diff --git a/substrate/frame/elections-phragmen/src/migrations/unlock_and_unreserve_all_funds.rs b/substrate/frame/elections-phragmen/src/migrations/unlock_and_unreserve_all_funds.rs
index f566f84e51a2b7c4610ba04712ed6a9a7a517b31..8be112ef553382f99120dedefc246ce8f90f33a3 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/elections-phragmen/src/migrations/unlock_and_unreserve_all_funds.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/elections-phragmen/src/migrations/unlock_and_unreserve_all_funds.rs
@@ -18,18 +18,75 @@
 //! A migration that unreserves all deposit and unlocks all stake held in the context of this
 //! pallet.
-use crate::BalanceOf;
 use core::iter::Sum;
-use frame_support::traits::{LockableCurrency, OnRuntimeUpgrade, ReservableCurrency};
+use frame_support::{
+	pallet_prelude::ValueQuery,
+	storage_alias,
+	traits::{Currency, LockIdentifier, LockableCurrency, OnRuntimeUpgrade, ReservableCurrency},
+	weights::RuntimeDbWeight,
+	Parameter, Twox64Concat,
 use sp_core::Get;
 use sp_runtime::traits::Zero;
-use sp_std::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
-#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
-use sp_std::vec::Vec;
+use sp_std::{collections::btree_map::BTreeMap, vec::Vec};
 const LOG_TARGET: &str = "elections_phragmen::migrations::unlock_and_unreserve_all_funds";
+type BalanceOf<T> =
+	<<T as UnlockConfig>::Currency as Currency<<T as UnlockConfig>::AccountId>>::Balance;
+/// The configuration for [`UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds`].
+pub trait UnlockConfig: 'static {
+	/// The account ID used in the runtime.
+	type AccountId: Parameter + Ord;
+	/// The currency type used in the runtime.
+	///
+	/// Should match the currency type previously used for the pallet, if applicable.
+	type Currency: LockableCurrency<Self::AccountId> + ReservableCurrency<Self::AccountId>;
+	/// The name of the pallet as previously configured in
+	/// [`construct_runtime!`](frame_support::construct_runtime).
+	type PalletName: Get<&'static str>;
+	/// The maximum number of votes per voter as configured previously in the previous runtime.
+	type MaxVotesPerVoter: Get<u32>;
+	/// Identifier for the elections-phragmen pallet's lock, as previously configured in the
+	/// runtime.
+	type PalletId: Get<LockIdentifier>;
+	/// The DB weight as configured in the runtime to calculate the correct weight.
+	type DbWeight: Get<RuntimeDbWeight>;
+	/// The block number as configured in the runtime.
+	type BlockNumber: Parameter + Zero + Copy + Ord;
+type Members<T: UnlockConfig> = StorageValue<
+	<T as UnlockConfig>::PalletName,
+	Vec<crate::SeatHolder<<T as UnlockConfig>::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>,
+	ValueQuery,
+type RunnersUp<T: UnlockConfig> = StorageValue<
+	<T as UnlockConfig>::PalletName,
+	Vec<crate::SeatHolder<<T as UnlockConfig>::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>,
+	ValueQuery,
+type Candidates<T: UnlockConfig> = StorageValue<
+	<T as UnlockConfig>::PalletName,
+	Vec<(<T as UnlockConfig>::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>)>,
+	ValueQuery,
+type Voting<T: UnlockConfig> = StorageMap<
+	<T as UnlockConfig>::PalletName,
+	Twox64Concat,
+	<T as UnlockConfig>::AccountId,
+	crate::Voter<<T as UnlockConfig>::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>,
+	ValueQuery,
 /// A migration that unreserves all deposit and unlocks all stake held in the context of this
 /// pallet.
@@ -38,9 +95,9 @@ const LOG_TARGET: &str = "elections_phragmen::migrations::unlock_and_unreserve_a
 /// The pallet should be made inoperable before this migration is run.
 /// (See also [`RemovePallet`][frame_support::migrations::RemovePallet])
-pub struct UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds<T: crate::Config>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
+pub struct UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds<T: UnlockConfig>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
-impl<T: crate::Config> UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds<T> {
+impl<T: UnlockConfig> UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds<T> {
 	/// Calculates and returns the total amounts deposited and staked by each account in the context
 	/// of this pallet.
@@ -66,12 +123,11 @@ impl<T: crate::Config> UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds<T> {
 		BTreeMap<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>,
 	) {
-		use crate::Voting;
 		use sp_runtime::Saturating;
-		let members = crate::Members::<T>::get();
-		let runner_ups = crate::RunnersUp::<T>::get();
-		let candidates = crate::Candidates::<T>::get();
+		let members = Members::<T>::get();
+		let runner_ups = RunnersUp::<T>::get();
+		let candidates = Candidates::<T>::get();
 		// Get the total amount deposited (Members, RunnerUps, Candidates and Voters all can have
 		// deposits).
@@ -115,7 +171,7 @@ impl<T: crate::Config> UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds<T> {
-impl<T: crate::Config> OnRuntimeUpgrade for UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds<T>
+impl<T: UnlockConfig> OnRuntimeUpgrade for UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds<T>
 	BalanceOf<T>: Sum,
@@ -268,13 +324,29 @@ where
 mod test {
 	use super::*;
 	use crate::{
-		tests::{ExtBuilder, Test},
+		tests::{Balances, ElectionsPhragmenPalletId, ExtBuilder, PhragmenMaxVoters, Test},
 		Candidates, Members, RunnersUp, SeatHolder, Voter, Voting,
 	use frame_support::{
-		assert_ok,
+		assert_ok, parameter_types,
 		traits::{Currency, OnRuntimeUpgrade, ReservableCurrency, WithdrawReasons},
+	use frame_system::pallet_prelude::BlockNumberFor;
+	parameter_types! {
+		const PalletName: &'static str = "Elections";
+	}
+	struct UnlockConfigImpl;
+	impl super::UnlockConfig for UnlockConfigImpl {
+		type Currency = Balances;
+		type AccountId = u64;
+		type BlockNumber = BlockNumberFor<Test>;
+		type DbWeight = ();
+		type PalletName = PalletName;
+		type MaxVotesPerVoter = PhragmenMaxVoters;
+		type PalletId = ElectionsPhragmenPalletId;
+	}
 	fn unreserve_works_for_candidate() {
@@ -296,10 +368,10 @@ mod test {
 			// Run the migration.
-			let bytes = UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::pre_upgrade()
+			let bytes = UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::pre_upgrade()
 				.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("pre_upgrade failed: {:?}", e));
-			UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::on_runtime_upgrade();
-			assert_ok!(UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::post_upgrade(bytes));
+			UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::on_runtime_upgrade();
+			assert_ok!(UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::post_upgrade(bytes));
 			// Assert the candidate reserved balance was reduced by the expected amount.
@@ -329,10 +401,10 @@ mod test {
 			// Run the migration.
-			let bytes = UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::pre_upgrade()
+			let bytes = UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::pre_upgrade()
 				.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("pre_upgrade failed: {:?}", e));
-			UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::on_runtime_upgrade();
-			assert_ok!(UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::post_upgrade(bytes));
+			UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::on_runtime_upgrade();
+			assert_ok!(UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::post_upgrade(bytes));
 			// Assert the reserved balance was reduced by the expected amount.
@@ -362,10 +434,10 @@ mod test {
 			// Run the migration.
-			let bytes = UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::pre_upgrade()
+			let bytes = UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::pre_upgrade()
 				.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("pre_upgrade failed: {:?}", e));
-			UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::on_runtime_upgrade();
-			assert_ok!(UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::post_upgrade(bytes));
+			UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::on_runtime_upgrade();
+			assert_ok!(UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::post_upgrade(bytes));
 			// Assert the reserved balance was reduced by the expected amount.
@@ -422,10 +494,10 @@ mod test {
 			// Run the migration.
-			let bytes = UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::pre_upgrade()
+			let bytes = UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::pre_upgrade()
 				.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("pre_upgrade failed: {:?}", e));
-			UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::on_runtime_upgrade();
-			assert_ok!(UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<Test>::post_upgrade(bytes));
+			UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::on_runtime_upgrade();
+			assert_ok!(UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds::<UnlockConfigImpl>::post_upgrade(bytes));
 			// Assert the voter lock was removed and the reserved balance was reduced by the
 			// expected amount.
diff --git a/substrate/frame/tips/src/migrations/unreserve_deposits.rs b/substrate/frame/tips/src/migrations/unreserve_deposits.rs
index 878d80fe1bb4e984a7be868bd3085f58e0b5189a..16cb1a80e812bd43dbcf60c353210a650a4d59d0 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/tips/src/migrations/unreserve_deposits.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/tips/src/migrations/unreserve_deposits.rs
@@ -19,13 +19,64 @@
 //! pallet.
 use core::iter::Sum;
-use frame_support::traits::{OnRuntimeUpgrade, ReservableCurrency};
-use pallet_treasury::BalanceOf;
+use frame_support::{
+	pallet_prelude::OptionQuery,
+	storage_alias,
+	traits::{Currency, LockableCurrency, OnRuntimeUpgrade, ReservableCurrency},
+	weights::RuntimeDbWeight,
+	Parameter, Twox64Concat,
 use sp_runtime::{traits::Zero, Saturating};
 use sp_std::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
 #[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
-use sp_std::vec::Vec;
+const LOG_TARGET: &str = "runtime::tips::migrations::unreserve_deposits";
+type BalanceOf<T, I> =
+	<<T as UnlockConfig<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as UnlockConfig<I>>::AccountId>>::Balance;
+/// The configuration for [`UnreserveDeposits`].
+pub trait UnlockConfig<I>: 'static {
+	/// The hash used in the runtime.
+	type Hash: Parameter;
+	/// The account ID used in the runtime.
+	type AccountId: Parameter + Ord;
+	/// The currency type used in the runtime.
+	///
+	/// Should match the currency type previously used for the pallet, if applicable.
+	type Currency: LockableCurrency<Self::AccountId> + ReservableCurrency<Self::AccountId>;
+	/// Base deposit to report a tip.
+	///
+	/// Should match the currency type previously used for the pallet, if applicable.
+	type TipReportDepositBase: sp_core::Get<BalanceOf<Self, I>>;
+	/// Deposit per byte to report a tip.
+	///
+	/// Should match the currency type previously used for the pallet, if applicable.
+	type DataDepositPerByte: sp_core::Get<BalanceOf<Self, I>>;
+	/// The name of the pallet as previously configured in
+	/// [`construct_runtime!`](frame_support::construct_runtime).
+	type PalletName: sp_core::Get<&'static str>;
+	/// The DB weight as configured in the runtime to calculate the correct weight.
+	type DbWeight: sp_core::Get<RuntimeDbWeight>;
+	/// The block number as configured in the runtime.
+	type BlockNumber: Parameter + Zero + Copy + Ord;
+/// An open tipping "motion". Retains all details of a tip including information on the finder
+/// and the members who have voted.
+type Tips<T: UnlockConfig<I>, I: 'static> = StorageMap<
+	<T as UnlockConfig<I>>::PalletName,
+	Twox64Concat,
+	<T as UnlockConfig<I>>::Hash,
+	crate::OpenTip<
+		<T as UnlockConfig<I>>::AccountId,
+		BalanceOf<T, I>,
+		<T as UnlockConfig<I>>::BlockNumber,
+		<T as UnlockConfig<I>>::Hash,
+	>,
+	OptionQuery,
 /// A migration that unreserves all tip deposits.
@@ -34,9 +85,9 @@ use sp_std::vec::Vec;
 /// The pallet should be made inoperable before or immediately after this migration is run.
 /// (See also the `RemovePallet` migration in `frame/support/src/migrations.rs`)
-pub struct UnreserveDeposits<T: crate::Config<I>, I: 'static>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<(T, I)>);
+pub struct UnreserveDeposits<T: UnlockConfig<I>, I: 'static>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<(T, I)>);
-impl<T: crate::Config<I>, I: 'static> UnreserveDeposits<T, I> {
+impl<T: UnlockConfig<I>, I: 'static> UnreserveDeposits<T, I> {
 	/// Calculates and returns the total amount reserved by each account by this pallet from open
 	/// tips.
@@ -46,14 +97,14 @@ impl<T: crate::Config<I>, I: 'static> UnreserveDeposits<T, I> {
 	///   reserved balance by this pallet
 	/// * `frame_support::weights::Weight`: The weight of this operation.
 	fn get_deposits() -> (BTreeMap<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T, I>>, frame_support::weights::Weight) {
-		use frame_support::traits::Get;
+		use sp_core::Get;
 		let mut tips_len = 0;
-		let account_deposits: BTreeMap<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T, I>> = crate::Tips::<T, I>::iter()
+		let account_deposits: BTreeMap<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T, I>> = Tips::<T, I>::iter()
 			.map(|(_hash, open_tip)| open_tip)
 			.fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut acc, tip| {
 				// Count the total number of tips
-				tips_len.saturating_accrue(1);
+				tips_len.saturating_inc();
 				// Add the balance to the account's existing deposit in the accumulator
@@ -64,7 +115,7 @@ impl<T: crate::Config<I>, I: 'static> UnreserveDeposits<T, I> {
-impl<T: crate::Config<I>, I: 'static> OnRuntimeUpgrade for UnreserveDeposits<T, I>
+impl<T: UnlockConfig<I>, I: 'static> OnRuntimeUpgrade for UnreserveDeposits<T, I>
 	BalanceOf<T, I>: Sum,
@@ -82,7 +133,7 @@ where
 	/// Fails with a `TryRuntimeError` if somehow the amount reserved by this pallet is greater than
 	/// the actual total reserved amount for any accounts.
 	#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
-	fn pre_upgrade() -> Result<Vec<u8>, sp_runtime::TryRuntimeError> {
+	fn pre_upgrade() -> Result<sp_std::vec::Vec<u8>, sp_runtime::TryRuntimeError> {
 		use codec::Encode;
 		use frame_support::ensure;
@@ -107,8 +158,8 @@ where
 		// Print some summary stats
 		let total_deposits_to_unreserve =
 			account_deposits.clone().into_values().sum::<BalanceOf<T, I>>();
-		log::info!("Total accounts: {}", account_deposits.keys().count());
-		log::info!("Total amount to unreserve: {:?}", total_deposits_to_unreserve);
+		log::info!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Total accounts: {}", account_deposits.keys().count());
+		log::info!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Total amount to unreserve: {:?}", total_deposits_to_unreserve);
 		// Return the actual amount reserved before the upgrade to verify integrity of the upgrade
 		// in the post_upgrade hook.
@@ -138,7 +189,7 @@ where
 	/// Verifies that the account reserved balances were reduced by the actual expected amounts.
 	#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
 	fn post_upgrade(
-		account_reserved_before_bytes: Vec<u8>,
+		account_reserved_before_bytes: sp_std::vec::Vec<u8>,
 	) -> Result<(), sp_runtime::TryRuntimeError> {
 		use codec::Decode;
@@ -161,6 +212,7 @@ where
 			if actual_reserved_after != expected_reserved_after {
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
 					"Reserved balance for {:?} is incorrect. actual before: {:?}, actual after, {:?}, expected deducted: {:?}",
@@ -180,9 +232,27 @@ mod test {
 	use super::*;
 	use crate::{
-		tests::{new_test_ext, RuntimeOrigin, Test, Tips},
+		tests::{new_test_ext, Balances, RuntimeOrigin, Test, Tips},
-	use frame_support::{assert_ok, traits::TypedGet};
+	use frame_support::{assert_ok, parameter_types, traits::TypedGet};
+	use frame_system::pallet_prelude::BlockNumberFor;
+	use sp_core::ConstU64;
+	parameter_types! {
+		const PalletName: &'static str = "Tips";
+	}
+	struct UnlockConfigImpl;
+	impl super::UnlockConfig<()> for UnlockConfigImpl {
+		type Currency = Balances;
+		type TipReportDepositBase = ConstU64<1>;
+		type DataDepositPerByte = ConstU64<1>;
+		type Hash = sp_core::H256;
+		type AccountId = u128;
+		type BlockNumber = BlockNumberFor<Test>;
+		type DbWeight = ();
+		type PalletName = PalletName;
+	}
 	fn unreserve_all_funds_works() {
@@ -233,12 +303,12 @@ mod test {
 			// Execute the migration
-			let bytes = match UnreserveDeposits::<Test, ()>::pre_upgrade() {
+			let bytes = match UnreserveDeposits::<UnlockConfigImpl, ()>::pre_upgrade() {
 				Ok(bytes) => bytes,
 				Err(e) => panic!("pre_upgrade failed: {:?}", e),
-			UnreserveDeposits::<Test, ()>::on_runtime_upgrade();
-			assert_ok!(UnreserveDeposits::<Test, ()>::post_upgrade(bytes));
+			UnreserveDeposits::<UnlockConfigImpl, ()>::on_runtime_upgrade();
+			assert_ok!(UnreserveDeposits::<UnlockConfigImpl, ()>::post_upgrade(bytes));
 			// Check the deposits were were unreserved