// Copyright 2017-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Substrate. // Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Substrate. If not, see . //! # Staking Module //! //! //! The staking module is the means by which a set of network maintainers (known as "authorities" in some contexts and "validators" in others) //! are chosen based upon those who voluntarily place funds under deposit. Under deposit, those funds are rewarded under //! normal operation but are held at pain of "slash" (expropriation) should the staked maintainer be found not to be //! discharging their duties properly. //! You can start using the Staking module by implementing the staking [`Trait`]. //! //! ## Overview //! //! ### Terminology //! //! //! - Staking: The process of locking up funds for some time, placing them at risk of slashing (loss) in order to become a rewarded maintainer of the network. //! - Validating: The process of running a node to actively maintain the network, either by producing blocks or guaranteeing finality of the chain. //! - Nominating: The process of placing staked funds behind one or more validators in order to share in any reward, and punishment, they take. //! - Stash account: The account holding an owner's funds used for staking. //! - Controller account: The account which controls an owner's funds for staking. //! - Era: A (whole) number of sessions, which is the period that the validator set (and each validator's active nominator set) is recalculated and where rewards are paid out. //! - Slash: The punishment of a staker by reducing their funds ([reference](#references)). //! //! ### Goals //! //! //! The staking system in Substrate NPoS is designed to achieve three goals: //! - It should be possible to stake funds that are controlled by a cold wallet. //! - It should be possible to withdraw some, or deposit more, funds without interrupting the role of an entity. //! - It should be possible to switch between roles (nominator, validator, idle) with minimal overhead. //! //! ### Scenarios //! //! #### Staking //! //! Almost any interaction with the staking module requires at least one account to become **bonded**, also known as //! being a **staker**. For this, all that it is needed is a secondary _**stash account**_ which will hold the staked funds. //! Henceforth, the former account that initiated the interest is called the **controller** and the latter, holding the //! funds, is named the **stash**. Also, note that this implies that entering the staking process requires an _account //! pair_, one to take the role of the controller and one to be the frozen stash account (any value locked in //! stash cannot be used, hence called _frozen_). This process in the public API is mostly referred to as _bonding_ via //! the `bond()` function. //! //! Any account pair successfully placed at stake can accept three possible roles, namely: `validate`, `nominate` or //! simply `chill`. Note that during the process of accepting these roles, the _controller_ account is always responsible //! for declaring interest and the _stash_ account stays untouched, without directly interacting in any operation. //! //! #### Validating //! //! A **validator** takes the role of either validating blocks or ensuring their finality, maintaining the veracity of //! the network. A validator should avoid both any sort of malicious misbehavior and going offline. //! Bonded accounts that state interest in being a validator do NOT get immediately chosen as a validator. Instead, they //! are declared as a _candidate_ and they _might_ get elected at the _next **era**_ as a validator. The result of the //! election is determined by nominators and their votes. An account can become a validator via the `validate()` call. //! //! #### Nomination //! //! A **nominator** does not take any _direct_ role in maintaining the network, instead, it votes on a set of validators //! to be elected. Once interest in nomination is stated by an account, it takes effect _immediately_, meaning that its //! votes will be taken into account at the next election round. As mentioned above, a nominator must also place some //! funds in a stash account, essentially indicating the _weight_ of its vote. In some sense, the nominator bets on the //! honesty of a set of validators by voting for them, with the goal of having a share of the reward granted to them. //! Any rewards given to a validator is shared among that validator and all of the nominators that voted for it. The //! same logic applies to the slash of a validator; if a validator misbehaves all of its nominators also get slashed. //! This rule incentivizes the nominators to NOT vote for the misbehaving/offline validators as much as possible, simply //! because the nominators will also lose funds if they vote poorly. An account can become a nominator via the //! `nominate()` call. //! //! #### Rewards and Slash //! //! The **reward and slashing** procedure are the core of the staking module, attempting to _embrace valid behavior_ //! while _punishing any misbehavior or lack of availability_. Slashing can occur at any point in time, once //! misbehavior is reported. One such misbehavior is a validator being detected as offline more than a certain number of //! times. Once slashing is determined, a value is deducted from the balance of the validator and all the nominators who //! voted for this validator. Same rules apply to the rewards in the sense of being shared among a validator and its //! associated nominators. //! //! Finally, any of the roles above can choose to step back temporarily and just chill for a while. This means that if //! they are a nominator, they will not be considered as voters anymore and if they are validators, they will no longer //! be a candidate for the next election (again, both effects apply at the beginning of the next era). An account can //! step back via the `chill()` call. //! //! ## Interface //! //! ### Types //! //! - `Currency`: Used as the measurement means of staking and funds management. //! //! ### Dispatchable //! //! The Dispatchable functions of the staking module enable the steps needed for entities to accept and change their //! role, alongside some helper functions to get/set the metadata of the module. //! //! Please refer to the [`Call`] enum and its associated variants for a detailed list of dispatchable functions. //! //! ### Public //! The staking module contains many public storage items and (im)mutable functions. Please refer to the [struct list](#structs) //! below and the [`Module`](https://crates.parity.io/srml_staking/struct.Module.html) struct definition for more details. //! //! ## Usage //! //! //! ### Snippet: Bonding and Accepting Roles //! //! An arbitrary account pair, given that the associated stash has the required funds, can become stakers via the following call: //! //! ```rust,ignore //! // bond account 3 as stash //! // account 4 as controller //! // with stash value 1500 units //! // while the rewards get transferred to the controller account. //! Staking::bond(Origin::signed(3), 4, 1500, RewardDestination::Controller); //! ``` //! //! To state desire to become a validator: //! //! ```rust,ignore //! // controller account 4 states desire for validation with the given preferences. //! Staking::validate(Origin::signed(4), ValidatorPrefs::default()); //! ``` //! //! Note that, as mentioned, the stash account is transparent in such calls and only the controller initiates the function calls. //! //! Similarly, to state desire in nominating: //! //! ```rust,ignore //! // controller account 4 nominates for account 10 and 20. //! Staking::nominate(Origin::signed(4), vec![20, 10]); //! ``` //! //! Finally, account 4 can withdraw from any of the above roles via //! //! ```rust,ignore //! Staking::chill(Origin::signed(4)); //! ``` //! //! ## Implementation Details //! //! ### Slot Stake //! //! The term `slot_stake` will be used throughout this section. It refers to a value calculated at the end of each era, //! containing the _minimum value at stake among all validators._ //! //! ### Reward Calculation //! //! - Rewards are recorded **per-session** and paid **per-era**. The value of the reward for each session is calculated at //! the end of the session based on the timeliness of the session, then accumulated to be paid later. The value of //! the new _per-session-reward_ is calculated at the end of each era by multiplying `slot_stake` and a configuration //! storage item named `SessionReward`. //! - Once a new era is triggered, rewards are paid to the validators and the associated nominators. //! - The validator can declare an amount, named `validator_payment`, that does not get shared with the nominators at //! each reward payout through their `ValidatorPrefs`. This value gets deducted from the total reward that can be paid. //! The remaining portion is split among the validator and all of the nominators who had a vote for this validator, //! proportional to their staked value. //! - All entities who receive a reward have the option to choose their reward destination, through the `Payee` storage item (see `set_payee()`), to be one of the following: //! - Controller account. //! - Stash account, not increasing the staked value. //! - Stash account, also increasing the staked value. //! //! ### Slashing details //! //! - A validator can be _reported_ to be offline at any point via `on_offline_validator` public function. //! - Each validator declares how many times it can be _reported_ before it actually gets slashed via the //! `unstake_threshold` in `ValidatorPrefs`. On top of this, the module also introduces an `OfflineSlashGrace`, //! which applies to all validators and prevents them from getting immediately slashed. //! - Similar to the reward value, the slash value is updated at the end of each era by multiplying `slot_stake` and a //! configuration storage item, `OfflineSlash`. //! - Once a validator has been reported a sufficient number of times, the actual value that gets deducted from that //! validator, and every single nominator that voted for it is calculated by multiplying the result of the above point //! by `2.pow(unstake_threshold)`. //! - If the previous overflows, then `slot_stake` is used. //! - If the previous is more than what the validator/nominator has in stake, all of its stake is slashed (`.max(total_stake)`). //! //! ### Additional Fund Management Operations //! //! Any funds already placed into stash can be the target of the following operations: //! //! - The controller account can free a portion (or all) of the funds using the `unbond()` call. Note that the funds //! are not immediately accessible, instead, a duration denoted by `BondingDuration` (in number of eras) must pass until the funds can actually be removed. //! - To actually remove the funds, once the bonding duration is over, `withdraw_unbonded()` can be used. //! - As opposed to the above, additional funds can be added to the stash account via the `bond_extra()` transaction call. //! //! ### Election algorithm details. //! //! The current election algorithm is implemented based on Phragmén. The reference implementation can be found [here](https://github.com/w3f/consensus/tree/master/NPoS). //! //! ## GenesisConfig //! //! See the [`GensisConfig`] for a list of attributes that can be provided. //! //! ## Related Modules //! //! - [**Balances**](https://crates.parity.io/srml_balances/index.html): Used to manage values at stake. //! - [**Sessions**](https://crates.parity.io/srml_session/index.html): Used to manage sessions. Also, a list of new validators is also stored in the sessions module's `Validators` at the end of each era. //! - [**System**](https://crates.parity.io/srml_system/index.html): Used to obtain block number and time, among other details. //! //! # References //! //! 1. This document is written as a more verbose version of the original [Staking.md](../Staking.md) file. Some sections, are taken directly from the aforementioned document. #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] #[cfg(feature = "std")] use runtime_io::with_storage; use rstd::{prelude::*, result}; use parity_codec::{HasCompact, Encode, Decode}; use srml_support::{StorageValue, StorageMap, EnumerableStorageMap, dispatch::Result}; use srml_support::{decl_module, decl_event, decl_storage, ensure}; use srml_support::traits::{ Currency, OnFreeBalanceZero, OnDilution, LockIdentifier, LockableCurrency, WithdrawReasons, OnUnbalanced, Imbalance }; use session::OnSessionChange; use primitives::Perbill; use primitives::traits::{Zero, One, As, StaticLookup, CheckedSub, Saturating, Bounded}; #[cfg(feature = "std")] use primitives::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use system::ensure_signed; mod mock; mod tests; mod phragmen; use phragmen::{elect, ElectionConfig}; const RECENT_OFFLINE_COUNT: usize = 32; const DEFAULT_MINIMUM_VALIDATOR_COUNT: u32 = 4; const MAX_NOMINATIONS: usize = 16; const MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD: u32 = 10; /// Indicates the initial status of the staker. #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize))] pub enum StakerStatus { /// Chilling. Idle, /// Declared state in validating or already participating in it. Validator, /// Nominating for a group of other stakers. Nominator(Vec), } /// A destination account for payment. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Encode, Decode)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))] pub enum RewardDestination { /// Pay into the stash account, increasing the amount at stake accordingly. Staked, /// Pay into the stash account, not increasing the amount at stake. Stash, /// Pay into the controller account. Controller, } impl Default for RewardDestination { fn default() -> Self { RewardDestination::Staked } } /// Preference of what happens on a slash event. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))] pub struct ValidatorPrefs { /// Validator should ensure this many more slashes than is necessary before being unstaked. #[codec(compact)] pub unstake_threshold: u32, /// Reward that validator takes up-front; only the rest is split between themselves and nominators. #[codec(compact)] pub validator_payment: Balance, } impl Default for ValidatorPrefs { fn default() -> Self { ValidatorPrefs { unstake_threshold: 3, validator_payment: Default::default(), } } } /// Just a Balance/BlockNumber tuple to encode when a chunk of funds will be unlocked. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))] pub struct UnlockChunk { /// Amount of funds to be unlocked. #[codec(compact)] value: Balance, /// Era number at which point it'll be unlocked. #[codec(compact)] era: BlockNumber, } /// The ledger of a (bonded) stash. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))] pub struct StakingLedger { /// The stash account whose balance is actually locked and at stake. pub stash: AccountId, /// The total amount of the stash's balance that we are currently accounting for. /// It's just `active` plus all the `unlocking` balances. #[codec(compact)] pub total: Balance, /// The total amount of the stash's balance that will be at stake in any forthcoming /// rounds. #[codec(compact)] pub active: Balance, /// Any balance that is becoming free, which may eventually be transferred out /// of the stash (assuming it doesn't get slashed first). pub unlocking: Vec>, } impl< AccountId, Balance: HasCompact + Copy + Saturating, BlockNumber: HasCompact + PartialOrd > StakingLedger { /// Remove entries from `unlocking` that are sufficiently old and reduce the /// total by the sum of their balances. fn consolidate_unlocked(self, current_era: BlockNumber) -> Self { let mut total = self.total; let unlocking = self.unlocking.into_iter() .filter(|chunk| if chunk.era > current_era { true } else { total = total.saturating_sub(chunk.value); false }) .collect(); Self { total, active: self.active, stash: self.stash, unlocking } } } /// The amount of exposure (to slashing) than an individual nominator has. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Encode, Decode)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))] pub struct IndividualExposure { /// The stash account of the nominator in question. who: AccountId, /// Amount of funds exposed. #[codec(compact)] value: Balance, } /// A snapshot of the stake backing a single validator in the system. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Encode, Decode, Default)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))] pub struct Exposure { /// The total balance backing this validator. #[codec(compact)] pub total: Balance, /// The validator's own stash that is exposed. #[codec(compact)] pub own: Balance, /// The portions of nominators stashes that are exposed. pub others: Vec>, } type BalanceOf = <::Currency as Currency<::AccountId>>::Balance; type PositiveImbalanceOf = <::Currency as Currency<::AccountId>>::PositiveImbalance; type NegativeImbalanceOf = <::Currency as Currency<::AccountId>>::NegativeImbalance; pub trait Trait: system::Trait + session::Trait { /// The staking balance. type Currency: Currency + LockableCurrency; /// Some tokens minted. type OnRewardMinted: OnDilution>; /// The overarching event type. type Event: From> + Into<::Event>; /// Handler for the unbalanced reduction when slashing a staker. type Slash: OnUnbalanced>; /// Handler for the unbalanced increment when rewarding a staker. type Reward: OnUnbalanced>; } const STAKING_ID: LockIdentifier = *b"staking "; decl_storage! { trait Store for Module as Staking { /// The ideal number of staking participants. pub ValidatorCount get(validator_count) config(): u32; /// Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed. pub MinimumValidatorCount get(minimum_validator_count) config(): u32 = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_VALIDATOR_COUNT; /// The length of a staking era in sessions. pub SessionsPerEra get(sessions_per_era) config(): T::BlockNumber = T::BlockNumber::sa(1000); /// Maximum reward, per validator, that is provided per acceptable session. pub SessionReward get(session_reward) config(): Perbill = Perbill::from_billionths(60); /// Slash, per validator that is taken for the first time they are found to be offline. pub OfflineSlash get(offline_slash) config(): Perbill = Perbill::from_millionths(1000); // Perbill::from_fraction() is only for std, so use from_millionths(). /// Number of instances of offline reports before slashing begins for validators. pub OfflineSlashGrace get(offline_slash_grace) config(): u32; /// The length of the bonding duration in blocks. pub BondingDuration get(bonding_duration) config(): T::BlockNumber = T::BlockNumber::sa(1000); /// Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they're easy to initialise /// and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four invulnerables) and restricted to testnets. pub Invulnerables get(invulnerables) config(): Vec; /// Map from all locked "stash" accounts to the controller account. pub Bonded get(bonded): map T::AccountId => Option; /// Map from all (unlocked) "controller" accounts to the info regarding the staking. pub Ledger get(ledger): map T::AccountId => Option, T::BlockNumber>>; /// Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash. pub Payee get(payee): map T::AccountId => RewardDestination; /// The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator. pub Validators get(validators): linked_map T::AccountId => ValidatorPrefs>; /// The map from nominator stash key to the set of stash keys of all validators to nominate. pub Nominators get(nominators): linked_map T::AccountId => Vec; /// Nominators for a particular account that is in action right now. You can't iterate through validators here, /// but you can find them in the `sessions` module. /// /// This is keyed by the stash account. pub Stakers get(stakers): map T::AccountId => Exposure>; // The historical validators and their nominations for a given era. Stored as a trie root of the mapping // `T::AccountId` => `Exposure>`, which is just the contents of `Stakers`, // under a key that is the `era`. // // Every era change, this will be appended with the trie root of the contents of `Stakers`, and the oldest // entry removed down to a specific number of entries (probably around 90 for a 3 month history). // pub HistoricalStakers get(historical_stakers): map T::BlockNumber => Option; /// The currently elected validator set keyed by stash account ID. pub CurrentElected get(current_elected): Vec; /// The current era index. pub CurrentEra get(current_era) config(): T::BlockNumber; /// Maximum reward, per validator, that is provided per acceptable session. pub CurrentSessionReward get(current_session_reward) config(): BalanceOf; /// The accumulated reward for the current era. Reset to zero at the beginning of the era and /// increased for every successfully finished session. pub CurrentEraReward get(current_era_reward): BalanceOf; /// The next value of sessions per era. pub NextSessionsPerEra get(next_sessions_per_era): Option; /// The session index at which the era length last changed. pub LastEraLengthChange get(last_era_length_change): T::BlockNumber; /// The amount of balance actively at stake for each validator slot, currently. /// /// This is used to derive rewards and punishments. pub SlotStake get(slot_stake) build(|config: &GenesisConfig| { config.stakers.iter().map(|&(_, _, value, _)| value).min().unwrap_or_default() }): BalanceOf; /// The number of times a given validator has been reported offline. This gets decremented by one each era that passes. pub SlashCount get(slash_count): map T::AccountId => u32; /// We are forcing a new era. pub ForcingNewEra get(forcing_new_era): Option<()>; /// Most recent `RECENT_OFFLINE_COUNT` instances. (who it was, when it was reported, how many instances they were offline for). pub RecentlyOffline get(recently_offline): Vec<(T::AccountId, T::BlockNumber, u32)>; } add_extra_genesis { config(stakers): Vec<(T::AccountId, T::AccountId, BalanceOf, StakerStatus)>; build(|storage: &mut primitives::StorageOverlay, _: &mut primitives::ChildrenStorageOverlay, config: &GenesisConfig| { with_storage(storage, || { for &(ref stash, ref controller, balance, ref status) in &config.stakers { assert!(T::Currency::free_balance(&stash) >= balance); let _ = >::bond( T::Origin::from(Some(stash.clone()).into()), T::Lookup::unlookup(controller.clone()), balance, RewardDestination::Staked ); let _ = match status { StakerStatus::Validator => { >::validate( T::Origin::from(Some(controller.clone()).into()), Default::default() ) }, StakerStatus::Nominator(votes) => { >::nominate( T::Origin::from(Some(controller.clone()).into()), votes.iter().map(|l| {T::Lookup::unlookup(l.clone())}).collect() ) }, _ => Ok(()) }; } >::select_validators(); }); }); } } decl_module! { pub struct Module for enum Call where origin: T::Origin { fn deposit_event() = default; /// Take the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` will be the /// account that controls it. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_. fn bond(origin, controller: ::Source, #[compact] value: BalanceOf, payee: RewardDestination) { let stash = ensure_signed(origin)?; if >::exists(&stash) { return Err("stash already bonded") } let controller = T::Lookup::lookup(controller)?; if >::exists(&controller) { return Err("controller already paired") } // You're auto-bonded forever, here. We might improve this by only bonding when // you actually validate/nominate. >::insert(&stash, controller.clone()); >::insert(&stash, payee); let stash_balance = T::Currency::free_balance(&stash); let value = value.min(stash_balance); Self::update_ledger(&controller, &StakingLedger { stash, total: value, active: value, unlocking: vec![] }); } /// Add some extra amount that have appeared in the stash `free_balance` into the balance up for /// staking. /// /// Use this if there are additional funds in your stash account that you wish to bond. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller. fn bond_extra(origin, #[compact] max_additional: BalanceOf) { let stash = ensure_signed(origin)?; let controller = Self::bonded(&stash).ok_or("not a stash")?; let mut ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or("not a controller")?; let stash_balance = T::Currency::free_balance(&stash); if let Some(extra) = stash_balance.checked_sub(&ledger.total) { let extra = extra.min(max_additional); ledger.total += extra; ledger.active += extra; Self::update_ledger(&controller, &ledger); } } /// Schedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bond /// period ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less than /// T::Currency::existential_deposit(), then it is increased to the full amount. /// /// Once the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually move /// the funds out of management ready for transfer. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. /// /// See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`]. fn unbond(origin, #[compact] value: BalanceOf) { let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let mut ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or("not a controller")?; let mut value = value.min(ledger.active); if !value.is_zero() { ledger.active -= value; // Avoid there being a dust balance left in the staking system. if ledger.active < T::Currency::minimum_balance() { value += ledger.active; ledger.active = Zero::zero(); } let era = Self::current_era() + Self::bonding_duration(); ledger.unlocking.push(UnlockChunk { value, era }); Self::update_ledger(&controller, &ledger); } } /// Remove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management. /// /// This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to do /// whatever it wants. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. /// /// See also [`Call::unbond`]. fn withdraw_unbonded(origin) { let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or("not a controller")?; let ledger = ledger.consolidate_unlocked(Self::current_era()); Self::update_ledger(&controller, &ledger); } /// Declare the desire to validate for the origin controller. /// /// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. fn validate(origin, prefs: ValidatorPrefs>) { let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or("not a controller")?; let stash = &ledger.stash; ensure!(prefs.unstake_threshold <= MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD, "unstake threshold too large"); >::remove(stash); >::insert(stash, prefs); } /// Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller. /// /// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. fn nominate(origin, targets: Vec<::Source>) { let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or("not a controller")?; let stash = &ledger.stash; ensure!(!targets.is_empty(), "targets cannot be empty"); let targets = targets.into_iter() .take(MAX_NOMINATIONS) .map(T::Lookup::lookup) .collect::, &'static str>>()?; >::remove(stash); >::insert(stash, targets); } /// Declare no desire to either validate or nominate. /// /// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. fn chill(origin) { let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or("not a controller")?; let stash = &ledger.stash; >::remove(stash); >::remove(stash); } /// (Re-)set the payment target for a controller. /// /// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. fn set_payee(origin, payee: RewardDestination) { let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?; let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or("not a controller")?; let stash = &ledger.stash; >::insert(stash, payee); } /// (Re-)set the payment target for a controller. /// /// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. /// /// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller. fn set_controller(origin, controller: ::Source) { let stash = ensure_signed(origin)?; let old_controller = Self::bonded(&stash).ok_or("not a stash")?; let controller = T::Lookup::lookup(controller)?; if >::exists(&controller) { return Err("controller already paired") } if controller != old_controller { >::insert(&stash, &controller); if let Some(l) = >::take(&old_controller) { >::insert(&controller, l) }; } } /// Set the number of sessions in an era. fn set_sessions_per_era(#[compact] new: T::BlockNumber) { >::put(new); } /// The length of the bonding duration in eras. fn set_bonding_duration(#[compact] new: T::BlockNumber) { >::put(new); } /// The ideal number of validators. fn set_validator_count(#[compact] new: u32) { >::put(new); } /// Force there to be a new era. This also forces a new session immediately after. /// `apply_rewards` should be true for validators to get the session reward. fn force_new_era(apply_rewards: bool) -> Result { Self::apply_force_new_era(apply_rewards) } /// Set the offline slash grace period. fn set_offline_slash_grace(#[compact] new: u32) { >::put(new); } /// Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any). fn set_invulnerables(validators: Vec) { >::put(validators); } } } // An event in this module. decl_event!( pub enum Event where Balance = BalanceOf, ::AccountId { /// All validators have been rewarded by the given balance. Reward(Balance), /// One validator (and their nominators) has been given a offline-warning (they're still /// within their grace). The accrued number of slashes is recorded, too. OfflineWarning(AccountId, u32), /// One validator (and their nominators) has been slashed by the given amount. OfflineSlash(AccountId, Balance), } ); impl Module { // Just force_new_era without origin check. fn apply_force_new_era(apply_rewards: bool) -> Result { >::put(()); >::apply_force_new_session(apply_rewards) } // PUBLIC IMMUTABLES /// The length of a staking era in blocks. pub fn era_length() -> T::BlockNumber { Self::sessions_per_era() * >::length() } /// The total balance that can be slashed from a validator controller account as of /// right now. pub fn slashable_balance(who: &T::AccountId) -> BalanceOf { Self::stakers(who).total } // MUTABLES (DANGEROUS) /// Update the ledger for a controller. This will also update the stash lock. fn update_ledger(controller: &T::AccountId, ledger: &StakingLedger, T::BlockNumber>) { T::Currency::set_lock(STAKING_ID, &ledger.stash, ledger.total, T::BlockNumber::max_value(), WithdrawReasons::all()); >::insert(controller, ledger); } /// Slash a given validator by a specific amount. Removes the slash from their balance by preference, /// and reduces the nominators' balance if needed. fn slash_validator(stash: &T::AccountId, slash: BalanceOf) { // The exposure (backing stake) information of the validator to be slashed. let exposure = Self::stakers(stash); // The amount we are actually going to slash (can't be bigger than their total exposure) let slash = slash.min(exposure.total); // The amount we'll slash from the validator's stash directly. let own_slash = exposure.own.min(slash); let (mut imbalance, missing) = T::Currency::slash(stash, own_slash); let own_slash = own_slash - missing; // The amount remaining that we can't slash from the validator, that must be taken from the nominators. let rest_slash = slash - own_slash; if !rest_slash.is_zero() { // The total to be slashed from the nominators. let total = exposure.total - exposure.own; if !total.is_zero() { let safe_mul_rational = |b| b * rest_slash / total;// FIXME #1572 avoid overflow for i in exposure.others.iter() { // best effort - not much that can be done on fail. imbalance.subsume(T::Currency::slash(&i.who, safe_mul_rational(i.value)).0) } } } T::Slash::on_unbalanced(imbalance); } /// Actually make a payment to a staker. This uses the currency's reward function /// to pay the right payee for the given staker account. fn make_payout(stash: &T::AccountId, amount: BalanceOf) -> Option> { let dest = Self::payee(stash); match dest { RewardDestination::Controller => Self::bonded(stash) .and_then(|controller| T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(&controller, amount).ok() ), RewardDestination::Stash => T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(stash, amount).ok(), RewardDestination::Staked => Self::bonded(stash) .and_then(|c| Self::ledger(&c).map(|l| (c, l))) .and_then(|(controller, mut l)| { l.active += amount; l.total += amount; let r = T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(stash, amount).ok(); Self::update_ledger(&controller, &l); r }), } } /// Reward a given validator by a specific amount. Add the reward to their, and their nominators' /// balance, pro-rata based on their exposure, after having removed the validator's pre-payout cut. fn reward_validator(stash: &T::AccountId, reward: BalanceOf) { let off_the_table = reward.min(Self::validators(stash).validator_payment); let reward = reward - off_the_table; let mut imbalance = >::zero(); let validator_cut = if reward.is_zero() { Zero::zero() } else { let exposure = Self::stakers(stash); let total = exposure.total.max(One::one()); let safe_mul_rational = |b| b * reward / total;// FIXME #1572: avoid overflow for i in &exposure.others { let nom_payout = safe_mul_rational(i.value); imbalance.maybe_subsume(Self::make_payout(&i.who, nom_payout)); } safe_mul_rational(exposure.own) }; imbalance.maybe_subsume(Self::make_payout(stash, validator_cut + off_the_table)); T::Reward::on_unbalanced(imbalance); } /// Get the reward for the session, assuming it ends with this block. fn this_session_reward(actual_elapsed: T::Moment) -> BalanceOf { let ideal_elapsed = >::ideal_session_duration(); if ideal_elapsed.is_zero() { return Self::current_session_reward(); } let per65536: u64 = (T::Moment::sa(65536u64) * ideal_elapsed.clone() / actual_elapsed.max(ideal_elapsed)).as_(); Self::current_session_reward() * >::sa(per65536) / >::sa(65536u64) } /// Session has just changed. We need to determine whether we pay a reward, slash and/or /// move to a new era. fn new_session(actual_elapsed: T::Moment, should_reward: bool) { if should_reward { // accumulate good session reward let reward = Self::this_session_reward(actual_elapsed); >::mutate(|r| *r += reward); } let session_index = >::current_index(); if >::take().is_some() || ((session_index - Self::last_era_length_change()) % Self::sessions_per_era()).is_zero() { Self::new_era(); } } /// The era has changed - enact new staking set. /// /// NOTE: This always happens immediately before a session change to ensure that new validators /// get a chance to set their session keys. fn new_era() { // Payout let reward = >::take(); if !reward.is_zero() { let validators = Self::current_elected(); for v in validators.iter() { Self::reward_validator(v, reward); } Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Reward(reward)); let total_minted = reward * as As>::sa(validators.len()); let total_rewarded_stake = Self::slot_stake() * as As>::sa(validators.len()); T::OnRewardMinted::on_dilution(total_minted, total_rewarded_stake); } // Increment current era. >::put(&(>::get() + One::one())); // Enact era length change. if let Some(next_spe) = Self::next_sessions_per_era() { if next_spe != Self::sessions_per_era() { >::put(&next_spe); >::put(&>::current_index()); } } // Reassign all Stakers. let slot_stake = Self::select_validators(); // Update the balances for rewarding according to the stakes. >::put(Self::session_reward() * slot_stake); } fn slashable_balance_of(stash: &T::AccountId) -> BalanceOf { Self::bonded(stash).and_then(Self::ledger).map(|l| l.total).unwrap_or_default() } /// Select a new validator set from the assembled stakers and their role preferences. /// /// Returns the new SlotStake value. fn select_validators() -> BalanceOf { let rounds = || >::get() as usize; let validators = || >::enumerate(); let nominators = || >::enumerate(); let min_validator_count = Self::minimum_validator_count() as usize; let maybe_elected_candidates = elect::( rounds, validators, nominators, Self::slashable_balance_of, min_validator_count, ElectionConfig::> { equalise: false, tolerance: >::sa(10 as u64), iterations: 10, } ); if let Some(elected_candidates) = maybe_elected_candidates { // Clear Stakers and reduce their slash_count. for v in Self::current_elected().iter() { >::remove(v); let slash_count = >::take(v); if slash_count > 1 { >::insert(v, slash_count - 1); } } // Populate Stakers and figure out the minimum stake behind a slot. let mut slot_stake = elected_candidates[0].exposure.total; for c in &elected_candidates { if c.exposure.total < slot_stake { slot_stake = c.exposure.total; } >::insert(c.who.clone(), c.exposure.clone()); } >::put(&slot_stake); // Set the new validator set. let elected_stashes = elected_candidates.into_iter().map(|i| i.who).collect::>(); >::put(&elected_stashes); >::set_validators( &elected_stashes.into_iter().map(|s| Self::bonded(s).unwrap_or_default()).collect::>() ); slot_stake } else { // There were not enough candidates for even our minimal level of functionality. // This is bad. // We should probably disable all functionality except for block production // and let the chain keep producing blocks until we can decide on a sufficiently // substantial set. Self::slot_stake() } } /// Call when a validator is determined to be offline. `count` is the /// number of offences the validator has committed. /// /// NOTE: This is called with the controller (not the stash) account id. pub fn on_offline_validator(controller: T::AccountId, count: usize) { use primitives::traits::CheckedShl; if let Some(l) = Self::ledger(&controller) { let stash = l.stash; // Early exit if validator is invulnerable. if Self::invulnerables().contains(&stash) { return } let slash_count = Self::slash_count(&stash); let new_slash_count = slash_count + count as u32; >::insert(&stash, new_slash_count); let grace = Self::offline_slash_grace(); if RECENT_OFFLINE_COUNT > 0 { let item = (stash.clone(), >::block_number(), count as u32); >::mutate(|v| if v.len() >= RECENT_OFFLINE_COUNT { let index = v.iter() .enumerate() .min_by_key(|(_, (_, block, _))| block) .expect("v is non-empty; qed") .0; v[index] = item; } else { v.push(item); }); } let prefs = Self::validators(&stash); let unstake_threshold = prefs.unstake_threshold.min(MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD); let max_slashes = grace + unstake_threshold; let event = if new_slash_count > max_slashes { let slash_exposure = Self::stakers(&stash).total; let offline_slash_base = Self::offline_slash() * slash_exposure; // They're bailing. let slash = offline_slash_base // Multiply slash_mantissa by 2^(unstake_threshold with upper bound) .checked_shl(unstake_threshold) .map(|x| x.min(slash_exposure)) .unwrap_or(slash_exposure); let _ = Self::slash_validator(&stash, slash); >::remove(&stash); let _ = Self::apply_force_new_era(false); RawEvent::OfflineSlash(stash.clone(), slash) } else { RawEvent::OfflineWarning(stash.clone(), slash_count) }; Self::deposit_event(event); } } } impl OnSessionChange for Module { fn on_session_change(elapsed: T::Moment, should_reward: bool) { Self::new_session(elapsed, should_reward); } } impl OnFreeBalanceZero for Module { fn on_free_balance_zero(stash: &T::AccountId) { if let Some(controller) = >::take(stash) { >::remove(&controller); } >::remove(stash); >::remove(stash); >::remove(stash); >::remove(stash); } } impl consensus::OnOfflineReport> for Module { fn handle_report(reported_indices: Vec) { for validator_index in reported_indices { let v = >::validators()[validator_index as usize].clone(); Self::on_offline_validator(v, 1); } } }