// This file is part of Substrate. // Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. use std::{collections::HashSet, convert::TryFrom, str::FromStr, sync::Arc, thread::sleep}; use crate::NetworkProvider; use codec::{Decode, Encode}; use futures::Future; pub use http::SharedClient; use sc_network::{Multiaddr, PeerId}; use sp_core::{ offchain::{ self, HttpError, HttpRequestId, HttpRequestStatus, OffchainStorage, OpaqueMultiaddr, OpaqueNetworkState, StorageKind, Timestamp, }, OpaquePeerId, }; pub use sp_offchain::STORAGE_PREFIX; mod http; mod timestamp; fn unavailable_yet<R: Default>(name: &str) -> R { tracing::error!( target: super::LOG_TARGET, "The {:?} API is not available for offchain workers yet. Follow \ https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/issues/1458 for details", name ); Default::default() } const LOCAL_DB: &str = "LOCAL (fork-aware) DB"; /// Offchain DB reference. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Db<Storage> { /// Persistent storage database. persistent: Storage, } impl<Storage: OffchainStorage> Db<Storage> { /// Create new instance of Offchain DB. pub fn new(persistent: Storage) -> Self { Self { persistent } } /// Create new instance of Offchain DB, backed by given backend. pub fn factory_from_backend<Backend, Block>( backend: &Backend, ) -> Option<Box<dyn sc_client_api::execution_extensions::DbExternalitiesFactory>> where Backend: sc_client_api::Backend<Block, OffchainStorage = Storage>, Block: sp_runtime::traits::Block, Storage: 'static, { sc_client_api::Backend::offchain_storage(backend).map(|db| Box::new(Self::new(db)) as _) } } impl<Storage: OffchainStorage> offchain::DbExternalities for Db<Storage> { fn local_storage_set(&mut self, kind: StorageKind, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) { tracing::debug!( target: "offchain-worker::storage", ?kind, key = ?hex::encode(key), value = ?hex::encode(value), "Write", ); match kind { StorageKind::PERSISTENT => self.persistent.set(STORAGE_PREFIX, key, value), StorageKind::LOCAL => unavailable_yet(LOCAL_DB), } } fn local_storage_clear(&mut self, kind: StorageKind, key: &[u8]) { tracing::debug!( target: "offchain-worker::storage", ?kind, key = ?hex::encode(key), "Clear", ); match kind { StorageKind::PERSISTENT => self.persistent.remove(STORAGE_PREFIX, key), StorageKind::LOCAL => unavailable_yet(LOCAL_DB), } } fn local_storage_compare_and_set( &mut self, kind: StorageKind, key: &[u8], old_value: Option<&[u8]>, new_value: &[u8], ) -> bool { tracing::debug!( target: "offchain-worker::storage", ?kind, key = ?hex::encode(key), new_value = ?hex::encode(new_value), old_value = ?old_value.as_ref().map(hex::encode), "CAS", ); match kind { StorageKind::PERSISTENT => self.persistent.compare_and_set(STORAGE_PREFIX, key, old_value, new_value), StorageKind::LOCAL => unavailable_yet(LOCAL_DB), } } fn local_storage_get(&mut self, kind: StorageKind, key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> { let result = match kind { StorageKind::PERSISTENT => self.persistent.get(STORAGE_PREFIX, key), StorageKind::LOCAL => unavailable_yet(LOCAL_DB), }; tracing::debug!( target: "offchain-worker::storage", ?kind, key = ?hex::encode(key), result = ?result.as_ref().map(hex::encode), "Read", ); result } } /// Asynchronous offchain API. /// /// NOTE this is done to prevent recursive calls into the runtime /// (which are not supported currently). pub(crate) struct Api { /// A provider for substrate networking. network_provider: Arc<dyn NetworkProvider + Send + Sync>, /// Is this node a potential validator? is_validator: bool, /// Everything HTTP-related is handled by a different struct. http: http::HttpApi, } impl offchain::Externalities for Api { fn is_validator(&self) -> bool { self.is_validator } fn network_state(&self) -> Result<OpaqueNetworkState, ()> { let external_addresses = self.network_provider.external_addresses(); let state = NetworkState::new(self.network_provider.local_peer_id(), external_addresses); Ok(OpaqueNetworkState::from(state)) } fn timestamp(&mut self) -> Timestamp { timestamp::now() } fn sleep_until(&mut self, deadline: Timestamp) { sleep(timestamp::timestamp_from_now(deadline)); } fn random_seed(&mut self) -> [u8; 32] { rand::random() } fn http_request_start( &mut self, method: &str, uri: &str, _meta: &[u8], ) -> Result<HttpRequestId, ()> { self.http.request_start(method, uri) } fn http_request_add_header( &mut self, request_id: HttpRequestId, name: &str, value: &str, ) -> Result<(), ()> { self.http.request_add_header(request_id, name, value) } fn http_request_write_body( &mut self, request_id: HttpRequestId, chunk: &[u8], deadline: Option<Timestamp>, ) -> Result<(), HttpError> { self.http.request_write_body(request_id, chunk, deadline) } fn http_response_wait( &mut self, ids: &[HttpRequestId], deadline: Option<Timestamp>, ) -> Vec<HttpRequestStatus> { self.http.response_wait(ids, deadline) } fn http_response_headers(&mut self, request_id: HttpRequestId) -> Vec<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)> { self.http.response_headers(request_id) } fn http_response_read_body( &mut self, request_id: HttpRequestId, buffer: &mut [u8], deadline: Option<Timestamp>, ) -> Result<usize, HttpError> { self.http.response_read_body(request_id, buffer, deadline) } fn set_authorized_nodes(&mut self, nodes: Vec<OpaquePeerId>, authorized_only: bool) { let peer_ids: HashSet<PeerId> = nodes.into_iter().filter_map(|node| PeerId::from_bytes(&node.0).ok()).collect(); self.network_provider.set_authorized_peers(peer_ids); self.network_provider.set_authorized_only(authorized_only); } } /// Information about the local node's network state. #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct NetworkState { peer_id: PeerId, external_addresses: Vec<Multiaddr>, } impl NetworkState { fn new(peer_id: PeerId, external_addresses: Vec<Multiaddr>) -> Self { NetworkState { peer_id, external_addresses } } } impl From<NetworkState> for OpaqueNetworkState { fn from(state: NetworkState) -> OpaqueNetworkState { let enc = Encode::encode(&state.peer_id.to_bytes()); let peer_id = OpaquePeerId::new(enc); let external_addresses: Vec<OpaqueMultiaddr> = state .external_addresses .iter() .map(|multiaddr| { let e = Encode::encode(&multiaddr.to_string()); OpaqueMultiaddr::new(e) }) .collect(); OpaqueNetworkState { peer_id, external_addresses } } } impl TryFrom<OpaqueNetworkState> for NetworkState { type Error = (); fn try_from(state: OpaqueNetworkState) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { let inner_vec = state.peer_id.0; let bytes: Vec<u8> = Decode::decode(&mut &inner_vec[..]).map_err(|_| ())?; let peer_id = PeerId::from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| ())?; let external_addresses: Result<Vec<Multiaddr>, Self::Error> = state .external_addresses .iter() .map(|enc_multiaddr| -> Result<Multiaddr, Self::Error> { let inner_vec = &enc_multiaddr.0; let bytes = <Vec<u8>>::decode(&mut &inner_vec[..]).map_err(|_| ())?; let multiaddr_str = String::from_utf8(bytes).map_err(|_| ())?; let multiaddr = Multiaddr::from_str(&multiaddr_str).map_err(|_| ())?; Ok(multiaddr) }) .collect(); let external_addresses = external_addresses?; Ok(NetworkState { peer_id, external_addresses }) } } /// Offchain extensions implementation API /// /// This is the asynchronous processing part of the API. pub(crate) struct AsyncApi { /// Everything HTTP-related is handled by a different struct. http: Option<http::HttpWorker>, } impl AsyncApi { /// Creates new Offchain extensions API implementation an the asynchronous processing part. pub fn new( network_provider: Arc<dyn NetworkProvider + Send + Sync>, is_validator: bool, shared_http_client: SharedClient, ) -> (Api, Self) { let (http_api, http_worker) = http::http(shared_http_client); let api = Api { network_provider, is_validator, http: http_api }; let async_api = Self { http: Some(http_worker) }; (api, async_api) } /// Run a processing task for the API pub fn process(self) -> impl Future<Output = ()> { self.http.expect("`process` is only called once; qed") } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use sc_client_db::offchain::LocalStorage; use sc_network::{NetworkStateInfo, PeerId}; use sp_core::offchain::{DbExternalities, Externalities}; use std::{ convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}, time::SystemTime, }; pub(super) struct TestNetwork(); impl NetworkProvider for TestNetwork { fn set_authorized_peers(&self, _peers: HashSet<PeerId>) { unimplemented!() } fn set_authorized_only(&self, _reserved_only: bool) { unimplemented!() } } impl NetworkStateInfo for TestNetwork { fn external_addresses(&self) -> Vec<Multiaddr> { Vec::new() } fn local_peer_id(&self) -> PeerId { PeerId::random() } } fn offchain_api() -> (Api, AsyncApi) { sp_tracing::try_init_simple(); let mock = Arc::new(TestNetwork()); let shared_client = SharedClient::new(); AsyncApi::new(mock, false, shared_client) } fn offchain_db() -> Db<LocalStorage> { Db::new(LocalStorage::new_test()) } #[test] fn should_get_timestamp() { let mut api = offchain_api().0; // Get timestamp from std. let now = SystemTime::now(); let d: u64 = now .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap() .as_millis() .try_into() .unwrap(); // Get timestamp from offchain api. let timestamp = api.timestamp(); // Compare. assert!(timestamp.unix_millis() > 0); assert!(timestamp.unix_millis() >= d); } #[test] fn should_sleep() { let mut api = offchain_api().0; // Arrange. let now = api.timestamp(); let delta = sp_core::offchain::Duration::from_millis(100); let deadline = now.add(delta); // Act. api.sleep_until(deadline); let new_now = api.timestamp(); // Assert. // The diff could be more than the sleep duration. assert!(new_now.unix_millis() - 100 >= now.unix_millis()); } #[test] fn should_set_and_get_local_storage() { // given let kind = StorageKind::PERSISTENT; let mut api = offchain_db(); let key = b"test"; // when assert_eq!(api.local_storage_get(kind, key), None); api.local_storage_set(kind, key, b"value"); // then assert_eq!(api.local_storage_get(kind, key), Some(b"value".to_vec())); } #[test] fn should_compare_and_set_local_storage() { // given let kind = StorageKind::PERSISTENT; let mut api = offchain_db(); let key = b"test"; api.local_storage_set(kind, key, b"value"); // when assert_eq!(api.local_storage_compare_and_set(kind, key, Some(b"val"), b"xxx"), false); assert_eq!(api.local_storage_get(kind, key), Some(b"value".to_vec())); // when assert_eq!(api.local_storage_compare_and_set(kind, key, Some(b"value"), b"xxx"), true); assert_eq!(api.local_storage_get(kind, key), Some(b"xxx".to_vec())); } #[test] fn should_compare_and_set_local_storage_with_none() { // given let kind = StorageKind::PERSISTENT; let mut api = offchain_db(); let key = b"test"; // when let res = api.local_storage_compare_and_set(kind, key, None, b"value"); // then assert_eq!(res, true); assert_eq!(api.local_storage_get(kind, key), Some(b"value".to_vec())); } #[test] fn should_convert_network_states() { // given let state = NetworkState::new( PeerId::random(), vec![ Multiaddr::try_from("/ip4/".to_string()).unwrap(), Multiaddr::try_from("/ip6/2601:9:4f81:9700:803e:ca65:66e8:c21").unwrap(), ], ); // when let opaque_state = OpaqueNetworkState::from(state.clone()); let converted_back_state = NetworkState::try_from(opaque_state).unwrap(); // then assert_eq!(state, converted_back_state); } #[test] fn should_get_random_seed() { // given let mut api = offchain_api().0; let seed = api.random_seed(); // then assert_ne!(seed, [0; 32]); } }