// Copyright 2019-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! Mocking utilities for testing with real pallets. use sp_std::sync::Arc; use sp_io::TestExternalities; use sp_core::{H256, crypto::KeyTypeId}; use sp_runtime::{ ModuleId, traits::{ BlakeTwo256, IdentityLookup, One, }, }; use sp_keystore::{KeystoreExt, testing::KeyStore}; use primitives::v1::{BlockNumber, Header, Id as ParaId, ValidationCode, HeadData}; use frame_support::{ parameter_types, assert_ok, assert_noop, storage::StorageMap, traits::{Currency, OnInitialize, OnFinalize, KeyOwnerProofSystem}, }; use frame_system::EnsureRoot; use runtime_parachains::{ ParaLifecycle, Origin as ParaOrigin, paras, configuration, shared, }; use frame_support_test::TestRandomness; use crate::{ auctions, crowdloan, slots, paras_registrar, traits::{ Registrar as RegistrarT, Auctioneer, }, }; type UncheckedExtrinsic = frame_system::mocking::MockUncheckedExtrinsic; type Block = frame_system::mocking::MockBlock; type AccountId = u32; type Balance = u32; type Moment = u32; frame_support::construct_runtime!( pub enum Test where Block = Block, NodeBlock = Block, UncheckedExtrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic, { // System Stuff System: frame_system::{Module, Call, Config, Storage, Event}, Balances: pallet_balances::{Module, Call, Storage, Config, Event}, Babe: pallet_babe::{Module, Call, Storage, Config, ValidateUnsigned}, // Parachains Runtime Configuration: configuration::{Module, Call, Storage, Config}, Paras: paras::{Module, Origin, Call, Storage, Config}, // Para Onboarding Pallets Registrar: paras_registrar::{Module, Call, Storage, Event}, Auctions: auctions::{Module, Call, Storage, Event}, Crowdloan: crowdloan::{Module, Call, Storage, Event}, Slots: slots::{Module, Call, Storage, Event}, } ); use crate::crowdloan::Error as CrowdloanError; parameter_types! { pub const BlockHashCount: u32 = 250; pub BlockWeights: frame_system::limits::BlockWeights = frame_system::limits::BlockWeights::simple_max(4 * 1024 * 1024); } impl frame_system::Config for Test { type BaseCallFilter = (); type BlockWeights = BlockWeights; type BlockLength = (); type DbWeight = (); type Origin = Origin; type Call = Call; type Index = u64; type BlockNumber = BlockNumber; type Hash = H256; type Hashing = BlakeTwo256; type AccountId = AccountId; type Lookup = IdentityLookup; type Header = Header; type Event = Event; type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount; type Version = (); type PalletInfo = PalletInfo; type AccountData = pallet_balances::AccountData; type OnNewAccount = (); type OnKilledAccount = (); type SystemWeightInfo = (); type SS58Prefix = (); } parameter_types! { pub const EpochDuration: u64 = 10; pub const ExpectedBlockTime: Moment = 6_000; pub const ReportLongevity: u64 = 10; } impl pallet_babe::Config for Test { type EpochDuration = EpochDuration; type ExpectedBlockTime = ExpectedBlockTime; type EpochChangeTrigger = pallet_babe::ExternalTrigger; type KeyOwnerProofSystem = (); type KeyOwnerProof = >::Proof; type KeyOwnerIdentification = >::IdentificationTuple; type HandleEquivocation = (); type WeightInfo = (); } parameter_types! { pub const MinimumPeriod: Moment = 6_000 / 2; } impl pallet_timestamp::Config for Test { type Moment = Moment; type OnTimestampSet = (); type MinimumPeriod = MinimumPeriod; type WeightInfo = (); } parameter_types! { pub static ExistentialDeposit: Balance = 1; } impl pallet_balances::Config for Test { type MaxLocks = (); type Balance = Balance; type Event = Event; type DustRemoval = (); type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit; type AccountStore = System; type WeightInfo = (); } impl configuration::Config for Test { } impl shared::Config for Test { } impl paras::Config for Test { type Origin = Origin; } parameter_types! { pub const ParaDeposit: Balance = 500; pub const DataDepositPerByte: Balance = 1; pub const MaxCodeSize: u32 = 200; pub const MaxHeadSize: u32 = 100; } impl paras_registrar::Config for Test { type Event = Event; type OnSwap = (Crowdloan, Slots); type ParaDeposit = ParaDeposit; type DataDepositPerByte = DataDepositPerByte; type MaxCodeSize = MaxCodeSize; type MaxHeadSize = MaxHeadSize; type Currency = Balances; type Origin = Origin; type WeightInfo = crate::paras_registrar::TestWeightInfo; } parameter_types! { pub const EndingPeriod: BlockNumber = 10; } impl auctions::Config for Test { type Event = Event; type Leaser = Slots; type EndingPeriod = EndingPeriod; type Randomness = TestRandomness; type InitiateOrigin = EnsureRoot; type WeightInfo = crate::auctions::TestWeightInfo; } parameter_types! { pub const LeasePeriod: BlockNumber = 100; } impl slots::Config for Test { type Event = Event; type Currency = Balances; type Registrar = Registrar; type LeasePeriod = LeasePeriod; type WeightInfo = crate::slots::TestWeightInfo; } parameter_types! { pub const CrowdloanId: ModuleId = ModuleId(*b"py/cfund"); pub const SubmissionDeposit: Balance = 100; pub const MinContribution: Balance = 1; pub const RetirementPeriod: BlockNumber = 10; pub const RemoveKeysLimit: u32 = 100; } impl crowdloan::Config for Test { type Event = Event; type ModuleId = CrowdloanId; type SubmissionDeposit = SubmissionDeposit; type MinContribution = MinContribution; type RetirementPeriod = RetirementPeriod; type OrphanedFunds = (); type RemoveKeysLimit = RemoveKeysLimit; type Registrar = Registrar; type Auctioneer = Auctions; type WeightInfo = crate::crowdloan::TestWeightInfo; } /// Create a new set of test externalities. pub fn new_test_ext() -> TestExternalities { let t = frame_system::GenesisConfig::default().build_storage::().unwrap(); let keystore = KeyStore::new(); let mut ext: sp_io::TestExternalities = t.into(); ext.register_extension(KeystoreExt(Arc::new(keystore))); ext.execute_with(|| System::set_block_number(1)); ext } const BLOCKS_PER_SESSION: u32 = 10; fn maybe_new_session(n: u32) { if n % BLOCKS_PER_SESSION == 0 { shared::Module::::set_session_index( shared::Module::::session_index() + 1 ); Paras::test_on_new_session(); } } fn test_genesis_head(size: usize) -> HeadData { HeadData(vec![0u8; size]) } fn test_validation_code(size: usize) -> ValidationCode { let mut validation_code = vec![0u8; size as usize]; // Replace first bytes of code with "WASM_MAGIC" to pass validation test. let _ = validation_code.splice( ..crate::WASM_MAGIC.len(), crate::WASM_MAGIC.iter().cloned(), ).collect::>(); ValidationCode(validation_code) } fn para_origin(id: u32) -> ParaOrigin { ParaOrigin::Parachain(id.into()) } fn run_to_block(n: u32) { assert!(System::block_number() < n); while System::block_number() < n { let block_number = System::block_number(); AllModules::on_finalize(block_number); System::on_finalize(block_number); System::set_block_number(block_number + 1); System::on_initialize(block_number + 1); maybe_new_session(block_number + 1); AllModules::on_initialize(block_number + 1); } } fn run_to_session(n: u32) { let block_number = BLOCKS_PER_SESSION * n; run_to_block(block_number); } fn last_event() -> Event { System::events().pop().expect("Event expected").event } #[test] fn basic_end_to_end_works() { new_test_ext().execute_with(|| { assert!(System::block_number().is_one()); // User 1 and 2 will own parachains Balances::make_free_balance_be(&1, 1_000); Balances::make_free_balance_be(&2, 1_000); // First register 2 parathreads let genesis_head = Registrar::worst_head_data(); let validation_code = Registrar::worst_validation_code(); assert_ok!(Registrar::register( Origin::signed(1), ParaId::from(1), genesis_head.clone(), validation_code.clone(), )); assert_ok!(Registrar::register( Origin::signed(2), ParaId::from(2), genesis_head, validation_code, )); // Paras should be onboarding assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Onboarding)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Onboarding)); // Start a new auction in the future let duration = 99u32; let lease_period_index_start = 4u32; assert_ok!(Auctions::new_auction(Origin::root(), duration, lease_period_index_start)); // 2 sessions later they are parathreads run_to_session(2); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); // Para 1 will bid directly for slot 1, 2 // Open a crowdloan for Para 2 for slot 3, 4 assert_ok!(Crowdloan::create( Origin::signed(2), ParaId::from(2), 1_000, // Cap lease_period_index_start + 2, // First Slot lease_period_index_start + 3, // Last Slot 200, // Block End None, )); let crowdloan_account = Crowdloan::fund_account_id(ParaId::from(2)); // Auction ending begins on block 100, so we make a bid before then. run_to_block(90); Balances::make_free_balance_be(&10, 1_000); Balances::make_free_balance_be(&20, 1_000); // User 10 will bid directly for parachain 1 assert_ok!(Auctions::bid( Origin::signed(10), ParaId::from(1), 1, // Auction Index lease_period_index_start + 0, // First Slot lease_period_index_start + 1, // Last slot 910, // Amount )); // User 2 will be a contribute to crowdfund for parachain 2 Balances::make_free_balance_be(&2, 1_000); assert_ok!(Crowdloan::contribute(Origin::signed(2), ParaId::from(2), 920, None)); // Auction ends at block 110 run_to_block(109); assert_eq!( last_event(), crowdloan::RawEvent::HandleBidResult(ParaId::from(2), Ok(())).into(), ); run_to_block(110); assert_eq!( last_event(), auctions::RawEvent::AuctionClosed(1).into(), ); // Paras should have won slots assert_eq!( slots::Leases::::get(ParaId::from(1)), // -- 1 --- 2 --- 3 --------- 4 ------------ 5 -------- vec![None, None, None, Some((10, 910)), Some((10, 910))], ); assert_eq!( slots::Leases::::get(ParaId::from(2)), // -- 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4 --- 5 ---------------- 6 --------------------------- 7 ---------------- vec![None, None, None, None, None, Some((crowdloan_account, 920)), Some((crowdloan_account, 920))], ); // New leases will start on block 400 let lease_start_block = 400; run_to_block(lease_start_block); // First slot, Para 1 should be transitioning to Parachain assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::UpgradingParathread)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); // Two sessions later, it has upgraded run_to_block(lease_start_block + 20); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parachain)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); // Second slot nothing happens :) run_to_block(lease_start_block + 100); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parachain)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); // Third slot, Para 2 should be upgrading, and Para 1 is downgrading run_to_block(lease_start_block + 200); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::DowngradingParachain)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::UpgradingParathread)); // Two sessions later, they have transitioned run_to_block(lease_start_block + 220); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parachain)); // Fourth slot nothing happens :) run_to_block(lease_start_block + 300); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parachain)); // Fifth slot, Para 2 is downgrading run_to_block(lease_start_block + 400); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::DowngradingParachain)); // Two sessions later, Para 2 is downgraded run_to_block(lease_start_block + 420); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); }); } #[test] fn basic_errors_fail() { new_test_ext().execute_with(|| { assert!(System::block_number().is_one()); // Can't double register Balances::make_free_balance_be(&1, 1_000); Balances::make_free_balance_be(&2, 1_000); let genesis_head = Registrar::worst_head_data(); let validation_code = Registrar::worst_validation_code(); assert_ok!(Registrar::register( Origin::signed(1), ParaId::from(1), genesis_head.clone(), validation_code.clone(), )); assert_noop!(Registrar::register( Origin::signed(2), ParaId::from(1), genesis_head, validation_code, ), paras_registrar::Error::::AlreadyRegistered); // Start an auction let duration = 99u32; let lease_period_index_start = 4u32; assert_ok!(Auctions::new_auction(Origin::root(), duration, lease_period_index_start)); // Cannot create a crowdloan if you do not own the para assert_noop!(Crowdloan::create( Origin::signed(2), ParaId::from(1), 1_000, // Cap lease_period_index_start + 2, // First Slot lease_period_index_start + 3, // Last Slot 200, // Block End None, ), crowdloan::Error::::InvalidOrigin); }); } #[test] fn competing_slots() { // This test will verify that competing slots, from different sources will resolve appropriately. new_test_ext().execute_with(|| { assert!(System::block_number().is_one()); let max_bids = 10u32; // Create n paras and owners for n in 1 ..= max_bids { Balances::make_free_balance_be(&n, 1_000); let genesis_head = Registrar::worst_head_data(); let validation_code = Registrar::worst_validation_code(); assert_ok!(Registrar::register( Origin::signed(n), ParaId::from(n), genesis_head, validation_code, )); } // Start a new auction in the future let duration = 99u32; let lease_period_index_start = 4u32; assert_ok!(Auctions::new_auction(Origin::root(), duration, lease_period_index_start)); for n in 1 ..= max_bids { // Increment block number run_to_block(n * 10); Balances::make_free_balance_be(&(n * 10), n * 1_000); let (start, end) = match n { 1 => (0, 0), 2 => (0, 1), 3 => (0, 2), 4 => (0, 3), 5 => (1, 1), 6 => (1, 2), 7 => (1, 3), 8 => (2, 2), 9 => (2, 3), 10 => (3, 3), _ => panic!("test not meant for this"), }; // User 10 will bid directly for parachain 1 assert_ok!(Auctions::bid( Origin::signed(n * 10), ParaId::from(n), 1, // Auction Index lease_period_index_start + start, // First Slot lease_period_index_start + end, // Last slot n * 900, // Amount )); } // All winner slots are filled by bids for winner in &auctions::Winning::::get(0).unwrap() { assert!(winner.is_some()); } // Auction should be done run_to_block(110); // Appropriate Paras should have won slots // 900 + 4500 + 2x 8100 = 21,600 // 900 + 4500 + 7200 + 9000 = 21,600 assert_eq!( slots::Leases::::get(ParaId::from(1)), // -- 1 --- 2 --- 3 ---------- 4 ------ vec![None, None, None, Some((10, 900))], ); assert_eq!( slots::Leases::::get(ParaId::from(5)), // -- 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4 ---------- 5 ------- vec![None, None, None, None, Some((50, 4500))], ); // TODO: Is this right? assert_eq!( slots::Leases::::get(ParaId::from(9)), // -- 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4 --- 5 ---------- 6 --------------- 7 ------- vec![None, None, None, None, None, Some((90, 8100)), Some((90, 8100))], ); }); } #[test] fn competing_bids() { // This test will verify that competing bids, from different sources will resolve appropriately. new_test_ext().execute_with(|| { assert!(System::block_number().is_one()); // Start a new auction in the future let duration = 99u32; let lease_period_index_start = 4u32; assert_ok!(Auctions::new_auction(Origin::root(), duration, lease_period_index_start)); // Create 3 paras and owners for n in 1 ..= 3 { Balances::make_free_balance_be(&n, 1_000); let genesis_head = Registrar::worst_head_data(); let validation_code = Registrar::worst_validation_code(); assert_ok!(Registrar::register( Origin::signed(n), ParaId::from(n), genesis_head, validation_code, )); // Create a crowdloan for each para assert_ok!(Crowdloan::create( Origin::signed(n), ParaId::from(n), 100_000, // Cap lease_period_index_start + 2, // First Slot lease_period_index_start + 3, // Last Slot 200, // Block End, None, )); } for n in 1 ..= 9 { // Increment block number run_to_block(n * 10); Balances::make_free_balance_be(&(n * 10), n * 1_000); let para = n % 3 + 1; if n % 2 == 0 { // User 10 will bid directly for parachain 1 assert_ok!(Auctions::bid( Origin::signed(n * 10), ParaId::from(para), 1, // Auction Index lease_period_index_start + 0, // First Slot lease_period_index_start + 1, // Last slot n * 900, // Amount )); } else { // User 20 will be a contribute to crowdfund for parachain 2 assert_ok!(Crowdloan::contribute( Origin::signed(n * 10), ParaId::from(para), n + 900, None, )); } } // Auction should be done run_to_block(110); // Appropriate Paras should have won slots let crowdloan_2 = Crowdloan::fund_account_id(ParaId::from(2)); assert_eq!( slots::Leases::::get(ParaId::from(1)), // -- 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4 --- 5 ------------- 6 ------------------------ 7 ------------- vec![None, None, None, None, None, Some((crowdloan_2, 1812)), Some((crowdloan_2, 1812))], ); assert_eq!( slots::Leases::::get(ParaId::from(3)), // -- 1 --- 2 --- 3 ---------- 4 --------------- 5 ------- vec![None, None, None, Some((80, 7200)), Some((80, 7200))], ); }); } #[test] fn basic_swap_works() { // This test will test a swap between a parachain and parathread works successfully. new_test_ext().execute_with(|| { assert!(System::block_number().is_one()); // So events are emitted // User 1 and 2 will own paras Balances::make_free_balance_be(&1, 1_000); Balances::make_free_balance_be(&2, 1_000); // First register 2 parathreads with different data assert_ok!(Registrar::register( Origin::signed(1), ParaId::from(1), test_genesis_head(10), test_validation_code(10), )); assert_ok!(Registrar::register( Origin::signed(2), ParaId::from(2), test_genesis_head(20), test_validation_code(20), )); // Paras should be onboarding assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Onboarding)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Onboarding)); // Start a new auction in the future let duration = 99u32; let lease_period_index_start = 4u32; assert_ok!(Auctions::new_auction(Origin::root(), duration, lease_period_index_start)); // 2 sessions later they are parathreads run_to_session(2); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); // Open a crowdloan for Para 1 for slots 0-3 assert_ok!(Crowdloan::create( Origin::signed(1), ParaId::from(1), 1_000_000, // Cap lease_period_index_start + 0, // First Slot lease_period_index_start + 3, // Last Slot 200, // Block End None, )); // TODO: Check why this is the same for all paras let crowdloan_account = Crowdloan::fund_account_id(ParaId::from(1)); // Bunch of contributions let mut total = 0; for i in 10 .. 20 { Balances::make_free_balance_be(&i, 1_000); assert_ok!(Crowdloan::contribute(Origin::signed(i), ParaId::from(1), 900 - i, None)); total += 900 - i; } assert!(total > 0); assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&crowdloan_account), total); // Go to end of auction where everyone won their slots run_to_block(200); // Deposit is appropriately taken // ----------------------------------------- para deposit --- crowdloan assert_eq!(Balances::reserved_balance(&1), (500 + 10 * 2 * 1) + 100); assert_eq!(Balances::reserved_balance(&2), 500 + 20 * 2 * 1); assert_eq!(Balances::reserved_balance(&crowdloan_account), total); // Crowdloan is appropriately set assert!(Crowdloan::funds(ParaId::from(1)).is_some()); assert!(Crowdloan::funds(ParaId::from(2)).is_none()); // New leases will start on block 400 let lease_start_block = 400; run_to_block(lease_start_block); // Slots are won by Para 1 assert!(!Slots::lease(ParaId::from(1)).is_empty()); assert!(Slots::lease(ParaId::from(2)).is_empty()); // 2 sessions later it is a parachain run_to_block(lease_start_block + 20); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parachain)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); // Initiate a swap assert_ok!(Registrar::swap(para_origin(1).into(), ParaId::from(2))); assert_ok!(Registrar::swap(para_origin(2).into(), ParaId::from(1))); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::DowngradingParachain)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::UpgradingParathread)); // 2 session later they have swapped run_to_block(lease_start_block + 40); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parachain)); // Deregister parathread assert_ok!(Registrar::deregister(para_origin(1).into(), ParaId::from(1))); // Correct deposit is unreserved assert_eq!(Balances::reserved_balance(&1), 100); // crowdloan deposit left over assert_eq!(Balances::reserved_balance(&2), 500 + 20 * 2 * 1); // Crowdloan ownership is swapped assert!(Crowdloan::funds(ParaId::from(1)).is_none()); assert!(Crowdloan::funds(ParaId::from(2)).is_some()); // Slot is swapped assert!(Slots::lease(ParaId::from(1)).is_empty()); assert!(!Slots::lease(ParaId::from(2)).is_empty()); // Cant dissolve assert_noop!(Crowdloan::dissolve(Origin::signed(1), ParaId::from(1)), CrowdloanError::::InvalidParaId); assert_noop!(Crowdloan::dissolve(Origin::signed(2), ParaId::from(2)), CrowdloanError::::NotReadyToDissolve); // Go way in the future when the para is offboarded run_to_block(lease_start_block + 1000); // Withdraw of contributions works assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&crowdloan_account), total); for i in 10 .. 20 { assert_ok!(Crowdloan::withdraw(Origin::signed(i), i, ParaId::from(2))); } assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&crowdloan_account), 0); // Dissolve returns the balance of the person who put a deposit for crowdloan assert_ok!(Crowdloan::dissolve(Origin::signed(2), ParaId::from(2))); assert_eq!(Balances::reserved_balance(&1), 0); assert_eq!(Balances::reserved_balance(&2), 500 + 20 * 2 * 1); // Final deregister sets everything back to the start assert_ok!(Registrar::deregister(para_origin(2).into(), ParaId::from(2))); assert_eq!(Balances::reserved_balance(&2), 0); }) } #[test] fn crowdloan_ending_period_bid() { new_test_ext().execute_with(|| { assert!(System::block_number().is_one()); // So events are emitted // User 1 and 2 will own paras Balances::make_free_balance_be(&1, 1_000); Balances::make_free_balance_be(&2, 1_000); // First register 2 parathreads assert_ok!(Registrar::register( Origin::signed(1), ParaId::from(1), test_genesis_head(10), test_validation_code(10), )); assert_ok!(Registrar::register( Origin::signed(2), ParaId::from(2), test_genesis_head(20), test_validation_code(20), )); // Paras should be onboarding assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Onboarding)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Onboarding)); // Start a new auction in the future let duration = 99u32; let lease_period_index_start = 4u32; assert_ok!(Auctions::new_auction(Origin::root(), duration, lease_period_index_start)); // 2 sessions later they are parathreads run_to_session(2); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(1)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); assert_eq!(Paras::lifecycle(ParaId::from(2)), Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread)); // Open a crowdloan for Para 1 for slots 0-3 assert_ok!(Crowdloan::create( Origin::signed(1), ParaId::from(1), 1_000_000, // Cap lease_period_index_start + 0, // First Slot lease_period_index_start + 3, // Last Slot 200, // Block End None, )); // TODO: Check why this is the same for all paras let crowdloan_account = Crowdloan::fund_account_id(ParaId::from(1)); // Bunch of contributions let mut total = 0; for i in 10 .. 20 { Balances::make_free_balance_be(&i, 1_000); assert_ok!(Crowdloan::contribute(Origin::signed(i), ParaId::from(1), 900 - i, None)); total += 900 - i; } assert!(total > 0); assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(&crowdloan_account), total); // Bid for para 2 directly Balances::make_free_balance_be(&2, 1_000); assert_ok!(Auctions::bid( Origin::signed(2), ParaId::from(2), 1, // Auction Index lease_period_index_start + 0, // First Slot lease_period_index_start + 1, // Last slot 900, // Amount )); // Go to beginning of ending period run_to_block(100); assert_eq!(Auctions::is_ending(100), Some(0)); assert_eq!(Auctions::winning(0), Some( [ None, // 0-0 Some((2, ParaId::from(2), 900)), // 0-1 None, // 0-2 Some((crowdloan_account, ParaId::from(1), total)), // 0-3 None, // 1-1 None, // 1-2 None, // 1-3 None, // 2-2 None, // 2-3 None, // 3-3 ] )); run_to_block(101); Balances::make_free_balance_be(&1234, 1_000); assert_ok!(Crowdloan::contribute(Origin::signed(1234), ParaId::from(1), 900, None)); // Data propagates correctly run_to_block(102); assert_eq!(Auctions::winning(2), Some( [ None, // 0-0 Some((2, ParaId::from(2), 900)), // 0-1 None, // 0-2 Some((crowdloan_account, ParaId::from(1), total + 900)), // 0-3 None, // 1-1 None, // 1-2 None, // 1-3 None, // 2-2 None, // 2-3 None, // 3-3 ] )); }) }