// Copyright 2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! The Rococo runtime for v1 parachains. #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] // `construct_runtime!` does a lot of recursion and requires us to increase the limit to 256. #![recursion_limit = "256"] use authority_discovery_primitives::AuthorityId as AuthorityDiscoveryId; use beefy_primitives::{crypto::AuthorityId as BeefyId, mmr::MmrLeafVersion}; use frame_support::{ construct_runtime, parameter_types, traits::{ Contains, Everything, IsInVec, KeyOwnerProofSystem, Nothing, OnRuntimeUpgrade, Randomness, }, weights::Weight, PalletId, }; use frame_system::EnsureRoot; use pallet_grandpa::{fg_primitives, AuthorityId as GrandpaId}; use pallet_im_online::sr25519::AuthorityId as ImOnlineId; use pallet_mmr_primitives as mmr; use pallet_session::historical as session_historical; use pallet_transaction_payment::{CurrencyAdapter, FeeDetails, RuntimeDispatchInfo}; use parity_scale_codec::{Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen}; use primitives::v1::{ AccountId, AccountIndex, Balance, BlockNumber, CandidateEvent, CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, GroupRotationInfo, Hash, Id, InboundDownwardMessage, InboundHrmpMessage, Moment, Nonce, OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData, SessionInfo as SessionInfoData, Signature, ValidationCode, ValidationCodeHash, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, }; use runtime_common::{ auctions, crowdloan, impls::ToAuthor, paras_registrar, paras_sudo_wrapper, slots, xcm_sender, BlockHashCount, BlockLength, BlockWeights, RocksDbWeight, SlowAdjustingFeeUpdate, }; use runtime_parachains::{self, runtime_api_impl::v1 as runtime_api_impl}; use sp_core::{OpaqueMetadata, RuntimeDebug}; use sp_runtime::{ create_runtime_str, generic, impl_opaque_keys, traits::{ self, AccountIdLookup, BlakeTwo256, Block as BlockT, Extrinsic as ExtrinsicT, Keccak256, OpaqueKeys, SaturatedConversion, Verify, }, transaction_validity::{TransactionPriority, TransactionSource, TransactionValidity}, ApplyExtrinsicResult, KeyTypeId, Perbill, }; use sp_staking::SessionIndex; use sp_std::{collections::btree_map::BTreeMap, prelude::*}; #[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))] use sp_version::NativeVersion; use sp_version::RuntimeVersion; use runtime_parachains::{ configuration as parachains_configuration, dmp as parachains_dmp, hrmp as parachains_hrmp, inclusion as parachains_inclusion, initializer as parachains_initializer, origin as parachains_origin, paras as parachains_paras, paras_inherent as parachains_paras_inherent, scheduler as parachains_scheduler, session_info as parachains_session_info, shared as parachains_shared, ump as parachains_ump, }; use bridge_runtime_common::messages::{ source::estimate_message_dispatch_and_delivery_fee, MessageBridge, }; pub use pallet_balances::Call as BalancesCall; use polkadot_parachain::primitives::Id as ParaId; use constants::{currency::*, fee::*, time::*}; use frame_support::traits::InstanceFilter; use xcm::latest::prelude::*; use xcm_builder::{ AccountId32Aliases, BackingToPlurality, ChildParachainAsNative, ChildParachainConvertsVia, ChildSystemParachainAsSuperuser, CurrencyAdapter as XcmCurrencyAdapter, FixedWeightBounds, IsConcrete, LocationInverter, SignedAccountId32AsNative, SignedToAccountId32, SovereignSignedViaLocation, UsingComponents, }; use xcm_executor::XcmExecutor; mod bridge_messages; /// Constant values used within the runtime. pub mod constants; mod validator_manager; // Make the WASM binary available. #[cfg(feature = "std")] include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/wasm_binary.rs")); /// Runtime version (Rococo). pub const VERSION: RuntimeVersion = RuntimeVersion { spec_name: create_runtime_str!("rococo"), impl_name: create_runtime_str!("parity-rococo-v1.6"), authoring_version: 0, spec_version: 9100, impl_version: 0, #[cfg(not(feature = "disable-runtime-api"))] apis: RUNTIME_API_VERSIONS, #[cfg(feature = "disable-runtime-api")] apis: sp_version::create_apis_vec![[]], transaction_version: 0, }; /// The BABE epoch configuration at genesis. pub const BABE_GENESIS_EPOCH_CONFIG: babe_primitives::BabeEpochConfiguration = babe_primitives::BabeEpochConfiguration { c: PRIMARY_PROBABILITY, allowed_slots: babe_primitives::AllowedSlots::PrimaryAndSecondaryVRFSlots, }; /// Native version. #[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))] pub fn native_version() -> NativeVersion { NativeVersion { runtime_version: VERSION, can_author_with: Default::default() } } /// The address format for describing accounts. pub type Address = sp_runtime::MultiAddress; /// Block header type as expected by this runtime. pub type Header = generic::Header; /// Block type as expected by this runtime. pub type Block = generic::Block; /// A Block signed with a Justification pub type SignedBlock = generic::SignedBlock; /// `BlockId` type as expected by this runtime. pub type BlockId = generic::BlockId; /// The `SignedExtension` to the basic transaction logic. pub type SignedExtra = ( frame_system::CheckSpecVersion, frame_system::CheckTxVersion, frame_system::CheckGenesis, frame_system::CheckMortality, frame_system::CheckNonce, frame_system::CheckWeight, pallet_transaction_payment::ChargeTransactionPayment, ); /// Migrate from `PalletVersion` to the new `StorageVersion` pub struct MigratePalletVersionToStorageVersion; impl OnRuntimeUpgrade for MigratePalletVersionToStorageVersion { fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> frame_support::weights::Weight { frame_support::migrations::migrate_from_pallet_version_to_storage_version::< AllPalletsWithSystem, >(&RocksDbWeight::get()) } } /// Unchecked extrinsic type as expected by this runtime. pub type UncheckedExtrinsic = generic::UncheckedExtrinsic; /// Executive: handles dispatch to the various modules. pub type Executive = frame_executive::Executive< Runtime, Block, frame_system::ChainContext, Runtime, AllPallets, MigratePalletVersionToStorageVersion, >; /// The payload being signed in transactions. pub type SignedPayload = generic::SignedPayload; impl_opaque_keys! { pub struct SessionKeys { pub grandpa: Grandpa, pub babe: Babe, pub im_online: ImOnline, pub para_validator: Initializer, pub para_assignment: ParaSessionInfo, pub authority_discovery: AuthorityDiscovery, pub beefy: Beefy, } } construct_runtime! { pub enum Runtime where Block = Block, NodeBlock = primitives::v1::Block, UncheckedExtrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic { System: frame_system::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config, Event}, // Must be before session. Babe: pallet_babe::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config, ValidateUnsigned}, Timestamp: pallet_timestamp::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Inherent}, Indices: pallet_indices::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config, Event}, Balances: pallet_balances::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config, Event}, TransactionPayment: pallet_transaction_payment::{Pallet, Storage}, // Consensus support. Authorship: pallet_authorship::{Pallet, Call, Storage}, Offences: pallet_offences::{Pallet, Storage, Event}, Historical: session_historical::{Pallet}, Session: pallet_session::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event, Config}, Grandpa: pallet_grandpa::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config, Event, ValidateUnsigned}, ImOnline: pallet_im_online::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event, ValidateUnsigned, Config}, AuthorityDiscovery: pallet_authority_discovery::{Pallet, Config}, // Parachains modules. ParachainsOrigin: parachains_origin::{Pallet, Origin}, Configuration: parachains_configuration::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config}, ParasShared: parachains_shared::{Pallet, Call, Storage}, ParaInclusion: parachains_inclusion::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event}, ParaInherent: parachains_paras_inherent::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Inherent}, ParaScheduler: parachains_scheduler::{Pallet, Storage}, Paras: parachains_paras::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event, Config}, Initializer: parachains_initializer::{Pallet, Call, Storage}, Dmp: parachains_dmp::{Pallet, Call, Storage}, Ump: parachains_ump::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event}, Hrmp: parachains_hrmp::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event, Config}, ParaSessionInfo: parachains_session_info::{Pallet, Storage}, // Parachain Onboarding Pallets Registrar: paras_registrar::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event}, Auctions: auctions::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event}, Crowdloan: crowdloan::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event}, Slots: slots::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event}, ParasSudoWrapper: paras_sudo_wrapper::{Pallet, Call}, // Sudo Sudo: pallet_sudo::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event, Config}, // Bridges support. Mmr: pallet_mmr::{Pallet, Storage}, Beefy: pallet_beefy::{Pallet, Config, Storage}, MmrLeaf: pallet_beefy_mmr::{Pallet, Storage}, // It might seem strange that we add both sides of the bridge to the same runtime. We do this because this // runtime as shared by both the Rococo and Wococo chains. When running as Rococo we only use // `BridgeWococoGrandpa`, and vice versa. BridgeRococoGrandpa: pallet_bridge_grandpa::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config} = 40, BridgeWococoGrandpa: pallet_bridge_grandpa::::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config} = 41, // Validator Manager pallet. ValidatorManager: validator_manager::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event}, // Bridge messages support. The same story as with the bridge grandpa pallet above ^^^ - when we're // running as Rococo we only use `BridgeWococoMessages`/`BridgeWococoMessagesDispatch`, and vice versa. BridgeRococoMessages: pallet_bridge_messages::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event, Config} = 43, BridgeWococoMessages: pallet_bridge_messages::::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event, Config} = 44, BridgeRococoMessagesDispatch: pallet_bridge_dispatch::{Pallet, Event} = 45, BridgeWococoMessagesDispatch: pallet_bridge_dispatch::::{Pallet, Event} = 46, // A "council" Collective: pallet_collective::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Origin, Event, Config} = 80, Membership: pallet_membership::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event, Config} = 81, Utility: pallet_utility::{Pallet, Call, Event} = 90, Proxy: pallet_proxy::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event} = 91, // Pallet for sending XCM. XcmPallet: pallet_xcm::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event, Origin} = 99, } } pub struct BaseFilter; impl Contains for BaseFilter { fn contains(_call: &Call) -> bool { true } } parameter_types! { pub const Version: RuntimeVersion = VERSION; pub const SS58Prefix: u8 = 42; } impl frame_system::Config for Runtime { type BaseCallFilter = BaseFilter; type BlockWeights = BlockWeights; type BlockLength = BlockLength; type DbWeight = RocksDbWeight; type Origin = Origin; type Call = Call; type Index = Nonce; type BlockNumber = BlockNumber; type Hash = Hash; type Hashing = BlakeTwo256; type AccountId = AccountId; type Lookup = AccountIdLookup; type Header = generic::Header; type Event = Event; type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount; type Version = Version; type PalletInfo = PalletInfo; type AccountData = pallet_balances::AccountData; type OnNewAccount = (); type OnKilledAccount = (); type SystemWeightInfo = (); type SS58Prefix = SS58Prefix; type OnSetCode = (); } parameter_types! { pub const ValidationUpgradeFrequency: BlockNumber = 2 * DAYS; pub const ValidationUpgradeDelay: BlockNumber = 8 * HOURS; pub const SlashPeriod: BlockNumber = 7 * DAYS; } /// Submits a transaction with the node's public and signature type. Adheres to the signed extension /// format of the chain. impl frame_system::offchain::CreateSignedTransaction for Runtime where Call: From, { fn create_transaction>( call: Call, public: ::Signer, account: AccountId, nonce: ::Index, ) -> Option<(Call, ::SignaturePayload)> { use sp_runtime::traits::StaticLookup; // take the biggest period possible. let period = BlockHashCount::get().checked_next_power_of_two().map(|c| c / 2).unwrap_or(2) as u64; let current_block = System::block_number() .saturated_into::() // The `System::block_number` is initialized with `n+1`, // so the actual block number is `n`. .saturating_sub(1); let tip = 0; let extra: SignedExtra = ( frame_system::CheckSpecVersion::::new(), frame_system::CheckTxVersion::::new(), frame_system::CheckGenesis::::new(), frame_system::CheckMortality::::from(generic::Era::mortal( period, current_block, )), frame_system::CheckNonce::::from(nonce), frame_system::CheckWeight::::new(), pallet_transaction_payment::ChargeTransactionPayment::::from(tip), ); let raw_payload = SignedPayload::new(call, extra) .map_err(|e| { log::warn!("Unable to create signed payload: {:?}", e); }) .ok()?; let signature = raw_payload.using_encoded(|payload| C::sign(payload, public))?; let (call, extra, _) = raw_payload.deconstruct(); let address = ::Lookup::unlookup(account); Some((call, (address, signature, extra))) } } impl frame_system::offchain::SigningTypes for Runtime { type Public = ::Signer; type Signature = Signature; } /// Special `FullIdentificationOf` implementation that is returning for every input `Some(Default::default())`. pub struct FullIdentificationOf; impl sp_runtime::traits::Convert> for FullIdentificationOf { fn convert(_: AccountId) -> Option<()> { Some(Default::default()) } } impl pallet_session::historical::Config for Runtime { type FullIdentification = (); type FullIdentificationOf = FullIdentificationOf; } parameter_types! { pub SessionDuration: BlockNumber = EpochDurationInBlocks::get() as _; } parameter_types! { pub const ImOnlineUnsignedPriority: TransactionPriority = TransactionPriority::max_value(); } impl pallet_im_online::Config for Runtime { type AuthorityId = ImOnlineId; type Event = Event; type ValidatorSet = Historical; type NextSessionRotation = Babe; type ReportUnresponsiveness = Offences; type UnsignedPriority = ImOnlineUnsignedPriority; type WeightInfo = (); } parameter_types! { pub const ExistentialDeposit: Balance = 1 * CENTS; pub const MaxLocks: u32 = 50; pub const MaxReserves: u32 = 50; } impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime { type Balance = Balance; type DustRemoval = (); type Event = Event; type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit; type AccountStore = System; type MaxLocks = MaxLocks; type MaxReserves = MaxReserves; type ReserveIdentifier = [u8; 8]; type WeightInfo = (); } impl frame_system::offchain::SendTransactionTypes for Runtime where Call: From, { type OverarchingCall = Call; type Extrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic; } parameter_types! { pub const MaxRetries: u32 = 3; } impl pallet_offences::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type IdentificationTuple = pallet_session::historical::IdentificationTuple; type OnOffenceHandler = (); } impl pallet_authority_discovery::Config for Runtime {} parameter_types! { pub const MinimumPeriod: u64 = SLOT_DURATION / 2; } impl pallet_timestamp::Config for Runtime { type Moment = u64; type OnTimestampSet = Babe; type MinimumPeriod = MinimumPeriod; type WeightInfo = (); } parameter_types! { pub const TransactionByteFee: Balance = 10 * MILLICENTS; } impl pallet_transaction_payment::Config for Runtime { type OnChargeTransaction = CurrencyAdapter>; type TransactionByteFee = TransactionByteFee; type WeightToFee = WeightToFee; type FeeMultiplierUpdate = SlowAdjustingFeeUpdate; } parameter_types! { pub const DisabledValidatorsThreshold: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(17); } /// Special `ValidatorIdOf` implementation that is just returning the input as result. pub struct ValidatorIdOf; impl sp_runtime::traits::Convert> for ValidatorIdOf { fn convert(a: AccountId) -> Option { Some(a) } } impl pallet_session::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type ValidatorId = AccountId; type ValidatorIdOf = ValidatorIdOf; type ShouldEndSession = Babe; type NextSessionRotation = Babe; type SessionManager = pallet_session::historical::NoteHistoricalRoot; type SessionHandler = ::KeyTypeIdProviders; type Keys = SessionKeys; type DisabledValidatorsThreshold = DisabledValidatorsThreshold; type WeightInfo = (); } parameter_types! { pub const ExpectedBlockTime: Moment = MILLISECS_PER_BLOCK; pub ReportLongevity: u64 = EpochDurationInBlocks::get() as u64 * 10; } impl pallet_babe::Config for Runtime { type EpochDuration = EpochDurationInBlocks; type ExpectedBlockTime = ExpectedBlockTime; // session module is the trigger type EpochChangeTrigger = pallet_babe::ExternalTrigger; type DisabledValidators = Session; type KeyOwnerProofSystem = Historical; type KeyOwnerProof = >::Proof; type KeyOwnerIdentification = >::IdentificationTuple; type HandleEquivocation = pallet_babe::EquivocationHandler; type WeightInfo = (); } parameter_types! { pub const IndexDeposit: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS; } impl pallet_indices::Config for Runtime { type AccountIndex = AccountIndex; type Currency = Balances; type Deposit = IndexDeposit; type Event = Event; type WeightInfo = (); } parameter_types! { pub const AttestationPeriod: BlockNumber = 50; } impl pallet_grandpa::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type Call = Call; type KeyOwnerProofSystem = Historical; type KeyOwnerProof = >::Proof; type KeyOwnerIdentification = >::IdentificationTuple; type HandleEquivocation = pallet_grandpa::EquivocationHandler< Self::KeyOwnerIdentification, Offences, ReportLongevity, >; type WeightInfo = (); } parameter_types! { pub const UncleGenerations: u32 = 0; } impl pallet_authorship::Config for Runtime { type FindAuthor = pallet_session::FindAccountFromAuthorIndex; type UncleGenerations = UncleGenerations; type FilterUncle = (); type EventHandler = ImOnline; } impl parachains_origin::Config for Runtime {} impl parachains_configuration::Config for Runtime {} impl parachains_shared::Config for Runtime {} /// Special `RewardValidators` that does nothing ;) pub struct RewardValidators; impl runtime_parachains::inclusion::RewardValidators for RewardValidators { fn reward_backing(_: impl IntoIterator) {} fn reward_bitfields(_: impl IntoIterator) {} } impl parachains_inclusion::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type DisputesHandler = (); type RewardValidators = RewardValidators; } impl parachains_paras::Config for Runtime { type Origin = Origin; type Event = Event; } parameter_types! { pub const RocLocation: MultiLocation = Here.into(); pub const RococoNetwork: NetworkId = NetworkId::Polkadot; pub const Ancestry: MultiLocation = Here.into(); pub CheckAccount: AccountId = XcmPallet::check_account(); } pub type SovereignAccountOf = (ChildParachainConvertsVia, AccountId32Aliases); pub type LocalAssetTransactor = XcmCurrencyAdapter< // Use this currency: Balances, // Use this currency when it is a fungible asset matching the given location or name: IsConcrete, // We can convert the MultiLocations with our converter above: SovereignAccountOf, // Our chain's account ID type (we can't get away without mentioning it explicitly): AccountId, // It's a native asset so we keep track of the teleports to maintain total issuance. CheckAccount, >; type LocalOriginConverter = ( SovereignSignedViaLocation, ChildParachainAsNative, SignedAccountId32AsNative, ChildSystemParachainAsSuperuser, ); parameter_types! { pub const BaseXcmWeight: Weight = 100_000; } /// The XCM router. When we want to send an XCM message, we use this type. It amalgamates all of our /// individual routers. pub type XcmRouter = ( // Only one router so far - use DMP to communicate with child parachains. xcm_sender::ChildParachainRouter, ); parameter_types! { pub const Rococo: MultiAssetFilter = Wild(AllOf { fun: WildFungible, id: Concrete(RocLocation::get()) }); pub const RococoForTick: (MultiAssetFilter, MultiLocation) = (Rococo::get(), Parachain(100).into()); pub const RococoForTrick: (MultiAssetFilter, MultiLocation) = (Rococo::get(), Parachain(110).into()); pub const RococoForTrack: (MultiAssetFilter, MultiLocation) = (Rococo::get(), Parachain(120).into()); pub const RococoForStatemint: (MultiAssetFilter, MultiLocation) = (Rococo::get(), Parachain(1001).into()); pub const MaxInstructions: u32 = 100; } pub type TrustedTeleporters = ( xcm_builder::Case, xcm_builder::Case, xcm_builder::Case, xcm_builder::Case, ); parameter_types! { pub AllowUnpaidFrom: Vec = vec![ Parachain(100).into(), Parachain(110).into(), Parachain(120).into(), Parachain(1001).into(), ]; } use xcm_builder::{AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom, AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom, TakeWeightCredit}; pub type Barrier = ( TakeWeightCredit, AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom, AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom>, // <- Trusted parachains get free execution ); pub struct XcmConfig; impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig { type Call = Call; type XcmSender = XcmRouter; type AssetTransactor = LocalAssetTransactor; type OriginConverter = LocalOriginConverter; type IsReserve = (); type IsTeleporter = TrustedTeleporters; type LocationInverter = LocationInverter; type Barrier = Barrier; type Weigher = FixedWeightBounds; type Trader = UsingComponents>; type ResponseHandler = XcmPallet; type AssetTrap = XcmPallet; type AssetClaims = XcmPallet; } parameter_types! { pub const CollectiveBodyId: BodyId = BodyId::Unit; } /// Type to convert an `Origin` type value into a `MultiLocation` value which represents an interior location /// of this chain. pub type LocalOriginToLocation = ( // We allow an origin from the Collective pallet to be used in XCM as a corresponding Plurality of the // `Unit` body. BackingToPlurality, CollectiveBodyId>, // And a usual Signed origin to be used in XCM as a corresponding AccountId32 SignedToAccountId32, ); impl pallet_xcm::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type SendXcmOrigin = xcm_builder::EnsureXcmOrigin; type XcmRouter = XcmRouter; // Anyone can execute XCM messages locally... type ExecuteXcmOrigin = xcm_builder::EnsureXcmOrigin; // ...but they must match our filter, which right now rejects everything. type XcmExecuteFilter = Nothing; type XcmExecutor = XcmExecutor; type XcmTeleportFilter = Everything; type XcmReserveTransferFilter = Everything; type Weigher = FixedWeightBounds; type LocationInverter = LocationInverter; type Origin = Origin; type Call = Call; } impl parachains_session_info::Config for Runtime {} parameter_types! { pub const FirstMessageFactorPercent: u64 = 100; } impl parachains_ump::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type UmpSink = crate::parachains_ump::XcmSink, Runtime>; type FirstMessageFactorPercent = FirstMessageFactorPercent; } impl parachains_dmp::Config for Runtime {} impl parachains_hrmp::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type Origin = Origin; type Currency = Balances; } impl parachains_paras_inherent::Config for Runtime {} impl parachains_scheduler::Config for Runtime {} impl parachains_initializer::Config for Runtime { type Randomness = pallet_babe::RandomnessFromOneEpochAgo; type ForceOrigin = EnsureRoot; } impl paras_sudo_wrapper::Config for Runtime {} parameter_types! { pub const ParaDeposit: Balance = 5 * DOLLARS; pub const DataDepositPerByte: Balance = deposit(0, 1); } impl paras_registrar::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type Origin = Origin; type Currency = Balances; type OnSwap = (Crowdloan, Slots); type ParaDeposit = ParaDeposit; type DataDepositPerByte = DataDepositPerByte; type WeightInfo = paras_registrar::TestWeightInfo; } /// An insecure randomness beacon that uses the parent block hash as random material. /// /// THIS SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR TESTING PURPOSES. pub struct ParentHashRandomness; impl pallet_beefy::Config for Runtime { type BeefyId = BeefyId; } impl pallet_mmr::Config for Runtime { const INDEXING_PREFIX: &'static [u8] = b"mmr"; type Hashing = Keccak256; type Hash = ::Output; type OnNewRoot = pallet_beefy_mmr::DepositBeefyDigest; type WeightInfo = (); type LeafData = pallet_beefy_mmr::Pallet; } pub struct ParasProvider; impl pallet_beefy_mmr::ParachainHeadsProvider for ParasProvider { fn parachain_heads() -> Vec<(u32, Vec)> { Paras::parachains() .into_iter() .filter_map(|id| Paras::para_head(&id).map(|head| (id.into(), head.0))) .collect() } } parameter_types! { /// Version of the produced MMR leaf. /// /// The version consists of two parts; /// - `major` (3 bits) /// - `minor` (5 bits) /// /// `major` should be updated only if decoding the previous MMR Leaf format from the payload /// is not possible (i.e. backward incompatible change). /// `minor` should be updated if fields are added to the previous MMR Leaf, which given SCALE /// encoding does not prevent old leafs from being decoded. /// /// Hence we expect `major` to be changed really rarely (think never). /// See [`MmrLeafVersion`] type documentation for more details. pub LeafVersion: MmrLeafVersion = MmrLeafVersion::new(0, 0); } impl pallet_beefy_mmr::Config for Runtime { type LeafVersion = LeafVersion; type BeefyAuthorityToMerkleLeaf = pallet_beefy_mmr::BeefyEcdsaToEthereum; type ParachainHeads = ParasProvider; } parameter_types! { /// This is a pretty unscientific cap. /// /// Note that once this is hit the pallet will essentially throttle incoming requests down to one /// call per block. pub const MaxRequests: u32 = 4 * HOURS as u32; /// Number of headers to keep. /// /// Assuming the worst case of every header being finalized, we will keep headers at least for a /// week. pub const HeadersToKeep: u32 = 7 * DAYS as u32; } pub type RococoGrandpaInstance = (); impl pallet_bridge_grandpa::Config for Runtime { type BridgedChain = bp_rococo::Rococo; type MaxRequests = MaxRequests; type HeadersToKeep = HeadersToKeep; type WeightInfo = pallet_bridge_grandpa::weights::RialtoWeight; } pub type WococoGrandpaInstance = pallet_bridge_grandpa::Instance1; impl pallet_bridge_grandpa::Config for Runtime { type BridgedChain = bp_wococo::Wococo; type MaxRequests = MaxRequests; type HeadersToKeep = HeadersToKeep; type WeightInfo = pallet_bridge_grandpa::weights::RialtoWeight; } // Instance that is "deployed" at Wococo chain. Responsible for dispatching Rococo -> Wococo messages. pub type AtWococoFromRococoMessagesDispatch = pallet_bridge_dispatch::DefaultInstance; impl pallet_bridge_dispatch::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type MessageId = (bp_messages::LaneId, bp_messages::MessageNonce); type Call = Call; type CallFilter = frame_support::traits::Everything; type EncodedCall = bridge_messages::FromRococoEncodedCall; type SourceChainAccountId = bp_wococo::AccountId; type TargetChainAccountPublic = sp_runtime::MultiSigner; type TargetChainSignature = sp_runtime::MultiSignature; type AccountIdConverter = bp_rococo::AccountIdConverter; } // Instance that is "deployed" at Rococo chain. Responsible for dispatching Wococo -> Rococo messages. pub type AtRococoFromWococoMessagesDispatch = pallet_bridge_dispatch::Instance1; impl pallet_bridge_dispatch::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type MessageId = (bp_messages::LaneId, bp_messages::MessageNonce); type Call = Call; type CallFilter = frame_support::traits::Everything; type EncodedCall = bridge_messages::FromWococoEncodedCall; type SourceChainAccountId = bp_rococo::AccountId; type TargetChainAccountPublic = sp_runtime::MultiSigner; type TargetChainSignature = sp_runtime::MultiSignature; type AccountIdConverter = bp_wococo::AccountIdConverter; } parameter_types! { pub const MaxMessagesToPruneAtOnce: bp_messages::MessageNonce = 8; pub const MaxUnrewardedRelayerEntriesAtInboundLane: bp_messages::MessageNonce = bp_rococo::MAX_UNREWARDED_RELAYER_ENTRIES_AT_INBOUND_LANE; pub const MaxUnconfirmedMessagesAtInboundLane: bp_messages::MessageNonce = bp_rococo::MAX_UNCONFIRMED_MESSAGES_AT_INBOUND_LANE; pub const RootAccountForPayments: Option = None; } // Instance that is "deployed" at Wococo chain. Responsible for sending Wococo -> Rococo messages // and receiving Rococo -> Wococo messages. pub type AtWococoWithRococoMessagesInstance = pallet_bridge_messages::DefaultInstance; impl pallet_bridge_messages::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type WeightInfo = pallet_bridge_messages::weights::RialtoWeight; type Parameter = (); type MaxMessagesToPruneAtOnce = MaxMessagesToPruneAtOnce; type MaxUnrewardedRelayerEntriesAtInboundLane = MaxUnrewardedRelayerEntriesAtInboundLane; type MaxUnconfirmedMessagesAtInboundLane = MaxUnconfirmedMessagesAtInboundLane; type OutboundPayload = crate::bridge_messages::ToRococoMessagePayload; type OutboundMessageFee = bp_wococo::Balance; type InboundPayload = crate::bridge_messages::FromRococoMessagePayload; type InboundMessageFee = bp_rococo::Balance; type InboundRelayer = bp_rococo::AccountId; type AccountIdConverter = bp_wococo::AccountIdConverter; type TargetHeaderChain = crate::bridge_messages::RococoAtWococo; type LaneMessageVerifier = crate::bridge_messages::ToRococoMessageVerifier; type MessageDeliveryAndDispatchPayment = pallet_bridge_messages::instant_payments::InstantCurrencyPayments< Runtime, pallet_balances::Pallet, crate::bridge_messages::GetDeliveryConfirmationTransactionFee, RootAccountForPayments, >; type OnDeliveryConfirmed = (); type SourceHeaderChain = crate::bridge_messages::RococoAtWococo; type MessageDispatch = crate::bridge_messages::FromRococoMessageDispatch; } // Instance that is "deployed" at Rococo chain. Responsible for sending Rococo -> Wococo messages // and receiving Wococo -> Rococo messages. pub type AtRococoWithWococoMessagesInstance = pallet_bridge_messages::Instance1; impl pallet_bridge_messages::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type WeightInfo = pallet_bridge_messages::weights::RialtoWeight; type Parameter = (); type MaxMessagesToPruneAtOnce = MaxMessagesToPruneAtOnce; type MaxUnrewardedRelayerEntriesAtInboundLane = MaxUnrewardedRelayerEntriesAtInboundLane; type MaxUnconfirmedMessagesAtInboundLane = MaxUnconfirmedMessagesAtInboundLane; type OutboundPayload = crate::bridge_messages::ToWococoMessagePayload; type OutboundMessageFee = bp_rococo::Balance; type InboundPayload = crate::bridge_messages::FromWococoMessagePayload; type InboundMessageFee = bp_wococo::Balance; type InboundRelayer = bp_wococo::AccountId; type AccountIdConverter = bp_rococo::AccountIdConverter; type TargetHeaderChain = crate::bridge_messages::WococoAtRococo; type LaneMessageVerifier = crate::bridge_messages::ToWococoMessageVerifier; type MessageDeliveryAndDispatchPayment = pallet_bridge_messages::instant_payments::InstantCurrencyPayments< Runtime, pallet_balances::Pallet, crate::bridge_messages::GetDeliveryConfirmationTransactionFee, RootAccountForPayments, >; type OnDeliveryConfirmed = (); type SourceHeaderChain = crate::bridge_messages::WococoAtRococo; type MessageDispatch = crate::bridge_messages::FromWococoMessageDispatch; } impl Randomness for ParentHashRandomness { fn random(subject: &[u8]) -> (Hash, BlockNumber) { ( (System::parent_hash(), subject) .using_encoded(sp_io::hashing::blake2_256) .into(), System::block_number(), ) } } parameter_types! { pub const EndingPeriod: BlockNumber = 1 * HOURS; pub const SampleLength: BlockNumber = 1; } impl auctions::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type Leaser = Slots; type Registrar = Registrar; type EndingPeriod = EndingPeriod; type SampleLength = SampleLength; type Randomness = ParentHashRandomness; type InitiateOrigin = EnsureRoot; type WeightInfo = auctions::TestWeightInfo; } parameter_types! { pub const LeasePeriod: BlockNumber = 1 * DAYS; } impl slots::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type Currency = Balances; type Registrar = Registrar; type LeasePeriod = LeasePeriod; type WeightInfo = slots::TestWeightInfo; } parameter_types! { pub const CrowdloanId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/cfund"); pub const SubmissionDeposit: Balance = 100 * DOLLARS; pub const MinContribution: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS; pub const RemoveKeysLimit: u32 = 500; // Allow 32 bytes for an additional memo to a crowdloan. pub const MaxMemoLength: u8 = 32; } impl crowdloan::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type PalletId = CrowdloanId; type SubmissionDeposit = SubmissionDeposit; type MinContribution = MinContribution; type RemoveKeysLimit = RemoveKeysLimit; type Registrar = Registrar; type Auctioneer = Auctions; type MaxMemoLength = MaxMemoLength; type WeightInfo = crowdloan::TestWeightInfo; } impl pallet_sudo::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type Call = Call; } impl validator_manager::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type PrivilegedOrigin = EnsureRoot; } impl pallet_utility::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type Call = Call; type WeightInfo = (); } parameter_types! { // One storage item; key size 32, value size 8; . pub const ProxyDepositBase: Balance = 10; // Additional storage item size of 33 bytes. pub const ProxyDepositFactor: Balance = 10; pub const MaxProxies: u16 = 32; pub const AnnouncementDepositBase: Balance = 10; pub const AnnouncementDepositFactor: Balance = 10; pub const MaxPending: u16 = 32; } /// The type used to represent the kinds of proxying allowed. #[derive( Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug, MaxEncodedLen, )] pub enum ProxyType { Any, CancelProxy, } impl Default for ProxyType { fn default() -> Self { Self::Any } } impl InstanceFilter for ProxyType { fn filter(&self, c: &Call) -> bool { match self { ProxyType::Any => true, ProxyType::CancelProxy => matches!(c, Call::Proxy(pallet_proxy::Call::reject_announcement(..))), } } fn is_superset(&self, o: &Self) -> bool { match (self, o) { (ProxyType::Any, _) => true, _ => false, } } } impl pallet_proxy::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type Call = Call; type Currency = Balances; type ProxyType = ProxyType; type ProxyDepositBase = ProxyDepositBase; type ProxyDepositFactor = ProxyDepositFactor; type MaxProxies = MaxProxies; type WeightInfo = (); type MaxPending = MaxPending; type CallHasher = BlakeTwo256; type AnnouncementDepositBase = AnnouncementDepositBase; type AnnouncementDepositFactor = AnnouncementDepositFactor; } parameter_types! { pub const MotionDuration: BlockNumber = 5; pub const MaxProposals: u32 = 100; pub const MaxMembers: u32 = 100; } impl pallet_collective::Config for Runtime { type Origin = Origin; type Proposal = Call; type Event = Event; type MotionDuration = MotionDuration; type MaxProposals = MaxProposals; type DefaultVote = pallet_collective::PrimeDefaultVote; type MaxMembers = MaxMembers; type WeightInfo = (); } impl pallet_membership::Config for Runtime { type Event = Event; type AddOrigin = EnsureRoot; type RemoveOrigin = EnsureRoot; type SwapOrigin = EnsureRoot; type ResetOrigin = EnsureRoot; type PrimeOrigin = EnsureRoot; type MembershipInitialized = Collective; type MembershipChanged = Collective; type MaxMembers = MaxMembers; type WeightInfo = (); } #[cfg(not(feature = "disable-runtime-api"))] sp_api::impl_runtime_apis! { impl sp_api::Core for Runtime { fn version() -> RuntimeVersion { VERSION } fn execute_block(block: Block) { Executive::execute_block(block); } fn initialize_block(header: &::Header) { Executive::initialize_block(header) } } impl sp_api::Metadata for Runtime { fn metadata() -> OpaqueMetadata { Runtime::metadata().into() } } impl block_builder_api::BlockBuilder for Runtime { fn apply_extrinsic(extrinsic: ::Extrinsic) -> ApplyExtrinsicResult { Executive::apply_extrinsic(extrinsic) } fn finalize_block() -> ::Header { Executive::finalize_block() } fn inherent_extrinsics(data: inherents::InherentData) -> Vec<::Extrinsic> { data.create_extrinsics() } fn check_inherents( block: Block, data: inherents::InherentData, ) -> inherents::CheckInherentsResult { data.check_extrinsics(&block) } } impl tx_pool_api::runtime_api::TaggedTransactionQueue for Runtime { fn validate_transaction( source: TransactionSource, tx: ::Extrinsic, block_hash: ::Hash, ) -> TransactionValidity { Executive::validate_transaction(source, tx, block_hash) } } impl offchain_primitives::OffchainWorkerApi for Runtime { fn offchain_worker(header: &::Header) { Executive::offchain_worker(header) } } impl primitives::v1::ParachainHost for Runtime { fn validators() -> Vec { runtime_api_impl::validators::() } fn validator_groups() -> (Vec>, GroupRotationInfo) { runtime_api_impl::validator_groups::() } fn availability_cores() -> Vec> { runtime_api_impl::availability_cores::() } fn persisted_validation_data(para_id: Id, assumption: OccupiedCoreAssumption) -> Option> { runtime_api_impl::persisted_validation_data::(para_id, assumption) } fn check_validation_outputs( para_id: Id, outputs: primitives::v1::CandidateCommitments, ) -> bool { runtime_api_impl::check_validation_outputs::(para_id, outputs) } fn session_index_for_child() -> SessionIndex { runtime_api_impl::session_index_for_child::() } fn validation_code(para_id: Id, assumption: OccupiedCoreAssumption) -> Option { runtime_api_impl::validation_code::(para_id, assumption) } fn candidate_pending_availability(para_id: Id) -> Option> { runtime_api_impl::candidate_pending_availability::(para_id) } fn candidate_events() -> Vec> { runtime_api_impl::candidate_events::(|ev| { match ev { Event::ParaInclusion(ev) => { Some(ev) } _ => None, } }) } fn session_info(index: SessionIndex) -> Option { runtime_api_impl::session_info::(index) } fn dmq_contents(recipient: Id) -> Vec> { runtime_api_impl::dmq_contents::(recipient) } fn inbound_hrmp_channels_contents( recipient: Id ) -> BTreeMap>> { runtime_api_impl::inbound_hrmp_channels_contents::(recipient) } fn validation_code_by_hash(hash: ValidationCodeHash) -> Option { runtime_api_impl::validation_code_by_hash::(hash) } } impl fg_primitives::GrandpaApi for Runtime { fn grandpa_authorities() -> Vec<(GrandpaId, u64)> { Grandpa::grandpa_authorities() } fn current_set_id() -> fg_primitives::SetId { Grandpa::current_set_id() } fn submit_report_equivocation_unsigned_extrinsic( equivocation_proof: fg_primitives::EquivocationProof< ::Hash, sp_runtime::traits::NumberFor, >, key_owner_proof: fg_primitives::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof, ) -> Option<()> { let key_owner_proof = key_owner_proof.decode()?; Grandpa::submit_unsigned_equivocation_report( equivocation_proof, key_owner_proof, ) } fn generate_key_ownership_proof( _set_id: fg_primitives::SetId, authority_id: fg_primitives::AuthorityId, ) -> Option { use parity_scale_codec::Encode; Historical::prove((fg_primitives::KEY_TYPE, authority_id)) .map(|p| p.encode()) .map(fg_primitives::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof::new) } } impl babe_primitives::BabeApi for Runtime { fn configuration() -> babe_primitives::BabeGenesisConfiguration { // The choice of `c` parameter (where `1 - c` represents the // probability of a slot being empty), is done in accordance to the // slot duration and expected target block time, for safely // resisting network delays of maximum two seconds. // babe_primitives::BabeGenesisConfiguration { slot_duration: Babe::slot_duration(), epoch_length: EpochDurationInBlocks::get().into(), c: BABE_GENESIS_EPOCH_CONFIG.c, genesis_authorities: Babe::authorities(), randomness: Babe::randomness(), allowed_slots: BABE_GENESIS_EPOCH_CONFIG.allowed_slots, } } fn current_epoch_start() -> babe_primitives::Slot { Babe::current_epoch_start() } fn current_epoch() -> babe_primitives::Epoch { Babe::current_epoch() } fn next_epoch() -> babe_primitives::Epoch { Babe::next_epoch() } fn generate_key_ownership_proof( _slot: babe_primitives::Slot, authority_id: babe_primitives::AuthorityId, ) -> Option { use parity_scale_codec::Encode; Historical::prove((babe_primitives::KEY_TYPE, authority_id)) .map(|p| p.encode()) .map(babe_primitives::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof::new) } fn submit_report_equivocation_unsigned_extrinsic( equivocation_proof: babe_primitives::EquivocationProof<::Header>, key_owner_proof: babe_primitives::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof, ) -> Option<()> { let key_owner_proof = key_owner_proof.decode()?; Babe::submit_unsigned_equivocation_report( equivocation_proof, key_owner_proof, ) } } impl authority_discovery_primitives::AuthorityDiscoveryApi for Runtime { fn authorities() -> Vec { runtime_api_impl::relevant_authority_ids::() } } impl sp_session::SessionKeys for Runtime { fn generate_session_keys(seed: Option>) -> Vec { SessionKeys::generate(seed) } fn decode_session_keys( encoded: Vec, ) -> Option, sp_core::crypto::KeyTypeId)>> { SessionKeys::decode_into_raw_public_keys(&encoded) } } impl beefy_primitives::BeefyApi for Runtime { fn validator_set() -> beefy_primitives::ValidatorSet { Beefy::validator_set() } } impl pallet_mmr_primitives::MmrApi for Runtime { fn generate_proof(leaf_index: u64) -> Result<(mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf, mmr::Proof), mmr::Error> { Mmr::generate_proof(leaf_index) .map(|(leaf, proof)| (mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf::from_leaf(&leaf), proof)) } fn verify_proof(leaf: mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf, proof: mmr::Proof) -> Result<(), mmr::Error> { pub type Leaf = < ::LeafData as mmr::LeafDataProvider >::LeafData; let leaf: Leaf = leaf .into_opaque_leaf() .try_decode() .ok_or(mmr::Error::Verify)?; Mmr::verify_leaf(leaf, proof) } fn verify_proof_stateless( root: Hash, leaf: mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf, proof: mmr::Proof ) -> Result<(), mmr::Error> { type MmrHashing = ::Hashing; let node = mmr::DataOrHash::Data(leaf.into_opaque_leaf()); pallet_mmr::verify_leaf_proof::(root, node, proof) } } impl bp_rococo::RococoFinalityApi for Runtime { fn best_finalized() -> (bp_rococo::BlockNumber, bp_rococo::Hash) { let header = BridgeRococoGrandpa::best_finalized(); (header.number, header.hash()) } fn is_known_header(hash: bp_rococo::Hash) -> bool { BridgeRococoGrandpa::is_known_header(hash) } } impl bp_wococo::WococoFinalityApi for Runtime { fn best_finalized() -> (bp_wococo::BlockNumber, bp_wococo::Hash) { let header = BridgeWococoGrandpa::best_finalized(); (header.number, header.hash()) } fn is_known_header(hash: bp_wococo::Hash) -> bool { BridgeWococoGrandpa::is_known_header(hash) } } impl bp_rococo::ToRococoOutboundLaneApi for Runtime { fn estimate_message_delivery_and_dispatch_fee( _lane_id: bp_messages::LaneId, payload: bridge_messages::ToWococoMessagePayload, ) -> Option { estimate_message_dispatch_and_delivery_fee::( &payload, bridge_messages::AtWococoWithRococoMessageBridge::RELAYER_FEE_PERCENT, ).ok() } fn message_details( lane: bp_messages::LaneId, begin: bp_messages::MessageNonce, end: bp_messages::MessageNonce, ) -> Vec> { (begin..=end).filter_map(|nonce| { let message_data = BridgeRococoMessages::outbound_message_data(lane, nonce)?; let decoded_payload = bridge_messages::ToRococoMessagePayload::decode( &mut &message_data.payload[..] ).ok()?; Some(bp_messages::MessageDetails { nonce, dispatch_weight: decoded_payload.weight, size: message_data.payload.len() as _, delivery_and_dispatch_fee: message_data.fee, dispatch_fee_payment: decoded_payload.dispatch_fee_payment, }) }) .collect() } fn latest_received_nonce(lane: bp_messages::LaneId) -> bp_messages::MessageNonce { BridgeRococoMessages::outbound_latest_received_nonce(lane) } fn latest_generated_nonce(lane: bp_messages::LaneId) -> bp_messages::MessageNonce { BridgeRococoMessages::outbound_latest_generated_nonce(lane) } } impl bp_rococo::FromRococoInboundLaneApi for Runtime { fn latest_received_nonce(lane: bp_messages::LaneId) -> bp_messages::MessageNonce { BridgeRococoMessages::inbound_latest_received_nonce(lane) } fn latest_confirmed_nonce(lane: bp_messages::LaneId) -> bp_messages::MessageNonce { BridgeRococoMessages::inbound_latest_confirmed_nonce(lane) } fn unrewarded_relayers_state(lane: bp_messages::LaneId) -> bp_messages::UnrewardedRelayersState { BridgeRococoMessages::inbound_unrewarded_relayers_state(lane) } } impl bp_wococo::ToWococoOutboundLaneApi for Runtime { fn estimate_message_delivery_and_dispatch_fee( _lane_id: bp_messages::LaneId, payload: bridge_messages::ToWococoMessagePayload, ) -> Option { estimate_message_dispatch_and_delivery_fee::( &payload, bridge_messages::AtRococoWithWococoMessageBridge::RELAYER_FEE_PERCENT, ).ok() } fn message_details( lane: bp_messages::LaneId, begin: bp_messages::MessageNonce, end: bp_messages::MessageNonce, ) -> Vec> { (begin..=end).filter_map(|nonce| { let message_data = BridgeWococoMessages::outbound_message_data(lane, nonce)?; let decoded_payload = bridge_messages::ToWococoMessagePayload::decode( &mut &message_data.payload[..] ).ok()?; Some(bp_messages::MessageDetails { nonce, dispatch_weight: decoded_payload.weight, size: message_data.payload.len() as _, delivery_and_dispatch_fee: message_data.fee, dispatch_fee_payment: decoded_payload.dispatch_fee_payment, }) }) .collect() } fn latest_received_nonce(lane: bp_messages::LaneId) -> bp_messages::MessageNonce { BridgeWococoMessages::outbound_latest_received_nonce(lane) } fn latest_generated_nonce(lane: bp_messages::LaneId) -> bp_messages::MessageNonce { BridgeWococoMessages::outbound_latest_generated_nonce(lane) } } impl bp_wococo::FromWococoInboundLaneApi for Runtime { fn latest_received_nonce(lane: bp_messages::LaneId) -> bp_messages::MessageNonce { BridgeWococoMessages::inbound_latest_received_nonce(lane) } fn latest_confirmed_nonce(lane: bp_messages::LaneId) -> bp_messages::MessageNonce { BridgeWococoMessages::inbound_latest_confirmed_nonce(lane) } fn unrewarded_relayers_state(lane: bp_messages::LaneId) -> bp_messages::UnrewardedRelayersState { BridgeWococoMessages::inbound_unrewarded_relayers_state(lane) } } impl frame_system_rpc_runtime_api::AccountNonceApi for Runtime { fn account_nonce(account: AccountId) -> Nonce { System::account_nonce(account) } } impl pallet_transaction_payment_rpc_runtime_api::TransactionPaymentApi< Block, Balance, > for Runtime { fn query_info(uxt: ::Extrinsic, len: u32) -> RuntimeDispatchInfo { TransactionPayment::query_info(uxt, len) } fn query_fee_details(uxt: ::Extrinsic, len: u32) -> FeeDetails { TransactionPayment::query_fee_details(uxt, len) } } }