// Copyright 2017-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! Polkadot service. Specialized wrapper over substrate service. pub mod chain_spec; mod grandpa_support; mod client; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use polkadot_primitives::v1::{AccountId, Nonce, Balance}; #[cfg(feature = "full-node")] use service::{error::Error as ServiceError, ServiceBuilder}; use grandpa::{self, FinalityProofProvider as GrandpaFinalityProofProvider}; use sc_executor::native_executor_instance; use log::info; use sp_blockchain::HeaderBackend; use polkadot_overseer::{self as overseer, AllSubsystems, BlockInfo, Overseer, OverseerHandler}; use polkadot_subsystem::DummySubsystem; use polkadot_node_core_proposer::ProposerFactory; use sp_trie::PrefixedMemoryDB; use sp_core::traits::SpawnNamed; pub use service::{ Role, PruningMode, TransactionPoolOptions, Error, RuntimeGenesis, TFullClient, TLightClient, TFullBackend, TLightBackend, TFullCallExecutor, TLightCallExecutor, Configuration, ChainSpec, ServiceComponents, TaskManager, }; pub use service::config::{DatabaseConfig, PrometheusConfig}; pub use sc_executor::NativeExecutionDispatch; pub use sc_client_api::{Backend, ExecutionStrategy, CallExecutor}; pub use sc_consensus::LongestChain; pub use sp_api::{ApiRef, Core as CoreApi, ConstructRuntimeApi, ProvideRuntimeApi, StateBackend}; pub use sp_runtime::traits::{DigestFor, HashFor, NumberFor}; pub use consensus_common::{Proposal, SelectChain, BlockImport, RecordProof, block_validation::Chain}; pub use polkadot_primitives::v1::{Block, BlockId, CollatorId, Id as ParaId}; pub use sp_runtime::traits::{Block as BlockT, self as runtime_traits, BlakeTwo256}; pub use chain_spec::{PolkadotChainSpec, KusamaChainSpec, WestendChainSpec}; #[cfg(feature = "full-node")] pub use codec::Codec; pub use polkadot_runtime; pub use kusama_runtime; pub use westend_runtime; use prometheus_endpoint::Registry; pub use self::client::PolkadotClient; native_executor_instance!( pub PolkadotExecutor, polkadot_runtime::api::dispatch, polkadot_runtime::native_version, frame_benchmarking::benchmarking::HostFunctions, ); native_executor_instance!( pub KusamaExecutor, kusama_runtime::api::dispatch, kusama_runtime::native_version, frame_benchmarking::benchmarking::HostFunctions, ); native_executor_instance!( pub WestendExecutor, westend_runtime::api::dispatch, westend_runtime::native_version, frame_benchmarking::benchmarking::HostFunctions, ); /// A set of APIs that polkadot-like runtimes must implement. pub trait RuntimeApiCollection: sp_transaction_pool::runtime_api::TaggedTransactionQueue + sp_api::ApiExt + babe_primitives::BabeApi + grandpa_primitives::GrandpaApi + sp_block_builder::BlockBuilder + system_rpc_runtime_api::AccountNonceApi + pallet_transaction_payment_rpc_runtime_api::TransactionPaymentApi + sp_api::Metadata + sp_offchain::OffchainWorkerApi + sp_session::SessionKeys + authority_discovery_primitives::AuthorityDiscoveryApi where Extrinsic: RuntimeExtrinsic, >::StateBackend: sp_api::StateBackend, {} impl RuntimeApiCollection for Api where Api: sp_transaction_pool::runtime_api::TaggedTransactionQueue + sp_api::ApiExt + babe_primitives::BabeApi + grandpa_primitives::GrandpaApi + sp_block_builder::BlockBuilder + system_rpc_runtime_api::AccountNonceApi + pallet_transaction_payment_rpc_runtime_api::TransactionPaymentApi + sp_api::Metadata + sp_offchain::OffchainWorkerApi + sp_session::SessionKeys + authority_discovery_primitives::AuthorityDiscoveryApi, Extrinsic: RuntimeExtrinsic, >::StateBackend: sp_api::StateBackend, {} pub trait RuntimeExtrinsic: codec::Codec + Send + Sync + 'static {} impl RuntimeExtrinsic for E where E: codec::Codec + Send + Sync + 'static {} /// Can be called for a `Configuration` to check if it is a configuration for the `Kusama` network. pub trait IdentifyVariant { /// Returns if this is a configuration for the `Kusama` network. fn is_kusama(&self) -> bool; /// Returns if this is a configuration for the `Westend` network. fn is_westend(&self) -> bool; } impl IdentifyVariant for Box { fn is_kusama(&self) -> bool { self.id().starts_with("kusama") || self.id().starts_with("ksm") } fn is_westend(&self) -> bool { self.id().starts_with("westend") || self.id().starts_with("wnd") } } // If we're using prometheus, use a registry with a prefix of `polkadot`. fn set_prometheus_registry(config: &mut Configuration) -> Result<(), ServiceError> { if let Some(PrometheusConfig { registry, .. }) = config.prometheus_config.as_mut() { *registry = Registry::new_custom(Some("polkadot".into()), None)?; } Ok(()) } /// Starts a `ServiceBuilder` for a full service. /// /// Use this macro if you don't actually need the full service, but just the builder in order to /// be able to perform chain operations. macro_rules! new_full_start { ($config:expr, $runtime:ty, $executor:ty) => {{ set_prometheus_registry(&mut $config)?; let mut import_setup = None; let mut rpc_setup = None; let inherent_data_providers = inherents::InherentDataProviders::new(); let builder = service::ServiceBuilder::new_full::< Block, $runtime, $executor >($config)? .with_select_chain(|_, backend| { Ok(sc_consensus::LongestChain::new(backend.clone())) })? .with_transaction_pool(|builder| { let pool_api = sc_transaction_pool::FullChainApi::new( builder.client().clone(), builder.prometheus_registry(), ); let pool = sc_transaction_pool::BasicPool::new_full( builder.config().transaction_pool.clone(), std::sync::Arc::new(pool_api), builder.prometheus_registry(), builder.spawn_handle(), builder.client().clone(), ); Ok(pool) })? .with_import_queue(| config, client, mut select_chain, _, spawn_task_handle, registry, | { let select_chain = select_chain.take() .ok_or_else(|| service::Error::SelectChainRequired)?; let grandpa_hard_forks = if config.chain_spec.is_kusama() { grandpa_support::kusama_hard_forks() } else { Vec::new() }; let (grandpa_block_import, grandpa_link) = grandpa::block_import_with_authority_set_hard_forks( client.clone(), &(client.clone() as Arc<_>), select_chain.clone(), grandpa_hard_forks, )?; let justification_import = grandpa_block_import.clone(); let (block_import, babe_link) = babe::block_import( babe::Config::get_or_compute(&*client)?, grandpa_block_import, client.clone(), )?; let import_queue = babe::import_queue( babe_link.clone(), block_import.clone(), Some(Box::new(justification_import)), None, client, select_chain, inherent_data_providers.clone(), spawn_task_handle, registry, )?; import_setup = Some((block_import, grandpa_link, babe_link)); Ok(import_queue) })? .with_rpc_extensions_builder(|builder| { let grandpa_link = import_setup.as_ref().map(|s| &s.1) .expect("GRANDPA LinkHalf is present for full services or set up failed; qed."); let shared_authority_set = grandpa_link.shared_authority_set().clone(); let shared_voter_state = grandpa::SharedVoterState::empty(); rpc_setup = Some((shared_voter_state.clone())); let babe_link = import_setup.as_ref().map(|s| &s.2) .expect("BabeLink is present for full services or set up faile; qed."); let babe_config = babe_link.config().clone(); let shared_epoch_changes = babe_link.epoch_changes().clone(); let client = builder.client().clone(); let pool = builder.pool().clone(); let select_chain = builder.select_chain().cloned() .expect("SelectChain is present for full services or set up failed; qed."); let keystore = builder.keystore().clone(); Ok(move |deny_unsafe| -> polkadot_rpc::RpcExtension { let deps = polkadot_rpc::FullDeps { client: client.clone(), pool: pool.clone(), select_chain: select_chain.clone(), deny_unsafe, babe: polkadot_rpc::BabeDeps { babe_config: babe_config.clone(), shared_epoch_changes: shared_epoch_changes.clone(), keystore: keystore.clone(), }, grandpa: polkadot_rpc::GrandpaDeps { shared_voter_state: shared_voter_state.clone(), shared_authority_set: shared_authority_set.clone(), }, }; polkadot_rpc::create_full(deps) }) })?; (builder, import_setup, inherent_data_providers, rpc_setup) }} } fn real_overseer( leaves: impl IntoIterator, s: S, ) -> Result<(Overseer, OverseerHandler), ServiceError> { let all_subsystems = AllSubsystems { candidate_validation: DummySubsystem, candidate_backing: DummySubsystem, candidate_selection: DummySubsystem, statement_distribution: DummySubsystem, availability_distribution: DummySubsystem, bitfield_distribution: DummySubsystem, provisioner: DummySubsystem, pov_distribution: DummySubsystem, runtime_api: DummySubsystem, availability_store: DummySubsystem, network_bridge: DummySubsystem, }; Overseer::new( leaves, all_subsystems, s, ).map_err(|e| ServiceError::Other(format!("Failed to create an Overseer: {:?}", e))) } /// Builds a new service for a full client. #[macro_export] macro_rules! new_full { ( $config:expr, $collating_for:expr, $authority_discovery_disabled:expr, $grandpa_pause:expr, $runtime:ty, $dispatch:ty, ) => {{ use sc_client_api::ExecutorProvider; use sp_core::traits::BareCryptoStorePtr; let is_collator = $collating_for.is_some(); let role = $config.role.clone(); let is_authority = role.is_authority() && !is_collator; let force_authoring = $config.force_authoring; let disable_grandpa = $config.disable_grandpa; let name = $config.network.node_name.clone(); let (builder, mut import_setup, inherent_data_providers, mut rpc_setup) = new_full_start!($config, $runtime, $dispatch); let ServiceComponents { client, network, select_chain, keystore, transaction_pool, prometheus_registry, task_manager, telemetry_on_connect_sinks, .. } = builder .with_finality_proof_provider(|client, backend| { let provider = client as Arc>; Ok(Arc::new(GrandpaFinalityProofProvider::new(backend, provider)) as _) })? .build_full()?; let (block_import, link_half, babe_link) = import_setup.take() .expect("Link Half and Block Import are present for Full Services or setup failed before. qed"); let shared_voter_state = rpc_setup.take() .expect("The SharedVoterState is present for Full Services or setup failed before. qed"); let overseer_client = client.clone(); let spawner = task_manager.spawn_handle(); let leaves: Vec<_> = select_chain.clone().ok_or(ServiceError::SelectChainRequired)? .leaves() .unwrap_or_else(|_| vec![]) .into_iter() .filter_map(|hash| { let number = client.number(hash).ok()??; let parent_hash = client.header(&BlockId::Hash(hash)).ok()??.parent_hash; Some(BlockInfo { hash, parent_hash, number, }) }) .collect(); let (overseer, handler) = real_overseer(leaves, spawner)?; let handler_clone = handler.clone(); task_manager.spawn_essential_handle().spawn_blocking("overseer", Box::pin(async move { use futures::{pin_mut, select, FutureExt}; let forward = overseer::forward_events(overseer_client, handler); let forward = forward.fuse(); let overseer_fut = overseer.run().fuse(); pin_mut!(overseer_fut); pin_mut!(forward); loop { select! { _ = forward => break, _ = overseer_fut => break, complete => break, } } })); if role.is_authority() { let select_chain = select_chain.ok_or(ServiceError::SelectChainRequired)?; let can_author_with = consensus_common::CanAuthorWithNativeVersion::new(client.executor().clone()); let proposer = ProposerFactory::new( client.clone(), transaction_pool, handler_clone, ); let babe_config = babe::BabeParams { keystore: keystore.clone(), client: client.clone(), select_chain, block_import, env: proposer, sync_oracle: network.clone(), inherent_data_providers: inherent_data_providers.clone(), force_authoring, babe_link, can_author_with, }; let babe = babe::start_babe(babe_config)?; task_manager.spawn_essential_handle().spawn_blocking("babe", babe); } // if the node isn't actively participating in consensus then it doesn't // need a keystore, regardless of which protocol we use below. let keystore = if is_authority { Some(keystore.clone() as BareCryptoStorePtr) } else { None }; let config = grandpa::Config { // FIXME substrate#1578 make this available through chainspec gossip_duration: Duration::from_millis(1000), justification_period: 512, name: Some(name), observer_enabled: false, keystore, is_authority: role.is_network_authority(), }; let enable_grandpa = !disable_grandpa; if enable_grandpa { // start the full GRANDPA voter // NOTE: unlike in substrate we are currently running the full // GRANDPA voter protocol for all full nodes (regardless of whether // they're validators or not). at this point the full voter should // provide better guarantees of block and vote data availability than // the observer. // add a custom voting rule to temporarily stop voting for new blocks // after the given pause block is finalized and restarting after the // given delay. let voting_rule = match $grandpa_pause { Some((block, delay)) => { info!("GRANDPA scheduled voting pause set for block #{} with a duration of {} blocks.", block, delay, ); grandpa::VotingRulesBuilder::default() .add(grandpa_support::PauseAfterBlockFor(block, delay)) .build() }, None => grandpa::VotingRulesBuilder::default() .build(), }; let grandpa_config = grandpa::GrandpaParams { config, link: link_half, network: network.clone(), inherent_data_providers: inherent_data_providers.clone(), telemetry_on_connect: Some(telemetry_on_connect_sinks.on_connect_stream()), voting_rule, prometheus_registry: prometheus_registry, shared_voter_state, }; task_manager.spawn_essential_handle().spawn_blocking( "grandpa-voter", grandpa::run_grandpa_voter(grandpa_config)? ); } else { grandpa::setup_disabled_grandpa( client.clone(), &inherent_data_providers, network.clone(), )?; } (task_manager, client) }} } pub struct FullNodeHandles; /// Builds a new service for a light client. #[macro_export] macro_rules! new_light { ($config:expr, $runtime:ty, $dispatch:ty) => {{ crate::set_prometheus_registry(&mut $config)?; let inherent_data_providers = inherents::InherentDataProviders::new(); ServiceBuilder::new_light::($config)? .with_select_chain(|_, backend| { Ok(sc_consensus::LongestChain::new(backend.clone())) })? .with_transaction_pool(|builder| { let fetcher = builder.fetcher() .ok_or_else(|| "Trying to start light transaction pool without active fetcher")?; let pool_api = sc_transaction_pool::LightChainApi::new( builder.client().clone(), fetcher, ); let pool = Arc::new(sc_transaction_pool::BasicPool::new_light( builder.config().transaction_pool.clone(), Arc::new(pool_api), builder.prometheus_registry(), builder.spawn_handle(), )); Ok(pool) })? .with_import_queue_and_fprb(| _config, client, backend, fetcher, mut select_chain, _, spawn_task_handle, registry, | { let select_chain = select_chain.take() .ok_or_else(|| service::Error::SelectChainRequired)?; let fetch_checker = fetcher .map(|fetcher| fetcher.checker().clone()) .ok_or_else(|| "Trying to start light import queue without active fetch checker")?; let grandpa_block_import = grandpa::light_block_import( client.clone(), backend, &(client.clone() as Arc<_>), Arc::new(fetch_checker) )?; let finality_proof_import = grandpa_block_import.clone(); let finality_proof_request_builder = finality_proof_import.create_finality_proof_request_builder(); let (babe_block_import, babe_link) = babe::block_import( babe::Config::get_or_compute(&*client)?, grandpa_block_import, client.clone(), )?; // FIXME: pruning task isn't started since light client doesn't do `AuthoritySetup`. let import_queue = babe::import_queue( babe_link, babe_block_import, None, Some(Box::new(finality_proof_import)), client, select_chain, inherent_data_providers.clone(), spawn_task_handle, registry, )?; Ok((import_queue, finality_proof_request_builder)) })? .with_finality_proof_provider(|client, backend| { let provider = client as Arc>; Ok(Arc::new(grandpa::FinalityProofProvider::new(backend, provider)) as _) })? .with_rpc_extensions(|builder| { let fetcher = builder.fetcher() .ok_or_else(|| "Trying to start node RPC without active fetcher")?; let remote_blockchain = builder.remote_backend() .ok_or_else(|| "Trying to start node RPC without active remote blockchain")?; let light_deps = polkadot_rpc::LightDeps { remote_blockchain, fetcher, client: builder.client().clone(), pool: builder.pool(), }; Ok(polkadot_rpc::create_light(light_deps)) })? .build_light() .map(|ServiceComponents { task_manager, .. }| task_manager) }} } /// Builds a new object suitable for chain operations. pub fn new_chain_ops(mut config: Configuration) -> Result< ( Arc>, Arc>, consensus_common::import_queue::BasicQueue>, TaskManager, ), ServiceError > where Runtime: ConstructRuntimeApi> + Send + Sync + 'static, Runtime::RuntimeApi: RuntimeApiCollection, Block>>, Dispatch: NativeExecutionDispatch + 'static, Extrinsic: RuntimeExtrinsic, { config.keystore = service::config::KeystoreConfig::InMemory; let (builder, _, _, _) = new_full_start!(config, Runtime, Dispatch); Ok(builder.to_chain_ops_parts()) } /// Create a new Polkadot service for a full node. #[cfg(feature = "full-node")] pub fn polkadot_new_full( mut config: Configuration, collating_for: Option<(CollatorId, ParaId)>, _max_block_data_size: Option, _authority_discovery_disabled: bool, _slot_duration: u64, grandpa_pause: Option<(u32, u32)>, ) -> Result<( TaskManager, Arc, polkadot_runtime::RuntimeApi >>, FullNodeHandles, ), ServiceError> { let (components, client) = new_full!( config, collating_for, authority_discovery_disabled, grandpa_pause, polkadot_runtime::RuntimeApi, PolkadotExecutor, ); Ok((components, client, FullNodeHandles)) } /// Create a new Kusama service for a full node. #[cfg(feature = "full-node")] pub fn kusama_new_full( mut config: Configuration, collating_for: Option<(CollatorId, ParaId)>, _max_block_data_size: Option, _authority_discovery_disabled: bool, _slot_duration: u64, grandpa_pause: Option<(u32, u32)>, ) -> Result<( TaskManager, Arc, kusama_runtime::RuntimeApi > >, FullNodeHandles, ), ServiceError> { let (components, client) = new_full!( config, collating_for, authority_discovery_disabled, grandpa_pause, kusama_runtime::RuntimeApi, KusamaExecutor, ); Ok((components, client, FullNodeHandles)) } /// Create a new Kusama service for a full node. #[cfg(feature = "full-node")] pub fn westend_new_full( mut config: Configuration, collating_for: Option<(CollatorId, ParaId)>, _max_block_data_size: Option, _authority_discovery_disabled: bool, _slot_duration: u64, grandpa_pause: Option<(u32, u32)>, ) -> Result<( TaskManager, Arc, westend_runtime::RuntimeApi >>, FullNodeHandles, ), ServiceError> { let (components, client) = new_full!( config, collating_for, authority_discovery_disabled, grandpa_pause, westend_runtime::RuntimeApi, WestendExecutor, ); Ok((components, client, FullNodeHandles)) } /// Create a new Polkadot service for a light client. pub fn polkadot_new_light(mut config: Configuration) -> Result { new_light!(config, polkadot_runtime::RuntimeApi, PolkadotExecutor) } /// Create a new Kusama service for a light client. pub fn kusama_new_light(mut config: Configuration) -> Result { new_light!(config, kusama_runtime::RuntimeApi, KusamaExecutor) } /// Create a new Westend service for a light client. pub fn westend_new_light(mut config: Configuration, ) -> Result { new_light!(config, westend_runtime::RuntimeApi, KusamaExecutor) }