[package] name = "sp-runtime-interface" version = "2.0.0" authors = ["Parity Technologies <admin@parity.io>"] edition = "2018" [dependencies] wasm-interface = { package = "sp-wasm-interface", path = "../wasm-interface", optional = true } sp-std = { path = "../std", default-features = false } sp-runtime-interface-proc-macro = { path = "proc-macro" } externalities = { package = "sp-externalities", path = "../externalities", optional = true } codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.0.6", default-features = false } environmental = { version = "1.0.2", optional = true } static_assertions = "1.0.0" primitive-types = { version = "0.6.1", default-features = false } [dev-dependencies] executor = { package = "sc-executor", path = "../../client/executor" } test-wasm = { package = "sp-runtime-interface-test-wasm", path = "test-wasm" } state_machine = { package = "sp-state-machine", path = "../../primitives/state-machine" } primitives = { package = "sp-core", path = "../core" } sp-io = { path = "../io" } [features] default = [ "std" ] std = [ "wasm-interface", "sp-std/std", "codec/std", "externalities", "environmental", "primitive-types/std", ] # ATTENTION # # Only use when you know what you are doing. # # Disables static assertions in `impls.rs` that checks the word size. To prevent any footgun, the # check is changed into a runtime check. disable_target_static_assertions = []