = "1.1.4", default-features = false } equivocation-detector = { path = "bridges/relays/equivocation" } ethabi = { version = "2.0.0", default-features = false, package = "ethabi-decode" } ethbloom = { version = "0.14.1", default-features = false } ethereum-types = { version = "0.15.1", default-features = false } exit-future = { version = "0.2.0" } expander = { version = "2.0.0" } fatality = { version = "0.1.1" } fdlimit = { version = "0.3.0" } femme = { version = "2.2.1" } filetime = { version = "0.2.16" } finality-grandpa = { version = "0.16.3", default-features = false } finality-relay = { path = "bridges/relays/finality" } first-pallet = { package = "polkadot-sdk-docs-first-pallet", path = "docs/sdk/packages/guides/first-pallet", default-features = false } first-runtime = { package = "polkadot-sdk-docs-first-runtime", path = "docs/sdk/packages/guides/first-runtime", default-features = false } flate2 = { version = "1.0" } fnv = { version = "1.0.6" } fork-tree = { path = "substrate/utils/fork-tree", default-features = false } forwarded-header-value = { version = "0.1.1" } fraction = { version = "0.13.1" } frame = { path = "substrate/frame", default-features = false, package = "polkadot-sdk-frame" } frame-benchmarking = { path = "substrate/frame/benchmarking", default-features = false } frame-benchmarking-cli = { path = "substrate/utils/frame/benchmarking-cli", default-features = false } frame-benchmarking-pallet-pov = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/benchmarking/pov" } frame-election-provider-solution-type = { path = "substrate/frame/election-provider-support/solution-type", default-features = false } frame-election-provider-support = { path = "substrate/frame/election-provider-support", default-features = false } frame-executive = { path = "substrate/frame/executive", default-features = false } frame-metadata = { version = "19.0.0", default-features = false } frame-metadata-hash-extension = { path = "substrate/frame/metadata-hash-extension", default-features = false } frame-support = { path = "substrate/frame/support", default-features = false } frame-support-procedural = { path = "substrate/frame/support/procedural", default-features = false } frame-support-procedural-tools = { path = "substrate/frame/support/procedural/tools", default-features = false } frame-support-procedural-tools-derive = { path = "substrate/frame/support/procedural/tools/derive", default-features = false } frame-support-test = { path = "substrate/frame/support/test" } frame-system = { path = "substrate/frame/system", default-features = false } frame-system-benchmarking = { path = "substrate/frame/system/benchmarking", default-features = false } frame-system-rpc-runtime-api = { path = "substrate/frame/system/rpc/runtime-api", default-features = false } frame-try-runtime = { path = "substrate/frame/try-runtime", default-features = false } fs4 = { version = "0.7.0" } fs_extra = { version = "1.3.0" } futures = { version = "0.3.31" } futures-channel = { version = "0.3.23" } futures-timer = { version = "3.0.2" } futures-util = { version = "0.3.30", default-features = false } generate-bags = { path = "substrate/utils/frame/generate-bags", default-features = false } gethostname = { version = "0.2.3" } glob = { version = "0.3" } glutton-westend-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/glutton/glutton-westend" } governor = { version = "0.6.0" } gum = { path = "polkadot/node/gum", default-features = false, package = "tracing-gum" } gum-proc-macro = { path = "polkadot/node/gum/proc-macro", default-features = false, package = "tracing-gum-proc-macro" } handlebars = { version = "5.1.0" } hash-db = { version = "0.16.0", default-features = false } hash256-std-hasher = { version = "0.15.2", default-features = false } hex = { version = "0.4.3", default-features = false } hex-literal = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false } hkdf = { version = "0.12.0" } hmac = { version = "0.12.1" } honggfuzz = { version = "0.5.55" } http = { version = "1.1" } http-body = { version = "1", default-features = false } http-body-util = { version = "0.1.2", default-features = false } hyper = { version = "1.3.1", default-features = false } hyper-rustls = { version = "0.27.3", default-features = false, features = ["http1", "http2", "logging", "ring", "rustls-native-certs", "tls12"] } hyper-util = { version = "0.1.5", default-features = false } impl-serde = { version = "0.5.0", default-features = false } impl-trait-for-tuples = { version = "0.2.2" } indexmap = { version = "2.0.0" } indicatif = { version = "0.17.7" } integer-sqrt = { version = "0.1.2" } ip_network = { version = "0.4.1" } is-terminal = { version = "0.4.9" } is_executable = { version = "1.0.1" } isahc = { version = "1.2" } itertools = { version = "0.11" } jemalloc_pprof = { version = "0.4" } jobserver = { version = "0.1.26" } jsonpath_lib = { version = "0.3" } jsonrpsee = { version = "0.24.3" } jsonrpsee-core = { version = "0.24.3" } k256 = { version = "0.13.4", default-features = false } kitchensink-runtime = { path = "substrate/bin/node/runtime" } kvdb = { version = "0.13.0" } kvdb-memorydb = { version = "0.13.0" } kvdb-rocksdb = { version = "0.19.0" } kvdb-shared-tests = { version = "0.11.0" } landlock = { version = "0.3.0" } libc = { version = "0.2.155" } libfuzzer-sys = { version = "0.4" } libp2p = { version = "0.54.1" } libp2p-identity = { version = "0.2.9" } libsecp256k1 = { version = "0.7.0", default-features = false } linked-hash-map = { version = "0.5.4" } linked_hash_set = { version = "0.1.4" } linregress = { version = "0.5.1" } lite-json = { version = "0.2.0", default-features = false } litep2p = { version = "0.9.0", features = ["websocket"] } log = { version = "0.4.22", default-features = false } macro_magic = { version = "0.5.1" } maplit = { version = "1.0.2" } memmap2 = { version = "0.9.3" } memory-db = { version = "0.32.0", default-features = false } merkleized-metadata = { version = "0.3.0" } merlin = { version = "3.0", default-features = false } messages-relay = { path = "bridges/relays/messages" } metered = { version = "0.6.1", default-features = false, package = "prioritized-metered-channel" } milagro-bls = { version = "1.5.4", default-features = false, package = "snowbridge-milagro-bls" } minimal-template-node = { path = "templates/minimal/node" } minimal-template-runtime = { path = "templates/minimal/runtime" } mixnet = { version = "0.7.0" } mmr-gadget = { path = "substrate/client/merkle-mountain-range", default-features = false } mmr-lib = { version = "0.5.2", package = "ckb-merkle-mountain-range" } mmr-rpc = { path = "substrate/client/merkle-mountain-range/rpc", default-features = false } mockall = { version = "0.11.3" } multiaddr = { version = "0.18.1" } multihash = { version = "0.19.1", default-features = false } multihash-codetable = { version = "0.1.1" } multistream-select = { version = "0.13.0" } names = { version = "0.14.0", default-features = false } nix = { version = "0.29.0" } node-cli = { path = "substrate/bin/node/cli", package = "staging-node-cli" } node-inspect = { path = "substrate/bin/node/inspect", default-features = false, package = "staging-node-inspect" } node-primitives = { path = "substrate/bin/node/primitives", default-features = false } node-rpc = { path = "substrate/bin/node/rpc" } node-testing = { path = "substrate/bin/node/testing" } nohash-hasher = { version = "0.2.0" } novelpoly = { version = "2.0.0", package = "reed-solomon-novelpoly" } num-bigint = { version = "0.4.3" } num-format = { version = "0.4.3" } num-rational = { version = "0.4.1" } num-traits = { version = "0.2.17", default-features = false } num_cpus = { version = "1.13.1" } once_cell = { version = "1.19.0" } orchestra = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false } pallet-alliance = { path = "substrate/frame/alliance", default-features = false } pallet-asset-conversion = { path = "substrate/frame/asset-conversion", default-features = false } pallet-asset-conversion-ops = { path = "substrate/frame/asset-conversion/ops", default-features = false } pallet-asset-conversion-tx-payment = { path = "substrate/frame/transaction-payment/asset-conversion-tx-payment", default-features = false } pallet-asset-rate = { path = "substrate/frame/asset-rate", default-features = false } pallet-asset-rewards = { path = "substrate/frame/asset-rewards", default-features = false } pallet-asset-tx-payment = { path = "substrate/frame/transaction-payment/asset-tx-payment", default-features = false } pallet-assets = { path = "substrate/frame/assets", default-features = false } pallet-assets-freezer = { path = "substrate/frame/assets-freezer", default-features = false } pallet-assets-holder = { path = "substrate/frame/assets-holder", default-features = false } pallet-atomic-swap = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/atomic-swap" } pallet-aura = { path = "substrate/frame/aura", default-features = false } pallet-authority-discovery = { path = "substrate/frame/authority-discovery", default-features = false } pallet-authorship = { path = "substrate/frame/authorship", default-features = false } pallet-babe = { path = "substrate/frame/babe", default-features = false } pallet-bags-list = { path = "substrate/frame/bags-list", default-features = false } pallet-bags-list-remote-tests = { path = "substrate/frame/bags-list/remote-tests" } pallet-balances = { path = "substrate/frame/balances", default-features = false } pallet-beefy = { path = "substrate/frame/beefy", default-features = false } pallet-beefy-mmr = { path = "substrate/frame/beefy-mmr", default-features = false } pallet-bounties = { path = "substrate/frame/bounties", default-features = false } pallet-bridge-grandpa = { path = "bridges/modules/grandpa", default-features = false } pallet-bridge-messages = { path = "bridges/modules/messages", default-features = false } pallet-bridge-parachains = { path = "bridges/modules/parachains", default-features = false } pallet-bridge-relayers = { path = "bridges/modules/relayers", default-features = false } pallet-broker = { path = "substrate/frame/broker", default-features = false } pallet-child-bounties = { path = "substrate/frame/child-bounties", default-features = false } pallet-collator-selection = { path = "cumulus/pallets/collator-selection", default-features = false } pallet-collective = { path = "substrate/frame/collective", default-features = false } pallet-collective-content = { path = "cumulus/parachains/pallets/collective-content", default-features = false } pallet-contracts = { path = "substrate/frame/contracts", default-features = false } pallet-contracts-fixtures = { path = "substrate/frame/contracts/fixtures", default-features = false } pallet-contracts-mock-network = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/contracts/mock-network" } pallet-contracts-proc-macro = { path = "substrate/frame/contracts/proc-macro", default-features = false } pallet-contracts-uapi = { path = "substrate/frame/contracts/uapi", default-features = false } pallet-conviction-voting = { path = "substrate/frame/conviction-voting", default-features = false } pallet-core-fellowship = { path = "substrate/frame/core-fellowship", default-features = false } pallet-default-config-example = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/default-config", default-features = false } pallet-delegated-staking = { path = "substrate/frame/delegated-staking", default-features = false } pallet-democracy = { path = "substrate/frame/democracy", default-features = false } pallet-dev-mode = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/dev-mode", default-features = false } pallet-election-provider-multi-phase = { path = "substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase", default-features = false } pallet-election-provider-support-benchmarking = { path = "substrate/frame/election-provider-support/benchmarking", default-features = false } pallet-elections-phragmen = { path = "substrate/frame/elections-phragmen", default-features = false } pallet-example-authorization-tx-extension = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/authorization-tx-extension", default-features = false } pallet-example-basic = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/basic", default-features = false } pallet-example-frame-crate = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/frame-crate", default-features = false } pallet-example-kitchensink = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/kitchensink", default-features = false } pallet-example-mbm = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/multi-block-migrations", default-features = false } pallet-example-offchain-worker = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/offchain-worker", default-features = false } pallet-example-single-block-migrations = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/single-block-migrations", default-features = false } pallet-example-split = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/split", default-features = false } pallet-example-tasks = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/tasks", default-features = false } pallet-example-view-functions = { path = "substrate/frame/examples/view-functions", default-features = false } pallet-examples = { path = "substrate/frame/examples" } pallet-fast-unstake = { path = "substrate/frame/fast-unstake", default-features = false } pallet-glutton = { path = "substrate/frame/glutton", default-features = false } pallet-grandpa = { path = "substrate/frame/grandpa", default-features = false } pallet-identity = { path = "substrate/frame/identity", default-features = false } pallet-im-online = { path = "substrate/frame/im-online", default-features = false } pallet-indices = { path = "substrate/frame/indices", default-features = false } pallet-insecure-randomness-collective-flip = { path = "substrate/frame/insecure-randomness-collective-flip", default-features = false } pallet-lottery = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/lottery" } pallet-membership = { path = "substrate/frame/membership", default-features = false } pallet-message-queue = { path = "substrate/frame/message-queue", default-features = false } pallet-migrations = { path = "substrate/frame/migrations", default-features = false } pallet-minimal-template = { path = "templates/minimal/pallets/template", default-features = false } pallet-mixnet = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/mixnet" } pallet-mmr = { path = "substrate/frame/merkle-mountain-range", default-features = false } pallet-multisig = { path = "substrate/frame/multisig", default-features = false } pallet-nft-fractionalization = { path = "substrate/frame/nft-fractionalization", default-features = false } pallet-nfts = { path = "substrate/frame/nfts", default-features = false } pallet-nfts-runtime-api = { path = "substrate/frame/nfts/runtime-api", default-features = false } pallet-nis = { path = "substrate/frame/nis", default-features = false } pallet-node-authorization = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/node-authorization" } pallet-nomination-pools = { path = "substrate/frame/nomination-pools", default-features = false } pallet-nomination-pools-benchmarking = { path = "substrate/frame/nomination-pools/benchmarking", default-features = false } pallet-nomination-pools-runtime-api = { path = "substrate/frame/nomination-pools/runtime-api", default-features = false } pallet-offences = { path = "substrate/frame/offences", default-features = false } pallet-offences-benchmarking = { path = "substrate/frame/offences/benchmarking", default-features = false } pallet-paged-list = { path = "substrate/frame/paged-list", default-features = false } pallet-parachain-template = { path = "templates/parachain/pallets/template", default-features = false } pallet-parameters = { path = "substrate/frame/parameters", default-features = false } pallet-preimage = { path = "substrate/frame/preimage", default-features = false } pallet-proxy = { path = "substrate/frame/proxy", default-features = false } pallet-ranked-collective = { path = "substrate/frame/ranked-collective", default-features = false } pallet-recovery = { path = "substrate/frame/recovery", default-features = false } pallet-referenda = { path = "substrate/frame/referenda", default-features = false } pallet-remark = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/remark" } pallet-revive = { path = "substrate/frame/revive", default-features = false } pallet-revive-eth-rpc = { path = "substrate/frame/revive/rpc", default-features = false } pallet-revive-fixtures = { path = "substrate/frame/revive/fixtures", default-features = false } pallet-revive-mock-network = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/revive/mock-network" } pallet-revive-proc-macro = { path = "substrate/frame/revive/proc-macro", default-features = false } pallet-revive-uapi = { path = "substrate/frame/revive/uapi", default-features = false } pallet-root-offences = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/root-offences" } pallet-root-testing = { path = "substrate/frame/root-testing", default-features = false } pallet-safe-mode = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/safe-mode" } pallet-salary = { path = "substrate/frame/salary", default-features = false } pallet-scheduler = { path = "substrate/frame/scheduler", default-features = false } pallet-scored-pool = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/scored-pool" } pallet-session = { path = "substrate/frame/session", default-features = false } pallet-session-benchmarking = { path = "substrate/frame/session/benchmarking", default-features = false } pallet-skip-feeless-payment = { path = "substrate/frame/transaction-payment/skip-feeless-payment", default-features = false } pallet-society = { path = "substrate/frame/society", default-features = false } pallet-staking = { path = "substrate/frame/staking", default-features = false } pallet-staking-reward-curve = { path = "substrate/frame/staking/reward-curve", default-features = false } pallet-staking-reward-fn = { path = "substrate/frame/staking/reward-fn", default-features = false } pallet-staking-runtime-api = { path = "substrate/frame/staking/runtime-api", default-features = false } pallet-state-trie-migration = { path = "substrate/frame/state-trie-migration", default-features = false } pallet-statement = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/statement" } pallet-sudo = { path = "substrate/frame/sudo", default-features = false } pallet-template = { path = "templates/solochain/pallets/template", default-features = false } pallet-timestamp = { path = "substrate/frame/timestamp", default-features = false } pallet-tips = { path = "substrate/frame/tips", default-features = false } pallet-transaction-payment = { path = "substrate/frame/transaction-payment", default-features = false } pallet-transaction-payment-rpc = { path = "substrate/frame/transaction-payment/rpc", default-features = false } pallet-transaction-payment-rpc-runtime-api = { path = "substrate/frame/transaction-payment/rpc/runtime-api", default-features = false } pallet-transaction-storage = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/transaction-storage" } pallet-treasury = { path = "substrate/frame/treasury", default-features = false } pallet-tx-pause = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/frame/tx-pause" } pallet-uniques = { path = "substrate/frame/uniques", default-features = false } pallet-utility = { path = "substrate/frame/utility", default-features = false } pallet-verify-signature = { path = "substrate/frame/verify-signature", default-features = false } pallet-vesting = { path = "substrate/frame/vesting", default-features = false } pallet-whitelist = { path = "substrate/frame/whitelist", default-features = false } pallet-xcm = { path = "polkadot/xcm/pallet-xcm", default-features = false } pallet-xcm-benchmarks = { path = "polkadot/xcm/pallet-xcm-benchmarks", default-features = false } pallet-xcm-bridge-hub = { path = "bridges/modules/xcm-bridge-hub", default-features = false } pallet-xcm-bridge-hub-router = { path = "bridges/modules/xcm-bridge-hub-router", default-features = false } parachain-info = { path = "cumulus/parachains/pallets/parachain-info", default-features = false, package = "staging-parachain-info" } parachain-template-runtime = { path = "templates/parachain/runtime" } parachains-common = { path = "cumulus/parachains/common", default-features = false } parachains-relay = { path = "bridges/relays/parachains" } parachains-runtimes-test-utils = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/test-utils", default-features = false } parity-bytes = { version = "0.1.2", default-features = false } parity-db = { version = "0.4.12" } parity-wasm = { version = "0.45.0" } parking_lot = { version = "0.12.1", default-features = false } partial_sort = { version = "0.2.0" } paste = { version = "1.0.15", default-features = false } pbkdf2 = { version = "0.12.2", default-features = false } penpal-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/parachains/testing/penpal" } penpal-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/testing/penpal" } people-rococo-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/parachains/people/people-rococo" } people-rococo-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/people/people-rococo" } people-westend-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/parachains/people/people-westend" } people-westend-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/people/people-westend" } pin-project = { version = "1.1.3" } polkadot-approval-distribution = { path = "polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution", default-features = false } polkadot-availability-bitfield-distribution = { path = "polkadot/node/network/bitfield-distribution", default-features = false } polkadot-availability-distribution = { path = "polkadot/node/network/availability-distribution", default-features = false } polkadot-availability-recovery = { path = "polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery", default-features = false } polkadot-cli = { path = "polkadot/cli", default-features = false } polkadot-collator-protocol = { path = "polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol", default-features = false } polkadot-core-primitives = { path = "polkadot/core-primitives", default-features = false } polkadot-dispute-distribution = { path = "polkadot/node/network/dispute-distribution", default-features = false } polkadot-erasure-coding = { path = "polkadot/erasure-coding", default-features = false } polkadot-gossip-support = { path = "polkadot/node/network/gossip-support", default-features = false } polkadot-network-bridge = { path = "polkadot/node/network/bridge", default-features = false } polkadot-node-collation-generation = { path = "polkadot/node/collation-generation", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-approval-voting = { path = "polkadot/node/core/approval-voting", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-approval-voting-parallel = { path = "polkadot/node/core/approval-voting-parallel", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-av-store = { path = "polkadot/node/core/av-store", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-backing = { path = "polkadot/node/core/backing", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-bitfield-signing = { path = "polkadot/node/core/bitfield-signing", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-candidate-validation = { path = "polkadot/node/core/candidate-validation", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-chain-api = { path = "polkadot/node/core/chain-api", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-chain-selection = { path = "polkadot/node/core/chain-selection", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-dispute-coordinator = { path = "polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-parachains-inherent = { path = "polkadot/node/core/parachains-inherent", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-prospective-parachains = { path = "polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-provisioner = { path = "polkadot/node/core/provisioner", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-pvf = { path = "polkadot/node/core/pvf", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-pvf-checker = { path = "polkadot/node/core/pvf-checker", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-pvf-common = { path = "polkadot/node/core/pvf/common", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-pvf-execute-worker = { path = "polkadot/node/core/pvf/execute-worker", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-pvf-prepare-worker = { path = "polkadot/node/core/pvf/prepare-worker", default-features = false } polkadot-node-core-runtime-api = { path = "polkadot/node/core/runtime-api", default-features = false } polkadot-node-metrics = { path = "polkadot/node/metrics", default-features = false } polkadot-node-network-protocol = { path = "polkadot/node/network/protocol", default-features = false } polkadot-node-primitives = { path = "polkadot/node/primitives", default-features = false } polkadot-node-subsystem = { path = "polkadot/node/subsystem", default-features = false } polkadot-node-subsystem-test-helpers = { path = "polkadot/node/subsystem-test-helpers" } polkadot-node-subsystem-types = { path = "polkadot/node/subsystem-types", default-features = false } polkadot-node-subsystem-util = { path = "polkadot/node/subsystem-util", default-features = false } polkadot-omni-node = { path = "cumulus/polkadot-omni-node", default-features = false } polkadot-omni-node-lib = { path = "cumulus/polkadot-omni-node/lib", default-features = false } polkadot-overseer = { path = "polkadot/node/overseer", default-features = false } polkadot-parachain-primitives = { path = "polkadot/parachain", default-features = false } polkadot-primitives = { path = "polkadot/primitives", default-features = false } polkadot-primitives-test-helpers = { path = "polkadot/primitives/test-helpers" } polkadot-rpc = { path = "polkadot/rpc", default-features = false } polkadot-runtime-common = { path = "polkadot/runtime/common", default-features = false } polkadot-runtime-metrics = { path = "polkadot/runtime/metrics", default-features = false } polkadot-runtime-parachains = { path = "polkadot/runtime/parachains", default-features = false } polkadot-sdk = { path = "umbrella", default-features = false } polkadot-sdk-docs = { path = "docs/sdk" } polkadot-service = { path = "polkadot/node/service", default-features = false } polkadot-statement-distribution = { path = "polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution", default-features = false } polkadot-statement-table = { path = "polkadot/statement-table", default-features = false } polkadot-subsystem-bench = { path = "polkadot/node/subsystem-bench" } polkadot-test-client = { path = "polkadot/node/test/client" } polkadot-test-runtime = { path = "polkadot/runtime/test-runtime" } polkadot-test-service = { path = "polkadot/node/test/service" } polkavm = { version = "0.18.0", default-features = false } polkavm-derive = "0.18.0" polkavm-linker = "0.18.0" portpicker = { version = "0.1.1" } pretty_assertions = { version = "1.3.0" } primitive-types = { version = "0.13.1", default-features = false, features = [ "num-traits", ] } proc-macro-crate = { version = "3.0.0" } proc-macro-warning = { version = "1.0.0", default-features = false } proc-macro2 = { version = "1.0.86" } procfs = { version = "0.16.0" } prometheus = { version = "0.13.0", default-features = false } prometheus-endpoint = { path = "substrate/utils/prometheus", default-features = false, package = "substrate-prometheus-endpoint" } prometheus-parse = { version = "0.2.2" } prost = { version = "0.12.4" } prost-build = { version = "0.13.2" } pyroscope = { version = "0.5.7" } pyroscope_pprofrs = { version = "0.2.7" } quick_cache = { version = "0.3" } quickcheck = { version = "1.0.3", default-features = false } quote = { version = "1.0.37" } rand = { version = "0.8.5", default-features = false } rand_chacha = { version = "0.3.1", default-features = false } rand_core = { version = "0.6.2" } rand_distr = { version = "0.4.3" } rand_pcg = { version = "0.3.1" } rayon = { version = "1.5.1" } rbtag = { version = "0.3" } ref-cast = { version = "1.0.23" } regex = { version = "1.10.2" } relay-substrate-client = { path = "bridges/relays/client-substrate" } relay-utils = { path = "bridges/relays/utils" } remote-externalities = { path = "substrate/utils/frame/remote-externalities", default-features = false, package = "frame-remote-externalities" } reqwest = { version = "0.12.9", default-features = false } rlp = { version = "0.6.1", default-features = false } rococo-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/relays/rococo" } rococo-parachain-runtime = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/testing/rococo-parachain" } rococo-runtime = { path = "polkadot/runtime/rococo" } rococo-runtime-constants = { path = "polkadot/runtime/rococo/constants", default-features = false } rococo-system-emulated-network = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/networks/rococo-system" } rococo-westend-system-emulated-network = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/networks/rococo-westend-system" } rpassword = { version = "7.0.0" } rstest = { version = "0.18.2" } rustc-hash = { version = "1.1.0" } rustc-hex = { version = "2.1.0", default-features = false } rustix = { version = "0.36.7", default-features = false } rustls = { version = "0.23.18", default-features = false, features = ["logging", "ring", "std", "tls12"] } rustversion = { version = "1.0.17" } rusty-fork = { version = "0.3.0", default-features = false } safe-mix = { version = "1.0", default-features = false } sc-allocator = { path = "substrate/client/allocator", default-features = false } sc-authority-discovery = { path = "substrate/client/authority-discovery", default-features = false } sc-basic-authorship = { path = "substrate/client/basic-authorship", default-features = false } sc-block-builder = { path = "substrate/client/block-builder", default-features = false } sc-chain-spec = { path = "substrate/client/chain-spec", default-features = false } sc-chain-spec-derive = { path = "substrate/client/chain-spec/derive", default-features = false } sc-cli = { path = "substrate/client/cli", default-features = false } sc-client-api = { path = "substrate/client/api", default-features = false } sc-client-db = { path = "substrate/client/db", default-features = false } sc-consensus = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/common", default-features = false } sc-consensus-aura = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/aura", default-features = false } sc-consensus-babe = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/babe", default-features = false } sc-consensus-babe-rpc = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/babe/rpc", default-features = false } sc-consensus-beefy = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/beefy", default-features = false } sc-consensus-beefy-rpc = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/beefy/rpc", default-features = false } sc-consensus-epochs = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/epochs", default-features = false } sc-consensus-grandpa = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/grandpa", default-features = false } sc-consensus-grandpa-rpc = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/grandpa/rpc", default-features = false } sc-consensus-manual-seal = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/manual-seal", default-features = false } sc-consensus-pow = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/pow", default-features = false } sc-consensus-slots = { path = "substrate/client/consensus/slots", default-features = false } sc-executor = { path = "substrate/client/executor", default-features = false } sc-executor-common = { path = "substrate/client/executor/common", default-features = false } sc-executor-polkavm = { path = "substrate/client/executor/polkavm", default-features = false } sc-executor-wasmtime = { path = "substrate/client/executor/wasmtime", default-features = false } sc-informant = { path = "substrate/client/informant", default-features = false } sc-keystore = { path = "substrate/client/keystore", default-features = false } sc-mixnet = { path = "substrate/client/mixnet", default-features = false } sc-network = { path = "substrate/client/network", default-features = false } sc-network-common = { path = "substrate/client/network/common", default-features = false } sc-network-gossip = { path = "substrate/client/network-gossip", default-features = false } sc-network-light = { path = "substrate/client/network/light", default-features = false } sc-network-statement = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/client/network/statement" } sc-network-sync = { path = "substrate/client/network/sync", default-features = false } sc-network-test = { path = "substrate/client/network/test" } sc-network-transactions = { path = "substrate/client/network/transactions", default-features = false } sc-network-types = { path = "substrate/client/network/types", default-features = false } sc-offchain = { path = "substrate/client/offchain", default-features = false } sc-proposer-metrics = { path = "substrate/client/proposer-metrics", default-features = false } sc-rpc = { path = "substrate/client/rpc", default-features = false } sc-rpc-api = { path = "substrate/client/rpc-api", default-features = false } sc-rpc-server = { path = "substrate/client/rpc-servers", default-features = false } sc-rpc-spec-v2 = { path = "substrate/client/rpc-spec-v2", default-features = false } sc-runtime-test = { path = "substrate/client/executor/runtime-test" } sc-runtime-utilities = { path = "substrate/client/runtime-utilities", default-features = true } sc-service = { path = "substrate/client/service", default-features = false } sc-service-test = { path = "substrate/client/service/test" } sc-state-db = { path = "substrate/client/state-db", default-features = false } sc-statement-store = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/client/statement-store" } sc-storage-monitor = { path = "substrate/client/storage-monitor", default-features = false } sc-sync-state-rpc = { path = "substrate/client/sync-state-rpc", default-features = false } sc-sysinfo = { path = "substrate/client/sysinfo", default-features = false } sc-telemetry = { path = "substrate/client/telemetry", default-features = false } sc-tracing = { path = "substrate/client/tracing", default-features = false } sc-tracing-proc-macro = { path = "substrate/client/tracing/proc-macro", default-features = false } sc-transaction-pool = { path = "substrate/client/transaction-pool", default-features = false } sc-transaction-pool-api = { path = "substrate/client/transaction-pool/api", default-features = false } sc-utils = { path = "substrate/client/utils", default-features = false } scale-info = { version = "2.11.6", default-features = false } schemars = { version = "0.8.13", default-features = false } schnellru = { version = "0.2.3" } schnorrkel = { version = "0.11.4", default-features = false } seccompiler = { version = "0.4.0" } secp256k1 = { version = "0.28.0", default-features = false } secrecy = { version = "0.8.0", default-features = false } serde = { version = "1.0.214", default-features = false } serde-big-array = { version = "0.3.2" } serde_derive = { version = "1.0.117" } serde_json = { version = "1.0.132", default-features = false } serde_yaml = { version = "0.9" } sha1 = { version = "0.10.6" } sha2 = { version = "0.10.7", default-features = false } sha3 = { version = "0.10.0", default-features = false } shlex = { version = "1.3.0" } slot-range-helper = { path = "polkadot/runtime/common/slot_range_helper", default-features = false } slotmap = { version = "1.0" } smallvec = { version = "1.11.0", default-features = false } smoldot = { version = "0.11.0", default-features = false } smoldot-light = { version = "0.9.0", default-features = false } snowbridge-beacon-primitives = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/primitives/beacon", default-features = false } snowbridge-core = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/primitives/core", default-features = false } snowbridge-ethereum = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/primitives/ethereum", default-features = false } snowbridge-outbound-queue-merkle-tree = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/pallets/outbound-queue/merkle-tree", default-features = false } snowbridge-outbound-queue-runtime-api = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/pallets/outbound-queue/runtime-api", default-features = false } snowbridge-pallet-ethereum-client = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/pallets/ethereum-client", default-features = false } snowbridge-pallet-ethereum-client-fixtures = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/pallets/ethereum-client/fixtures", default-features = false } snowbridge-pallet-inbound-queue = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/pallets/inbound-queue", default-features = false } snowbridge-pallet-inbound-queue-fixtures = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/pallets/inbound-queue/fixtures", default-features = false } snowbridge-pallet-outbound-queue = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/pallets/outbound-queue", default-features = false } snowbridge-pallet-system = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/pallets/system", default-features = false } snowbridge-router-primitives = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/primitives/router", default-features = false } snowbridge-runtime-common = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/runtime/runtime-common", default-features = false } snowbridge-runtime-test-common = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/runtime/test-common", default-features = false } snowbridge-system-runtime-api = { path = "bridges/snowbridge/pallets/system/runtime-api", default-features = false } soketto = { version = "0.8.0" } solochain-template-runtime = { path = "templates/solochain/runtime" } sp-api = { path = "substrate/primitives/api", default-features = false } sp-api-proc-macro = { path = "substrate/primitives/api/proc-macro", default-features = false } sp-application-crypto = { path = "substrate/primitives/application-crypto", default-features = false } sp-arithmetic = { path = "substrate/primitives/arithmetic", default-features = false } sp-authority-discovery = { path = "substrate/primitives/authority-discovery", default-features = false } sp-block-builder = { path = "substrate/primitives/block-builder", default-features = false } sp-blockchain = { path = "substrate/primitives/blockchain", default-features = false } sp-consensus = { path = "substrate/primitives/consensus/common", default-features = false } sp-consensus-aura = { path = "substrate/primitives/consensus/aura", default-features = false } sp-consensus-babe = { path = "substrate/primitives/consensus/babe", default-features = false } sp-consensus-beefy = { path = "substrate/primitives/consensus/beefy", default-features = false } sp-consensus-grandpa = { path = "substrate/primitives/consensus/grandpa", default-features = false } sp-consensus-pow = { path = "substrate/primitives/consensus/pow", default-features = false } sp-consensus-sassafras = { path = "substrate/primitives/consensus/sassafras", default-features = false } sp-consensus-slots = { path = "substrate/primitives/consensus/slots", default-features = false } sp-core = { path = "substrate/primitives/core", default-features = false } sp-core-hashing = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/deprecated/hashing" } sp-core-hashing-proc-macro = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/deprecated/hashing/proc-macro" } sp-crypto-ec-utils = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/primitives/crypto/ec-utils" } sp-crypto-hashing = { path = "substrate/primitives/crypto/hashing", default-features = false } sp-crypto-hashing-proc-macro = { path = "substrate/primitives/crypto/hashing/proc-macro", default-features = false } sp-database = { path = "substrate/primitives/database", default-features = false } sp-debug-derive = { path = "substrate/primitives/debug-derive", default-features = false } sp-externalities = { path = "substrate/primitives/externalities", default-features = false } sp-genesis-builder = { path = "substrate/primitives/genesis-builder", default-features = false } sp-inherents = { path = "substrate/primitives/inherents", default-features = false } sp-io = { path = "substrate/primitives/io", default-features = false } sp-keyring = { path = "substrate/primitives/keyring", default-features = false } sp-keystore = { path = "substrate/primitives/keystore", default-features = false } sp-maybe-compressed-blob = { path = "substrate/primitives/maybe-compressed-blob", default-features = false } sp-metadata-ir = { path = "substrate/primitives/metadata-ir", default-features = false } sp-mixnet = { path = "substrate/primitives/mixnet", default-features = false } sp-mmr-primitives = { path = "substrate/primitives/merkle-mountain-range", default-features = false } sp-npos-elections = { path = "substrate/primitives/npos-elections", default-features = false } sp-offchain = { path = "substrate/primitives/offchain", default-features = false } sp-panic-handler = { path = "substrate/primitives/panic-handler", default-features = false } sp-rpc = { path = "substrate/primitives/rpc", default-features = false } sp-runtime = { path = "substrate/primitives/runtime", default-features = false } sp-runtime-interface = { path = "substrate/primitives/runtime-interface", default-features = false } sp-runtime-interface-proc-macro = { path = "substrate/primitives/runtime-interface/proc-macro", default-features = false } sp-runtime-interface-test-wasm = { path = "substrate/primitives/runtime-interface/test-wasm" } sp-runtime-interface-test-wasm-deprecated = { path = "substrate/primitives/runtime-interface/test-wasm-deprecated" } sp-session = { path = "substrate/primitives/session", default-features = false } sp-staking = { path = "substrate/primitives/staking", default-features = false } sp-state-machine = { path = "substrate/primitives/state-machine", default-features = false } sp-statement-store = { path = "substrate/primitives/statement-store", default-features = false } sp-std = { path = "substrate/primitives/std", default-features = false } sp-storage = { path = "substrate/primitives/storage", default-features = false } sp-test-primitives = { path = "substrate/primitives/test-primitives" } sp-timestamp = { path = "substrate/primitives/timestamp", default-features = false } sp-tracing = { path = "substrate/primitives/tracing", default-features = false } sp-transaction-pool = { path = "substrate/primitives/transaction-pool", default-features = false } sp-transaction-storage-proof = { path = "substrate/primitives/transaction-storage-proof", default-features = false } sp-trie = { path = "substrate/primitives/trie", default-features = false } sp-version = { path = "substrate/primitives/version", default-features = false } sp-version-proc-macro = { path = "substrate/primitives/version/proc-macro", default-features = false } sp-wasm-interface = { path = "substrate/primitives/wasm-interface", default-features = false } sp-weights = { path = "substrate/primitives/weights", default-features = false } spinners = { version = "4.1.1" } ss58-registry = { version = "1.34.0", default-features = false } ssz_rs = { version = "0.9.0", default-features = false } ssz_rs_derive = { version = "0.9.0", default-features = false } static_assertions = { version = "1.1.0", default-features = false } static_init = { version = "1.0.3" } structopt = { version = "0.3" } strum = { version = "0.26.3", default-features = false } subkey = { path = "substrate/bin/utils/subkey", default-features = false } substrate-bip39 = { path = "substrate/utils/substrate-bip39", default-features = false } substrate-build-script-utils = { path = "substrate/utils/build-script-utils", default-features = false } substrate-cli-test-utils = { path = "substrate/test-utils/cli" } substrate-frame-rpc-support = { default-features = false, path = "substrate/utils/frame/rpc/support" } substrate-frame-rpc-system = { path = "substrate/utils/frame/rpc/system", default-features = false } substrate-rpc-client = { path = "substrate/utils/frame/rpc/client", default-features = false } substrate-state-trie-migration-rpc = { path = "substrate/utils/frame/rpc/state-trie-migration-rpc", default-features = false } substrate-test-client = { path = "substrate/test-utils/client" } substrate-test-runtime = { path = "substrate/test-utils/runtime" } substrate-test-runtime-client = { path = "substrate/test-utils/runtime/client" } substrate-test-runtime-transaction-pool = { path = "substrate/test-utils/runtime/transaction-pool" } substrate-test-utils = { path = "substrate/test-utils" } substrate-wasm-builder = { path = "substrate/utils/wasm-builder", default-features = false } subxt = { version = "0.38.1", default-features = false } subxt-metadata = { version = "0.38.0", default-features = false } subxt-signer = { version = "0.38" } syn = { version = "2.0.87" } sysinfo = { version = "0.30" } tar = { version = "0.4" } tempfile = { version = "3.8.1" } test-log = { version = "0.2.14" } test-pallet = { path = "substrate/frame/support/test/pallet", default-features = false, package = "frame-support-test-pallet" } test-parachain-adder = { path = "polkadot/parachain/test-parachains/adder" } test-parachain-halt = { path = "polkadot/parachain/test-parachains/halt" } test-parachain-undying = { path = "polkadot/parachain/test-parachains/undying" } test-runtime-constants = { path = "polkadot/runtime/test-runtime/constants", default-features = false } testnet-parachains-constants = { path = "cumulus/parachains/runtimes/constants", default-features = false } thiserror = { version = "1.0.64" } thousands = { version = "0.2.0" } threadpool = { version = "1.7" } tikv-jemalloc-ctl = { version = "0.5.0" } tikv-jemallocator = { version = "0.5.0" } time = { version = "0.3" } tiny-keccak = { version = "2.0.2" } tokio = { version = "1.40.0", default-features = false } tokio-retry = { version = "0.3.0" } tokio-stream = { version = "0.1.14" } tokio-test = { version = "0.4.4" } tokio-tungstenite = { version = "0.20.1" } tokio-util = { version = "0.7.8" } toml = { version = "0.8.12" } toml_edit = { version = "0.19" } tower = { version = "0.4.13" } tower-http = { version = "0.5.2" } tracing = { version = "0.1.37", default-features = false } tracing-core = { version = "0.1.32", default-features = false } tracing-futures = { version = "0.2.4" } tracing-log = { version = "0.2.0" } tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.18" } tracking-allocator = { path = "polkadot/node/tracking-allocator", default-features = false, package = "staging-tracking-allocator" } trie-bench = { version = "0.39.0" } trie-db = { version = "0.29.1", default-features = false } trie-root = { version = "0.18.0", default-features = false } trie-standardmap = { version = "0.16.0" } trybuild = { version = "1.0.89" } tt-call = { version = "1.0.8" } tuplex = { version = "0.1", default-features = false } twox-hash = { version = "1.6.3", default-features = false } unsigned-varint = { version = "0.7.2" } url = { version = "2.4.0" } void = { version = "1.0.2" } w3f-bls = { version = "0.1.3", default-features = false } wait-timeout = { version = "0.2" } walkdir = { version = "2.5.0" } wasm-instrument = { version = "0.4", default-features = false } wasm-opt = { version = "0.116" } wasm-timer = { version = "0.2.5" } wasmi = { version = "0.32.3", default-features = false } wasmtime = { version = "8.0.1", default-features = false } wat = { version = "1.0.0" } westend-emulated-chain = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/relays/westend", default-features = false } westend-runtime = { path = "polkadot/runtime/westend" } westend-runtime-constants = { path = "polkadot/runtime/westend/constants", default-features = false } westend-system-emulated-network = { path = "cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/networks/westend-system" } x25519-dalek = { version = "2.0" } xcm = { path = "polkadot/xcm", default-features = false, package = "staging-xcm" } xcm-builder = { path = "polkadot/xcm/xcm-builder", default-features = false, package = "staging-xcm-builder" } xcm-docs = { path = "polkadot/xcm/docs" } xcm-emulator = { path = "cumulus/xcm/xcm-emulator", default-features = false } xcm-executor = { path = "polkadot/xcm/xcm-executor", default-features = false, package = "staging-xcm-executor" } xcm-procedural = { path = "polkadot/xcm/procedural", default-features = false } xcm-runtime-apis = { path = "polkadot/xcm/xcm-runtime-apis", default-features = false } xcm-simulator = { path = "polkadot/xcm/xcm-simulator", default-features = false } zeroize = { version = "1.7.0", default-features = false } zombienet-sdk = { version = "0.2.20" } zstd = { version = "0.12.4", default-features = false } [profile.release] # Polkadot runtime requires unwinding. opt-level = 3 panic = "unwind" # make sure dev builds with backtrace do not slow us down [profile.dev.package.backtrace] inherits = "release" [profile.production] codegen-units = 1 inherits = "release" lto = true [profile.testnet] debug = 1 # debug symbols are useful for profilers debug-assertions = true inherits = "release" overflow-checks = true # The list of dependencies below (which can be both direct and indirect dependencies) are crates # that are suspected to be CPU-intensive, and that are unlikely to require debugging (as some of # their debug info might be missing) or to require to be frequently recompiled. We compile these # dependencies with `opt-level=3` even in "dev" mode in order to make "dev" mode more usable. # The majority of these crates are cryptographic libraries. # # If you see an error mentioning "profile package spec ... did not match any packages", it # probably concerns this list. # # This list is ordered alphabetically. [profile.dev.package] blake2 = { opt-level = 3 } blake2b_simd = { opt-level = 3 } chacha20poly1305 = { opt-level = 3 } cranelift-codegen = { opt-level = 3 } cranelift-wasm = { opt-level = 3 } crc32fast = { opt-level = 3 } crossbeam-deque = { opt-level = 3 } crypto-mac = { opt-level = 3 } curve25519-dalek = { opt-level = 3 } ed25519-dalek = { opt-level = 3 } flate2 = { opt-level = 3 } futures-channel = { opt-level = 3 } hash-db = { opt-level = 3 } hashbrown = { opt-level = 3 } hmac = { opt-level = 3 } httparse = { opt-level = 3 } integer-sqrt = { opt-level = 3 } keccak = { opt-level = 3 } libm = { opt-level = 3 } librocksdb-sys = { opt-level = 3 } libsecp256k1 = { opt-level = 3 } libz-sys = { opt-level = 3 } mio = { opt-level = 3 } nalgebra = { opt-level = 3 } num-bigint = { opt-level = 3 } parking_lot = { opt-level = 3 } parking_lot_core = { opt-level = 3 } percent-encoding = { opt-level = 3 } polkavm-linker = { opt-level = 3 } primitive-types = { opt-level = 3 } reed-solomon-novelpoly = { opt-level = 3 } ring = { opt-level = 3 } rustls = { opt-level = 3 } sha2 = { opt-level = 3 } sha3 = { opt-level = 3 } smallvec = { opt-level = 3 } snow = { opt-level = 3 } substrate-bip39 = { opt-level = 3 } twox-hash = { opt-level = 3 } uint = { opt-level = 3 } wasmi = { opt-level = 3 } x25519-dalek = { opt-level = 3 } yamux = { opt-level = 3 } zeroize = { opt-level = 3 }