# .gitlab-ci.yml # # substrate # # pipelines can be triggered manually in the web # setting DEPLOY_TAG will only deploy the tagged image # SAMPLE JOB TEMPLATE - This is not a complete example but is enough to build a # simple CI job. For full documentation, visit https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/ # # my-example-job: # stage: test # One of the stages listed below this job (required) # image: paritytech/tools:latest # Any docker image (required) # allow_failure: true # Allow the pipeline to continue if this job fails (default: false) # dependencies: # - build-rust-doc-release # Any jobs that are required to run before this job (optional) # variables: # MY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE: "some useful value" # Environment variables passed to the job (optional) # script: # - echo "List of shell commands to run in your job" # - echo "You can also just specify a script here, like so:" # - ./.maintain/gitlab/my_amazing_script.sh stages: - check - test - build - post-build-test - publish - deploy - flaming-fir variables: &default-vars GIT_STRATEGY: fetch GIT_DEPTH: 100 CARGO_INCREMENTAL: 0 DOCKER_OS: "debian:stretch" ARCH: "x86_64" # FIXME set to release CARGO_UNLEASH_INSTALL_PARAMS: "--version 1.0.0-alpha.10" CARGO_UNLEASH_PKG_DEF: "--skip node node-* pallet-template pallet-example pallet-example-* subkey chain-spec-builder" default: cache: {} .collect-artifacts: &collect-artifacts artifacts: name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" when: on_success expire_in: 7 days paths: - artifacts/ .kubernetes-build: &kubernetes-build tags: - kubernetes-parity-build environment: name: parity-build interruptible: true .docker-env: &docker-env image: paritytech/ci-linux:production before_script: - rustup show - cargo --version - sccache -s only: - master - /^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$/ # i.e. v1.0, v2.1rc1 - schedules - web - /^[0-9]+$/ # PRs retry: max: 2 when: - runner_system_failure - unknown_failure - api_failure interruptible: true tags: - linux-docker .build-only: &build-only only: - master - /^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$/ # i.e. v1.0, v2.1rc1 - /^pre-v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+-[0-9a-f]+$/ - web #### stage: .pre skip-if-draft: image: paritytech/tools:latest <<: *kubernetes-build stage: .pre only: - /^[0-9]+$/ # Pull requests script: - ./.maintain/gitlab/skip_if_draft.sh #### stage: check check-runtime: stage: check image: paritytech/tools:latest <<: *kubernetes-build only: - /^[0-9]+$/ variables: <<: *default-vars GITLAB_API: "https://gitlab.parity.io/api/v4" GITHUB_API_PROJECT: "parity%2Finfrastructure%2Fgithub-api" script: - ./.maintain/gitlab/check_runtime.sh allow_failure: true check-signed-tag: stage: check image: paritytech/tools:latest <<: *kubernetes-build only: - /^ci-release-.*$/ - /^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$/ script: - ./.maintain/gitlab/check_signed.sh check-line-width: stage: check image: paritytech/tools:latest <<: *kubernetes-build only: - /^[0-9]+$/ script: - ./.maintain/gitlab/check_line_width.sh allow_failure: true test-dependency-rules: stage: check image: paritytech/tools:latest <<: *kubernetes-build except: variables: - $DEPLOY_TAG script: - .maintain/ensure-deps.sh #### stage: test cargo-audit: stage: test <<: *docker-env except: - /^[0-9]+$/ script: - cargo audit allow_failure: true cargo-deny: stage: test <<: *docker-env only: - schedules - tags - web script: - cargo deny check --hide-inclusion-graph -c .maintain/deny.toml after_script: - echo "___The complete log is in the artifacts___" - cargo deny check -c .maintain/deny.toml 2> deny.log artifacts: name: $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA expire_in: 3 days when: always paths: - deny.log cargo-check-benches: stage: test <<: *docker-env script: - BUILD_DUMMY_WASM_BINARY=1 time cargo +nightly check --benches --all - cargo run --release -p node-bench -- ::node::import::native::sr25519::transfer_keep_alive::paritydb::small - cargo run --release -p node-bench -- ::trie::read::small - sccache -s cargo-check-subkey: stage: test <<: *docker-env except: - /^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$/ # i.e. v1.0, v2.1rc1 script: - cd ./bin/utils/subkey - BUILD_DUMMY_WASM_BINARY=1 time cargo check --release - sccache -s test-linux-stable: &test-linux stage: test <<: *docker-env variables: <<: *default-vars # Enable debug assertions since we are running optimized builds for testing # but still want to have debug assertions. RUSTFLAGS: "-Cdebug-assertions=y -Dwarnings" RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 except: variables: - $DEPLOY_TAG script: - WASM_BUILD_NO_COLOR=1 time cargo test --all --release --verbose --locked - sccache -s unleash-check: stage: test <<: *docker-env only: - master - tags script: - cargo install cargo-unleash ${CARGO_UNLEASH_INSTALL_PARAMS} - cargo unleash check ${CARGO_UNLEASH_PKG_DEF} test-frame-staking: # into one job stage: test <<: *docker-env variables: <<: *default-vars # Enable debug assertions since we are running optimized builds for testing # but still want to have debug assertions. RUSTFLAGS: -Cdebug-assertions=y RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 except: variables: - $DEPLOY_TAG script: - cd frame/staking/ - WASM_BUILD_NO_COLOR=1 time cargo test --release --verbose --no-default-features --features "std" - sccache -s test-frame-examples-compile-to-wasm: # into one job stage: test <<: *docker-env variables: <<: *default-vars # Enable debug assertions since we are running optimized builds for testing # but still want to have debug assertions. RUSTFLAGS: -Cdebug-assertions=y RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 except: variables: - $DEPLOY_TAG script: - cd frame/example-offchain-worker/ - cargo +nightly build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown --no-default-features - cd ../example - cargo +nightly build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown --no-default-features - sccache -s test-wasmtime: stage: test <<: *docker-env variables: <<: *default-vars # Enable debug assertions since we are running optimized builds for testing # but still want to have debug assertions. RUSTFLAGS: -Cdebug-assertions=y RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 except: variables: - $DEPLOY_TAG script: - cd client/executor - WASM_BUILD_NO_COLOR=1 time cargo test --release --verbose --features wasmtime - sccache -s test-runtime-benchmarks: # into one job stage: test <<: *docker-env variables: <<: *default-vars # Enable debug assertions since we are running optimized builds for testing # but still want to have debug assertions. RUSTFLAGS: -Cdebug-assertions=y RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 except: variables: - $DEPLOY_TAG script: - cd bin/node/cli - WASM_BUILD_NO_COLOR=1 time cargo test --workspace --release --verbose --features runtime-benchmarks - sccache -s test-linux-stable-int: <<: *test-linux except: refs: - /^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$/ # i.e. v1.0, v2.1rc1 variables: - $DEPLOY_TAG script: - echo "___Logs will be partly shown at the end in case of failure.___" - echo "___Full log will be saved to the job artifacts only in case of failure.___" - WASM_BUILD_NO_COLOR=1 RUST_LOG=sync=trace,consensus=trace,client=trace,state-db=trace,db=trace,forks=trace,state_db=trace,storage_cache=trace time cargo test -p node-cli --release --verbose --locked -- --ignored &> ${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}_int_failure.log - sccache -s after_script: - awk '/FAILED|^error\[/,0' ${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}_int_failure.log artifacts: name: $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA when: on_failure expire_in: 3 days paths: - ${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}_int_failure.log check-web-wasm: stage: test <<: *docker-env except: - /^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$/ # i.e. v1.0, v2.1rc1 script: # WASM support is in progress. As more and more crates support WASM, we # should add entries here. See https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/issues/2416 - time cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown -p sp-io - time cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown -p sp-runtime - time cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown -p sp-std - time cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown -p sc-consensus-aura - time cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown -p sc-consensus-babe - time cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown -p sp-consensus - time cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown -p sc-telemetry # Note: the command below is a bit weird because several Cargo issues prevent us from compiling the node in a more straight-forward way. - time cargo +nightly build --manifest-path=bin/node/cli/Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features browser --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown -Z features=itarget - sccache -s test-full-crypto-feature: stage: test <<: *docker-env variables: <<: *default-vars # Enable debug assertions since we are running optimized builds for testing # but still want to have debug assertions. RUSTFLAGS: -Cdebug-assertions=y RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 except: variables: - $DEPLOY_TAG script: - cd primitives/core/ - time cargo +nightly build --verbose --no-default-features --features full_crypto - cd ../application-crypto - time cargo +nightly build --verbose --no-default-features --features full_crypto - sccache -s cargo-check-macos: stage: test # shell runner on mac ignores the image set in *docker-env <<: *docker-env script: - BUILD_DUMMY_WASM_BINARY=1 time cargo check --release - sccache -s tags: - osx test-prometheus-alerting-rules: stage: test image: paritytech/tools:latest <<: *kubernetes-build script: - promtool check rules .maintain/monitoring/alerting-rules/alerting-rules.yaml - cat .maintain/monitoring/alerting-rules/alerting-rules.yaml | promtool test rules .maintain/monitoring/alerting-rules/alerting-rule-tests.yaml #### stage: build check-polkadot-companion-status: stage: build image: paritytech/tools:latest <<: *kubernetes-build only: - /^[0-9]+$/ # PRs script: - ./.maintain/gitlab/check_polkadot_companion_status.sh check-polkadot-companion-build: stage: build <<: *docker-env needs: - job: test-linux-stable-int artifacts: false script: - ./.maintain/gitlab/check_polkadot_companion_build.sh after_script: - cd polkadot && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD allow_failure: true test-browser-node: stage: build <<: *docker-env needs: - job: check-web-wasm artifacts: false variables: <<: *default-vars CHROMEDRIVER_ARGS: "--log-level=INFO --whitelisted-ips=" CARGO_TARGET_WASM32_UNKNOWN_UNKNOWN_RUNNER: "wasm-bindgen-test-runner" WASM_BINDGEN_TEST_TIMEOUT: 120 script: - cargo +nightly test --target wasm32-unknown-unknown -p node-browser-testing -Z features=itarget build-linux-substrate: &build-binary stage: build <<: *collect-artifacts <<: *docker-env <<: *build-only needs: - job: test-linux-stable artifacts: false before_script: - mkdir -p ./artifacts/substrate/ except: variables: - $DEPLOY_TAG script: - WASM_BUILD_NO_COLOR=1 time cargo build --release --verbose - mv ./target/release/substrate ./artifacts/substrate/. - echo -n "Substrate version = " - if [ "${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" ]; then echo "${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" | tee ./artifacts/substrate/VERSION; else ./artifacts/substrate/substrate --version | sed -n -E 's/^substrate ([0-9.]+.*-[0-9a-f]{7,13})-.*$/\1/p' | tee ./artifacts/substrate/VERSION; fi - sha256sum ./artifacts/substrate/substrate | tee ./artifacts/substrate/substrate.sha256 - printf '\n# building node-template\n\n' - ./.maintain/node-template-release.sh ./artifacts/substrate/substrate-node-template.tar.gz - cp -r .maintain/docker/substrate.Dockerfile ./artifacts/substrate/ - sccache -s build-linux-subkey: &build-subkey <<: *build-binary needs: - job: cargo-check-subkey artifacts: false before_script: - mkdir -p ./artifacts/subkey script: - cd ./bin/utils/subkey - BUILD_DUMMY_WASM_BINARY=1 time cargo build --release --verbose - cd - - mv ./target/release/subkey ./artifacts/subkey/. - echo -n "Subkey version = " - ./artifacts/subkey/subkey --version | sed -n -E 's/^subkey ([0-9.]+.*)/\1/p' | tee ./artifacts/subkey/VERSION; - sha256sum ./artifacts/subkey/subkey | tee ./artifacts/subkey/subkey.sha256 - cp -r .maintain/docker/subkey.Dockerfile ./artifacts/subkey/ - sccache -s build-macos-subkey: <<: *build-subkey only: - master - /^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$/ # i.e. v1.0, v2.1rc1 tags: - osx build-rust-doc-release: stage: build <<: *docker-env allow_failure: true artifacts: name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}-doc" when: on_success expire_in: 7 days paths: - ./crate-docs <<: *build-only script: - rm -f ./crate-docs/index.html # use it as an indicator if the job succeeds - BUILD_DUMMY_WASM_BINARY=1 RUSTDOCFLAGS="--html-in-header $(pwd)/.maintain/rustdoc-header.html" time cargo +nightly doc --release --all --verbose - cp -R ./target/doc ./crate-docs - echo "<meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;url=sc_service/index.html>" > ./crate-docs/index.html - sccache -s #### stage: post-build-test trigger-contracts-ci: stage: post-build-test needs: - job: build-linux-substrate artifacts: false - job: test-linux-stable artifacts: false trigger: project: parity/srml-contracts-waterfall branch: master strategy: depend only: - master - schedules #### stage: publish .build-push-docker-image: &build-push-docker-image <<: *build-only <<: *kubernetes-build image: docker:stable services: - docker:dind variables: &docker-build-vars <<: *default-vars DOCKER_HOST: tcp://localhost:2375 DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 GIT_STRATEGY: none DOCKERFILE: $PRODUCT.Dockerfile CONTAINER_IMAGE: parity/$PRODUCT before_script: - test "$Docker_Hub_User_Parity" -a "$Docker_Hub_Pass_Parity" || ( echo "no docker credentials provided"; exit 1 ) - docker login -u "$Docker_Hub_User_Parity" -p "$Docker_Hub_Pass_Parity" - docker info script: - cd ./artifacts/$PRODUCT/ - VERSION="$(cat ./VERSION)" - echo "${PRODUCT} version = ${VERSION}" - test -z "${VERSION}" && exit 1 - docker build --build-arg VCS_REF="${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" --build-arg BUILD_DATE="$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')" --tag $CONTAINER_IMAGE:$VERSION --tag $CONTAINER_IMAGE:latest --file $DOCKERFILE . - docker push $CONTAINER_IMAGE:$VERSION - docker push $CONTAINER_IMAGE:latest publish-docker-substrate: stage: publish <<: *build-push-docker-image # collect VERSION artifact here to pass it on to kubernetes <<: *collect-artifacts needs: - job: build-linux-substrate artifacts: true variables: <<: *docker-build-vars PRODUCT: substrate after_script: - docker logout # only VERSION information is needed for the deployment - find ./artifacts/ -depth -not -name VERSION -type f -delete publish-docker-subkey: stage: publish <<: *build-push-docker-image needs: - job: build-linux-subkey artifacts: true variables: <<: *docker-build-vars PRODUCT: subkey after_script: - docker logout publish-s3-release: stage: publish <<: *build-only <<: *kubernetes-build needs: - job: build-linux-substrate artifacts: true - job: build-linux-subkey artifacts: true image: paritytech/awscli:latest variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none BUCKET: "releases.parity.io" PREFIX: "substrate/${ARCH}-${DOCKER_OS}" script: - aws s3 sync ./artifacts/ s3://${BUCKET}/${PREFIX}/$(cat ./artifacts/substrate/VERSION)/ - echo "update objects in latest path" - aws s3 sync s3://${BUCKET}/${PREFIX}/$(cat ./artifacts/substrate/VERSION)/ s3://${BUCKET}/${PREFIX}/latest/ after_script: - aws s3 ls s3://${BUCKET}/${PREFIX}/latest/ --recursive --human-readable --summarize publish-s3-doc: stage: publish image: paritytech/awscli:latest allow_failure: true needs: - job: build-rust-doc-release artifacts: true <<: *build-only <<: *kubernetes-build variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none BUCKET: "releases.parity.io" PREFIX: "substrate-rustdoc" script: - test -r ./crate-docs/index.html || ( echo "./crate-docs/index.html not present, build:rust:doc:release job not complete"; exit 1 ) - aws s3 sync --delete --size-only --only-show-errors ./crate-docs/ s3://${BUCKET}/${PREFIX}/ after_script: - aws s3 ls s3://${BUCKET}/${PREFIX}/ --human-readable --summarize publish-draft-release: stage: publish image: paritytech/tools:latest only: - /^ci-release-.*$/ - /^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$/ script: - ./.maintain/gitlab/publish_draft_release.sh allow_failure: true publish-to-crates-io: stage: publish <<: *docker-env only: - /^ci-release-.*$/ - /^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$/ script: - cargo install cargo-unleash ${CARGO_UNLEASH_INSTALL_PARAMS} - cargo unleash em-dragons --no-check ${CARGO_UNLEASH_PKG_DEF} allow_failure: true deploy-kubernetes-alerting-rules: stage: deploy interruptible: true retry: 1 tags: - kubernetes-parity-build image: paritytech/kubetools:latest environment: name: parity-mgmt-polkadot-alerting variables: NAMESPACE: monitoring PROMETHEUSRULE: prometheus-k8s-rules-polkadot-alerting RULES: .maintain/monitoring/alerting-rules/alerting-rules.yaml script: - echo "deploying prometheus alerting rules" - kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} patch prometheusrule ${PROMETHEUSRULE} --type=merge --patch "$(sed 's/^/ /;1s/^/spec:\n/' ${RULES})" only: refs: - master changes: - "${RULES}" .validator-deploy: &validator-deploy <<: *build-only stage: flaming-fir needs: # script will fail if there is no artifacts/substrate/VERSION - job: publish-docker-substrate artifacts: true image: parity/azure-ansible:v1 allow_failure: true when: manual interruptible: true tags: - linux-docker validator 1 4: <<: *validator-deploy script: - ./.maintain/flamingfir-deploy.sh flamingfir-validator1 validator 2 4: <<: *validator-deploy script: - ./.maintain/flamingfir-deploy.sh flamingfir-validator2 validator 3 4: <<: *validator-deploy script: - ./.maintain/flamingfir-deploy.sh flamingfir-validator3 validator 4 4: <<: *validator-deploy script: - ./.maintain/flamingfir-deploy.sh flamingfir-validator4 #### stage: .post check-labels: stage: .post image: paritytech/tools:latest <<: *kubernetes-build only: - /^[0-9]+$/ script: - ./.maintain/gitlab/check_labels.sh