// Copyright 2017-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Substrate. // Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Substrate. If not, see . //! # Staking Module //! //! The Staking module is used to manage funds at stake by network maintainers. //! //! - [`staking::Trait`](./trait.Trait.html) //! - [`Call`](./enum.Call.html) //! - [`Module`](./struct.Module.html) //! //! ## Overview //! //! The Staking module is the means by which a set of network maintainers (known as _authorities_ //! in some contexts and _validators_ in others) are chosen based upon those who voluntarily place //! funds under deposit. Under deposit, those funds are rewarded under normal operation but are //! held at pain of _slash_ (expropriation) should the staked maintainer be found not to be //! discharging its duties properly. //! //! ### Terminology //! //! //! - Staking: The process of locking up funds for some time, placing them at risk of slashing //! (loss) in order to become a rewarded maintainer of the network. //! - Validating: The process of running a node to actively maintain the network, either by //! producing blocks or guaranteeing finality of the chain. //! - Nominating: The process of placing staked funds behind one or more validators in order to //! share in any reward, and punishment, they take. //! - Stash account: The account holding an owner's funds used for staking. //! - Controller account: The account that controls an owner's funds for staking. //! - Era: A (whole) number of sessions, which is the period that the validator set (and each //! validator's active nominator set) is recalculated and where rewards are paid out. //! - Slash: The punishment of a staker by reducing its funds. //! //! ### Goals //! //! //! The staking system in Substrate NPoS is designed to make the following possible: //! //! - Stake funds that are controlled by a cold wallet. //! - Withdraw some, or deposit more, funds without interrupting the role of an entity. //! - Switch between roles (nominator, validator, idle) with minimal overhead. //! //! ### Scenarios //! //! #### Staking //! //! Almost any interaction with the Staking module requires a process of _**bonding**_ (also known //! as being a _staker_). To become *bonded*, a fund-holding account known as the _stash account_, //! which holds some or all of the funds that become frozen in place as part of the staking process, //! is paired with an active **controller** account, which issues instructions on how they shall be //! used. //! //! An account pair can become bonded using the [`bond`](./enum.Call.html#variant.bond) call. //! //! Stash accounts can change their associated controller using the //! [`set_controller`](./enum.Call.html#variant.set_controller) call. //! //! There are three possible roles that any staked account pair can be in: `Validator`, `Nominator` //! and `Idle` (defined in [`StakerStatus`](./enum.StakerStatus.html)). There are three //! corresponding instructions to change between roles, namely: //! [`validate`](./enum.Call.html#variant.validate), //! [`nominate`](./enum.Call.html#variant.nominate), and [`chill`](./enum.Call.html#variant.chill). //! //! #### Validating //! //! A **validator** takes the role of either validating blocks or ensuring their finality, //! maintaining the veracity of the network. A validator should avoid both any sort of malicious //! misbehavior and going offline. Bonded accounts that state interest in being a validator do NOT //! get immediately chosen as a validator. Instead, they are declared as a _candidate_ and they //! _might_ get elected at the _next era_ as a validator. The result of the election is determined //! by nominators and their votes. //! //! An account can become a validator candidate via the //! [`validate`](./enum.Call.html#variant.validate) call. //! //! #### Nomination //! //! A **nominator** does not take any _direct_ role in maintaining the network, instead, it votes on //! a set of validators to be elected. Once interest in nomination is stated by an account, it //! takes effect at the next election round. The funds in the nominator's stash account indicate the //! _weight_ of its vote. Both the rewards and any punishment that a validator earns are shared //! between the validator and its nominators. This rule incentivizes the nominators to NOT vote for //! the misbehaving/offline validators as much as possible, simply because the nominators will also //! lose funds if they vote poorly. //! //! An account can become a nominator via the [`nominate`](enum.Call.html#variant.nominate) call. //! //! #### Rewards and Slash //! //! The **reward and slashing** procedure is the core of the Staking module, attempting to _embrace //! valid behavior_ while _punishing any misbehavior or lack of availability_. //! //! Rewards must be claimed for each era before it gets too old by `$HISTORY_DEPTH` using the //! `payout_stakers` call. Any account can call `payout_stakers`, which pays the reward to //! the validator as well as its nominators. //! Only the [`T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator`] biggest stakers can claim their reward. This //! is to limit the i/o cost to mutate storage for each nominator's account. //! //! Slashing can occur at any point in time, once misbehavior is reported. Once slashing is //! determined, a value is deducted from the balance of the validator and all the nominators who //! voted for this validator (values are deducted from the _stash_ account of the slashed entity). //! //! Slashing logic is further described in the documentation of the `slashing` module. //! //! Similar to slashing, rewards are also shared among a validator and its associated nominators. //! Yet, the reward funds are not always transferred to the stash account and can be configured. //! See [Reward Calculation](#reward-calculation) for more details. //! //! #### Chilling //! //! Finally, any of the roles above can choose to step back temporarily and just chill for a while. //! This means that if they are a nominator, they will not be considered as voters anymore and if //! they are validators, they will no longer be a candidate for the next election. //! //! An account can step back via the [`chill`](enum.Call.html#variant.chill) call. //! //! ### Session managing //! //! The module implement the trait `SessionManager`. Which is the only API to query new validator //! set and allowing these validator set to be rewarded once their era is ended. //! //! ## Interface //! //! ### Dispatchable Functions //! //! The dispatchable functions of the Staking module enable the steps needed for entities to accept //! and change their role, alongside some helper functions to get/set the metadata of the module. //! //! ### Public Functions //! //! The Staking module contains many public storage items and (im)mutable functions. //! //! ## Usage //! //! ### Example: Rewarding a validator by id. //! //! ``` //! use frame_support::{decl_module, dispatch}; //! use frame_support::weights::{SimpleDispatchInfo, MINIMUM_WEIGHT}; //! use frame_system::{self as system, ensure_signed}; //! use pallet_staking::{self as staking}; //! //! pub trait Trait: staking::Trait {} //! //! decl_module! { //! pub struct Module for enum Call where origin: T::Origin { //! /// Reward a validator. //! #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(MINIMUM_WEIGHT)] //! pub fn reward_myself(origin) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { //! let reported = ensure_signed(origin)?; //! >::reward_by_ids(vec![(reported, 10)]); //! Ok(()) //! } //! } //! } //! # fn main() { } //! ``` //! //! ## Implementation Details //! //! ### Reward Calculation //! //! Validators and nominators are rewarded at the end of each era. The total reward of an era is //! calculated using the era duration and the staking rate (the total amount of tokens staked by //! nominators and validators, divided by the total token supply). It aims to incentivize toward a //! defined staking rate. The full specification can be found //! [here](https://research.web3.foundation/en/latest/polkadot/Token%20Economics.html#inflation-model). //! //! Total reward is split among validators and their nominators depending on the number of points //! they received during the era. Points are added to a validator using //! [`reward_by_ids`](./enum.Call.html#variant.reward_by_ids) or //! [`reward_by_indices`](./enum.Call.html#variant.reward_by_indices). //! //! [`Module`](./struct.Module.html) implements //! [`pallet_authorship::EventHandler`](../pallet_authorship/trait.EventHandler.html) to add reward //! points to block producer and block producer of referenced uncles. //! //! The validator and its nominator split their reward as following: //! //! The validator can declare an amount, named //! [`commission`](./struct.ValidatorPrefs.html#structfield.commission), that does not //! get shared with the nominators at each reward payout through its //! [`ValidatorPrefs`](./struct.ValidatorPrefs.html). This value gets deducted from the total reward //! that is paid to the validator and its nominators. The remaining portion is split among the //! validator and all of the nominators that nominated the validator, proportional to the value //! staked behind this validator (_i.e._ dividing the //! [`own`](./struct.Exposure.html#structfield.own) or //! [`others`](./struct.Exposure.html#structfield.others) by //! [`total`](./struct.Exposure.html#structfield.total) in [`Exposure`](./struct.Exposure.html)). //! //! All entities who receive a reward have the option to choose their reward destination //! through the [`Payee`](./struct.Payee.html) storage item (see //! [`set_payee`](enum.Call.html#variant.set_payee)), to be one of the following: //! //! - Controller account, (obviously) not increasing the staked value. //! - Stash account, not increasing the staked value. //! - Stash account, also increasing the staked value. //! //! ### Additional Fund Management Operations //! //! Any funds already placed into stash can be the target of the following operations: //! //! The controller account can free a portion (or all) of the funds using the //! [`unbond`](enum.Call.html#variant.unbond) call. Note that the funds are not immediately //! accessible. Instead, a duration denoted by [`BondingDuration`](./struct.BondingDuration.html) //! (in number of eras) must pass until the funds can actually be removed. Once the //! `BondingDuration` is over, the [`withdraw_unbonded`](./enum.Call.html#variant.withdraw_unbonded) //! call can be used to actually withdraw the funds. //! //! Note that there is a limitation to the number of fund-chunks that can be scheduled to be //! unlocked in the future via [`unbond`](enum.Call.html#variant.unbond). In case this maximum //! (`MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`) is reached, the bonded account _must_ first wait until a successful //! call to `withdraw_unbonded` to remove some of the chunks. //! //! ### Election Algorithm //! //! The current election algorithm is implemented based on Phragmén. //! The reference implementation can be found //! [here](https://github.com/w3f/consensus/tree/master/NPoS). //! //! The election algorithm, aside from electing the validators with the most stake value and votes, //! tries to divide the nominator votes among candidates in an equal manner. To further assure this, //! an optional post-processing can be applied that iteratively normalizes the nominator staked //! values until the total difference among votes of a particular nominator are less than a //! threshold. //! //! ## GenesisConfig //! //! The Staking module depends on the [`GenesisConfig`](./struct.GenesisConfig.html). //! The `GenesisConfig` is optional and allow to set some initial stakers. //! //! ## Related Modules //! //! - [Balances](../pallet_balances/index.html): Used to manage values at stake. //! - [Session](../pallet_session/index.html): Used to manage sessions. Also, a list of new //! validators is stored in the Session module's `Validators` at the end of each era. #![recursion_limit = "128"] #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] #[cfg(test)] mod mock; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; #[cfg(feature = "testing-utils")] pub mod testing_utils; #[cfg(any(feature = "runtime-benchmarks", test))] pub mod benchmarking; pub mod slashing; pub mod offchain_election; pub mod inflation; use sp_std::{ result, prelude::*, collections::btree_map::BTreeMap, convert::{TryInto, From}, mem::size_of, }; use codec::{HasCompact, Encode, Decode}; use frame_support::{ decl_module, decl_event, decl_storage, ensure, decl_error, debug, weights::{SimpleDispatchInfo, MINIMUM_WEIGHT, Weight}, storage::IterableStorageMap, dispatch::{IsSubType, DispatchResult}, traits::{ Currency, LockIdentifier, LockableCurrency, WithdrawReasons, OnUnbalanced, Imbalance, Get, UnixTime, EstimateNextNewSession, EnsureOrigin, } }; use pallet_session::historical; use sp_runtime::{ Perbill, PerU16, PerThing, RuntimeDebug, curve::PiecewiseLinear, traits::{ Convert, Zero, StaticLookup, CheckedSub, Saturating, SaturatedConversion, AtLeast32Bit, Dispatchable, }, transaction_validity::{ TransactionValidityError, TransactionValidity, ValidTransaction, InvalidTransaction, TransactionSource, TransactionPriority, }, }; use sp_staking::{ SessionIndex, offence::{OnOffenceHandler, OffenceDetails, Offence, ReportOffence, OffenceError}, }; #[cfg(feature = "std")] use sp_runtime::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use frame_system::{ self as system, ensure_signed, ensure_root, ensure_none, offchain::SubmitUnsignedTransaction, }; use sp_phragmen::{ ExtendedBalance, Assignment, PhragmenScore, PhragmenResult, build_support_map, evaluate_support, elect, generate_compact_solution_type, is_score_better, VotingLimit, SupportMap, VoteWeight, }; const DEFAULT_MINIMUM_VALIDATOR_COUNT: u32 = 4; const STAKING_ID: LockIdentifier = *b"staking "; pub const MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS: usize = 32; pub const MAX_NOMINATIONS: usize = ::LIMIT; // syntactic sugar for logging #[cfg(feature = "std")] const LOG_TARGET: &'static str = "staking"; macro_rules! log { ($level:tt, $patter:expr $(, $values:expr)* $(,)?) => { debug::native::$level!( target: LOG_TARGET, $patter $(, $values)* ) }; } /// Data type used to index nominators in the compact type pub type NominatorIndex = u32; /// Data type used to index validators in the compact type. pub type ValidatorIndex = u16; // Ensure the size of both ValidatorIndex and NominatorIndex. They both need to be well below usize. static_assertions::const_assert!(size_of::() <= size_of::()); static_assertions::const_assert!(size_of::() <= size_of::()); /// Maximum number of stakers that can be stored in a snapshot. pub(crate) const MAX_VALIDATORS: usize = ValidatorIndex::max_value() as usize; pub(crate) const MAX_NOMINATORS: usize = NominatorIndex::max_value() as usize; /// Counter for the number of eras that have passed. pub type EraIndex = u32; /// Counter for the number of "reward" points earned by a given validator. pub type RewardPoint = u32; // Note: Maximum nomination limit is set here -- 16. generate_compact_solution_type!(pub GenericCompactAssignments, 16); /// Information regarding the active era (era in used in session). #[derive(Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] pub struct ActiveEraInfo { /// Index of era. index: EraIndex, /// Moment of start expresed as millisecond from `$UNIX_EPOCH`. /// /// Start can be none if start hasn't been set for the era yet, /// Start is set on the first on_finalize of the era to guarantee usage of `Time`. start: Option, } /// Accuracy used for on-chain phragmen. pub type ChainAccuracy = Perbill; /// Accuracy used for off-chain phragmen. This better be small. pub type OffchainAccuracy = PerU16; /// The balance type of this module. pub type BalanceOf = <::Currency as Currency<::AccountId>>::Balance; /// The compact type for election solutions. pub type CompactAssignments = GenericCompactAssignments; type PositiveImbalanceOf = <::Currency as Currency<::AccountId>>::PositiveImbalance; type NegativeImbalanceOf = <::Currency as Currency<::AccountId>>::NegativeImbalance; /// Reward points of an era. Used to split era total payout between validators. /// /// This points will be used to reward validators and their respective nominators. #[derive(PartialEq, Encode, Decode, Default, RuntimeDebug)] pub struct EraRewardPoints { /// Total number of points. Equals the sum of reward points for each validator. total: RewardPoint, /// The reward points earned by a given validator. individual: BTreeMap, } /// Indicates the initial status of the staker. #[derive(RuntimeDebug)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] pub enum StakerStatus { /// Chilling. Idle, /// Declared desire in validating or already participating in it. Validator, /// Nominating for a group of other stakers. Nominator(Vec), } /// A destination account for payment. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] pub enum RewardDestination { /// Pay into the stash account, increasing the amount at stake accordingly. Staked, /// Pay into the stash account, not increasing the amount at stake. Stash, /// Pay into the controller account. Controller, } impl Default for RewardDestination { fn default() -> Self { RewardDestination::Staked } } /// Preference of what happens regarding validation. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] pub struct ValidatorPrefs { /// Reward that validator takes up-front; only the rest is split between themselves and /// nominators. #[codec(compact)] pub commission: Perbill, } impl Default for ValidatorPrefs { fn default() -> Self { ValidatorPrefs { commission: Default::default(), } } } /// Just a Balance/BlockNumber tuple to encode when a chunk of funds will be unlocked. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] pub struct UnlockChunk { /// Amount of funds to be unlocked. #[codec(compact)] value: Balance, /// Era number at which point it'll be unlocked. #[codec(compact)] era: EraIndex, } /// The ledger of a (bonded) stash. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] pub struct StakingLedger { /// The stash account whose balance is actually locked and at stake. pub stash: AccountId, /// The total amount of the stash's balance that we are currently accounting for. /// It's just `active` plus all the `unlocking` balances. #[codec(compact)] pub total: Balance, /// The total amount of the stash's balance that will be at stake in any forthcoming /// rounds. #[codec(compact)] pub active: Balance, /// Any balance that is becoming free, which may eventually be transferred out /// of the stash (assuming it doesn't get slashed first). pub unlocking: Vec>, /// List of eras for which the stakers behind a validator have claimed rewards. Only updated /// for validators. pub claimed_rewards: Vec, } impl< AccountId, Balance: HasCompact + Copy + Saturating + AtLeast32Bit, > StakingLedger { /// Remove entries from `unlocking` that are sufficiently old and reduce the /// total by the sum of their balances. fn consolidate_unlocked(self, current_era: EraIndex) -> Self { let mut total = self.total; let unlocking = self.unlocking.into_iter() .filter(|chunk| if chunk.era > current_era { true } else { total = total.saturating_sub(chunk.value); false }) .collect(); Self { stash: self.stash, total, active: self.active, unlocking, claimed_rewards: self.claimed_rewards } } /// Re-bond funds that were scheduled for unlocking. fn rebond(mut self, value: Balance) -> Self { let mut unlocking_balance: Balance = Zero::zero(); while let Some(last) = self.unlocking.last_mut() { if unlocking_balance + last.value <= value { unlocking_balance += last.value; self.active += last.value; self.unlocking.pop(); } else { let diff = value - unlocking_balance; unlocking_balance += diff; self.active += diff; last.value -= diff; } if unlocking_balance >= value { break } } self } } impl StakingLedger where Balance: AtLeast32Bit + Saturating + Copy, { /// Slash the validator for a given amount of balance. This can grow the value /// of the slash in the case that the validator has less than `minimum_balance` /// active funds. Returns the amount of funds actually slashed. /// /// Slashes from `active` funds first, and then `unlocking`, starting with the /// chunks that are closest to unlocking. fn slash( &mut self, mut value: Balance, minimum_balance: Balance, ) -> Balance { let pre_total = self.total; let total = &mut self.total; let active = &mut self.active; let slash_out_of = | total_remaining: &mut Balance, target: &mut Balance, value: &mut Balance, | { let mut slash_from_target = (*value).min(*target); if !slash_from_target.is_zero() { *target -= slash_from_target; // don't leave a dust balance in the staking system. if *target <= minimum_balance { slash_from_target += *target; *value += sp_std::mem::replace(target, Zero::zero()); } *total_remaining = total_remaining.saturating_sub(slash_from_target); *value -= slash_from_target; } }; slash_out_of(total, active, &mut value); let i = self.unlocking.iter_mut() .map(|chunk| { slash_out_of(total, &mut chunk.value, &mut value); chunk.value }) .take_while(|value| value.is_zero()) // take all fully-consumed chunks out. .count(); // kill all drained chunks. let _ = self.unlocking.drain(..i); pre_total.saturating_sub(*total) } } /// A record of the nominations made by a specific account. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] pub struct Nominations { /// The targets of nomination. pub targets: Vec, /// The era the nominations were submitted. /// /// Except for initial nominations which are considered submitted at era 0. pub submitted_in: EraIndex, /// Whether the nominations have been suppressed. pub suppressed: bool, } /// The amount of exposure (to slashing) than an individual nominator has. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] pub struct IndividualExposure { /// The stash account of the nominator in question. pub who: AccountId, /// Amount of funds exposed. #[codec(compact)] pub value: Balance, } /// A snapshot of the stake backing a single validator in the system. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Encode, Decode, Default, RuntimeDebug)] pub struct Exposure { /// The total balance backing this validator. #[codec(compact)] pub total: Balance, /// The validator's own stash that is exposed. #[codec(compact)] pub own: Balance, /// The portions of nominators stashes that are exposed. pub others: Vec>, } /// A pending slash record. The value of the slash has been computed but not applied yet, /// rather deferred for several eras. #[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, RuntimeDebug)] pub struct UnappliedSlash { /// The stash ID of the offending validator. validator: AccountId, /// The validator's own slash. own: Balance, /// All other slashed stakers and amounts. others: Vec<(AccountId, Balance)>, /// Reporters of the offence; bounty payout recipients. reporters: Vec, /// The amount of payout. payout: Balance, } /// Indicate how an election round was computed. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] pub enum ElectionCompute { /// Result was forcefully computed on chain at the end of the session. OnChain, /// Result was submitted and accepted to the chain via a signed transaction. Signed, /// Result was submitted and accepted to the chain via an unsigned transaction (by an /// authority). Unsigned, } /// The result of an election round. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] pub struct ElectionResult { /// Flat list of validators who have been elected. elected_stashes: Vec, /// Flat list of new exposures, to be updated in the [`Exposure`] storage. exposures: Vec<(AccountId, Exposure)>, /// Type of the result. This is kept on chain only to track and report the best score's /// submission type. An optimisation could remove this. compute: ElectionCompute, } /// The status of the upcoming (offchain) election. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] pub enum ElectionStatus { /// Nothing has and will happen for now. submission window is not open. Closed, /// The submission window has been open since the contained block number. Open(BlockNumber), } impl ElectionStatus { fn is_open_at(&self, n: BlockNumber) -> bool { *self == Self::Open(n) } fn is_closed(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::Closed => true, _ => false } } fn is_open(&self) -> bool { !self.is_closed() } } impl Default for ElectionStatus { fn default() -> Self { Self::Closed } } /// Means for interacting with a specialized version of the `session` trait. /// /// This is needed because `Staking` sets the `ValidatorIdOf` of the `pallet_session::Trait` pub trait SessionInterface: frame_system::Trait { /// Disable a given validator by stash ID. /// /// Returns `true` if new era should be forced at the end of this session. /// This allows preventing a situation where there is too many validators /// disabled and block production stalls. fn disable_validator(validator: &AccountId) -> Result; /// Get the validators from session. fn validators() -> Vec; /// Prune historical session tries up to but not including the given index. fn prune_historical_up_to(up_to: SessionIndex); } impl SessionInterface<::AccountId> for T where T: pallet_session::Trait::AccountId>, T: pallet_session::historical::Trait< FullIdentification = Exposure<::AccountId, BalanceOf>, FullIdentificationOf = ExposureOf, >, T::SessionHandler: pallet_session::SessionHandler<::AccountId>, T::SessionManager: pallet_session::SessionManager<::AccountId>, T::ValidatorIdOf: Convert<::AccountId, Option<::AccountId>>, { fn disable_validator(validator: &::AccountId) -> Result { >::disable(validator) } fn validators() -> Vec<::AccountId> { >::validators() } fn prune_historical_up_to(up_to: SessionIndex) { >::prune_up_to(up_to); } } pub trait Trait: frame_system::Trait { /// The staking balance. type Currency: LockableCurrency; /// Time used for computing era duration. /// /// It is guaranteed to start being called from the first `on_finalize`. Thus value at genesis /// is not used. type UnixTime: UnixTime; /// Convert a balance into a number used for election calculation. This must fit into a `u64` /// but is allowed to be sensibly lossy. The `u64` is used to communicate with the /// [`sp_phragmen`] crate which accepts u64 numbers and does operations in 128. Consequently, /// the backward convert is used convert the u128s from phragmen back to a [`BalanceOf`]. type CurrencyToVote: Convert, VoteWeight> + Convert>; /// Tokens have been minted and are unused for validator-reward. type RewardRemainder: OnUnbalanced>; /// The overarching event type. type Event: From> + Into<::Event>; /// Handler for the unbalanced reduction when slashing a staker. type Slash: OnUnbalanced>; /// Handler for the unbalanced increment when rewarding a staker. type Reward: OnUnbalanced>; /// Number of sessions per era. type SessionsPerEra: Get; /// Number of eras that staked funds must remain bonded for. type BondingDuration: Get; /// Number of eras that slashes are deferred by, after computation. This /// should be less than the bonding duration. Set to 0 if slashes should be /// applied immediately, without opportunity for intervention. type SlashDeferDuration: Get; /// The origin which can cancel a deferred slash. Root can always do this. type SlashCancelOrigin: EnsureOrigin; /// Interface for interacting with a session module. type SessionInterface: self::SessionInterface; /// The NPoS reward curve to use. type RewardCurve: Get<&'static PiecewiseLinear<'static>>; /// Something that can estimate the next session change, accurately or as a best effort guess. type NextNewSession: EstimateNextNewSession; /// How many blocks ahead of the era, within the last do we try to run the phragmen offchain? /// Setting this to zero will disable the offchain compute and only on-chain seq-phragmen will /// be used. type ElectionLookahead: Get; /// The overarching call type. type Call: Dispatchable + From> + IsSubType, Self> + Clone; /// A transaction submitter. type SubmitTransaction: SubmitUnsignedTransaction::Call>; /// The maximum number of nominators rewarded for each validator. /// /// For each validator only the `$MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` biggest stakers can claim /// their reward. This used to limit the i/o cost for the nominator payout. type MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator: Get; /// A configuration for base priority of unsigned transactions. /// /// This is exposed so that it can be tuned for particular runtime, when /// multiple pallets send unsigned transactions. type UnsignedPriority: Get; } /// Mode of era-forcing. #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] pub enum Forcing { /// Not forcing anything - just let whatever happen. NotForcing, /// Force a new era, then reset to `NotForcing` as soon as it is done. ForceNew, /// Avoid a new era indefinitely. ForceNone, /// Force a new era at the end of all sessions indefinitely. ForceAlways, } impl Default for Forcing { fn default() -> Self { Forcing::NotForcing } } // A value placed in storage that represents the current version of the Staking storage. // This value is used by the `on_runtime_upgrade` logic to determine whether we run // storage migration logic. This should match directly with the semantic versions of the Rust crate. #[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, RuntimeDebug)] enum Releases { V1_0_0Ancient, V2_0_0, V3_0_0, } impl Default for Releases { fn default() -> Self { Releases::V3_0_0 } } decl_storage! { trait Store for Module as Staking { /// Number of eras to keep in history. /// /// Information is kept for eras in `[current_era - history_depth; current_era]`. /// /// Must be more than the number of eras delayed by session otherwise. /// I.e. active era must always be in history. /// I.e. `active_era > current_era - history_depth` must be guaranteed. HistoryDepth get(fn history_depth) config(): u32 = 84; /// The ideal number of staking participants. pub ValidatorCount get(fn validator_count) config(): u32; /// Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed. pub MinimumValidatorCount get(fn minimum_validator_count) config(): u32 = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_VALIDATOR_COUNT; /// Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they're /// easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four /// invulnerables) and restricted to testnets. pub Invulnerables get(fn invulnerables) config(): Vec; /// Map from all locked "stash" accounts to the controller account. pub Bonded get(fn bonded): map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId => Option; /// Map from all (unlocked) "controller" accounts to the info regarding the staking. pub Ledger get(fn ledger): map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::AccountId => Option>>; /// Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash. pub Payee get(fn payee): map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId => RewardDestination; /// The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator. pub Validators get(fn validators): map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId => ValidatorPrefs; /// The map from nominator stash key to the set of stash keys of all validators to nominate. pub Nominators get(fn nominators): map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId => Option>; /// The current era index. /// /// This is the latest planned era, depending on how the Session pallet queues the validator /// set, it might be active or not. pub CurrentEra get(fn current_era): Option; /// The active era information, it holds index and start. /// /// The active era is the era currently rewarded. /// Validator set of this era must be equal to `SessionInterface::validators`. pub ActiveEra get(fn active_era): Option; /// The session index at which the era start for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. pub ErasStartSessionIndex get(fn eras_start_session_index): map hasher(twox_64_concat) EraIndex => Option; /// Exposure of validator at era. /// /// This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. /// /// Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. /// If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned. pub ErasStakers get(fn eras_stakers): double_map hasher(twox_64_concat) EraIndex, hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId => Exposure>; /// Clipped Exposure of validator at era. /// /// This is similar to [`ErasStakers`] but number of nominators exposed is reduced to the /// `T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` biggest stakers. /// (Note: the field `total` and `own` of the exposure remains unchanged). /// This is used to limit the i/o cost for the nominator payout. /// /// This is keyed fist by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. /// /// Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. /// If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned. pub ErasStakersClipped get(fn eras_stakers_clipped): double_map hasher(twox_64_concat) EraIndex, hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId => Exposure>; /// Similar to `ErasStakers`, this holds the preferences of validators. /// /// This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. /// /// Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. // If prefs hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 commission is returned. pub ErasValidatorPrefs get(fn eras_validator_prefs): double_map hasher(twox_64_concat) EraIndex, hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId => ValidatorPrefs; /// The total validator era payout for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. /// /// Eras that haven't finished yet or has been removed doesn't have reward. pub ErasValidatorReward get(fn eras_validator_reward): map hasher(twox_64_concat) EraIndex => Option>; /// Rewards for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. /// If reward hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 reward is returned. pub ErasRewardPoints get(fn eras_reward_points): map hasher(twox_64_concat) EraIndex => EraRewardPoints; /// The total amount staked for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. /// If total hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 stake is returned. pub ErasTotalStake get(fn eras_total_stake): map hasher(twox_64_concat) EraIndex => BalanceOf; /// Mode of era forcing. pub ForceEra get(fn force_era) config(): Forcing; /// The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters. /// /// The rest of the slashed value is handled by the `Slash`. pub SlashRewardFraction get(fn slash_reward_fraction) config(): Perbill; /// The amount of currency given to reporters of a slash event which was /// canceled by extraordinary circumstances (e.g. governance). pub CanceledSlashPayout get(fn canceled_payout) config(): BalanceOf; /// All unapplied slashes that are queued for later. pub UnappliedSlashes: map hasher(twox_64_concat) EraIndex => Vec>>; /// A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era. /// /// Must contains information for eras for the range: /// `[active_era - bounding_duration; active_era]` BondedEras: Vec<(EraIndex, SessionIndex)>; /// All slashing events on validators, mapped by era to the highest slash proportion /// and slash value of the era. ValidatorSlashInEra: double_map hasher(twox_64_concat) EraIndex, hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId => Option<(Perbill, BalanceOf)>; /// All slashing events on nominators, mapped by era to the highest slash value of the era. NominatorSlashInEra: double_map hasher(twox_64_concat) EraIndex, hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId => Option>; /// Slashing spans for stash accounts. SlashingSpans: map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId => Option; /// Records information about the maximum slash of a stash within a slashing span, /// as well as how much reward has been paid out. SpanSlash: map hasher(twox_64_concat) (T::AccountId, slashing::SpanIndex) => slashing::SpanRecord>; /// The earliest era for which we have a pending, unapplied slash. EarliestUnappliedSlash: Option; /// Snapshot of validators at the beginning of the current election window. This should only /// have a value when [`EraElectionStatus`] == `ElectionStatus::Open(_)`. pub SnapshotValidators get(fn snapshot_validators): Option>; /// Snapshot of nominators at the beginning of the current election window. This should only /// have a value when [`EraElectionStatus`] == `ElectionStatus::Open(_)`. pub SnapshotNominators get(fn snapshot_nominators): Option>; /// The next validator set. At the end of an era, if this is available (potentially from the /// result of an offchain worker), it is immediately used. Otherwise, the on-chain election /// is executed. pub QueuedElected get(fn queued_elected): Option>>; /// The score of the current [`QueuedElected`]. pub QueuedScore get(fn queued_score): Option; /// Flag to control the execution of the offchain election. When `Open(_)`, we accept /// solutions to be submitted. pub EraElectionStatus get(fn era_election_status): ElectionStatus; /// True if the current **planned** session is final. Note that this does not take era /// forcing into account. pub IsCurrentSessionFinal get(fn is_current_session_final): bool = false; /// True if network has been upgraded to this version. /// Storage version of the pallet. /// /// This is set to v3.0.0 for new networks. StorageVersion build(|_: &GenesisConfig| Releases::V3_0_0): Releases; /// The era where we migrated from Lazy Payouts to Simple Payouts MigrateEra: Option; } add_extra_genesis { config(stakers): Vec<(T::AccountId, T::AccountId, BalanceOf, StakerStatus)>; build(|config: &GenesisConfig| { for &(ref stash, ref controller, balance, ref status) in &config.stakers { assert!( T::Currency::free_balance(&stash) >= balance, "Stash does not have enough balance to bond." ); let _ = >::bond( T::Origin::from(Some(stash.clone()).into()), T::Lookup::unlookup(controller.clone()), balance, RewardDestination::Staked, ); let _ = match status { StakerStatus::Validator => { >::validate( T::Origin::from(Some(controller.clone()).into()), Default::default(), ) }, StakerStatus::Nominator(votes) => { >::nominate( T::Origin::from(Some(controller.clone()).into()), votes.iter().map(|l| T::Lookup::unlookup(l.clone())).collect(), ) }, _ => Ok(()) }; } }); } } decl_event!( pub enum Event where Balance = BalanceOf, ::AccountId { /// The staker has been rewarded by this amount. `AccountId` is the stash account. Reward(AccountId, Balance), /// One validator (and its nominators) has been slashed by the given amount. Slash(AccountId, Balance), /// An old slashing report from a prior era was discarded because it could /// not be processed. OldSlashingReportDiscarded(SessionIndex), /// A new set of stakers was elected with the given computation method. StakingElection(ElectionCompute), /// An account has bonded this amount. /// /// NOTE: This event is only emitted when funds are bonded via a dispatchable. Notably, /// it will not be emitted for staking rewards when they are added to stake. Bonded(AccountId, Balance), /// An account has unbonded this amount. Unbonded(AccountId, Balance), /// An account has called `withdraw_unbonded` and removed unbonding chunks worth `Balance` /// from the unlocking queue. Withdrawn(AccountId, Balance), } ); decl_error! { /// Error for the staking module. pub enum Error for Module { /// Not a controller account. NotController, /// Not a stash account. NotStash, /// Stash is already bonded. AlreadyBonded, /// Controller is already paired. AlreadyPaired, /// Targets cannot be empty. EmptyTargets, /// Duplicate index. DuplicateIndex, /// Slash record index out of bounds. InvalidSlashIndex, /// Can not bond with value less than minimum balance. InsufficientValue, /// Can not schedule more unlock chunks. NoMoreChunks, /// Can not rebond without unlocking chunks. NoUnlockChunk, /// Attempting to target a stash that still has funds. FundedTarget, /// Invalid era to reward. InvalidEraToReward, /// Invalid number of nominations. InvalidNumberOfNominations, /// Items are not sorted and unique. NotSortedAndUnique, /// Rewards for this era have already been claimed for this validator. AlreadyClaimed, /// The submitted result is received out of the open window. PhragmenEarlySubmission, /// The submitted result is not as good as the one stored on chain. PhragmenWeakSubmission, /// The snapshot data of the current window is missing. SnapshotUnavailable, /// Incorrect number of winners were presented. PhragmenBogusWinnerCount, /// One of the submitted winners is not an active candidate on chain (index is out of range /// in snapshot). PhragmenBogusWinner, /// Error while building the assignment type from the compact. This can happen if an index /// is invalid, or if the weights _overflow_. PhragmenBogusCompact, /// One of the submitted nominators is not an active nominator on chain. PhragmenBogusNominator, /// One of the submitted nominators has an edge to which they have not voted on chain. PhragmenBogusNomination, /// One of the submitted nominators has an edge which is submitted before the last non-zero /// slash of the target. PhragmenSlashedNomination, /// A self vote must only be originated from a validator to ONLY themselves. PhragmenBogusSelfVote, /// The submitted result has unknown edges that are not among the presented winners. PhragmenBogusEdge, /// The claimed score does not match with the one computed from the data. PhragmenBogusScore, /// The call is not allowed at the given time due to restrictions of election period. CallNotAllowed, } } decl_module! { pub struct Module for enum Call where origin: T::Origin { /// Number of sessions per era. const SessionsPerEra: SessionIndex = T::SessionsPerEra::get(); /// Number of eras that staked funds must remain bonded for. const BondingDuration: EraIndex = T::BondingDuration::get(); type Error = Error; fn deposit_event() = default; /// sets `ElectionStatus` to `Open(now)` where `now` is the block number at which the /// election window has opened, if we are at the last session and less blocks than /// `T::ElectionLookahead` is remaining until the next new session schedule. The offchain /// worker, if applicable, will execute at the end of the current block, and solutions may /// be submitted. fn on_initialize(now: T::BlockNumber) -> Weight { if // if we don't have any ongoing offchain compute. Self::era_election_status().is_closed() && // either current session final based on the plan, or we're forcing. (Self::is_current_session_final() || Self::will_era_be_forced()) { if let Some(next_session_change) = T::NextNewSession::estimate_next_new_session(now){ if let Some(remaining) = next_session_change.checked_sub(&now) { if remaining <= T::ElectionLookahead::get() && !remaining.is_zero() { // create snapshot. if Self::create_stakers_snapshot() { // Set the flag to make sure we don't waste any compute here in the same era // after we have triggered the offline compute. >::put( ElectionStatus::::Open(now) ); log!(info, "💸 Election window is Open({:?}). Snapshot created", now); } else { log!(warn, "💸 Failed to create snapshot at {:?}.", now); } } } } else { log!(warn, "💸 Estimating next session change failed."); } } // weight 50_000 } /// Check if the current block number is the one at which the election window has been set /// to open. If so, it runs the offchain worker code. fn offchain_worker(now: T::BlockNumber) { use offchain_election::{set_check_offchain_execution_status, compute_offchain_election}; if Self::era_election_status().is_open_at(now) { let offchain_status = set_check_offchain_execution_status::(now); if let Err(why) = offchain_status { log!(debug, "skipping offchain worker in open election window due to [{}]", why); } else { if let Err(e) = compute_offchain_election::() { log!(warn, "💸 Error in phragmen offchain worker: {:?}", e); } else { log!(debug, "Executed offchain worker thread without errors."); } } } } fn on_finalize() { // Set the start of the first era. if let Some(mut active_era) = Self::active_era() { if active_era.start.is_none() { let now_as_millis_u64 = T::UnixTime::now().as_millis().saturated_into::(); active_era.start = Some(now_as_millis_u64); ActiveEra::put(active_era); } } } fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Weight { // For Kusama the type hasn't actually changed as Moment was u64 and was the number of // millisecond since unix epoch. StorageVersion::put(Releases::V3_0_0); Self::migrate_last_reward_to_claimed_rewards(); 0 } /// Take the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` will /// be the account that controls it. /// /// `value` must be more than the `minimum_balance` specified by `T::Currency`. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash account. /// /// Emits `Bonded`. /// /// # /// - Independent of the arguments. Moderate complexity. /// - O(1). /// - Three extra DB entries. /// /// NOTE: Two of the storage writes (`Self::bonded`, `Self::payee`) are _never_ cleaned /// unless the `origin` falls below _existential deposit_ and gets removed as dust. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(500_000_000)] pub fn bond(origin, controller: ::Source, #[compact] value: BalanceOf, payee: RewardDestination, ) { let stash = ensure_signed(origin)?; if >::contains_key(&stash) { Err(Error::::AlreadyBonded)? } let controller = T::Lookup::lookup(controller)?; if >::contains_key(&controller) { Err(Error::::AlreadyPaired)? } // reject a bond which is considered to be _dust_. if value < T::Currency::minimum_balance() { Err(Error::::InsufficientValue)? } // You're auto-bonded forever, here. We might improve this by only bonding when // you actually validate/nominate and remove once you unbond __everything__. >::insert(&stash, &controller); >::insert(&stash, payee); system::Module::::inc_ref(&stash); let current_era = CurrentEra::get().unwrap_or(0); let history_depth = Self::history_depth(); let last_reward_era = current_era.saturating_sub(history_depth); let stash_balance = T::Currency::free_balance(&stash); let value = value.min(stash_balance); Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Bonded(stash.clone(), value)); let item = StakingLedger { stash, total: value, active: value, unlocking: vec![], claimed_rewards: (last_reward_era..current_era).collect(), }; Self::update_ledger(&controller, &item); } /// Add some extra amount that have appeared in the stash `free_balance` into the balance up /// for staking. /// /// Use this if there are additional funds in your stash account that you wish to bond. /// Unlike [`bond`] or [`unbond`] this function does not impose any limitation on the amount /// that can be added. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller and /// it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`. /// /// Emits `Bonded`. /// /// # /// - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity. /// - O(1). /// - One DB entry. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(500_000_000)] fn bond_extra(origin, #[compact] max_additional: BalanceOf) { ensure!(Self::era_election_status().is_closed(), Error::::CallNotAllowed); let stash = ensure_signed(origin)?; let controller = Self::bonded(&stash).ok_or(Error::::NotStash)?; let mut ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or(Error::::NotController)?; let stash_balance = T::Currency::free_balance(&stash); if let Some(extra) = stash_balance.checked_sub(&ledger.total) { let extra = extra.min(max_additional); ledger.total += extra; ledger.active += extra; Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Bonded(stash, extra)); Self::update_ledger(&controller, &ledger); } } /// Schedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bond /// period ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less than /// T::Currency::minimum_balance(), then it is increased to the full amount. /// /// Once the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually move /// the funds out of management ready for transfer. /// /// No more than a limited number of unlocking chunks (see `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`) /// can co-exists at the same time. In that case, [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`] need /// to be called first to remove some of the chunks (if possible). /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. /// And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`. /// /// Emits `Unbonded`. /// /// See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`]. /// /// # /// - Independent of the arguments. Limited but potentially exploitable complexity. /// - Contains a limited number of reads. /// - Each call (requires the remainder of the bonded balance to be above `minimum_balance`) /// will cause a new entry to be inserted into a vector (`Ledger.unlocking`) kept in storage. /// The only way to clean the aforementioned storage item is also user-controlled via /// `withdraw_unbonded`. /// - One DB entry. /// #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(400_000_000)] fn unbond(origin, #[compact] value: BalanceOf) { ensure!(Self::era_election_status().is_closed(), Error::::CallNotAllowed); let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let mut ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or(Error::::NotController)?; ensure!( ledger.unlocking.len() < MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS, Error::::NoMoreChunks, ); let mut value = value.min(ledger.active); if !value.is_zero() { ledger.active -= value; // Avoid there being a dust balance left in the staking system. if ledger.active < T::Currency::minimum_balance() { value += ledger.active; ledger.active = Zero::zero(); } // Note: in case there is no current era it is fine to bond one era more. let era = Self::current_era().unwrap_or(0) + T::BondingDuration::get(); ledger.unlocking.push(UnlockChunk { value, era }); Self::update_ledger(&controller, &ledger); Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Unbonded(ledger.stash.clone(), value)); } } /// Remove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management. /// /// This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to do /// whatever it wants. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. /// And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`. /// /// Emits `Withdrawn`. /// /// See also [`Call::unbond`]. /// /// # /// - Could be dependent on the `origin` argument and how much `unlocking` chunks exist. /// It implies `consolidate_unlocked` which loops over `Ledger.unlocking`, which is /// indirectly user-controlled. See [`unbond`] for more detail. /// - Contains a limited number of reads, yet the size of which could be large based on `ledger`. /// - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(400_000_000)] fn withdraw_unbonded(origin) { ensure!(Self::era_election_status().is_closed(), Error::::CallNotAllowed); let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let mut ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or(Error::::NotController)?; let (stash, old_total) = (ledger.stash.clone(), ledger.total); if let Some(current_era) = Self::current_era() { ledger = ledger.consolidate_unlocked(current_era) } if ledger.unlocking.is_empty() && ledger.active.is_zero() { // This account must have called `unbond()` with some value that caused the active // portion to fall below existential deposit + will have no more unlocking chunks // left. We can now safely remove all staking-related information. Self::kill_stash(&stash)?; // remove the lock. T::Currency::remove_lock(STAKING_ID, &stash); } else { // This was the consequence of a partial unbond. just update the ledger and move on. Self::update_ledger(&controller, &ledger); } // `old_total` should never be less than the new total because // `consolidate_unlocked` strictly subtracts balance. if ledger.total < old_total { // Already checked that this won't overflow by entry condition. let value = old_total - ledger.total; Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Withdrawn(stash, value)); } } /// Declare the desire to validate for the origin controller. /// /// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. /// And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`. /// /// # /// - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity. /// - Contains a limited number of reads. /// - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(750_000_000)] pub fn validate(origin, prefs: ValidatorPrefs) { ensure!(Self::era_election_status().is_closed(), Error::::CallNotAllowed); let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or(Error::::NotController)?; let stash = &ledger.stash; >::remove(stash); >::insert(stash, prefs); } /// Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller. /// /// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. This can only be called when /// [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. /// And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`. /// /// # /// - The transaction's complexity is proportional to the size of `targets`, /// which is capped at CompactAssignments::LIMIT. /// - Both the reads and writes follow a similar pattern. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(750_000_000)] pub fn nominate(origin, targets: Vec<::Source>) { ensure!(Self::era_election_status().is_closed(), Error::::CallNotAllowed); let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or(Error::::NotController)?; let stash = &ledger.stash; ensure!(!targets.is_empty(), Error::::EmptyTargets); let targets = targets.into_iter() .take(::LIMIT) .map(|t| T::Lookup::lookup(t)) .collect::, _>>()?; let nominations = Nominations { targets, // initial nominations are considered submitted at era 0. See `Nominations` doc submitted_in: Self::current_era().unwrap_or(0), suppressed: false, }; >::remove(stash); >::insert(stash, &nominations); } /// Declare no desire to either validate or nominate. /// /// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. /// And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`. /// /// # /// - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity. /// - Contains one read. /// - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(500_000_000)] fn chill(origin) { ensure!(Self::era_election_status().is_closed(), Error::::CallNotAllowed); let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or(Error::::NotController)?; Self::chill_stash(&ledger.stash); } /// (Re-)set the payment target for a controller. /// /// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. /// /// # /// - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity. /// - Contains a limited number of reads. /// - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(500_000_000)] fn set_payee(origin, payee: RewardDestination) { let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or(Error::::NotController)?; let stash = &ledger.stash; >::insert(stash, payee); } /// (Re-)set the controller of a stash. /// /// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller. /// /// # /// - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity. /// - Contains a limited number of reads. /// - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(750_000_000)] fn set_controller(origin, controller: ::Source) { let stash = ensure_signed(origin)?; let old_controller = Self::bonded(&stash).ok_or(Error::::NotStash)?; let controller = T::Lookup::lookup(controller)?; if >::contains_key(&controller) { Err(Error::::AlreadyPaired)? } if controller != old_controller { >::insert(&stash, &controller); if let Some(l) = >::take(&old_controller) { >::insert(&controller, l); } } } /// The ideal number of validators. #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(5_000_000)] fn set_validator_count(origin, #[compact] new: u32) { ensure_root(origin)?; ValidatorCount::put(new); } /// Force there to be no new eras indefinitely. /// /// # /// - No arguments. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(5_000_000)] fn force_no_eras(origin) { ensure_root(origin)?; ForceEra::put(Forcing::ForceNone); } /// Force there to be a new era at the end of the next session. After this, it will be /// reset to normal (non-forced) behaviour. /// /// # /// - No arguments. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(5_000_000)] fn force_new_era(origin) { ensure_root(origin)?; ForceEra::put(Forcing::ForceNew); } /// Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any). #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(5_000_000)] fn set_invulnerables(origin, validators: Vec) { ensure_root(origin)?; >::put(validators); } /// Force a current staker to become completely unstaked, immediately. #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(MINIMUM_WEIGHT)] fn force_unstake(origin, stash: T::AccountId) { ensure_root(origin)?; // remove all staking-related information. Self::kill_stash(&stash)?; // remove the lock. T::Currency::remove_lock(STAKING_ID, &stash); } /// Force there to be a new era at the end of sessions indefinitely. /// /// # /// - One storage write /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(5_000_000)] fn force_new_era_always(origin) { ensure_root(origin)?; ForceEra::put(Forcing::ForceAlways); } /// Cancel enactment of a deferred slash. Can be called by either the root origin or /// the `T::SlashCancelOrigin`. /// passing the era and indices of the slashes for that era to kill. /// /// # /// - One storage write. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(1_000_000_000)] fn cancel_deferred_slash(origin, era: EraIndex, slash_indices: Vec) { T::SlashCancelOrigin::try_origin(origin) .map(|_| ()) .or_else(ensure_root)?; ensure!(!slash_indices.is_empty(), Error::::EmptyTargets); ensure!(is_sorted_and_unique(&slash_indices), Error::::NotSortedAndUnique); let mut unapplied = ::UnappliedSlashes::get(&era); let last_item = slash_indices[slash_indices.len() - 1]; ensure!((last_item as usize) < unapplied.len(), Error::::InvalidSlashIndex); for (removed, index) in slash_indices.into_iter().enumerate() { let index = (index as usize) - removed; unapplied.remove(index); } ::UnappliedSlashes::insert(&era, &unapplied); } /// **This extrinsic will be removed after `MigrationEra + HistoryDepth` has passed, giving /// opportunity for users to claim all rewards before moving to Simple Payouts. After this /// time, you should use `payout_stakers` instead.** /// /// Make one nominator's payout for one era. /// /// - `who` is the controller account of the nominator to pay out. /// - `era` may not be lower than one following the most recently paid era. If it is higher, /// then it indicates an instruction to skip the payout of all previous eras. /// - `validators` is the list of all validators that `who` had exposure to during `era`, /// alongside the index of `who` in the clipped exposure of the validator. /// I.e. each element is a tuple of /// `(validator, index of `who` in clipped exposure of validator)`. /// If it is incomplete, then less than the full reward will be paid out. /// It must not exceed `MAX_NOMINATIONS`. /// /// WARNING: once an era is payed for a validator such validator can't claim the payout of /// previous era. /// /// WARNING: Incorrect arguments here can result in loss of payout. Be very careful. /// /// # /// - Number of storage read of `O(validators)`; `validators` is the argument of the call, /// and is bounded by `MAX_NOMINATIONS`. /// - Each storage read is `O(N)` size and decode complexity; `N` is the maximum /// nominations that can be given to a single validator. /// - Computation complexity: `O(MAX_NOMINATIONS * logN)`; `MAX_NOMINATIONS` is the /// maximum number of validators that may be nominated by a single nominator, it is /// bounded only economically (all nominators are required to place a minimum stake). /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(500_000_000)] fn payout_nominator(origin, era: EraIndex, validators: Vec<(T::AccountId, u32)>) -> DispatchResult { let ctrl = ensure_signed(origin)?; Self::do_payout_nominator(ctrl, era, validators) } /// **This extrinsic will be removed after `MigrationEra + HistoryDepth` has passed, giving /// opportunity for users to claim all rewards before moving to Simple Payouts. After this /// time, you should use `payout_stakers` instead.** /// /// Make one validator's payout for one era. /// /// - `who` is the controller account of the validator to pay out. /// - `era` may not be lower than one following the most recently paid era. If it is higher, /// then it indicates an instruction to skip the payout of all previous eras. /// /// WARNING: once an era is payed for a validator such validator can't claim the payout of /// previous era. /// /// WARNING: Incorrect arguments here can result in loss of payout. Be very careful. /// /// # /// - Time complexity: O(1). /// - Contains a limited number of reads and writes. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(500_000_000)] fn payout_validator(origin, era: EraIndex) -> DispatchResult { let ctrl = ensure_signed(origin)?; Self::do_payout_validator(ctrl, era) } /// Pay out all the stakers behind a single validator for a single era. /// /// - `validator_stash` is the stash account of the validator. Their nominators, up to /// `T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator`, will also receive their rewards. /// - `era` may be any era between `[current_era - history_depth; current_era]`. /// /// The origin of this call must be _Signed_. Any account can call this function, even if /// it is not one of the stakers. /// /// This can only be called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`. /// /// # /// - Time complexity: at most O(MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator). /// - Contains a limited number of reads and writes. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(500_000_000)] fn payout_stakers(origin, validator_stash: T::AccountId, era: EraIndex) -> DispatchResult { ensure!(Self::era_election_status().is_closed(), Error::::CallNotAllowed); ensure_signed(origin)?; Self::do_payout_stakers(validator_stash, era) } /// Rebond a portion of the stash scheduled to be unlocked. /// /// The dispatch origin must be signed by the controller, and it can be only called when /// [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`. /// /// # /// - Time complexity: O(1). Bounded by `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`. /// - Storage changes: Can't increase storage, only decrease it. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(500_000_000)] fn rebond(origin, #[compact] value: BalanceOf) { ensure!(Self::era_election_status().is_closed(), Error::::CallNotAllowed); let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or(Error::::NotController)?; ensure!(!ledger.unlocking.is_empty(), Error::::NoUnlockChunk); let ledger = ledger.rebond(value); Self::update_ledger(&controller, &ledger); } /// Set history_depth value. /// /// Origin must be root. #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedOperational(500_000_000)] fn set_history_depth(origin, #[compact] new_history_depth: EraIndex) { ensure_root(origin)?; if let Some(current_era) = Self::current_era() { HistoryDepth::mutate(|history_depth| { let last_kept = current_era.checked_sub(*history_depth).unwrap_or(0); let new_last_kept = current_era.checked_sub(new_history_depth).unwrap_or(0); for era_index in last_kept..new_last_kept { Self::clear_era_information(era_index); } *history_depth = new_history_depth }) } } /// Remove all data structure concerning a staker/stash once its balance is zero. /// This is essentially equivalent to `withdraw_unbonded` except it can be called by anyone /// and the target `stash` must have no funds left. /// /// This can be called from any origin. /// /// - `stash`: The stash account to reap. Its balance must be zero. #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(MINIMUM_WEIGHT)] fn reap_stash(_origin, stash: T::AccountId) { ensure!(T::Currency::total_balance(&stash).is_zero(), Error::::FundedTarget); Self::kill_stash(&stash)?; T::Currency::remove_lock(STAKING_ID, &stash); } /// Submit a phragmen result to the chain. If the solution: /// /// 1. is valid. /// 2. has a better score than a potentially existing solution on chain. /// /// then, it will be _put_ on chain. /// /// A solution consists of two pieces of data: /// /// 1. `winners`: a flat vector of all the winners of the round. /// 2. `assignments`: the compact version of an assignment vector that encodes the edge /// weights. /// /// Both of which may be computed using [`phragmen`], or any other algorithm. /// /// Additionally, the submitter must provide: /// /// - The `score` that they claim their solution has. /// /// Both validators and nominators will be represented by indices in the solution. The /// indices should respect the corresponding types ([`ValidatorIndex`] and /// [`NominatorIndex`]). Moreover, they should be valid when used to index into /// [`SnapshotValidators`] and [`SnapshotNominators`]. Any invalid index will cause the /// solution to be rejected. These two storage items are set during the election window and /// may be used to determine the indices. /// /// A solution is valid if: /// /// 0. It is submitted when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Open`. /// 1. Its claimed score is equal to the score computed on-chain. /// 2. Presents the correct number of winners. /// 3. All indexes must be value according to the snapshot vectors. All edge values must /// also be correct and should not overflow the granularity of the ratio type (i.e. 256 /// or billion). /// 4. For each edge, all targets are actually nominated by the voter. /// 5. Has correct self-votes. /// /// A solutions score is consisted of 3 parameters: /// /// 1. `min { support.total }` for each support of a winner. This value should be maximized. /// 2. `sum { support.total }` for each support of a winner. This value should be minimized. /// 3. `sum { support.total^2 }` for each support of a winner. This value should be /// minimized (to ensure less variance) /// /// # /// E: number of edges. m: size of winner committee. n: number of nominators. d: edge degree /// (16 for now) v: number of on-chain validator candidates. /// /// NOTE: given a solution which is reduced, we can enable a new check the ensure `|E| < n + /// m`. We don't do this _yet_, but our offchain worker code executes it nonetheless. /// /// major steps (all done in `check_and_replace_solution`): /// /// - Storage: O(1) read `ElectionStatus`. /// - Storage: O(1) read `PhragmenScore`. /// - Storage: O(1) read `ValidatorCount`. /// - Storage: O(1) length read from `SnapshotValidators`. /// /// - Storage: O(v) reads of `AccountId` to fetch `snapshot_validators`. /// - Memory: O(m) iterations to map winner index to validator id. /// - Storage: O(n) reads `AccountId` to fetch `snapshot_nominators`. /// - Memory: O(n + m) reads to map index to `AccountId` for un-compact. /// /// - Storage: O(e) accountid reads from `Nomination` to read correct nominations. /// - Storage: O(e) calls into `slashable_balance_of_vote_weight` to convert ratio to staked. /// /// - Memory: build_support_map. O(e). /// - Memory: evaluate_support: O(E). /// /// - Storage: O(e) writes to `QueuedElected`. /// - Storage: O(1) write to `QueuedScore` /// /// The weight of this call is 1/10th of the blocks total weight. /// # #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(100_000_000_000)] pub fn submit_election_solution( origin, winners: Vec, compact_assignments: CompactAssignments, score: PhragmenScore, era: EraIndex, ) { let _who = ensure_signed(origin)?; Self::check_and_replace_solution( winners, compact_assignments, ElectionCompute::Signed, score, era, )? } /// Unsigned version of `submit_election_solution`. /// /// Note that this must pass the [`ValidateUnsigned`] check which only allows transactions /// from the local node to be included. In other words, only the block author can include a /// transaction in the block. #[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(100_000_000_000)] pub fn submit_election_solution_unsigned( origin, winners: Vec, compact_assignments: CompactAssignments, score: PhragmenScore, era: EraIndex, ) { ensure_none(origin)?; Self::check_and_replace_solution( winners, compact_assignments, ElectionCompute::Unsigned, score, era, )? // TODO: instead of returning an error, panic. This makes the entire produced block // invalid. // This ensures that block authors will not ever try and submit a solution which is not // an improvement, since they will lose their authoring points/rewards. } } } impl Module { /// Migrate `last_reward` to `claimed_rewards` pub fn migrate_last_reward_to_claimed_rewards() { use frame_support::migration::{StorageIterator, put_storage_value}; // Migrate from `last_reward` to `claimed_rewards`. // We will construct a vector from `current_era - history_depth` to `last_reward` // for each validator and nominator. // // Old Staking Ledger #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)] struct OldStakingLedger { pub stash: AccountId, #[codec(compact)] pub total: Balance, #[codec(compact)] pub active: Balance, pub unlocking: Vec>, pub last_reward: Option, } // Current era and history depth let current_era = Self::current_era().unwrap_or(0); let history_depth = Self::history_depth(); let last_payout_era = current_era.saturating_sub(history_depth); // Convert all ledgers to the new format. for (hash, old_ledger) in StorageIterator::>>::new(b"Staking", b"Ledger").drain() { let last_reward = old_ledger.last_reward.unwrap_or(0); let new_ledger = StakingLedger { stash: old_ledger.stash, total: old_ledger.total, active: old_ledger.active, unlocking: old_ledger.unlocking, claimed_rewards: (last_payout_era..=last_reward).collect(), }; put_storage_value(b"Staking", b"Ledger", &hash, new_ledger); } MigrateEra::put(current_era); } /// The total balance that can be slashed from a stash account as of right now. pub fn slashable_balance_of(stash: &T::AccountId) -> BalanceOf { Self::bonded(stash).and_then(Self::ledger).map(|l| l.active).unwrap_or_default() } /// internal impl of [`slashable_balance_of`] that returns [`VoteWeight`]. fn slashable_balance_of_vote_weight(stash: &T::AccountId) -> VoteWeight { , VoteWeight>>::convert( Self::slashable_balance_of(stash) ) } /// Dump the list of validators and nominators into vectors and keep them on-chain. /// /// This data is used to efficiently evaluate election results. returns `true` if the operation /// is successful. fn create_stakers_snapshot() -> bool { let validators = >::iter().map(|(v, _)| v).collect::>(); let mut nominators = >::iter().map(|(n, _)| n).collect::>(); let num_validators = validators.len(); let num_nominators = nominators.len(); if num_validators > MAX_VALIDATORS || num_nominators.saturating_add(num_validators) > MAX_NOMINATORS { log!( warn, "💸 Snapshot size too big [{} <> {}][{} <> {}].", num_validators, MAX_VALIDATORS, num_nominators, MAX_NOMINATORS, ); false } else { // all validators nominate themselves; nominators.extend(validators.clone()); >::put(validators); >::put(nominators); true } } /// Clears both snapshots of stakers. fn kill_stakers_snapshot() { >::kill(); >::kill(); } fn do_payout_nominator(ctrl: T::AccountId, era: EraIndex, validators: Vec<(T::AccountId, u32)>) -> DispatchResult { // validators len must not exceed `MAX_NOMINATIONS` to avoid querying more validator // exposure than necessary. if validators.len() > MAX_NOMINATIONS { return Err(Error::::InvalidNumberOfNominations.into()); } // If migrate_era is not populated, then you should use `payout_stakers` let migrate_era = MigrateEra::get().ok_or(Error::::InvalidEraToReward)?; // This payout mechanism will only work for eras before the migration. // Subsequent payouts should use `payout_stakers`. ensure!(era < migrate_era, Error::::InvalidEraToReward); let current_era = CurrentEra::get().ok_or(Error::::InvalidEraToReward)?; ensure!(era <= current_era, Error::::InvalidEraToReward); let history_depth = Self::history_depth(); ensure!(era >= current_era.saturating_sub(history_depth), Error::::InvalidEraToReward); // Note: if era has no reward to be claimed, era may be future. better not to update // `nominator_ledger.last_reward` in this case. let era_payout = >::get(&era) .ok_or_else(|| Error::::InvalidEraToReward)?; let mut nominator_ledger = >::get(&ctrl).ok_or_else(|| Error::::NotController)?; ensure!( Self::era_election_status().is_closed() || Self::payee(&nominator_ledger.stash) != RewardDestination::Staked, Error::::CallNotAllowed, ); nominator_ledger.claimed_rewards.retain(|&x| x >= current_era.saturating_sub(history_depth)); match nominator_ledger.claimed_rewards.binary_search(&era) { Ok(_) => Err(Error::::AlreadyClaimed)?, Err(pos) => nominator_ledger.claimed_rewards.insert(pos, era), } >::insert(&ctrl, &nominator_ledger); let mut reward = Perbill::zero(); let era_reward_points = >::get(&era); for (validator, nominator_index) in validators.into_iter() { let commission = Self::eras_validator_prefs(&era, &validator).commission; let validator_exposure = >::get(&era, &validator); if let Some(nominator_exposure) = validator_exposure.others .get(nominator_index as usize) { if nominator_exposure.who != nominator_ledger.stash { continue; } let nominator_exposure_part = Perbill::from_rational_approximation( nominator_exposure.value, validator_exposure.total, ); let validator_point = era_reward_points.individual.get(&validator) .map(|points| *points) .unwrap_or_else(|| Zero::zero()); let validator_point_part = Perbill::from_rational_approximation( validator_point, era_reward_points.total, ); reward = reward.saturating_add( validator_point_part .saturating_mul(Perbill::one().saturating_sub(commission)) .saturating_mul(nominator_exposure_part) ); } } if let Some(imbalance) = Self::make_payout(&nominator_ledger.stash, reward * era_payout) { Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Reward(ctrl, imbalance.peek())); } Ok(()) } fn do_payout_validator(ctrl: T::AccountId, era: EraIndex) -> DispatchResult { // If migrate_era is not populated, then you should use `payout_stakers` let migrate_era = MigrateEra::get().ok_or(Error::::InvalidEraToReward)?; // This payout mechanism will only work for eras before the migration. // Subsequent payouts should use `payout_stakers`. ensure!(era < migrate_era, Error::::InvalidEraToReward); let current_era = CurrentEra::get().ok_or(Error::::InvalidEraToReward)?; ensure!(era <= current_era, Error::::InvalidEraToReward); let history_depth = Self::history_depth(); ensure!(era >= current_era.saturating_sub(history_depth), Error::::InvalidEraToReward); // Note: if era has no reward to be claimed, era may be future. better not to update // `ledger.last_reward` in this case. let era_payout = >::get(&era) .ok_or_else(|| Error::::InvalidEraToReward)?; let mut ledger = >::get(&ctrl).ok_or_else(|| Error::::NotController)?; ensure!( Self::era_election_status().is_closed() || Self::payee(&ledger.stash) != RewardDestination::Staked, Error::::CallNotAllowed, ); ledger.claimed_rewards.retain(|&x| x >= current_era.saturating_sub(history_depth)); match ledger.claimed_rewards.binary_search(&era) { Ok(_) => Err(Error::::AlreadyClaimed)?, Err(pos) => ledger.claimed_rewards.insert(pos, era), } >::insert(&ctrl, &ledger); let era_reward_points = >::get(&era); let commission = Self::eras_validator_prefs(&era, &ledger.stash).commission; let exposure = >::get(&era, &ledger.stash); let exposure_part = Perbill::from_rational_approximation( exposure.own, exposure.total, ); let validator_point = era_reward_points.individual.get(&ledger.stash) .map(|points| *points) .unwrap_or_else(|| Zero::zero()); let validator_point_part = Perbill::from_rational_approximation( validator_point, era_reward_points.total, ); let reward = validator_point_part.saturating_mul( commission.saturating_add( Perbill::one().saturating_sub(commission).saturating_mul(exposure_part) ) ); if let Some(imbalance) = Self::make_payout(&ledger.stash, reward * era_payout) { Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Reward(ctrl, imbalance.peek())); } Ok(()) } fn do_payout_stakers( validator_stash: T::AccountId, era: EraIndex, ) -> DispatchResult { // Validate input data let current_era = CurrentEra::get().ok_or(Error::::InvalidEraToReward)?; ensure!(era <= current_era, Error::::InvalidEraToReward); let history_depth = Self::history_depth(); ensure!(era >= current_era.saturating_sub(history_depth), Error::::InvalidEraToReward); // If there was no migration, then this function is always valid. if let Some(migrate_era) = MigrateEra::get() { // This payout mechanism will only work for eras on and after the migration. // Payouts before then should use `payout_nominator`/`payout_validator`. ensure!(migrate_era <= era, Error::::InvalidEraToReward); } // Note: if era has no reward to be claimed, era may be future. better not to update // `ledger.claimed_rewards` in this case. let era_payout = >::get(&era) .ok_or_else(|| Error::::InvalidEraToReward)?; let controller = Self::bonded(&validator_stash).ok_or(Error::::NotStash)?; let mut ledger = >::get(&controller).ok_or_else(|| Error::::NotController)?; ledger.claimed_rewards.retain(|&x| x >= current_era.saturating_sub(history_depth)); match ledger.claimed_rewards.binary_search(&era) { Ok(_) => Err(Error::::AlreadyClaimed)?, Err(pos) => ledger.claimed_rewards.insert(pos, era), } let exposure = >::get(&era, &ledger.stash); /* Input data seems good, no errors allowed after this point */ >::insert(&controller, &ledger); // Get Era reward points. It has TOTAL and INDIVIDUAL // Find the fraction of the era reward that belongs to the validator // Take that fraction of the eras rewards to split to nominator and validator // // Then look at the validator, figure out the proportion of their reward // which goes to them and each of their nominators. let era_reward_points = >::get(&era); let total_reward_points = era_reward_points.total; let validator_reward_points = era_reward_points.individual.get(&ledger.stash) .map(|points| *points) .unwrap_or_else(|| Zero::zero()); // Nothing to do if they have no reward points. if validator_reward_points.is_zero() { return Ok(())} // This is the fraction of the total reward that the validator and the // nominators will get. let validator_total_reward_part = Perbill::from_rational_approximation( validator_reward_points, total_reward_points, ); // This is how much validator + nominators are entitled to. let validator_total_payout = validator_total_reward_part * era_payout; let validator_prefs = Self::eras_validator_prefs(&era, &validator_stash); // Validator first gets a cut off the top. let validator_commission = validator_prefs.commission; let validator_commission_payout = validator_commission * validator_total_payout; let validator_leftover_payout = validator_total_payout - validator_commission_payout; // Now let's calculate how this is split to the validator. let validator_exposure_part = Perbill::from_rational_approximation( exposure.own, exposure.total, ); let validator_staking_payout = validator_exposure_part * validator_leftover_payout; // We can now make total validator payout: if let Some(imbalance) = Self::make_payout( &ledger.stash, validator_staking_payout + validator_commission_payout ) { Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Reward(ledger.stash, imbalance.peek())); } // Lets now calculate how this is split to the nominators. // Sort nominators by highest to lowest exposure, but only keep `max_nominator_payouts` of them. for nominator in exposure.others.iter() { let nominator_exposure_part = Perbill::from_rational_approximation( nominator.value, exposure.total, ); let nominator_reward: BalanceOf = nominator_exposure_part * validator_leftover_payout; // We can now make nominator payout: if let Some(imbalance) = Self::make_payout(&nominator.who, nominator_reward) { Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Reward(nominator.who.clone(), imbalance.peek())); } } Ok(()) } /// Update the ledger for a controller. This will also update the stash lock. The lock will /// will lock the entire funds except paying for further transactions. fn update_ledger( controller: &T::AccountId, ledger: &StakingLedger> ) { T::Currency::set_lock( STAKING_ID, &ledger.stash, ledger.total, WithdrawReasons::all(), ); >::insert(controller, ledger); } /// Chill a stash account. fn chill_stash(stash: &T::AccountId) { >::remove(stash); >::remove(stash); } /// Actually make a payment to a staker. This uses the currency's reward function /// to pay the right payee for the given staker account. fn make_payout(stash: &T::AccountId, amount: BalanceOf) -> Option> { let dest = Self::payee(stash); match dest { RewardDestination::Controller => Self::bonded(stash) .and_then(|controller| T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(&controller, amount).ok() ), RewardDestination::Stash => T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(stash, amount).ok(), RewardDestination::Staked => Self::bonded(stash) .and_then(|c| Self::ledger(&c).map(|l| (c, l))) .and_then(|(controller, mut l)| { l.active += amount; l.total += amount; let r = T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(stash, amount).ok(); Self::update_ledger(&controller, &l); r }), } } /// Plan a new session potentially trigger a new era. fn new_session(session_index: SessionIndex) -> Option> { if let Some(current_era) = Self::current_era() { // Initial era has been set. let current_era_start_session_index = Self::eras_start_session_index(current_era) .unwrap_or_else(|| { frame_support::print("Error: start_session_index must be set for current_era"); 0 }); let era_length = session_index.checked_sub(current_era_start_session_index) .unwrap_or(0); // Must never happen. match ForceEra::get() { Forcing::ForceNew => ForceEra::kill(), Forcing::ForceAlways => (), Forcing::NotForcing if era_length >= T::SessionsPerEra::get() => (), _ => { // not forcing, not a new era either. If final, set the flag. if era_length + 1 >= T::SessionsPerEra::get() { IsCurrentSessionFinal::put(true); } return None }, } // new era. IsCurrentSessionFinal::put(false); Self::new_era(session_index) } else { // Set initial era Self::new_era(session_index) } } /// Basic and cheap checks that we perform in validate unsigned, and in the execution. pub fn pre_dispatch_checks(score: PhragmenScore, era: EraIndex) -> Result<(), Error> { // discard solutions that are not in-time // check window open ensure!( Self::era_election_status().is_open(), Error::::PhragmenEarlySubmission, ); // check current era. if let Some(current_era) = Self::current_era() { ensure!( current_era == era, Error::::PhragmenEarlySubmission, ) } // assume the given score is valid. Is it better than what we have on-chain, if we have any? if let Some(queued_score) = Self::queued_score() { ensure!( is_score_better(queued_score, score), Error::::PhragmenWeakSubmission, ) } Ok(()) } /// Checks a given solution and if correct and improved, writes it on chain as the queued result /// of the next round. This may be called by both a signed and an unsigned transaction. pub fn check_and_replace_solution( winners: Vec, compact_assignments: CompactAssignments, compute: ElectionCompute, claimed_score: PhragmenScore, era: EraIndex, ) -> Result<(), Error> { // Do the basic checks. era, claimed score and window open. Self::pre_dispatch_checks(claimed_score, era)?; // Check that the number of presented winners is sane. Most often we have more candidates // that we need. Then it should be Self::validator_count(). Else it should be all the // candidates. let snapshot_length = >::decode_len() .map_err(|_| Error::::SnapshotUnavailable)?; let desired_winners = Self::validator_count().min(snapshot_length as u32); ensure!(winners.len() as u32 == desired_winners, Error::::PhragmenBogusWinnerCount); // decode snapshot validators. let snapshot_validators = Self::snapshot_validators() .ok_or(Error::::SnapshotUnavailable)?; // check if all winners were legit; this is rather cheap. Replace with accountId. let winners = winners.into_iter().map(|widx| { // NOTE: at the moment, since staking is explicitly blocking any offence until election // is closed, we don't check here if the account id at `snapshot_validators[widx]` is // actually a validator. If this ever changes, this loop needs to also check this. snapshot_validators.get(widx as usize).cloned().ok_or(Error::::PhragmenBogusWinner) }).collect::, Error>>()?; // decode the rest of the snapshot. let snapshot_nominators = >::snapshot_nominators() .ok_or(Error::::SnapshotUnavailable)?; // helpers let nominator_at = |i: NominatorIndex| -> Option { snapshot_nominators.get(i as usize).cloned() }; let validator_at = |i: ValidatorIndex| -> Option { snapshot_validators.get(i as usize).cloned() }; // un-compact. let assignments = compact_assignments.into_assignment( nominator_at, validator_at, ).map_err(|e| { // log the error since it is not propagated into the runtime error. log!(warn, "💸 un-compacting solution failed due to {:?}", e); Error::::PhragmenBogusCompact })?; // check all nominators actually including the claimed vote. Also check correct self votes. // Note that we assume all validators and nominators in `assignments` are properly bonded, // because they are coming from the snapshot via a given index. for Assignment { who, distribution } in assignments.iter() { let is_validator = >::contains_key(&who); let maybe_nomination = Self::nominators(&who); if !(maybe_nomination.is_some() ^ is_validator) { // all of the indices must map to either a validator or a nominator. If this is ever // not the case, then the locking system of staking is most likely faulty, or we // have bigger problems. log!(error, "💸 detected an error in the staking locking and snapshot."); // abort. return Err(Error::::PhragmenBogusNominator); } if !is_validator { // a normal vote let nomination = maybe_nomination.expect( "exactly one of `maybe_validator` and `maybe_nomination.is_some` is true. \ is_validator is false; maybe_nomination is some; qed" ); // NOTE: we don't really have to check here if the sum of all edges are the // nominator correct. Un-compacting assures this by definition. for (t, _) in distribution { // each target in the provided distribution must be actually nominated by the // nominator after the last non-zero slash. if nomination.targets.iter().find(|&tt| tt == t).is_none() { return Err(Error::::PhragmenBogusNomination); } if ::SlashingSpans::get(&t).map_or( false, |spans| nomination.submitted_in < spans.last_nonzero_slash(), ) { return Err(Error::::PhragmenSlashedNomination); } } } else { // a self vote ensure!(distribution.len() == 1, Error::::PhragmenBogusSelfVote); ensure!(distribution[0].0 == *who, Error::::PhragmenBogusSelfVote); // defensive only. A compact assignment of length one does NOT encode the weight and // it is always created to be 100%. ensure!( distribution[0].1 == OffchainAccuracy::one(), Error::::PhragmenBogusSelfVote, ); } } // convert into staked assignments. let staked_assignments = sp_phragmen::assignment_ratio_to_staked( assignments, Self::slashable_balance_of_vote_weight, ); // build the support map thereof in order to evaluate. // OPTIMIZATION: loop to create the staked assignments but it would bloat the code. Okay for // now as it does not add to the complexity order. let (supports, num_error) = build_support_map::( &winners, &staked_assignments, ); // This technically checks that all targets in all nominators were among the winners. ensure!(num_error == 0, Error::::PhragmenBogusEdge); // Check if the score is the same as the claimed one. let submitted_score = evaluate_support(&supports); ensure!(submitted_score == claimed_score, Error::::PhragmenBogusScore); // At last, alles Ok. Exposures and store the result. let exposures = Self::collect_exposure(supports); log!( info, "💸 A better solution (with compute {:?}) has been validated and stored on chain.", compute, ); // write new results. >::put(ElectionResult { elected_stashes: winners, compute, exposures, }); QueuedScore::put(submitted_score); Ok(()) } /// Start a session potentially starting an era. fn start_session(start_session: SessionIndex) { let next_active_era = Self::active_era().map(|e| e.index + 1).unwrap_or(0); if let Some(next_active_era_start_session_index) = Self::eras_start_session_index(next_active_era) { if next_active_era_start_session_index == start_session { Self::start_era(start_session); } else if next_active_era_start_session_index < start_session { // This arm should never happen, but better handle it than to stall the // staking pallet. frame_support::print("Warning: A session appears to have been skipped."); Self::start_era(start_session); } } } /// End a session potentially ending an era. fn end_session(session_index: SessionIndex) { if let Some(active_era) = Self::active_era() { if let Some(next_active_era_start_session_index) = Self::eras_start_session_index(active_era.index + 1) { if next_active_era_start_session_index == session_index + 1 { Self::end_era(active_era, session_index); } } } } /// * Increment `active_era.index`, /// * reset `active_era.start`, /// * update `BondedEras` and apply slashes. fn start_era(start_session: SessionIndex) { let active_era = ActiveEra::mutate(|active_era| { let new_index = active_era.as_ref().map(|info| info.index + 1).unwrap_or(0); *active_era = Some(ActiveEraInfo { index: new_index, // Set new active era start in next `on_finalize`. To guarantee usage of `Time` start: None, }); new_index }); let bonding_duration = T::BondingDuration::get(); BondedEras::mutate(|bonded| { bonded.push((active_era, start_session)); if active_era > bonding_duration { let first_kept = active_era - bonding_duration; // prune out everything that's from before the first-kept index. let n_to_prune = bonded.iter() .take_while(|&&(era_idx, _)| era_idx < first_kept) .count(); // kill slashing metadata. for (pruned_era, _) in bonded.drain(..n_to_prune) { slashing::clear_era_metadata::(pruned_era); } if let Some(&(_, first_session)) = bonded.first() { T::SessionInterface::prune_historical_up_to(first_session); } } }); Self::apply_unapplied_slashes(active_era); } /// Compute payout for era. fn end_era(active_era: ActiveEraInfo, _session_index: SessionIndex) { // Note: active_era_start can be None if end era is called during genesis config. if let Some(active_era_start) = active_era.start { let now_as_millis_u64 = T::UnixTime::now().as_millis().saturated_into::(); let era_duration = now_as_millis_u64 - active_era_start; let (total_payout, _max_payout) = inflation::compute_total_payout( &T::RewardCurve::get(), Self::eras_total_stake(&active_era.index), T::Currency::total_issuance(), // Duration of era; more than u64::MAX is rewarded as u64::MAX. era_duration.saturated_into::(), ); // Set ending era reward. >::insert(&active_era.index, total_payout); } } /// Plan a new era. Return the potential new staking set. fn new_era(start_session_index: SessionIndex) -> Option> { // Increment or set current era. let current_era = CurrentEra::mutate(|s| { *s = Some(s.map(|s| s + 1).unwrap_or(0)); s.unwrap() }); ErasStartSessionIndex::insert(¤t_era, &start_session_index); // Clean old era information. if let Some(old_era) = current_era.checked_sub(Self::history_depth() + 1) { Self::clear_era_information(old_era); } // Set staking information for new era. let maybe_new_validators = Self::select_and_update_validators(current_era); maybe_new_validators } /// Select the new validator set at the end of the era. /// /// Runs [`try_do_phragmen`] and updates the following storage items: /// - [`EraElectionStatus`]: with `None`. /// - [`ErasStakers`]: with the new staker set. /// - [`ErasStakersClipped`]. /// - [`ErasValidatorPrefs`]. /// - [`ErasTotalStake`]: with the new total stake. /// - [`SnapshotValidators`] and [`SnapshotNominators`] are both removed. /// /// Internally, [`QueuedElected`], snapshots and [`QueuedScore`] are also consumed. /// /// If the election has been successful, It passes the new set upwards. /// /// This should only be called at the end of an era. fn select_and_update_validators(current_era: EraIndex) -> Option> { if let Some(ElectionResult::> { elected_stashes, exposures, compute, }) = Self::try_do_phragmen() { // We have chosen the new validator set. Submission is no longer allowed. >::put(ElectionStatus::Closed); // kill the snapshots. Self::kill_stakers_snapshot(); // Populate Stakers and write slot stake. let mut total_stake: BalanceOf = Zero::zero(); exposures.into_iter().for_each(|(stash, exposure)| { total_stake = total_stake.saturating_add(exposure.total); >::insert(current_era, &stash, &exposure); let mut exposure_clipped = exposure; let clipped_max_len = T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator::get() as usize; if exposure_clipped.others.len() > clipped_max_len { exposure_clipped.others.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.value.cmp(&b.value).reverse()); exposure_clipped.others.truncate(clipped_max_len); } >::insert(¤t_era, &stash, exposure_clipped); }); // Insert current era staking information >::insert(¤t_era, total_stake); // collect the pref of all winners for stash in &elected_stashes { let pref = Self::validators(stash); >::insert(¤t_era, stash, pref); } // emit event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::StakingElection(compute)); log!( info, "💸 new validator set of size {:?} has been elected via {:?} for era {:?}", elected_stashes.len(), compute, current_era, ); Some(elected_stashes) } else { None } } /// Select a new validator set from the assembled stakers and their role preferences. It tries /// first to peek into [`QueuedElected`]. Otherwise, it runs a new phragmen. /// /// If [`QueuedElected`] and [`QueuedScore`] exists, they are both removed. No further storage /// is updated. fn try_do_phragmen() -> Option>> { // a phragmen result from either a stored submission or locally executed one. let next_result = >::take().or_else(|| Self::do_phragmen_with_post_processing::(ElectionCompute::OnChain) ); // either way, kill this. We remove it here to make sure it always has the exact same // lifetime as `QueuedElected`. QueuedScore::kill(); next_result } /// Execute phragmen and return the new results. The edge weights are processed into support /// values. /// /// This is basically a wrapper around [`do_phragmen`] which translates `PhragmenResult` into /// `ElectionResult`. /// /// No storage item is updated. fn do_phragmen_with_post_processing(compute: ElectionCompute) -> Option>> where Accuracy: sp_std::ops::Mul, ExtendedBalance: From<::Inner>, { if let Some(phragmen_result) = Self::do_phragmen::() { let elected_stashes = phragmen_result.winners.iter() .map(|(s, _)| s.clone()) .collect::>(); let assignments = phragmen_result.assignments; let staked_assignments = sp_phragmen::assignment_ratio_to_staked( assignments, Self::slashable_balance_of_vote_weight, ); let (supports, _) = build_support_map::( &elected_stashes, &staked_assignments, ); // collect exposures let exposures = Self::collect_exposure(supports); // In order to keep the property required by `on_session_ending` that we must return the // new validator set even if it's the same as the old, as long as any underlying // economic conditions have changed, we don't attempt to do any optimization where we // compare against the prior set. Some(ElectionResult::> { elected_stashes, exposures, compute, }) } else { // There were not enough candidates for even our minimal level of functionality. This is // bad. We should probably disable all functionality except for block production and let // the chain keep producing blocks until we can decide on a sufficiently substantial // set. TODO: #2494 None } } /// Execute phragmen and return the new results. No post-processing is applied and the raw edge /// weights are returned. /// /// Self votes are added and nominations before the most recent slashing span are reaped. /// /// No storage item is updated. fn do_phragmen() -> Option> { let mut all_nominators: Vec<(T::AccountId, VoteWeight, Vec)> = Vec::new(); let mut all_validators = Vec::new(); for (validator, _) in >::iter() { // append self vote let self_vote = (validator.clone(), Self::slashable_balance_of_vote_weight(&validator), vec![validator.clone()]); all_nominators.push(self_vote); all_validators.push(validator); } let nominator_votes = >::iter().map(|(nominator, nominations)| { let Nominations { submitted_in, mut targets, suppressed: _ } = nominations; // Filter out nomination targets which were nominated before the most recent // slashing span. targets.retain(|stash| { ::SlashingSpans::get(&stash).map_or( true, |spans| submitted_in >= spans.last_nonzero_slash(), ) }); (nominator, targets) }); all_nominators.extend(nominator_votes.map(|(n, ns)| { let s = Self::slashable_balance_of_vote_weight(&n); (n, s, ns) })); elect::<_, Accuracy>( Self::validator_count() as usize, Self::minimum_validator_count().max(1) as usize, all_validators, all_nominators, ) } /// Consume a set of [`Supports`] from [`sp_phragmen`] and collect them into a [`Exposure`] fn collect_exposure(supports: SupportMap) -> Vec<(T::AccountId, Exposure>)> { let to_balance = |e: ExtendedBalance| >>::convert(e); supports.into_iter().map(|(validator, support)| { // build `struct exposure` from `support` let mut others = Vec::new(); let mut own: BalanceOf = Zero::zero(); let mut total: BalanceOf = Zero::zero(); support.voters .into_iter() .map(|(nominator, weight)| (nominator, to_balance(weight))) .for_each(|(nominator, stake)| { if nominator == validator { own = own.saturating_add(stake); } else { others.push(IndividualExposure { who: nominator, value: stake }); } total = total.saturating_add(stake); }); let exposure = Exposure { own, others, total, }; (validator, exposure) }).collect::)>>() } /// Remove all associated data of a stash account from the staking system. /// /// Assumes storage is upgraded before calling. /// /// This is called: /// - after a `withdraw_unbond()` call that frees all of a stash's bonded balance. /// - through `reap_stash()` if the balance has fallen to zero (through slashing). fn kill_stash(stash: &T::AccountId) -> DispatchResult { let controller = Bonded::::take(stash).ok_or(Error::::NotStash)?; >::remove(&controller); >::remove(stash); >::remove(stash); >::remove(stash); slashing::clear_stash_metadata::(stash); system::Module::::dec_ref(stash); Ok(()) } /// Clear all era information for given era. fn clear_era_information(era_index: EraIndex) { >::remove_prefix(era_index); >::remove_prefix(era_index); >::remove_prefix(era_index); >::remove(era_index); >::remove(era_index); >::remove(era_index); ErasStartSessionIndex::remove(era_index); } /// Apply previously-unapplied slashes on the beginning of a new era, after a delay. fn apply_unapplied_slashes(active_era: EraIndex) { let slash_defer_duration = T::SlashDeferDuration::get(); ::EarliestUnappliedSlash::mutate(|earliest| if let Some(ref mut earliest) = earliest { let keep_from = active_era.saturating_sub(slash_defer_duration); for era in (*earliest)..keep_from { let era_slashes = ::UnappliedSlashes::take(&era); for slash in era_slashes { slashing::apply_slash::(slash); } } *earliest = (*earliest).max(keep_from) }) } /// Add reward points to validators using their stash account ID. /// /// Validators are keyed by stash account ID and must be in the current elected set. /// /// For each element in the iterator the given number of points in u32 is added to the /// validator, thus duplicates are handled. /// /// At the end of the era each the total payout will be distributed among validator /// relatively to their points. /// /// COMPLEXITY: Complexity is `number_of_validator_to_reward x current_elected_len`. /// If you need to reward lots of validator consider using `reward_by_indices`. pub fn reward_by_ids( validators_points: impl IntoIterator ) { if let Some(active_era) = Self::active_era() { >::mutate(active_era.index, |era_rewards| { for (validator, points) in validators_points.into_iter() { *era_rewards.individual.entry(validator).or_default() += points; era_rewards.total += points; } }); } } /// Ensures that at the end of the current session there will be a new era. fn ensure_new_era() { match ForceEra::get() { Forcing::ForceAlways | Forcing::ForceNew => (), _ => ForceEra::put(Forcing::ForceNew), } } fn will_era_be_forced() -> bool { match ForceEra::get() { Forcing::ForceAlways | Forcing::ForceNew => true, Forcing::ForceNone | Forcing::NotForcing => false, } } #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")] pub fn add_era_stakers(current_era: EraIndex, controller: T::AccountId, exposure: Exposure>) { >::insert(¤t_era, &controller, &exposure); } #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")] pub fn put_election_status(status: ElectionStatus::) { >::put(status); } } /// In this implementation `new_session(session)` must be called before `end_session(session-1)` /// i.e. the new session must be planned before the ending of the previous session. /// /// Once the first new_session is planned, all session must start and then end in order, though /// some session can lag in between the newest session planned and the latest session started. impl pallet_session::SessionManager for Module { fn new_session(new_index: SessionIndex) -> Option> { Self::new_session(new_index) } fn start_session(start_index: SessionIndex) { Self::start_session(start_index) } fn end_session(end_index: SessionIndex) { Self::end_session(end_index) } } impl historical::SessionManager>> for Module { fn new_session(new_index: SessionIndex) -> Option>)>> { >::new_session(new_index).map(|validators| { let current_era = Self::current_era() // Must be some as a new era has been created. .unwrap_or(0); validators.into_iter().map(|v| { let exposure = Self::eras_stakers(current_era, &v); (v, exposure) }).collect() }) } fn start_session(start_index: SessionIndex) { >::start_session(start_index) } fn end_session(end_index: SessionIndex) { >::end_session(end_index) } } /// Add reward points to block authors: /// * 20 points to the block producer for producing a (non-uncle) block in the relay chain, /// * 2 points to the block producer for each reference to a previously unreferenced uncle, and /// * 1 point to the producer of each referenced uncle block. impl pallet_authorship::EventHandler for Module where T: Trait + pallet_authorship::Trait + pallet_session::Trait { fn note_author(author: T::AccountId) { Self::reward_by_ids(vec![(author, 20)]) } fn note_uncle(author: T::AccountId, _age: T::BlockNumber) { Self::reward_by_ids(vec![ (>::author(), 2), (author, 1) ]) } } /// A `Convert` implementation that finds the stash of the given controller account, /// if any. pub struct StashOf(sp_std::marker::PhantomData); impl Convert> for StashOf { fn convert(controller: T::AccountId) -> Option { >::ledger(&controller).map(|l| l.stash) } } /// A typed conversion from stash account ID to the active exposure of nominators /// on that account. /// /// Active exposure is the exposure of the validator set currently validating, i.e. in /// `active_era`. It can differ from the latest planned exposure in `current_era`. pub struct ExposureOf(sp_std::marker::PhantomData); impl Convert>>> for ExposureOf { fn convert(validator: T::AccountId) -> Option>> { if let Some(active_era) = >::active_era() { Some(>::eras_stakers(active_era.index, &validator)) } else { None } } } /// This is intended to be used with `FilterHistoricalOffences`. impl OnOffenceHandler> for Module where T: pallet_session::Trait::AccountId>, T: pallet_session::historical::Trait< FullIdentification = Exposure<::AccountId, BalanceOf>, FullIdentificationOf = ExposureOf, >, T::SessionHandler: pallet_session::SessionHandler<::AccountId>, T::SessionManager: pallet_session::SessionManager<::AccountId>, T::ValidatorIdOf: Convert<::AccountId, Option<::AccountId>> { fn on_offence( offenders: &[OffenceDetails>], slash_fraction: &[Perbill], slash_session: SessionIndex, ) -> Result<(), ()> { if !Self::can_report() { return Err(()) } let reward_proportion = SlashRewardFraction::get(); let active_era = { let active_era = Self::active_era(); if active_era.is_none() { // this offence need not be re-submitted. return Ok(()) } active_era.expect("value checked not to be `None`; qed").index }; let active_era_start_session_index = Self::eras_start_session_index(active_era) .unwrap_or_else(|| { frame_support::print("Error: start_session_index must be set for current_era"); 0 }); let window_start = active_era.saturating_sub(T::BondingDuration::get()); // fast path for active-era report - most likely. // `slash_session` cannot be in a future active era. It must be in `active_era` or before. let slash_era = if slash_session >= active_era_start_session_index { active_era } else { let eras = BondedEras::get(); // reverse because it's more likely to find reports from recent eras. match eras.iter().rev().filter(|&&(_, ref sesh)| sesh <= &slash_session).next() { None => return Ok(()), // before bonding period. defensive - should be filtered out. Some(&(ref slash_era, _)) => *slash_era, } }; ::EarliestUnappliedSlash::mutate(|earliest| { if earliest.is_none() { *earliest = Some(active_era) } }); let slash_defer_duration = T::SlashDeferDuration::get(); for (details, slash_fraction) in offenders.iter().zip(slash_fraction) { let (stash, exposure) = &details.offender; // Skip if the validator is invulnerable. if Self::invulnerables().contains(stash) { continue } let unapplied = slashing::compute_slash::(slashing::SlashParams { stash, slash: *slash_fraction, exposure, slash_era, window_start, now: active_era, reward_proportion, }); if let Some(mut unapplied) = unapplied { unapplied.reporters = details.reporters.clone(); if slash_defer_duration == 0 { // apply right away. slashing::apply_slash::(unapplied); } else { // defer to end of some `slash_defer_duration` from now. ::UnappliedSlashes::mutate( active_era, move |for_later| for_later.push(unapplied), ); } } } Ok(()) } fn can_report() -> bool { Self::era_election_status().is_closed() } } /// Filter historical offences out and only allow those from the bonding period. pub struct FilterHistoricalOffences { _inner: sp_std::marker::PhantomData<(T, R)>, } impl ReportOffence for FilterHistoricalOffences, R> where T: Trait, R: ReportOffence, O: Offence, { fn report_offence(reporters: Vec, offence: O) -> Result<(), OffenceError> { // disallow any slashing from before the current bonding period. let offence_session = offence.session_index(); let bonded_eras = BondedEras::get(); if bonded_eras.first().filter(|(_, start)| offence_session >= *start).is_some() { R::report_offence(reporters, offence) } else { >::deposit_event( RawEvent::OldSlashingReportDiscarded(offence_session) ); Ok(()) } } } impl From> for InvalidTransaction { fn from(e: Error) -> Self { InvalidTransaction::Custom(e.as_u8()) } } #[allow(deprecated)] impl frame_support::unsigned::ValidateUnsigned for Module { type Call = Call; fn validate_unsigned(source: TransactionSource, call: &Self::Call) -> TransactionValidity { if let Call::submit_election_solution_unsigned( _, _, score, era, ) = call { use offchain_election::DEFAULT_LONGEVITY; // discard solution not coming from the local OCW. match source { TransactionSource::Local | TransactionSource::InBlock => { /* allowed */ } _ => { log!(debug, "rejecting unsigned transaction because it is not local/in-block."); return InvalidTransaction::Call.into(); } } if let Err(e) = Self::pre_dispatch_checks(*score, *era) { log!(debug, "validate unsigned pre dispatch checks failed due to {:?}.", e); return InvalidTransaction::from(e).into(); } log!(debug, "validateUnsigned succeeded for a solution at era {}.", era); ValidTransaction::with_tag_prefix("StakingOffchain") // The higher the score[0], the better a solution is. .priority(T::UnsignedPriority::get().saturating_add(score[0].saturated_into())) // Defensive only. A single solution can exist in the pool per era. Each validator // will run OCW at most once per era, hence there should never exist more than one // transaction anyhow. .and_provides(era) // Note: this can be more accurate in the future. We do something like // `era_end_block - current_block` but that is not needed now as we eagerly run // offchain workers now and the above should be same as `T::ElectionLookahead` // without the need to query more storage in the validation phase. If we randomize // offchain worker, then we might re-consider this. .longevity(TryInto::::try_into( T::ElectionLookahead::get()).unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LONGEVITY) ) // We don't propagate this. This can never the validated at a remote node. .propagate(false) .build() } else { InvalidTransaction::Call.into() } } fn pre_dispatch(_: &Self::Call) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError> { // IMPORTANT NOTE: By default, a sane `pre-dispatch` should always do the same checks as // `validate_unsigned` and overriding this should be done with care. this module has only // one unsigned entry point, in which we call into `>::pre_dispatch_checks()` // which is all the important checks that we do in `validate_unsigned`. Hence, we can safely // override this to save some time. Ok(()) } } /// Check that list is sorted and has no duplicates. fn is_sorted_and_unique(list: &[u32]) -> bool { list.windows(2).all(|w| w[0] < w[1]) }