// This file is part of Substrate. // Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //! Substrate service. Starts a thread that spins up the network, client, and extrinsic pool. //! Manages communication between them. #![warn(missing_docs)] #![recursion_limit = "1024"] pub mod chain_ops; pub mod config; pub mod error; mod builder; #[cfg(feature = "test-helpers")] pub mod client; #[cfg(not(feature = "test-helpers"))] mod client; mod metrics; mod task_manager; use std::{collections::HashMap, net::SocketAddr}; use codec::{Decode, Encode}; use futures::{pin_mut, FutureExt, StreamExt}; use jsonrpsee::{core::Error as JsonRpseeError, RpcModule}; use log::{debug, error, warn}; use sc_client_api::{blockchain::HeaderBackend, BlockBackend, BlockchainEvents, ProofProvider}; use sc_network::{ config::MultiaddrWithPeerId, NetworkBlock, NetworkPeers, NetworkStateInfo, PeerId, }; use sc_network_sync::SyncingService; use sc_utils::mpsc::TracingUnboundedReceiver; use sp_blockchain::HeaderMetadata; use sp_consensus::SyncOracle; use sp_runtime::traits::{Block as BlockT, Header as HeaderT}; pub use self::{ builder::{ build_network, new_client, new_db_backend, new_full_client, new_full_parts, new_full_parts_record_import, new_full_parts_with_genesis_builder, new_native_or_wasm_executor, new_wasm_executor, spawn_tasks, BuildNetworkParams, KeystoreContainer, NetworkStarter, SpawnTasksParams, TFullBackend, TFullCallExecutor, TFullClient, }, client::{ClientConfig, LocalCallExecutor}, error::Error, }; pub use sc_chain_spec::{ construct_genesis_block, resolve_state_version_from_wasm, BuildGenesisBlock, GenesisBlockBuilder, }; pub use config::{ BasePath, BlocksPruning, Configuration, DatabaseSource, PruningMode, Role, RpcMethods, TaskType, }; pub use sc_chain_spec::{ ChainSpec, ChainType, Extension as ChainSpecExtension, GenericChainSpec, NoExtension, Properties, RuntimeGenesis, }; pub use sc_consensus::ImportQueue; pub use sc_executor::NativeExecutionDispatch; pub use sc_network_sync::WarpSyncParams; #[doc(hidden)] pub use sc_network_transactions::config::{TransactionImport, TransactionImportFuture}; pub use sc_rpc::{ RandomIntegerSubscriptionId, RandomStringSubscriptionId, RpcSubscriptionIdProvider, }; pub use sc_tracing::TracingReceiver; pub use sc_transaction_pool::Options as TransactionPoolOptions; pub use sc_transaction_pool_api::{error::IntoPoolError, InPoolTransaction, TransactionPool}; #[doc(hidden)] pub use std::{ops::Deref, result::Result, sync::Arc}; pub use task_manager::{SpawnTaskHandle, Task, TaskManager, TaskRegistry, DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME}; const DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_ID: &str = "sup"; /// RPC handlers that can perform RPC queries. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct RpcHandlers(Arc<RpcModule<()>>); impl RpcHandlers { /// Starts an RPC query. /// /// The query is passed as a string and must be valid JSON-RPC request object. /// /// Returns a response and a stream if the call successful, fails if the /// query could not be decoded as a JSON-RPC request object. /// /// If the request subscribes you to events, the `stream` can be used to /// retrieve the events. pub async fn rpc_query( &self, json_query: &str, ) -> Result<(String, tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver<String>), JsonRpseeError> { // Because `tokio::sync::mpsc::channel` is used under the hood // it will panic if it's set to usize::MAX. // // This limit is used to prevent panics and is large enough. const TOKIO_MPSC_MAX_SIZE: usize = tokio::sync::Semaphore::MAX_PERMITS; self.0 .raw_json_request(json_query, TOKIO_MPSC_MAX_SIZE) .await .map(|(method_res, recv)| (method_res.result, recv)) } /// Provides access to the underlying `RpcModule` pub fn handle(&self) -> Arc<RpcModule<()>> { self.0.clone() } } /// An incomplete set of chain components, but enough to run the chain ops subcommands. pub struct PartialComponents<Client, Backend, SelectChain, ImportQueue, TransactionPool, Other> { /// A shared client instance. pub client: Arc<Client>, /// A shared backend instance. pub backend: Arc<Backend>, /// The chain task manager. pub task_manager: TaskManager, /// A keystore container instance.. pub keystore_container: KeystoreContainer, /// A chain selection algorithm instance. pub select_chain: SelectChain, /// An import queue. pub import_queue: ImportQueue, /// A shared transaction pool. pub transaction_pool: Arc<TransactionPool>, /// Everything else that needs to be passed into the main build function. pub other: Other, } /// Builds a future that continuously polls the network. async fn build_network_future< B: BlockT, C: BlockchainEvents<B> + HeaderBackend<B> + BlockBackend<B> + HeaderMetadata<B, Error = sp_blockchain::Error> + ProofProvider<B> + Send + Sync + 'static, H: sc_network_common::ExHashT, >( network: sc_network::NetworkWorker<B, H>, client: Arc<C>, sync_service: Arc<SyncingService<B>>, announce_imported_blocks: bool, ) { let mut imported_blocks_stream = client.import_notification_stream().fuse(); // Stream of finalized blocks reported by the client. let mut finality_notification_stream = client.finality_notification_stream().fuse(); let network_run = network.run().fuse(); pin_mut!(network_run); loop { futures::select! { // List of blocks that the client has imported. notification = imported_blocks_stream.next() => { let notification = match notification { Some(n) => n, // If this stream is shut down, that means the client has shut down, and the // most appropriate thing to do for the network future is to shut down too. None => { debug!("Block import stream has terminated, shutting down the network future."); return }, }; if announce_imported_blocks { sync_service.announce_block(notification.hash, None); } if notification.is_new_best { sync_service.new_best_block_imported( notification.hash, *notification.header.number(), ); } } // List of blocks that the client has finalized. notification = finality_notification_stream.select_next_some() => { sync_service.on_block_finalized(notification.hash, notification.header); } // Drive the network. Shut down the network future if `NetworkWorker` has terminated. _ = network_run => { debug!("`NetworkWorker` has terminated, shutting down the network future."); return } } } } /// Builds a future that processes system RPC requests. pub async fn build_system_rpc_future< B: BlockT, C: BlockchainEvents<B> + HeaderBackend<B> + BlockBackend<B> + HeaderMetadata<B, Error = sp_blockchain::Error> + ProofProvider<B> + Send + Sync + 'static, H: sc_network_common::ExHashT, >( role: Role, network_service: Arc<sc_network::NetworkService<B, H>>, sync_service: Arc<SyncingService<B>>, client: Arc<C>, mut rpc_rx: TracingUnboundedReceiver<sc_rpc::system::Request<B>>, should_have_peers: bool, ) { // Current best block at initialization, to report to the RPC layer. let starting_block = client.info().best_number; loop { // Answer incoming RPC requests. let Some(req) = rpc_rx.next().await else { debug!("RPC requests stream has terminated, shutting down the system RPC future."); return }; match req { sc_rpc::system::Request::Health(sender) => match sync_service.peers_info().await { Ok(info) => { let _ = sender.send(sc_rpc::system::Health { peers: info.len(), is_syncing: sync_service.is_major_syncing(), should_have_peers, }); }, Err(_) => log::error!("`SyncingEngine` shut down"), }, sc_rpc::system::Request::LocalPeerId(sender) => { let _ = sender.send(network_service.local_peer_id().to_base58()); }, sc_rpc::system::Request::LocalListenAddresses(sender) => { let peer_id = (network_service.local_peer_id()).into(); let p2p_proto_suffix = sc_network::multiaddr::Protocol::P2p(peer_id); let addresses = network_service .listen_addresses() .iter() .map(|addr| addr.clone().with(p2p_proto_suffix.clone()).to_string()) .collect(); let _ = sender.send(addresses); }, sc_rpc::system::Request::Peers(sender) => match sync_service.peers_info().await { Ok(info) => { let _ = sender.send( info.into_iter() .map(|(peer_id, p)| sc_rpc::system::PeerInfo { peer_id: peer_id.to_base58(), roles: format!("{:?}", p.roles), best_hash: p.best_hash, best_number: p.best_number, }) .collect(), ); }, Err(_) => log::error!("`SyncingEngine` shut down"), }, sc_rpc::system::Request::NetworkState(sender) => { let network_state = network_service.network_state().await; if let Ok(network_state) = network_state { if let Ok(network_state) = serde_json::to_value(network_state) { let _ = sender.send(network_state); } } else { break } }, sc_rpc::system::Request::NetworkAddReservedPeer(peer_addr, sender) => { let result = match MultiaddrWithPeerId::try_from(peer_addr) { Ok(peer) => network_service.add_reserved_peer(peer), Err(err) => Err(err.to_string()), }; let x = result.map_err(sc_rpc::system::error::Error::MalformattedPeerArg); let _ = sender.send(x); }, sc_rpc::system::Request::NetworkRemoveReservedPeer(peer_id, sender) => { let _ = match peer_id.parse::<PeerId>() { Ok(peer_id) => { network_service.remove_reserved_peer(peer_id); sender.send(Ok(())) }, Err(e) => sender.send(Err(sc_rpc::system::error::Error::MalformattedPeerArg( e.to_string(), ))), }; }, sc_rpc::system::Request::NetworkReservedPeers(sender) => { let reserved_peers = network_service.reserved_peers().await; if let Ok(reserved_peers) = reserved_peers { let reserved_peers = reserved_peers.iter().map(|peer_id| peer_id.to_base58()).collect(); let _ = sender.send(reserved_peers); } else { break } }, sc_rpc::system::Request::NodeRoles(sender) => { use sc_rpc::system::NodeRole; let node_role = match role { Role::Authority { .. } => NodeRole::Authority, Role::Full => NodeRole::Full, }; let _ = sender.send(vec![node_role]); }, sc_rpc::system::Request::SyncState(sender) => { use sc_rpc::system::SyncState; match sync_service.best_seen_block().await { Ok(best_seen_block) => { let best_number = client.info().best_number; let _ = sender.send(SyncState { starting_block, current_block: best_number, highest_block: best_seen_block.unwrap_or(best_number), }); }, Err(_) => log::error!("`SyncingEngine` shut down"), } }, } } debug!("`NetworkWorker` has terminated, shutting down the system RPC future."); } // Wrapper for HTTP and WS servers that makes sure they are properly shut down. mod waiting { pub struct Server(pub Option<sc_rpc_server::Server>); impl Drop for Server { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(server) = self.0.take() { // This doesn't not wait for the server to be stopped but fires the signal. let _ = server.stop(); } } } } /// Starts RPC servers. pub fn start_rpc_servers<R>( config: &Configuration, gen_rpc_module: R, rpc_id_provider: Option<Box<dyn RpcSubscriptionIdProvider>>, ) -> Result<Box<dyn std::any::Any + Send + Sync>, error::Error> where R: Fn(sc_rpc::DenyUnsafe) -> Result<RpcModule<()>, Error>, { fn deny_unsafe(addr: SocketAddr, methods: &RpcMethods) -> sc_rpc::DenyUnsafe { let is_exposed_addr = !addr.ip().is_loopback(); match (is_exposed_addr, methods) { | (_, RpcMethods::Unsafe) | (false, RpcMethods::Auto) => sc_rpc::DenyUnsafe::No, _ => sc_rpc::DenyUnsafe::Yes, } } // if binding the specified port failed then a random port is assigned by the OS. let backup_port = |mut addr: SocketAddr| { addr.set_port(0); addr }; let addr = config.rpc_addr.unwrap_or_else(|| ([127, 0, 0, 1], config.rpc_port).into()); let backup_addr = backup_port(addr); let metrics = sc_rpc_server::RpcMetrics::new(config.prometheus_registry())?; let server_config = sc_rpc_server::Config { addrs: [addr, backup_addr], max_connections: config.rpc_max_connections, max_payload_in_mb: config.rpc_max_request_size, max_payload_out_mb: config.rpc_max_response_size, max_subs_per_conn: config.rpc_max_subs_per_conn, message_buffer_capacity: config.rpc_message_buffer_capacity, rpc_api: gen_rpc_module(deny_unsafe(addr, &config.rpc_methods))?, metrics, id_provider: rpc_id_provider, cors: config.rpc_cors.as_ref(), tokio_handle: config.tokio_handle.clone(), }; // TODO: https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/issues/13773 // // `block_in_place` is a hack to allow callers to call `block_on` prior to // calling `start_rpc_servers`. match tokio::task::block_in_place(|| { config.tokio_handle.block_on(sc_rpc_server::start_server(server_config)) }) { Ok(server) => Ok(Box::new(waiting::Server(Some(server)))), Err(e) => Err(Error::Application(e)), } } /// Transaction pool adapter. pub struct TransactionPoolAdapter<C, P> { pool: Arc<P>, client: Arc<C>, } impl<C, P> TransactionPoolAdapter<C, P> { /// Constructs a new instance of [`TransactionPoolAdapter`]. pub fn new(pool: Arc<P>, client: Arc<C>) -> Self { Self { pool, client } } } /// Get transactions for propagation. /// /// Function extracted to simplify the test and prevent creating `ServiceFactory`. fn transactions_to_propagate<Pool, B, H, E>(pool: &Pool) -> Vec<(H, B::Extrinsic)> where Pool: TransactionPool<Block = B, Hash = H, Error = E>, B: BlockT, H: std::hash::Hash + Eq + sp_runtime::traits::Member + sp_runtime::traits::MaybeSerialize, E: IntoPoolError + From<sc_transaction_pool_api::error::Error>, { pool.ready() .filter(|t| t.is_propagable()) .map(|t| { let hash = t.hash().clone(); let ex: B::Extrinsic = t.data().clone(); (hash, ex) }) .collect() } impl<B, H, C, Pool, E> sc_network_transactions::config::TransactionPool<H, B> for TransactionPoolAdapter<C, Pool> where C: HeaderBackend<B> + BlockBackend<B> + HeaderMetadata<B, Error = sp_blockchain::Error> + ProofProvider<B> + Send + Sync + 'static, Pool: 'static + TransactionPool<Block = B, Hash = H, Error = E>, B: BlockT, H: std::hash::Hash + Eq + sp_runtime::traits::Member + sp_runtime::traits::MaybeSerialize, E: 'static + IntoPoolError + From<sc_transaction_pool_api::error::Error>, { fn transactions(&self) -> Vec<(H, B::Extrinsic)> { transactions_to_propagate(&*self.pool) } fn hash_of(&self, transaction: &B::Extrinsic) -> H { self.pool.hash_of(transaction) } fn import(&self, transaction: B::Extrinsic) -> TransactionImportFuture { let encoded = transaction.encode(); let uxt = match Decode::decode(&mut &encoded[..]) { Ok(uxt) => uxt, Err(e) => { debug!("Transaction invalid: {:?}", e); return Box::pin(futures::future::ready(TransactionImport::Bad)) }, }; let import_future = self.pool.submit_one( self.client.info().best_hash, sc_transaction_pool_api::TransactionSource::External, uxt, ); Box::pin(async move { match import_future.await { Ok(_) => TransactionImport::NewGood, Err(e) => match e.into_pool_error() { Ok(sc_transaction_pool_api::error::Error::AlreadyImported(_)) => TransactionImport::KnownGood, Ok(e) => { debug!("Error adding transaction to the pool: {:?}", e); TransactionImport::Bad }, Err(e) => { debug!("Error converting pool error: {}", e); // it is not bad at least, just some internal node logic error, so peer is // innocent. TransactionImport::KnownGood }, }, } }) } fn on_broadcasted(&self, propagations: HashMap<H, Vec<String>>) { self.pool.on_broadcasted(propagations) } fn transaction(&self, hash: &H) -> Option<B::Extrinsic> { self.pool.ready_transaction(hash).and_then( // Only propagable transactions should be resolved for network service. |tx| if tx.is_propagable() { Some(tx.data().clone()) } else { None }, ) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use futures::executor::block_on; use sc_transaction_pool::BasicPool; use sp_consensus::SelectChain; use substrate_test_runtime_client::{ prelude::*, runtime::{ExtrinsicBuilder, Transfer, TransferData}, }; #[test] fn should_not_propagate_transactions_that_are_marked_as_such() { // given let (client, longest_chain) = TestClientBuilder::new().build_with_longest_chain(); let client = Arc::new(client); let spawner = sp_core::testing::TaskExecutor::new(); let pool = BasicPool::new_full(Default::default(), true.into(), None, spawner, client.clone()); let source = sp_runtime::transaction_validity::TransactionSource::External; let best = block_on(longest_chain.best_chain()).unwrap(); let transaction = Transfer { amount: 5, nonce: 0, from: AccountKeyring::Alice.into(), to: AccountKeyring::Bob.into(), } .into_unchecked_extrinsic(); block_on(pool.submit_one(best.hash(), source, transaction.clone())).unwrap(); block_on(pool.submit_one( best.hash(), source, ExtrinsicBuilder::new_call_do_not_propagate().nonce(1).build(), )) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(pool.status().ready, 2); // when let transactions = transactions_to_propagate(&*pool); // then assert_eq!(transactions.len(), 1); assert!(TransferData::try_from(&transactions[0].1).is_ok()); } }